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Mar 18, 2024
Hello guys, welcome back to Sharescorebeans and today I will explain my



for my


. I applied for September 2021 and got into my three selected spots. That is incredible. I just have to choose which university or


center I want to do my degree in but yes I will explain to you my



and the reason why I am doing this is one of the reasons why I am doing this is because I have seen others youtubers do it. I have been following this amazing YouTube channel. I think this girl is called Miss Greenwich and the videos of her are really revealing.
how to write a pgce personal statement   what did i write teacher training personal statement
She is doing her degree at UCL at the moment and she has just released a video about her personal statement.


she wrote and I'm also doing this because I don't mean to brag, but when I was interviewed, the interviewer told me that my personal statement was one of the best she had ever read, so I thought, "Okay, let me share it with you." to everyone to give you some tips on


you can


, how you can structure it and so you know, obviously, you can't copy it because that would be plagiarism and I already sent it through your cast, but this is just to give you some ideas, so let's get it right before we get into this you need to do a few things so I'll link my PGCE interview experience along with the exact 10 interview questions I was asked during that interview there and you.
how to write a pgce personal statement   what did i write teacher training personal statement

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how to write a pgce personal statement what did i write teacher training personal statement...

You need to add it to your watch later or you need to watch it right after this video and then you need to subscribe to this channel because I'm going to take you on my journey around this place and I want you to do it too. Comment if you are doing the same so I can follow your channel because I really want to see everyone's experience and it would be amazing if we could all support each other so watch the video, watch this video, subscribe and comment below. Let's get started, so take notes because that's how I've structured it and I'll tell you exactly what I said, so in the first paragraph you should talk about why you want to become a


how to write a pgce personal statement   what did i write teacher training personal statement
Your first paragraph should always be about why you want to become a


so this is what I wrote in my first paragraph it is very small but it is just an opening statement for this personal statement so during my experience of school life , I am working in education, there is an understanding that I always want the best for children and themselves, knowing that they can always trust their teachers as an aspiring primary school teacher. This is an understanding that I am adamant about reflecting between myself and my people, so I am basically stating that I want. that the children know that they can always trust me if they need something, this can have to do with school life and also with family life, because when you talk about primary school, when you want to work in education, there is a lot to do with the safeguarding and well-being of students so I want you to know that you can trust me and that is because I have experienced it myself when I was in education and this is something that I am adamant about reflecting between myself and my future people, it is well, keep in mind that you only have about 41 cash lines.
how to write a pgce personal statement   what did i write teacher training personal statement
You know that Ucas has a word limit. I forget how many words it is, but I think it's 41 lines, so I had to do a lot to narrow it down for you. I just need to get right to the point, so in my second paragraph or you can link this to the first short statement I've talked about about the age group I want to teach and why I want to teach this. So at this age group, I wrote. During all the time I work with children in the youth club and primary school, I currently exercise. I'm not going to say the names.
I am most looking forward to teaching key stage 2 children once I have completed my Masters in Early Years. leadership and practice with a distinction, you have to brag about yourself. I was able to apply my knowledge of the stages of child development and realize how children within key stage 2 benefit most from excellent pedagogies and leadership. I know that children at this particular stage need immense encouragement in their efforts so that they can evolve and long for achievements after their parents. Our expectations of them will have a great impact on their social and educational development and that is something I feel I will be able to help my people with.
If I became a primary school teacher, to summarize, I say that I want to work with key children in stage 2 and this is because during my master's degree in early childhood leadership and practice I learned that the child within child development, the children in key stage two They are more active with their social and educational needs so they benefit more from good ways of learning and leadership and they also crave achievement and that is what I want to help my students with when teaching key stage 2 in the future. In this third paragraph of my PGC personal statement, I am listing the life experience that I have had that will really help me with this PGC course and help me become a primary school teacher, so I will just list things. in this part that actually relates your course, let's say I worked at McDonald's back in 2014.
I'm not really going to


that in a PGC personal statement because that doesn't really relate to teaching, unless you're applying for midday no supervisor , but you're not, you're applying to be a teacher, you're not going to include things like that in your personal statement, just things that actually relate to being a teacher, like organizational skills, leadership, etc., so let me read what I read. I wrote to you in this third paragraph. I think I have already made some contribution to this within my current role as a teaching assistant, which is my current role. I now have over years of experience in this role supporting several scn towns at once. one to one in the classroom and often liaise with the senco inclusion manager to provide sem provision.
I'm also supportive, so I also provide specific support outside of the classroom and working on differentiated activities with groups of children using our school's zoning plan is kind. as a plan b cell to help children regulate emotionally and the british social curriculum, which is like an activities website for children with autism. I help people develop their social-emotional skills based on individual needs and work closely with teachers. They are junior professionals to monitor your progress throughout the school day. I reinforce lessons presented by teachers by reviewing the material with students individually or in school groups, small groups.
In addition to this, I have led my own handwriting and reading and writing classes in which I taught students how to develop the understanding and application of phonics to guide them with fundamental reading and writing skills, so I am writing what essential, such as the key experiences and skills I have that will really benefit me when I am planning. teach and what will really benefit the children who have me as a teacher now in this last paragraph I have summarized what I have learned in my past educational experiences, if that makes sense, how to apply the theory that I have learned from my university degree when in reality I get involved with children, so let me read this final paragraph to you.
Oh, there are two, well, there is one in this final paragraph and then a little conclusion. Sorry, I wrote in addition, I retained many critical reflections and leadership. Skills that I learned throughout my master's degree and have applied them to real-life situations in the classroom and school environment, for example, when working with challenging people who have problems regulating their emotions. I have to be versatile in my approaches by using undirective actions. with very supportive behavior, this is actually situational leadership that I learned in my master's degree, so I'm showing them that I can also be a leader as if you didn't know, when kids misbehave in a classroom, they really don't I need it. apply to find another teacher to help me, I can sit, I can help them and sort by myself and where I was.
As a result, this creates a relationship between us and a positive work environment for these people thereafter because they have built Trust me and I will also use my acquired leadership skills. I currently co-lead our school's equality and diversity group, where one of our main goals is to address unconscious bias within ourselves, our people and the school's curriculum. It's just a little more bragging about me. you have to show what you have because now it is really very competitive more than ever, especially because of this pandemic. I think most people see the teachings as a safety net.
It's a job you can have for as long as you want, but to be honest I don't think people are really passionate about teaching so I think that's what all these universities are looking for, like on PGCE courses, the Really passionate people have that experience and if not, they are willing to learn. In this final little conclusion I wrote over the years, a constant circle of excellent teachers, routine, and educational direction have guided me to better opportunities in life than I would have had without this support. Basically, I'm thanking my previous teachers here because, to be honest, This is really true without them, like my chances in life aren't as good as they are now, like they really help me and support me and I want to give back, for That's why I want to join this circle to provide the same help for my future students and I would jump at the opportunity to do so, so there you have it, that's my


personal statement.
Tell me what you think below because you can have your opinions and comments on what you think I could do. I've included, I'm always looking to improve because even though I'm doing a career now, I could be doing something else in five years, I definitely want to get my doctorate in education, that's my next big step. Then we'll see how it goes. I also want to know how you feel about teaching right now. I am a teaching assistant and I listen. There's nothing I'm more passionate about than helping kids teach kids and stuff. but right now with this pandemic, when I see that I am attending remote online learning, it is a lot and I want to be a teacher, but not like this and I want to teach children through a computer screen.
I'll actually be actively up there, so I hope things will have changed by September 2021. I'm very excited though, but I'm nervous of course, but we'll see how it goes, so if you liked this video, hit me like, comment, subscribe and also. Check out my other PGCE interview tips video. See you soon, bye.

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