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I 100%'d Mario Wonder, Here's What Happened

May 14, 2024
I'm 100% going to marvel at Super Mario Brothers by completing the game, hitting the top of every gold pole, and collecting all the W seeds, large coins, Badges, and standies. Mario and the gang have been invited to the Flower Kingdom and the place is inhabited by aliens from the planet Remulac. Prince Floran introduces himself and can't stop talking about his


ful flower when suddenly Bowser swoops in to steal the flower and takes the flower from the Castle and then merges with the two becoming one with the castle. he targets Citizens First, turning the Poppins' houses into prisons, how could he steal our


ful flourishing Castle?
i 100 d mario wonder here s what happened
Well, you were showing off your most prized possession outdoors, you kind of asked for it, but


ever, I'm Mario, so I'll do it. Help save your kingdom, this is how our journey begins and during the first level you will find an elephant fruit. Be careful. I think moto moto likes you. I like trash. If you think it's weird, try this wonderful flower. I really can't explain




. to the world, t


fore, it must be drugs, the wonder flower must be an illegal substance in the Mushroom Kingdom, it is a necessary evil, although to acquire W seeds that then make the level return to normal, t


are usually two or three per stage. the last one often in the hands of the prisoner you rescue in the end ah my classic Nemesis a piranha PL what's his name Sam Hill is walking everyone is walking Do I even dare to touch the wonderful flower shut up, isn't this so? natural for your kind, here comes the chorus, can we move on to where the bad guys are afraid of Mario?
i 100 d mario wonder here s what happened

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i 100 d mario wonder here s what happened...

Thank you, Meanwhile, in the Overworld Castle Bowser continues to corrupt the land of the Flower Kingdom. I use my collected W seeds to dispel everyone's evil. stage that unlocks more access to the world, there are also badges to get that give Mario an ability like this parachute cap and Ain's head blooms when you make them happy, not sure how I feel about that by the way, see evil clouds here, how the hell? Is Bowser recruiting these guys probably with cookies? I continue to meet more Bowser Minions, from stampedes to jumping hippos after Ward. I try a break level, they're essentially extremely easy stages to give you a break, go figure, then I competed with a Wiggler. on skates, now take Mario Kart's car and just give him the skates, please, for winning.
i 100 d mario wonder here s what happened
I'm awarded an automatic super mushroom badge, but I'm more intrigued by the wall jump badge I got shortly after, then take a stroll through a sinking pipe. to which I am then presented with more dancing Bowser's Minions, then I push some pipes and then encounter an Arena KO. Here I'm tasked with defeating three levels of bad guys while I'm timed, sometimes they just kill each other, stop, get help if you do it fast enough. the three big coins on the stage will be rewarded. I continue to venture off the beaten path in search of attempting my first four-star difficulty level.
i 100 d mario wonder here s what happened
It really wasn't that bad, however, I learned that some places have more than one ending. I tried it. Again this time with the elephant still intact destroying the blocks that blocked me before to further expand the map there, the stage had everything outlined that reminded me of those beautiful levels of Donkey Kong Country, except that Mario removes the reference by lengthening, that's all . Nintendo should be an acid Get down Mario, no one wants to see you like this and I need to get the wonder seed next. I take elephant Mario into space, get the jet run badge which gives me incredible speed and a window to jump into the air and then fly high. in the atmosphere Landing on the special world I'm going to save this for the later game, although one last thing I need to do before moving on from the first world is this northern section that I skipped earlier and what do I find there?
Koopa's skates, not to mention. They're beating each other's butts now let's enter the first palace, okay? Mario, we got this, let's show those Goombas with sko masks who rule. The main test of this establishment consists of a large number of falling pipes, some of which take hold of me. However, the worst part was traversing this underground path like an elephant, come on Mario, we can make the jump protecting the depths of the palace, it was none other than Bowser Jr. It's been 21 years since I met you, why haven't you aged? The child never learns. However, the magic of Bowser's wonderful power sneaks into our fight, giving his son a new form.
I'm actually a design freak, but why do you make me so much bigger than you? Do not stop. I wasn't complaining. This is not what I want. with that statement it doesn't matter Mario still has his hops and successfully defeats the little brat a new type of seed called royal seed appears with his new found power the palace was recovered and he was able to dispel one of the six Piranha Cloud protecting Bowser, by the way What's your big plan this time? Bowser just chilling there. I approve anyway to find the other real seed. I must walk the pedal corridors that connect the worlds.
Badge Challenge. Dolphin kick. Yes. I love kicking dolphins. Oh, it's a badge that. If you do the dolphin kick while swimming, calm down everyone. I love dolphins, look, I even put dolphins in my tuna. Let's go back to Mario and congratulate him because all that time swimming in the Olympics is paying off. Do you know why I still use Mario? We have a great cast of characters to choose from, except for the Yoshis who are stuck on easy mode and can't choose power-ups from now on after each world. I will play as a different character starting now with Luigi, now what to do, what to do.
Oh, there's a local store here. The ad blocking badge. We did not choose to block ads on this channel because we love Andrew and support him. Check out this bubble lighting. A touch of this stuff disintegrates the bad guys the bubbles can pass through. walls, the wonderful seed maintains the theme of the bubbles that surround the cave with countless foams, what next? You telling me Luigi is about to see some pink elephants like Dumbo did? Fortunately, Luigi is not an addict, so he goes to Fluff Puff Peaks, it must be very cold at this altitude. Upstairs, what are people doing here?
Hey monster, what are you doing out in the cold? I kick the ice, we like to kick the ice, let's take a break. Luigi, look how serious he is about this. He's letting out his anger for all the years Nintendo forgot. Once he got enough out of his system, we continued our climb up the mountain through a blizzard, but the level that came next was different, we introduced a search party. Five coins are hidden inside this chamber and I need to find them all. them to collect the wonderful seed, the problem is that the five are placed in peculiar places.
I was able to find the first four relatively quickly, but I had no idea where the fifth one was. I knew I was in this room. I just couldn't. I didn't find it, then I remembered something. I accidentally found the third coin when this Luigi block appeared out of nowhere. There was also nabit and peach which I jumped on earlier. I could also change my character to make a difference with Mario. I didn't get anything. Daisy no Toadette. NOTHING, but with a yellow toad, a yellow block glowed for a moment using the wall climbing badge. I climbed to the ground, hit the brick and finally received the fifth coin, don't worry Luigi, I'm not Nintendo, we're back to playing as you.
This is mind blowing, I know I'm just slamming Nintendo for leaving out their green boy but man their game design and creativity is unmatched, up and onward I get another badge that allows me to jump higher and float momentarily, then this Koopa and I stand on this puffy cloud that can't hold our weight, wait until I become an elephant friend. I didn't know that I would suffer the same fate soon after you are in good shape. He fits right in here, enough of the dad jokes. I am a father of three. you're just a flower, oh shoot, what's kamik doing here?
Well, color me, impressed, you made an airship out of nothing, now what do these little guys do after you grab them? The fireworks started going off and scared me at first but then I quickly learned that it could be used to my advantage by destroying bricks that hid secret rooms and wonderful flowers, I can't forget about those, well maybe in this case I should have because upon activating it, a metallic bowser head in the background started shooting at me, it was like it had just started. my own death knell, however, the real mini-boss awaited me at the end, some sort of Bowser machine.
I managed to overcome his obstacles on my first try. Seeing the bombs made me think I had to throw them into the koopa's metal schooner, but then I realized the answer was much simpler than that. He only needed to press the self-destruct button at the top. What idiot designed this thing you made? Sir, it's fair, the second Palace was in sight on the way. I hooked the spring jump badge and sailed away. a train operated by connecting elevators that they had to build halfway. I'm going for that second real seed. Bowser inside, where the piranha plants skifi and like the first world, some could walk, the wonderful seed did the most damned things when both piranha. the plants and I were elongated by their effects that's all we need to see from those Abominations it's time for Bowser Jr what an Incarnation he's shaking his ass at me first he slaps my ass in Mario Kart and now this I'm going to spank your ass now Same guy, my B told you buddy, don't mess with me, the palace goes back to its proper state and then I sing, we didn't do that in the last mansion, whatever it was, Peach's time.
I was never really interested in Peach growing up, all the elementary school students thought she was hot but I think she's prettier I like them big I like them thick no no no no no no I don't love her like this it gets worse she gets caught in a storm and she is hit by a serious lightning bolt that almost kills her but the worst part is that she is a minor now join us join us FY we welcome you no I will never join you. Anyway I got those thighs back, back to the story specifically shining Falls.
What's different about this place compared to the last two. worlds is that it is not led by Bowser. This homonymous cone head requires us to carry out a series of tests. Prince Florian asks if we can skip them, but the pointy prick says: Sorry, rules are rules, buddy, what's wrong with this guy? we are literally trying to save the Flower Kingdom and he is holding us back. I start the tests because I have no other option. I pass by some hoppy cats, some really big hoppy cats, then Poppin dares to show his face around me again, brother, just let me. jumping lives are literally at stake at least I got a new badge along the way, it's also very useful.
I crouch with it to jump higher and reach New Heights. It took me a long time to master that secret technique, years and you just learned it. It quickly took me 50 years to develop that technique and this guy learns it in seconds. Ah, so jealousy is the reason why he acts this way. Still, envy does not justify his actions. Oh, geez. I just realized I have a limit of 999 flower coins for who knows. how long yes hello I would like to buy your standies please 75 out of 144 standies very good I better start using them so as not to waste my money better yet let's get back to the action here I tie my jumps so The hop cat captures the right enemy to reach the big coins or not, I guess I'll have to get my hands dirty and then in the level I transform into one of the hop cats and gain the strength to jump higher than ever in the final test. featuring the zip line my time as a hoppy cat was prolonged remember how i said bowser didn't control the sparkling falls yeah i wasn't kidding the royal seed was just chilling in a mansion at the top this poppin kept his kingdom in danger in Instead of swallowing his pride I'll stop complaining about him just three more clouds of piranhas to eliminate and the best of all is that it's time for Daisy the hottest oh da the friendliest hello I'm dad the best princess of all you're in his DMs I'm Playing as her we are not equal the first level I play with her is where I get my favorite Power Up.
In the game, the drill with it you are protected from falling enemies, you can drill the floor, you can drill the ceiling, now you can ride the drill, baby, it's so fun to move with its power, and I also love drilling with Daisy, now to the world number of the sun-scorched desert. Bowser Jr has stolen all the water, dehydrating the residing citizens. It's so hot here that even some of the levels aren't visible until you make contact with them and just when I thought Daisy couldn't get any sexier, who is your friend or is she your butt girl?
As fast as everyone has to do it. oh yeah, anyway, in thewonderful flower dimension, everything sped up once I finished there, I walked on three question tiles that revealed a secret location that contained the stage called Hall of the Rolling Ball, where, you guessed it, there was a rolling ball in a hall I also adopted a street mascot come on boy come on oops he died I better buy something to distract myself I go with the only badge they had for sale the timed high jump is great for these arena levels since I normally get Nerf jumps, but this badge gets rid of that obstacle.
A new feature also introduced in this Wasteland is the ability to grab, which is useful for unraveling these mummies. Shout out to the awesome developers who made you stumble upon the sleeping glomba while surveying instead of immediately taking. damage like any other ordinary platform game would do beat all the levels down here you have opened all the stairs to the castle going from west to east you enter the silly noodle valley where, unlike the previous level that had the wonderful flower, it speeds up time , the one here Time slowed down in Overworld. The secrets continued to be revealed when I bought the speedy Dash amulet in this hidden shop, which is also very useful in the sun-baked desert sand, and to my surprise, I discovered a color changing dungeon.
What is this supposed to be? game? Link's Awakening. It even has keys like the color dungeon. They also share Sparks as a common enemy and Dark Mario. Well, these similarities are becoming amazing after changing color and running a bit. I was able to escape the threat. I get out of there and continue hunting for Secrets like this hidden warp tube back here, Captain Toad, what are you doing here? Hello, 50 flower coins, I'm sure I'll take them, that was random, well into the secrets of pushing a mansion where inside. push things specifically blocks on wheels ooh Daisy, you've given us a close up of your elephant self.
Nintendo kids are playing this game now. I have to admit that this room gave me a lot of trouble. I kept coming back to it too because of the wonderful flower. and I've been doing my best not to skip the W seeds. What happens is this superpowered Sho comes with plans to crush me between his golden Bowser and the wall. I try my best to push myself back, but all my attempts were in vain. resulting in death after death after death after death 20 minutes later after death I gave up looking back, the solution was painfully clear, but we'll come back to that later, for now I only understood both endings, which has still existed throughout .
In this game, I took some time off frolicking through the sky in balloons and testing out my new invisibility badge. You can see my shadow, but if I'm not next to a wall, it becomes surprisingly difficult to follow where I am now. time to do what we came here to save the palace from the beginning it was already the wonderful flower that we have seen in fast mode and we have seen in slow motion, but this Palace combined the chaos of both. I made some mistakes due to my hasty nature. a couple of them really but the sand couldn't slow me down thanks to my badge and the W seed was obtained.
I'm coming for you Bowser Junor in the water actually this makes sense he stole it all for a pool party unfortunately for him my fireballs can still be thrown underwater he then levitates me toss about half the water into the air okay here's a dunk oh I didn't see those spikes coming though another dunk for You, Junior, one more hit sealed the deal, bringing in the full Royal. the number of seeds is four, another finished world means another character and you have the first big job ahead of you, taking on a flying battleship, it's too much to handle, you're a mindless Toad and your opinion doesn't matter, we have plenty of you.
At home if you die the yellow toad really did a great job or should I say I did a great job just like the last Airship there was a Wonder section where I had to outrun Bowser's metal artillery and ran at the end to crush the Self-destruct button The unharmed flying battle ship has been neutralized but there are still a couple more levels before reaching the new area, watch out Goomba, I'm glad I'm not a Goomba, you mean, I'm glad I'm not a flower PowerUp because they eat those two. Now they are after me, a little toad, not anymore, Mercy, yes, the wonderful flower, this should ruin those who breathe through their mouths.
You've got to be kidding me, at least I can walk on spikes, that's cool, but I'm defenseless against that. big mouths, which means I'll have to sneak behind the trees not to mention I have no knees, I can't jump, woo, I got out of there alive, the bombardment of hungry enemies doesn't end there, although these flying nostres are biting blocks and now There is literally an entire army chasing me. I know I said there were a couple more levels until the next region, but I might as well delete the remaining pedal AIS stages while I'm here. do it quick here i got the new air jump badge and then in the chewer infested fields bowser was watching me the whole time in the background, later in that same spot i accidentally tripped over one of the big coins, Then I ran with another skater wiggler who I didn't get a chance because I was wearing the Jet Run badge, so for some reason I felt the need to revisit the sun-scorched desert and found a secret level hidden behind these Sandy Falls.
To my surprise, the girls were having a dance party and I had to jump to the rhythm in order to progress, they even gave me this rhythmic jumping badge for participating. Now that the pedal aisles are taken care of, it's time to spelunk the mushrooms. Minds, this local priest informs us that his friends went into the mines in search of the royal seed for Prince Florian oh, I'm so sorry, we would have been here sooner if someone hadn't stopped us before, unlike him, your friends They are actually trying to save the kingdom, the loyal Pipin also gives us the sensor badge that triggers a blue round toad aura whenever I am near a large coin or wonderful flower, even after finding the collectibles.
I'm staying for the pumpkin festival, dancing piranha plants, I have to get out of here, let's see what's so toxic about ta's toxic pond weather. for a test, this seems cheerful, non-toxic, okay, this is getting hurtful. Now give me the easy question on how to use a ground slam and I'll let you out of your trouble, you know what's been missing in this game. haunted mansions and now I'm finally in one, we have our classic drink, the hidden blocks, the light switches that kill the drink, wait, it's like that again, okay, I know these monster doors are new, so it's not necessarily not let King Buu chase me, but the fact that he sings now I do my best to stay away from him because he stops singing When I look at him I have to do what I have to do even though the fear continues with cracks opening in the Kingdom of the miles flowers must have interrupted a Canon event here.
I'll leave that to Miguel O'Hara to fix while I'm bathing in slime scratch that I'm the Slime what flavor do you have banana Laffy Taffy and don't you dare try to take a bite uh-oh it seems Miguel O'Hara failed in his mission because the toad is now Spiderman he does everything a spider can a lady away you're going to make the swamp babies cry oh look at them they're so happy when they slide around enough goofing around the mushrooms KO Arena Funk is about us, every world has had one of these, but I've been skipping them because there was nothing new to show, but this one doesn't just have four stories.
While most have only had three, I actually had to retry it several times to get through it. Fast enough, the biggest timing was Slime's floor because you had to time your falls into the goo just to the right so you could land on his heads. Mission accomplished with that, the final area of ​​Uncharted was all that was left, it wasn't anything too crazy. in my opinion, until I reached the end like a slime and realized that I had to slide over the flagpole, jump over the void and then reach the center of the rotating circular tiles, start the operation, rescue Poppin , there is no level to pass, it is just a formality.
Not because it's beef, that depends, do you have the real seed? Oh, okay, yeah, I was going to rescue them. all your checkmarks to complete, yet Poppin's rescue operation doesn't have the watermark, what are you guys still doing here? We like. Here they finally leave, to which Prince Florian replies that he's sure everyone enjoys mining, but this is a bit ridiculous. whatever gets me the secret path to the Special World I don't care, I have the check mark. Note to viewers. I haven't been telling you, but I have been checking the second level constantly looking for how to get its check mark.
I have no idea and it's driving me crazy over more pressing matters in the deep magma swamp. Bowser Jr is making the magma hotter and the swamps. Ivy is growing out of control. No, if I have anything to say about it, let's start with a search party stage in First, the search for the five coins was going well, perhaps too well. I already have three coins. What could go wrong once I had the fourth? My trust started in Wayne. The sensor board was telling me that the last coin was finished, but it couldn't. I did not find it.
I tried Mario Luigi Peach Daisy with everyone except Yoshi and no, they can't even get past the first wall due to their inability to power up 30 minutes later. I'm ashamed to say I gave up. Know? What's more complicated though is this guy I can't communicate with my friend because this rock is blocking the way. Normally I'd tear it into pieces, but I'm so dry right now I'd probably hurt myself trying if I had any. flower coins that would cheer me up in no time, friend, it shouldn't save your friend to be more motivation than 50 dollars if you are good at something, never do it for free.
H, he's right, now watch me as I cast on my enemies. a spiked ball that rolls, rolls, rolls, the deeper I go into the swamp the hotter it gets, lava surrounds the earth and the kamik is up to no good again. Invading this airship has been a different experience that involves climbing bars and pulling devices that temporarily stop the flames. and the ship together, however, my most fascinating discovery came when I couldn't survive after catching this big coin. Years of Mario games have taught me that you need to reach a checkpoint or beat the level in order to save it to your profile, no, no.
In this game, to my surprise, it was grayed out. Honestly, I'm mixed because I appreciate the challenge since the game design is generally well done, eh, move on, look at that little corn. Boil well when it starts to feel hot, hot, hot, it turns into popcorn. then suddenly I can jump very high. I don't understand that part, what I do understand is that the water cools the rocks. I sing Spider Man Spiderman as I swing to follow this purple cocoon that leads me to a secret exit. then the nonsense continues blocks that are only visible when you look closely at them lava monsters a useless coin magnet plate when what I could really use is a girls magnet and why are you smiling glomba let's turn that smile upside down great job toad, you're We're almost done here, just one more segment and then we'll be on our way to the Palace.
The next two levels are train rides, although they are strange trains, especially the second engine. Actually, this is not a train at all, it is a fossil dragon that has now been revived thanks to a Wonderful Blossom, I still have a question: how are those Tiny Wings strong enough for this big Dragon to fly? Anyway, all subsequent courses consisted of badge challenges that opened a path to the special world. I'm going to look for you now, Bowser Jr, inside the palace I throw a pot of water at a dry plant revealing its wonderful flower transforming me into the blue slime from Dragon Quest this is daddy's boy our final fight the Koopa Ling dims the lights and gives life to the platforms moving left or right depending on where I'm standing on them, but if you really thought that outlining everything would prevent me from knocking you out, think again.
Bowser Jr sees the flaw in his plan, so he multiplies, except he forgot to turn off the lights, which makes it easier to figure out which one. one was realizing his mistake and turned them off. I'll give it to you. It's gotten harder but I'm not in my weakened state, which means I can give it the old try-and-air method to emerge victorious. Now get out forever. Girl, I'm about to ruin your dad's day too late, that can't be good and what is this amazing wonder he's babbling about? uh Toadette, it's your turn, but I don't have my power, so I'm doing my own nonsense now, that's what. true, there is no pichette in this game, it will take raw talent to overcome the seriesCastle Bows short courses.
The first level featured the missile magazines. They look cool, but they get damaged when a girl kicks them, they become more durable in the Wonder Zone. with the warning that now they are helping me endure, why are their houses here even better? Why are you here, citizen friend? This is a war zone, evacuate now, I don't want to leave. The second level keeps me on my toes as I crawl. electrical circuits until I turned into metal foot this is supposed to be hard third level I got my own battleship again this is supposed to be hard fourth level I broke it to Bowser's fiery beats I just needed to time my jumps with the song to successfully evade the knuckles, little did I know that all these musical encounters I've experienced up to this point were preparing me for what Bowser had planned Bowser Jr. hello V about me, no, no, in this episode, Bowser, I'm coming for you .
The big Goombas are no match for me. I will dodge your spiked balls. Hell, I'll ride a dragon if I have to. There is no pole. I won't climb. I won't climb. There will be no stampede that will run me over. Alright. I will admit that singing is growing on me. and King Buu is back, but I have come to show you, are you ready to get lost in the sweet rhythm? This ending will make the entire universe my captive audience. Bowser's rage stage hits him. What is it? Bowser. fist bumping to the beat could this be a rhythm based final boss?
Bowser stands up in his Andros form spitting burning piranha notes from his hands. My only way to get out of here alive is to submit to the rhythm by timing my jump to smash his purple button. right below him your hands are next they respond shortly after and let me tell you I have the biggest smile on my face right now this is one of the most magical fun moments I've ever had in gaming then I remember Bowser still on Public Enemy Number. One, no he's not looking at it back there, he's just trying to have a good time, sure he's trying to kill me with fire but I'm sure his intentions are good or maybe he's trying to mess with my mind through the power of the music it has. three hands now I won't tolerate that because of the hands oh Bowser, you're messing with the wrong toad H ha Ho oh damn, now I've really pissed him off, he's got nothing on me, the end is night though, finish him off, jump , jump jump. jump It's over Bowser, I've pressed your self-destruct button it looks like Team Bowser is taking off again or falling, that works too.
Bowser's castle explodes, wait a minute, wasn't I in that explosion? Oh, that's right, I forgot I had plot armor. The fool with the Flower Kingdom saved our group of heroes. in celebration as Bowser and his crew struggle to fly. I love how Bowser is always furious at the Kamiks because of the situation they are in because of himself. As far as my progression goes, I got the first of the six medals needed to complete, just one medal. after all, well the store is now selling more badges, maybe that will give me a second medal, no, there is one mysterious badge left, oh I know the special world, this place should give me another medal and hopefully some good post game content for some reason I was expecting.
These courses are brutally difficult, I guess maybe compared to the rest of the game, but they are rather special, they are shorter and I beat most of them on my first attempts, you are just contrary to what I just said, I found That the second special dirt stage is the most challenging of the bunch to win this one, one must become a parkour. Master of parkour, one slip would result in a loss of the game, so it took me a few tries along the way. At the third level it opened in a similar way to mushrooms.
Minds when I noticed that the Royal Mansion was missing a check mark. Yes, it's all because of this tool bag again. Why are you the way you are? Why he made this arbitrary visit mandatory to unlock the route is beyond me. The course that followed featured three lacatus in the background throwing spiked balls at me. It took me by surprise at first, but once I started, everything went well and the excellent fourth level consisted of climbing poles and bouncing on balloons to quickly ascend. Number five, I was falling down a deep hole onto a platform surrounded by dangerous spikes and sparks that I crushed with the parachute cover and then the last of the courses that required a world entry became a Goomba I in the center of all those stages they lied the semi-final test the piranha plant repeat, you know how I feel about calling you weird and saying you were on drugs, bullet bills actually sound really good, oh no, I take it back, you're really fucked up, well.
I said semi-final, so this should lead me to the final Wonder Gauntlet fin test, the wonder flower here contains a great mix of all the wacky experiences I survived along my journey, from bird-spitting bubbles to the moments of slow motion and accelerations that killed me. I realized that what I needed was the power of the elephant with its melee attacks. I was able to dismiss the annoyances flying at me, which meant I could focus solely on the platforms. The Wonder continued as did the Elephant Rampage. In time I would lose my power. but my perseverance kept me ahead in the final test, still no extra medal, although I still needed to solve those puzzles that I never could solve.
Pushing a mansion again after a few hours made me realize how stupid I was being long before. it's shova Mansion, push the wall, idiot, geez, I can't believe it took me so long, so guess what else I discovered the secret exit of the piranha plant parade just now. I thought, oh, it's there, it's been there all this damn time. I couldn't believe Captain Toad was on the other side, but screw that guy. I have some money to spend while buying random standies. I realized that the random option doesn't always give you new ones. How many flower coins have I wasted doing this inferior method of purchasing them?
These are the individual stands for a slightly higher price. In the sun-scorched desert, I discovered not one, not two, but three more hidden courses that trapped me in metal to grab. each objective of the game, but before continuing I wanted to briefly highlight the course of the newly found search party to show that I really learned the lesson from pushing a mansion to pushing walls before giving up again talking about the stages of the search party. I'm back, honey. and let me tell you, it really is amazing what your eyes can suddenly see after taking a break from a level to clear your mind.
Ah, the last seed W, third medal obtained, say what I missed. A large coin on a badge level in plain view. there are four medals and what is this the final test badge Marathon has appeared in the special world this is the true end the ultimate test to see if I can use each action and each expert badge to its full potential now I can continue on how this is the hardest level in the game and it took me almost an hour to beat it and explain my trials and tribulations throughout this course, but I want to take this time to talk to all of you who are watching right now, recently my YouTube channel reached 300,000 subscribers.
I honestly can't believe it and I have to thank all of you for it, you have blessed my family and I so much and in return I hope I have made you smile at least once while watching my videos if so. I still don't consider subscribing to join the video, please like the video to help support me and I will continue to do my best to bring you Nintendo content and last but not least, thank you Mario for introducing the joy of gaming into my life and for crying out loud I hate this part of the final level following Mario while he is invisible is too much for a man in his 30s.
I had to put a marker on my TV to keep track of where Mario was most of the time. I'm really nervous at the end because if I missed the top of the flagpole I would have to do it all over again. Fortunately that was not the case and for winning it all I was rewarded with the final badge and got the fifth medal. To do this, what exactly do you do? You just have to listen to it, it just makes strange noises. I processed the first dish over and over again for about 50 minutes until I was finally able to afford all the means available, which successfully earned me the last medal and that's where I am at 100%.
Mario Wonder, make sure to follow my Instagram where I will be giving away Mario Wonder products, just follow the rules in the post, you will all have a great time, thanks Chun, hunk, hunk.

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