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How Trek is Surprisingly Deterring Customers

May 28, 2024
A subscriber sent me an email and the subject line was about something I was really thinking about making a video about and that email confirmed that I should make this video, so thank you that this subscriber was asking me for advice on the Trek Marlin series and mention how T's The sheer number of options makes it very overwhelming to decide which bite to choose. Choosing a quantity like that these days can be a job in itself and one of the biggest obstacles I have encountered and I am sure many of you have too is trying to choose between so many different brands and models.
how trek is surprisingly deterring customers
I remember when I was a kid, if we wanted a new bike, our bike store was the local Walmart. I'm sure many of you can relate at Walmart, the bike selection was very limited which made it incredibly easy to decide which bike you want, but even at Walmart that is no longer the case. I thought only bike enthusiasts who buy from real bike shops had to deal with this problem, but now even the casual cyclist looking to take a run-of-the-mill bike to ride has to. Choose from numerous options, if choosing which style of mountain bike such as a full suspension or hard tail wasn't hard enough nowadays, you even have to decide what wheel size you want, answer this in the comments, do the Will big stores like Walmart really start doing it?
how trek is surprisingly deterring customers

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how trek is surprisingly deterring customers...

I compete with their low prices, this is the first time I have seen a gravel bike at Walmart and for $250 I would be willing to try it now, let's talk about the track. I ride a Rosco 9 trail bike as my primary trail bike and this subscriber mentioned how overwhelming it is to choose between all the different trail bikes and I totally agree. I'm assuming this subscriber is in the beginning stages of mountain biking considering they are asking about Trek Marin and as a beginner when you are presented with so many options, it can be very difficult to decide which bike to choose, especially if you don't have a friend or someone at your local bike shop who is willing to help you.
how trek is surprisingly deterring customers
The Trek Marlin series will always have a place in my heart because it was my first mountain bike, but now that I know a little more about mountain bikes, if I'm honest at this point, I think the Marlin track should be phased out, specifically the 7 and eight, and let me tell you why if you look here. the Trek Marlin 7 is $7.99 and the Trek Marlon 8 is $99,999 and these are only second generation knowing what I know about mountain bikes. Are you kidding? Trek Marlins are amazing bikes, don't get me wrong, but with so many different options. These bikes really don't make sense anymore and honestly just confuse people, for example here is the new Tre Marlin 8 gen 3.
how trek is surprisingly deterring customers
This bike really looks very sick and at first glance it looks like it is ready for a person who wants to ride on trails. seriously but there are some major problems with this bike and the first and biggest problem with this bike is the price it is advertised as a trail bike and for $12.99 you don't get many trail bike features this is where you get so many options. It may be confusing like all the lower Marlins models, this one still has a quick release front hub and at $1299 this bike still doesn't have a tapered head tube, it also doesn't have a rear axle, even the mountain bikes from Walmart have a tube tapered steerer for a quarter of the price, allowing you to easily upgrade the fork, so if you're looking for a real trail bike and want to stay on the


bike brand, there's finally a better option.
While walking through the track shop, I saw a new Bike that I have yet to see in person just over a year ago. I would have told you to never consider buying this bike, but this year I definitely think you should consider it over any Marlin and that bike is the new Tre Rosco. 6 this is actually the bike that I think needs to replace the Trek Marin 7 and the Trek Marin 8. It has more trail bike geometry with all the modern mountain bike standards and is also cheaper than the Tre Marlin 8. There is one thing to keep in mind.
The Tre Rosco 6 is only a 1x9 drivetrain, but a Trek guy told me that it's very easy to convert the Shimano Qs to a 1x10 or even 1x1 drivetrain, so if you're looking for a budget beginner bike option with treack, that's more. As a commuter and you plan on hitting trails here and there, I think the Tre Rosco 6 is a much better option, but if you're happy with the Tre Marlin and like the way it handles better, then I'd say go for the Trek Marlin. because they are great bikes for their intended purpose and if you don't plan on making any major upgrades then you're set, as I always say the goal is just to have fun but when you come across it there are a lot of options and the difference between the bikes is extremely minimal, but prices are in the hundreds of dollars, it's hard to have an enjoyable experience without second-guessing later, so anyone trying to choose between the Trek Marlo 7 or the eight, whether the Gen 2 or Gen 3 version when trying to decide which bike you want , if you think there's any chance of you hitting the trails, I'd say at the very least go for the Rosco 6 track, that way you're not so limited in the things you can do to your bike in the future compared to the Trek Marlins oh this is good but I love this Trail when it comes to riding this bike it's like a Trail perfect for a hard tail for any bike in general but it lasts specifically because you can go really fast and still have a lot of fun with the piece without it being too big

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