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I asked AI to make me a solo fallen strategy...

May 04, 2024
In today's video, I ask the AI ​​GPT chat for a




. Does the AI ​​know enough about the game to beat Fallen mode? Well, see if you enjoy it,


sure to like, subscribe, jump to full screen and let's go. right, AI has been a pretty big thing lately, you know, chat with GPT here, have you used this? It's actually cool though, let me ask you something, boom, here's something extremely random, a rhyme about a hot pepper sitting on an underground balcony that doesn't


any sense, but GPT chat is a little crazy, it'll do it anyway you just come up with something so the idea is Make me a Fallen



for Roblox Tower game oh my god tower defense simulator there you go and here you go.
i asked ai to make me a solo fallen strategy
Come on, actually, Fullon made me a strategy, except there's a problem. He wants us to play on the normal difficulty. Let me ask it again. Wait, here we go. I said the difficulty should be on down mode. Let's see what, by the way. It says map Fallen that doesn't exist what's the closest thing to Fallen let me look for it there's nothing Fallen I don't know what you want so I'm going to put the strategy on the screen and uh well it becomes pretty clear, the AI ​​doesn't have much of an idea of ​​what who is talking, but we have to do our best, first we have to choose our towers.
i asked ai to make me a solo fallen strategy

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i asked ai to make me a solo fallen strategy...

I notice that one of the things he claims to use is sniper. It also says towers of flames or minig. Gunner Towers, which means pyro and mini, now it never says gold, but I may need to use the gold versions if I want to win, let's see what else it says, okay, I notice a commander tower and that's it, I think that's the strategy which we are working on. with sniper pyro mini Commander thanks AI now I have a plan map you called Fallen what is the closest thing to Fallen? What is the most similar to Fallen?
i asked ai to make me a solo fallen strategy
It simply doesn't exist. I'm not going to assume it's an incredibly difficult map, so why would you want it to do that? I'm going to do this, uh, for no particular reason. I know this is a good map, it's the only thing it has going for it and it's purple, like Fallen mode, kinda nice. So the enemies come from here, looking at the strategy the first thing it tells me is to place a Sniper Tower near the entrance to eliminate enemies so you know actually this is a good map to choose because the Sniper Tower It's actually getting closer. the entry uh doesn't say upgrade tracking with a Bas uh with a couple of basic towers strategically positioned to cover different angles AI, what do you mean by strategically placing what strategically placing the basic towers?
i asked ai to make me a solo fallen strategy
Okay, I'm going to strategically place a sniper. here now we're covering all angles, you know, I get the feeling that this AI is like being confused by balloons, all because balloons have a blocked line of sight, that means if I had a sniper here, I wouldn't be able to see over the cliff , which means that not only would the AI ​​have created a strategy for the wrong game, but it also means something that I actually don't know where I was going with that, well at least the initial game is going well, let's keep reading update priority, focus on upgrading your sniper tower to grass range or elite sniper to increase ok euphoric sniper is not a thing but longer range at what point do you get longer range let me update this ok Realistically, it's the best option because it simply does more damage, but when?
Get our longest range here, so we have to get level three snipers. Now what's not so great is the fact that the level three sniper is expensive and it's better to get more level two snipers, but that's not what the AI ​​wants us to do, so yeah. I'm going to work on level three here if resources allow, invest in upgrading the abilities of your hero units to provide additional firepower, that's not at all what's going on right now, there are no heroes in this game, I don't know what that's talking about. It's not good that btd6 has heroes, which is why I think the AI ​​is talking about a different game here, but okay, boom, headlight sniper, there you go, we have a level three sniper.
I think the right thing to do is get another level three sniper, uh, for the I know it doesn't say that, but I set him to stronger so I don't waste damage on this 11 HP guy when I could be killing the 16 HP guy who actually It's wild, this sniper has killed as many Heavies as this one has taken pictures, let's get some updates, um, okay, not okay. I'm going to reconfigure this first because I don't want to filter them out, please, okay, we're okay, we're okay, I think we can skip it. looks good look how gigachad sniper is bro we are playing Fallen mode and we haven't even leaked a single enemy yet let's set this up again first we have to kill take out these Quicks and no please damn be.
We're going to lose 4 HP that weren't in the strategy, but no one would put that in their strategy anyway, now we have two level three snipers and I think we can move on to that awesome looking step that says to incorporate flamethrower turrets or Minimizing Gunner Towers to handle groups of enemies that are centered on choke points or areas where enemies are high density. Now I don't know how much this AI has been drinking, but what do you mean choke points? Every part of the map is the same. It's not like there are more enemies here than there are, in fact there are less, so I don't know.
I'm going to twist your logic to put the Pyro in the best place, which of course will be on the front boom. Come on, let's update it. I don't know if it says I'm going to set it last again. I probably won't say that either, but it's a pretty good idea. Actually, the further away is even better, yeah, because it just burns everything, okay. let me read more of what it says okay it doesn't really say much more than that uh after that it says to use Commander so let's be wise with the placement of our commander let's understand it it's actually hard to be wise with that where do we do it ?
I want it I think I was right I think this is the best place The fun thing about AI is the way things place a Commander Tower strategically to improve the attack speed and damage of nearby Towers maximizing their effectiveness I


for a strategy that I did not ask you how TDS works of course Commander will increase my attack speed thanks for telling me and it is only set to place a Commander Tower so today we are not going to chain guys well maybe later in the steps really let me continue. another look Resource Management manage your resources efficiently, balance between tower upgrades and deploying new ones, okay, that's good, it says: upgrade your towers, so let's do it, let's get our level three pyro here , this should make Shadows pretty easy, but you know that's really Counterintuitive for a strategy, it's like, hey Place Towers, like when you play hard, you know you like to follow a strategy, right, maybe not you in particular, but most people when playing hard use a strategy if the T if the strategy said place and upgrade your towers, that wouldn't exactly be useful, it says balance between placing and upgrading, so yeah, let's be efficient with this and place some more snipers.
Actually, what am I doing? I can afford a gold mini, yes that's a problem, it doesn't. I have good range without DJ. I think I'll put it here for now. It's crazy that I completely forgot that I actually had a good tower with me. He was just using snipers. I was about to fill this cliff with snipers. and then I'm like, well, you know we have this bad guy here who's probably going to be the only reason we get anywhere in this Challenge and I can't really forget this, but it's okay, Necromancer this round, I don't. do.
I think it should be this bad, uh, it would be a problem, although yeah, it goes out of range of our pyrotechnician when he appears on the skeleton. Oh, never mind, why are skeletons so weak? I'm in Fallen mode. I thought those things were going to have like 50 HP, but that's okay, I'm not going to complain, I'm just going to upgrade it. By the way, it says it covers different parts of the map, so I'll probably want a minigun or somewhere else. Now let's pay attention to how wonderful it is. actually not even that bad what the hell I think I'm actually going to be okay yeah the


are dead oh no more falls uh well can I afford this?
I'm just doing what the strategy wants me to cover more parts of the map oh this is probably going to hurt actually may not wait the snipers are actually oh my god they are in operation. I've been on step four for a while because that step literally tells me to play the game, which is what I've been doing, I don't know exactly when to move on to the next step but let's see what it says, stay alert and adapt your strategy based on the types of enemies. Okay, adjust the tower placement and updates are needed to address any weaknesses. in your defense against specific enemy types, I assume that means hidden, so thanks for reminding us that this has hidden detection, in fact everything here has hidden detection, stay flexible and be prepared to sell and reposition towers if necessary to optimize your defending.
Yes, thanks. Thank you so much AI for telling me basically the equivalent of playing TDS Hey guys I need a strategy to help me win yeah right bro just play the game that's basically what it does which is you know you can't complain . I


him for a strategy and he gave me a strategy. It's just not standard, what's the boss encounter number six? Save resources and prepare for Boss Waves by deploying powerful units or upgrading existing towers to deal with formidable enemies. Use any special abilities or items at your disposal Call to Arms, we just got the green light to buy Call to Arms, oh my god, why did I skip?
I'm literally going to regret so much. God, where do I get more here? Okay, I'm going to wait for the shadow boss. I'm going to use the ability, uh, when I'm there. Oh, we can use it now. Well, I'm going to use it now just because I have two. skills okay now I just have to oh that's not good let's see if we can deal with these snipers they are Giga Chads no they are actually Giga chats bro let's get our special skills like a chat that GPT likes to call it and boom, now we can just chain that's a huge dub uh we're going to survive so many Fallin we're chaining why wouldn't we survive so many Fallen what seven after each wave evaluate your defense and identify areas for improvement experiment with different combinations of towers and strategies to improve your solo play experience on Fallen difficulty level, this is great for giving me some sense, yeah, let me analyze my defense real quick, oh no, wait, okay, I thought those glitches were hidden, my analysis concluded that I should get another one golden minigun or not because I lack strength, uh, but how could I die right now, actually, eh, okay, okay, he said sell and Reby Towers, so let's sell this, let's get a sniper, let's get another sniper, eh, that's what the AI ​​wants you to do.
I don't think so guys, it doesn't look like AI is taking over the world anytime soon. I'm serious, you can't even tell me to bring a farm or something that probably would have made this challenge possible, but again, you guys enjoyed it. dumb idea like subscribe st c and I'll see you

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