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Hypervigilance and How to Overcome It

Jun 09, 2024
In fact, we couldn't survive if we weren't capable of feeling anxious at some point, if we didn't have that innate trait that quickly floods our brain with a mix of the most intense panic hormones our body can generate. produce, and with it, our ability to survive life - or at least - to extract a little pleasure from what remains of it depends entirely on the opposite. The biggest challenge lies in the ability to control our panic at certain stages and suppress it. Cleanse the bloodstream of bad omens. That is, practice so as not to worry. Many of us fall into an obnoxious category known as over-anxious, and it's not just that we're cautious or careful about our safety as we should, it's that we immediately panic and almost everyone else panics. time.
hypervigilance and how to overcome it
We, the unfortunate residents of the excessive anxiety camp, wake up terrified, spend the day terrified and sure that something scary will knock us down at some point, this is so exhausting, that it is natural that we long to get rid of it. all. Although this desire in itself also requires fear. The reasons why we are always like this are the same: at some point, before we could face it in the past, we were actually terrified to a very serious degree. Where we have lost faith in the solidity of anything. Something so difficult comes up and our brain is surrounded by an aura of panic that no change in actual external circumstances can get us out of, as our friends kindly tell us, there is no reason to panic.
hypervigilance and how to overcome it

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hypervigilance and how to overcome it...

Perhaps there is a person with problems around us, perhaps we have received an insult and our feelings of rejection and guilt are growing. Perhaps we suffer because of one of our older brothers. Or maybe we were sent to a remote facility where we remained terribly isolated and, in response to all of this, our panic hormone levels skyrocketed and never came down. Currently, our excessive anxiety interferes with the part of the brain responsible for basic functions such as sleep, digestion, and touch, so depending on these symptoms, we will inevitably find it very difficult to relax, control our bowel movements, or be kind. when our friends touch us.
hypervigilance and how to overcome it
As much as we long for this, there is no easy cure, but to begin with, we must at least give this chaos a name. A little empathy can also be a solution. We can notice how life seems based on fear. We have a perception that links it to the underlying difficulty of attending parties, trusting a lover, relaxing on vacation, bathing or sleeping. 4 a.m. Perhaps we dare to express our excessive anxiety to others, to give them the word as a gift or token of our brokenness. Each time we receive the kindness of the person to whom we can safely confide our situations, who can smile in compassionate response, so the panic subsides and the world becomes somewhat tolerable.
hypervigilance and how to overcome it
But sometimes, when we're alone and the pressures rise again, we'd better sit back and watch our excessive anxiety crush our plans and hopes, allowing panic to overwhelm us for a day or maybe a month. We must forgive ourselves. This disease is unlike any other. The most important thing, despite its difficulty; It is the belief that adulthood means having choices. We may be able to push away the bullies, walk away when we have enough, and tell others what we need from them. We do not need to be overly anxious because we have the option to be prepared in case of real danger.
Now we have our own resources to face and combat this danger at the right time. Instead, we can worry if necessary. of our existential anxiety. In the meantime, we must allow ourselves, with this strange and frighteningly direct statement, to lament our depression and strive so that, perhaps at 4:35 in the morning, we can turn the other way and continue sleeping. Translated by: @autrjim Translation Team

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