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May 30, 2024
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to how to win


. This is a series where I take on my subscribers, climb the ranking ladder, and guide them through each phase of the game. This is episode 32 of this series. episode I'm going to face strong early intermediate and advanced players throughout the episode so you can see what you need and what you're missing to get to that level uh and uh always at the beginning of one of these episodes I'm talking about, I don't know some kind of sponsor or product, all I like to say is, you know, my book has the same name as the series, that's why it's called how to win at


, but I'm not talking about that today.
how to win at chess is back
I want everyone to listen to me for about 30 seconds. There is a really cool product as a brother to the chess book. It's called The Chess Deck. This is the first in the world. Actually, it's the only one. one that exists now is this beautiful and very pretty card game and I would recommend getting it for someone in your life who really wants a nice decoration or a nice brick to hit someone with, but also if you want to learn chess and this is a really cool way to do it, there are these really great interactive cards that teach you, look at this, how to move the pieces and there are openings here and historical games and it's very nice, so it's available for pre-Order now and it's a sister product on how win at chess, the book, so, you want to buy your partner a gift, you want to buy mom, dad, a friend or a dog, a gift to chew on, there you go, that's something. what can you, uh, can you do for yourselves, uh no, it's, it's really nice and they did a great job with it and I'll put a link in the description, uh, here we go, like I said, it's going to be late today. intermediate uh early advance and um my first opponent has a rating of 1200 uh I don't know why I put 1400 up here um I should have put 1.00 so we're playing against uh okay E4 uh I've played everything obviously uh let's play a Sicilian Never I played the Sicilian Defense like literally never before uh and um, you know, I want to branch out a little bit, play some different openings, the Sicilian Defense is one of the most conflictive, fight for the center with one flank.
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The C3 knight pawn is not the most common move, the most common way to play the sicilian is the knight here and a pawn push in the center to exchange, my opponent could still do that but for now, this is an indication that maybe they would like to do it. do something else and the stronger a chess you are, the better you will understand it, let's see what they do, it is more common Def, develop the Knight after developing the pawn in C5, Knight F3 and, as we see there, you know. the pawn can go to D4 next, now one draw


to the setup is that I can now play E5, whereas if my opponent had traditionally developed with the Knight and then pushed, I can't do that, but we'll look into it. after some F3 Knight, there are many different Sicilians, the one with the most principles and one of the easiest to know how to play is called the Sicilian Dragon, with pawn on G6 and bishop on G7, now we actually get this exchange and we are in the main line of the dragon uh, this is the accelerated defense of the Dragon, we aim for the center with the knight and the bishop, the best way to play for white is to take out the bishop, take out the queen, hit us with castlings a short and the best.
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Our way of playing is to castle our king like this and then we get into a big fight, so Sicilian Dragon has a very respectable opening, uh, very easy to play, because the ideas are relatively simple, the hard part of the Sicilian is what would happen if White doesn't? I don't play in this position and there is a lot of that in the Sicilian. I don't like my opponent to be thinking um and uh, but again, this is true from the beginning, you know, from the middle to the late level, where you have to know some of the ideas of your opening and the best idea here is defend, yeah, you really never want to go back to square one because you've wasted your time right now.
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I'm going to play how I can develop in Castle in general. It is a good idea not to allow a knight in the center to be hit with a pawn as it is better to go D6 Knight F6 but in this particular case this move is fine. Note that our Knight aims for his pawn, he is protected, but if the pawn goes. suddenly forward even though we only have one piece looking at it and they have a Defender after E5 Knight G4 now we have two three pieces looking at that pawn and that pawn dies so my opponent should probably develop a bishop and a pro and a Castillo or should develop this bishop and try to castle big move.
I mean, if I said that and they did it, it's probably a good thing we're going to castle now. um, you know, maybe they'll learn from me, maybe they won't, maybe they'll do something else, maybe they'll develop this. bishop uh, but somehow we have fulfilled our plans and we are just going to play Simple Chess, putting the pawn on D6, it's a strange move. I don't quite understand what that is trying to do or my opponent is trying to do that. he plays this like a Magnus Sicilian a bit like me. I'm not really sure, by the way, D5 was also completely reasonable in trying to trade a lot of good options here.
Oh, they're trying to play him like a Magnus Sicilian. Wow, the Magnus Sicilian. being an opening where you play Pawn to D4, exchange and then back off, that's very interesting, well now we have many, many plans, when this Pawn goes here and the bishop comes out, you know we're looking over there, um. m I'm thinking about the G4 bishop. The only reason I would trade F three is because it damages the pawns and then I can go after them and create a branching situation. It's not a guarantee, so moving the bishop to G4 is fine, but again, you have to be able to explain why you're trading a bishop for a knight, otherwise it's just a bad decision, for example if my opponent went there and exchanged for my knight on the next move, I couldn't explain that move. right, I don't know why you would do that, whereas I go where I go because because I want to take it, it may not be the best plan, but it's my plan, so now I can play D4 Knight or E5 Knight and we're starting to see why which wasn't really the best plan because it's so easy to defend.
I mean, White, you know, can just protect the pawn. White doesn't have to lose anything, but that's chess. That's how it works and if I had known the chess deck I would have known better, no joke. I'm assuming my opponent is going to castle on the queen side here, because the king is very open there. Queen E2 makes sense. And do we take the bishop or do we like where our knight is? What are we trying to do? Do we like to fix the horse? Yeah, that move doesn't look too bad. The C8 Tower cannot be seen. bad, many of you would, but the art of getting better at chess is that if you don't have to take, you don't have to take, you know you're not under attack, so an improved move like one of these two is good. let me, let me, let me out here with the queen.
What you will learn in the Sicilian Defense is that the queen is a very powerful attacking piece and here she is looking at the queen side, where if my opponent's king is going to go, he probably wants something. presence there that wasn't the best move uh the best move was probably jumping to take advantage of the dark squares and the way you learn to take advantage of squares like this like these little night jumps uh I'll show you I'll show you. you, um, I'll show you as we go along right now. I'm thinking okay, I don't even have to hesitate here.
I have a rook on the C file. There is a king on the other side. It's a move you shouldn't make. I really have to think a lot, so I have a direct idea which is to get the Knight and Bishop for my Rook, at which point I will be completely winning because my opponent loses two important defenders. Now I have a great reason to change the Horse. for the bishop here and that reason is that if I had taken a moment ago I'm not hurting the pawns, but now I am, I'm creating a doubled isolated pawn and I immediately wonder what would happen if I just take and if I just attack the pawn , like if I play Queen C5 or Queen B4 or Queen A6 and Queen C.
I can't really tell the difference, so let's go here and I mean how is my opponent going to defend his pawn correctly, maybe there could be gone to A6 maybe to C7 maybe to C5 not to D5 but to C5 and we have to remember that we have pieces on opposite sides, we have bishops on the same diagonal, it is very easy to forget that, but it is true and if my opponent performs a move like D5 Knight I might have to take it and then you know we're going to have chaos on the board, but once it gets here I think it'll be bad news for my opponent.
I'm going to double and I'm going to make you know all these pieces falling, you can exchange the queen, you don't have to exchange the queen either, you can play the Rook C4, but what you have to remember with a move like the Rook takes the pawn is your queen. is defending so if you take the Rook you need to make sure you don't get diverted anywhere, for example I calculated the Pawn at A3 which is a very reasonable move and if I were to move my queen away I would lose my Rook. but luckily I have Queen C, I mean, no, luckily that's how chess works right now.
Bishop A3 doesn't work because I can take and I can take, by the way, a very, very smart move if I couldn't go here like I had a pawn. in that position I would be in trouble because I wouldn't have a queen move to save my rook if that were the position, what I would have to do would probably be give up my rook for the knight, does that make sense? I hope you have it now. come on here everything is defended we have a battery we are about to have a triple battery in the C file at which point the white is the white is in trouble the white is in a lot of trouble but the white could have been in trouble when they offered themselves as volunteers to play so okay now we pause take a moment breathe take a sip of our leftover coffee I can't stand that ah but I see a tactic here now I could get tunnel vision and play a move like Rook to C8 which is also a perfectly reasonable move, but there's actually Bishop to H6 and the way you would position a move like Bishop H6 is that you should always see the checks and that's a check that the move wasn't useful a moment ago, but it's uh , it's pretty useful now and that's just we're going to pick up a tower, so it's a direct pin.
The C8 rook is next now, the only drawback of moving the bishop to H6, the only thing I can conjure up as a drawback is Well, the fact that the dark squares will be weak near our King, that is a true square, but the relative value of our Bishop is probably a solid three and a half and by the way, if you don't have to take that's the Lesson in this game, don't take, no one can, no one can get in the way, so now okay, now we must take and now the easiest way to win, win, win, a winning position, you don't have to do this.
I'm going to get the horse. and I'm going to get the bishop when everything becomes clear when everything is settled. I'm going to have a knight advantage and I think a pawn. Now we can take one more pawn. I feel like the king is going to be there. I'm very, very, very worried here and I'm going to raise and lower and I'm just threatening a checkmate, that's mate and now the only move is the Queen B5 and pre-move that this was a good move but it should have been played a advance, so it was a good game and I think it's a compliment, you know me, but we're seeing how you know how to handle this Sicilian defense and I thought it was reasonable, it's a little better for White at the beginning, uh, to start with the Knight F3 because once you let me put the Knight on C6, if I really want to, I can close the whole center now that this has been played and you know, this Sicilian.
It has many branches, everything was good but it was bad and you know that my opponent if he is going to play the open Sicilian you have the responsibility to understand what is next and that is why entering the Sicilian is scary for White uh and maybe it is simpler Sicilians for example if you have 1200 you might like to alipin with a very simple plan of just putting two pawns in the center and then you won't have to worry about black playing the dragon like I did in this game or the nidorf or something else, but you have to know how to handle the opening because if you start backing off, this opening can sometimes play itself like it's very easy, Black gets this setup and I chose Bishop G4, which I thought was smart . and then I changed, which I thought was fine.
This is a slight inaccuracy because it simply allows White to defend himself, but now the best move is not this. The best move as far as I'm concerned is definitely fighting for these dark squares. The computer really likes these two moves and the way you come up with a move like Knight H5 is that you have to think of it like this: we trade a bishop for a knight, so we lose a light square piece, but they lose one piece with light squares and one dark one. piece we have three pieces fighting for dark squares they only have two this bishop does not fight for dark squares it means that the dark squares are alittle better, so we can play moves like this, no you can't play bishop H6 now, but that's kind of the idea, but the way I attack on the C-file is very thematic.
In the Sicilian Defense and um, yeah, Queen B4 isn't necessarily the best, but it's very simple, very direct, and it's very important how we did it here. Bishop H6 Rook C8. That's exactly how you play an open Sicilian Defense, particularly a dragon when castled on the Queen's side, but a lot of things have to be found, you have to play, you know, they have to play E4 for you to play Sicilian, they have to play the open sicilian, which my opponent did, but then he didn't play the most accurate, at which point they got a castle queen. side my opponent made if he had castled on the king side the game plan would have been slightly different but this is how you play a sicilian dragon castling on the opposite side.
I thought it was quite instructive, let's start the next game, I'll play white. pieces my opponent is not online, okay, let's see, this happens sometimes, maybe I misspelled his name, that also happens when recruiting people and you know you might accidentally make some kind of mistake, it happens, okay, that was my mistake, that's kind of funny. a zero instead of an o and a username H so difficult I've played a lot of different openings uh so let's play D4 let's just play a Queen's Gambit Queen's Gambit Knight F3 maybe let's play a Catalan with Knight Knight F3 G3 Catalan one of the best openings out there, uh, you can start with D4 C4, what you know, a, a little bit of knowledge, one of the ways to completely shut down your opponent's tricks, like for example, they could play The Budapest Gambit, you can start with the night.
F3 and now you know you're going to play C4 anyway, so the F3 Knight move is slightly limiting because there may be systems where you don't want to play it, you want to play C4 Knight C3 E4 but overall it's a very flexible move. uh now we can play as Magnus with G3 or we can play C4. I mean, they're both fine. I can start with this and then I'll play C4 later. I mean, they're pretty similar, like black can sometimes play. B5, you know, but in general, it's a Catalan either way, you can play bishop G2 or whatever.
I'm going to play a pure Catalan and this is one of the most annoying openings that exist in chess. Okay, it's a battle of will. C4 or Black will play solidly, how are they going to play it? The main line is to capture the pawn and you know, White then tries to get it back at 1400, no one really knows the Catalan vanguard theory at 2700, they like it. I am familiar with many lines here, yes this is a very common move for black to play B6 and now white can continue to apply pressure, but actually the move B6 is already a relatively big commitment and maybe you remember in the last game how we use the C file um we're going to take now that Black has committed to putting the bishop on B7 that we're going to capture now because the bishop on B7 is going to be a little bit stuck, right, the bishop is going to be stuck behind the pawn when it gets there and our next moves will be Knight C3 Bishop to F4 Rook C1 and Knight to E5 develop Aim for the jump from the queen side towards the center use the C file and I mean the Catalan flow plans, you know, uh, They are very easy to implement and sometimes your opponents, especially at the intermediate level, will feel like you are melting people.
At a higher level, people prepare like 15 or 20 deep movements in Catalan like B6. It already is and the inaccuracy you will never see B6 at the Master level because for Masters you know they need to capture the pawn and hold on tight and um I don't understand what just happened, why did my opponent give me another pawn? You know, I think it's a little more instructive if I allow my opponent to back off and just play as if that never happened because the truth is that this is the best move and I'm only going to be a pawn ahead, but in most of your games the Knight A6 will not. played as if you were going to see a position that looks like Pawn takes Pawn, does that make sense?
This is the best move, but it's not something you can replicate over and over again, so I'm going to go here. Don't know. why didn't my opponent take the pawn on D5 that was uh, why don't they do it? I mean, I'm going to make one more move and then if they don't take my pawn on D5, why doesn't my opponent take? It's not like I'm trying to show you how to play with the C file open. Are they just panicking? I do not know what is happening. Did you think? Do you think you are making a mistake?
I mean, I get it. You're playing nice with me, so since you might play with me, you might get nervous, you might. I don't know, is this deliberate? Why do I want to say? I'm running out of moves. Alright. I guess I'll take and take. I do not do it. I know I'm so confused um, uh, I don't know if they'll let me drink again. Yes, but now I only have one pawn. I do not know what happened. I was trying to give it all back. True, that was a little strange, but I'll show you in the analysis later.
I'm guessing how to handle the position now that the game plan obviously changes because we have two central pawns, so I'm looking here. I'm looking here. I mean, we can still play a move like Rook C1, we can play E4 to take the big center, at some point Black might go here, let's play E4, you know, the knights support the pawns and we are threatening a fork. Even many intermediate players have blind spots with forks in the middle. Many people simply forget that pawns can walk forward. I think my opponent just got nervous or panicked or I'm not sure.
I mean, all I did was take D5. I didn't really do anything that special, but it happens and sometimes people get really angry afterwards and they're like, I can't believe I played like that and, that's life, okay, um, that's a move, so now I'm thinking about attacks. D5. Bishop E5 attacks the knight Knight E5 attacks the queen uh everyone looks I mean good uh I would say avoid being blocked by a knight that's a mini lesson if you can make a move where the horse doesn't just jump into the middle. everything so we can rule this out, it's a little lesson for you.
D5 is fine, but the bishop will come here. um I would say you know, jump with the horse, especially if your horse can't be attacked easily, like doing an improved move like This and then building up behind the Horse is very decent and also keeping an eye out for things in your position opponent who are unprotected. Those two things are unprotected, so a move like Queen A4 will have a lot of power behind it, because then I'll win a pawn and then I'll try to escape, but if I don't get trapped well now I can't play Queen A4, so that's it, I want to go D5, but there is a little tactical problem with that move is that my knight stops having a guard, so after D5 my opponent can take, which is something very easy to miss, very easy to make a mistake , so actually improvisational movement, improve the movement, bring another piece okay, this is something we need, we need to improve as an intermediate, just do it. a move that brings the piece to the table for the party that doesn't compromise too much.
Also, I spent 28 seconds on the last three moves that I played 28 28 and 23 poor time management, but obviously I'm trying to be instructive uh several moves ago I had like a minute and a half of time. Advantage if you're playing Blitz you have to keep that right and uh I'm not the best person to know don't study my games I spend too much time. Rook d8 is a very reasonable move, it is a very good move to target my pawn. I mean, I'm a little worried about something like C5, but not too worried. I think I'm going to bring another tower right now, so now my two towers. are playing when the knight moves, I will have something that can be targeted with the pawn, but then I will push and this move actually sneakily defends that knight sneakily when I say sneakily remember before the bishop couldn't hold out anymore because my knight will defend itself could I have joined with a move like F4?
Some of you may be wondering: you know? Could I have played F4 F4 F5 probably yes probably? I mean, you know, I don't really want to use that as a default, but rather push the pawns to the front. of my king, but F4 is a very reasonable move to defend Knight H. In fact, I can, you know, I can probably try it now. I can probably go to D5 now too. My opponent can't take the B with the bishop, but more. Importantly my pawn has four defenders and I'm making it safer, as a move makes, it wasn't particularly safe now it's pretty safe, the bishop will move, my knight will be the target and then I'll have to decide if I should defend. or move it, yeah, it's hard to say, you can defend it, but you might get stuck, it's actually a really beautiful move, uh, if I play the Queen D4, it's a big mistake, there's C5, now yeah, I'm going to show it.
You know I can play F4 but it's not always a good idea to weaken your king. There will be potential problems here like Queen E7 Queen C5. This is an instructive movement. I mean, I can probably trade. Can. I can go back. We are up. a pawn, so as long as the exchange doesn't cause any kind of big damage, we can make an exchange there. The bishop takes. I can use my queen. I can use my pawns to advance, like I can play E5, for example, now we can. we won Connect Four, which is pretty good, we have a little more space in the center.
A big mistake would be to move the C pawn now because it would give me a connection five, which is pretty bad, but my pawn would be a big problem. so that black will take care of um and little by little you know we will, we will hunt the queen side as if we were playing Queen C2, which is a very typical Catalan style, um, I can accept it, but then the queen is activating , but and and there is literally no By the way, I need to take it as an example, I can play Queen B3 and just ask what was the idea of ​​this move and the point of this move is that you know I'm getting close to targeting my opponent's Queen. side, for example, I can move my knight and then I'm attacking this pawn and my knight stops protecting it but the queen is protecting it, so we'll see if my opponent realizes that the pawn is hanging.
I need to save time too. for the fight I can start moving forward yes I mentioned how this move you would know could be a mistake this move is a mistake here it's very natural to play a D6 move uh but I'm going to show you how to spot tactics from a little distance after the Knight take take, we can actually take with the Rook because we have a discovery check and, um, if the Knight takes C6, yeah, we can take with the rook and the Knight to F6 is a discovery attack on the queen. It is very important that the queen cannot take the knight, that is very very important, my opponent plays the counterattack of the D3 rook defended by the bishop, so now I will move aside to protect my rook and black will play fast because he does not want to . to lose time Rook here is an exchange that is going to be taken with the Knight or the pawn, the Knight controls a little more space which unfortunately is free and now the easiest thing to do is to go down completely, so I'm going to play the Tower D1.
My opponent should lift. Make sure yes, it's a good move, do what you can, but I'm still going down. I have a great trading move, by the way, this is excellent material of black trying to survive. I have to go here now if you want, yeah, wow, really impressive, this is really impressive, uh, defense here, I have to tell you that yes, now I want to say that I'm winning, but you know I have to hold my nerve here. You know, I must not make a mistake with a checkmate or somehow, fortunately, I can hide on H1, but oh, my opponent ran out of time, of course he is losing, but my idea here was to threaten the f8 queen and to bishop F3, which is check in two, so it is check in two moves, not if this move is actually played, but let's say here, ah, that also stops it, this is also Queen f8 Bishop F3, okay, that It was weird because I tried to play a Catalan, you know, which I thought was pretty reasonable. and then my opponent played Knight A6 and Rook B8, which gave me a plus4 advantage.
I'm really not sure why they did that. I don't know, maybe they panicked. But yeah, I mean, of course, after C takes D5. you know black will go here, I'll play Knight C3 Bishop B7 Bishop F4 and the best way for black to play is probably some kind of, you know, C5 or that, they could play Knight B D7 I'd play Rook C1 and maybe C5 and So. this would be our battlefield, we would play this position and in Catalan what you do with white is you try to jump with a knight, you try to play something like Knight to E5 and you have long term pressure on the position.
With many of your parts, it's a really cool weapon. I mean it, it really is. I would play it myself if you knew that people at Master Level didn't prepare for 20+ moves like the ones Master Level chess has killed. chess a little bit uh and yeah, I mean, when my opponent wasn't recovering and he gave me this, soyeah, it got a lot easier, I don't know, it was definitely a little strange, I thought I was playing, you know, pretty well, getting better. moves and maybe I made one or two inaccuracies, but it's important here to detect, you know, for example, if you had a tactical puzzle like this, you were doing puzzles, you know you would detect Knight's control F6 because it's one of your only ones. check that a queen is also won through a discovered attack.
Now it doesn't work if the queen can take, so the way you see these things is literally from back here. I mean this is the next level of puzzle solving. You know, you, you. I just showed you, that one move tactic you're going to get so good that you're going to detect things from five moves away, you're going to detect things from this position, you're going to say oh, if Knight E4 you know C6 I can take take the Tower because then after the Queen C6 is the Knight F6 check like you're going to see things like that that's the next level that was an interesting game I'm going to have black in the next game um yeah I mean if you make a mistake early I'm going to have to uh I'm GNA I have to win uh my next opponent is also not online that's weird please update chesscomnews um maybe I misspelled this person's name too possible, I hope not, here we go though, they are I'm still not online okay, that's good, try to film somehow to win a chess, how to win a chess, let's see if I can, um, maybe send a challenge to my opponent, maybe a little challenge to my opponent.
Don't know. I don't know why that is happening, very strange. Okay, I'm going to challenge this person, friend, and I'm going to play this game with the black pieces. If this doesn't work, then I don't even know what to do. Okay, okay, this doesn't work. I guess we'll have to skip this person. I don't know why there are so many technical difficulties, but you can watch me struggle for a minute or two, so it's okay. I'll try one last time. time and if this individual cannot, yes, they simply cannot understand it. I don't know what's going on, so I'll play with the next person.
Well, I think my opponent is streaming this game, by the way. 1,700, this guy is Brazilian and he also told me before. the game they were going to beat me at, so I've played a lot of different things, I mean I can play caroan, I can play five, let's see what it looks like e45 Caballero F3 KN C6 should be five, there are many ways. To play against the Spanish, my favorite way to play against the Spanish is to play the Yanish Gambit. Oh, my opponent, he played very fast, a counterattack in the center of the board.
The easiest thing to do here is probably just take and, you know, put. Put a knight on F6 so you can also take D4, it is possible, but let's take here and now, don't make a mistake with the Queen H5. That would be very tragic and we play this position, of course, we can play like millions of different Spaniards. plays A6, you can play the Knight E7, you can play the Spanish Hikaru, which is the Bishop of C5. The plan here for Black is to play the Bishop D6 because developing any other way is really difficult if you play D6, the Knight takes, which is not good, but Bishop D6 and and you know you can like the Queen E7 and get rid of the piece A6 is probably fine too, looking at it, but yeah, this is how you get rid of the Knight you're directly after. threatening to capture it now and you want to be taken because then you will take the active pawn The life of the bishop is good, okay, great, just describe this move, uh, we can take with this pawn, but then I don't open the bishop, so in In general, in E4 E5 structures, when there is a capture at C6, it is best to remove it from the center, which is counterintuitive to basically everything you are taught now.
Some of you may be looking at this position and wondering if I have a Greek gift. I play: Bishop takes H2, controls, King takes Knight, G4, controls, King retreats, we H4, checkmate on the next move, no, not all conditions are met because the bishop can go to F4 and defend H2 and that It's hard to see, you can look at me and go. How do you see that in two seconds it is not? I've been playing chess for 20 years, so I have to see things like that. I can make a castle, which is a bit annoying, so what I can do is probably try to set up a long castle with Queen E7 uh, I can also play Bishop F5 Queen D7 Long castle, I find this move a little more flexible because it protects my pawn, which is good and also maybe I can exchange his bishop, which I can't do if I know I'm compromising the bishop. the F5 square is fine, solid, we will continue to have a great battle defending this pawn.
I imagine my opponent will play as the bishop here and perhaps as the G1 rook. I'm going to go long, this is a bit of a strange move, I mean, I get it. I get it, you're trying to send me a warning shot, but I don't think you have anything like A5. It's great, first of all I can play A6, but second of all, what's the plan when I just say no thanks? m I'm not really interested uh, I don't know if there's a plan and now my friends, now I'm going to start some kind of attack there, I don't know if I'm going to go for a Greek gift. because I still don't think it works, but the attack looks potentially very scary there.
I just need to find out exactly what the Caballo G4 H3 is like. Well, I keep talking about bringing pieces to help. I'm going to bring a tower here. The opponent is going to play A6 I don't know what they're going to play after that, uh, but uh, yeah, like you know, defend, just push, how was it?, how could it happen?, how is it happening?, like Maybe D5, but D5, you have to look. what's on opposite sides it's a shame the greek gift doesn't work but I respect my opponent who still makes every move basically instantly eh listen to the opposite side castling we just have to go for it you know H5 H4 we're I'm going to the way he pushed these pawns.
I'm going to start pushing my pawns over there, but he's playing, he's playing very well, he's playing fast. The only thing stopping me from panicking is that I'm actually playing with a subscriber. like if I'm playing a 26 2700 I might be a little worried like oh no, you know, but look, I'm doing what I'm supposed to, I'll bring my pieces, my queen is going to help me my rook is going to help, my pawn is away so that's also going to help and unfortunately I don't think you can afford to lose pawns to your king because now the queen H4 doesn't work because of the bishop G5, but I can come back and that's bad, now you lost the defense.
Queen H4 will happen unless Bishop G5 can find Bishop G5 oh no, no, no, no, played too fast, played too fast, yeah, now, it's over, played too fast, yeah, no, I mean , we got into it's a very complicated game and I think I like that capybara kaspar Gary Kasparov. I don't know why my opponent spends most of his time in the moving game, where he is about to get checkmated, now maybe I'll rub him. I did it in one go and the reason I'm doing this is because before the game this person said that he would beat me, so unfortunately I have to rub it in a little.
Now I will sacrifice this bishop and then checkmate them. Well, we have to do it. that that was a bit I didn't you know I didn't love that um I uh let's analyze Knight F3 Spanish yanish yanish is very complicated or the schan has two names for some reason the idea is that you want to go here and the point is that it's actually a sort of reverse Vienna Gambit. Any Vienna fan knows that in Vienna you Gambit your F Pawn to push your E Pawn forward, well here you do the same thing, that's the point at which you Gambit your F Pawn to push your E pawn forward, actually You know that White could get into a very bad position very quickly.
I mean, you play as queen G5 and you know you take F5 and suddenly you're much better with black, which is the point, um and uh, my opponent plays D4, which is a good move and then here I played Knight F6, the engine line is Knight takes here you have like C6 if Queen H5 you have G6, White can sacrifice the bishop, but since no one plays like that, I think it is too much. It's more humane to play this move castling the D6 bishop and, um, a lot of people here against me play the F4 bishop after the E7 queen, Black is completely fine and if you take, I'm more than completely fine because you exchange your piece, like this that now I have two active pieces.
Right now again, this doesn't work because here it looks like mate, it's not B F4, so you can't make a green gift if at the end the opponent has a defensive move that defends diagonally or in any other way the H2 pawn or the square H2. Rather, this was instructive on how my opponent attacked me, but what's crazy is that Black is already much better. The computer evaluates the prospects of attacking each other much better. Better for black. He didn't care to stop this advance. allowed a yes, but that's it and the difference is that now when I start attacking, you know, Knight G4, all these different moves are going to be pretty brutal.
I probably should have gone with Knight G4, but I did. I don't know what to do after H3, the computer really likes to push the horse and then gain access to the F3 square by facing H three, which is quite funny and now we see that yes, this is bad news. The queen comes, the queen comes something like this Knight G4 and unfortunately my opponent didn't protect the King from him and that's what I mean, but that's a way to play a very, very aggressive Spaniard with a Yanish counterattack. My last opponent I think he is ranked close. to 18800, but I think still at 17, maybe to replace the previous person, I can play someone who is 1500, but unfortunately I don't have any challenge, that was weird, I don't know what happened in 1772, that was when Columbus sailed across the blue ocean. maybe it was 1492 I played a Catalan uh I can play an E4 game and let's see what my opponent plays uh maybe we'll play as a very simple Italian like no, it's not necessary Playing Vienna in every game is a great opening, but now I can play the Spanish or I can play the Italian, which is a very, very, very classic basic opening.
Fried liver is very decent, but the thing is, as people get stronger, they start studying. that and they learn all the theory and stuff like that and then, yeah, they study everything so we can play two nights, two nights with D3 and we can play C3. This move has many purposes, it prevents anything from entering. Set up D4, it also gives an escape, uh, for the bishop, you can castle, the G4 bishop move is, uh, it's aggressive and it's pretty common, but it's not particularly scary, uh, because White, you know, doesn't run no danger of the horse entering.
Here at the highest level this is not considered completely accurate because the bishop now has to hide in many lines, but I mean, it is completely fine and what white likes to do here is play Knight bd2 and then advance and uh and then very slowly and methodically prepare this d4 move so we're going to try to give you a master class on how to handle the Italian. One thing Black can do is not castle and simply start this pawn attack against White. King, but if defended properly, it's not that scary. I mean, even now, by the way, there is a very interesting move like G5 and by the way, I can't accept this move and it's important that you pay attention to what your opponents do.
They are doing it too, this to me is a movement that indicates that they want to go this way, so now I am going to move towards there and tell them, you know, what happens if you do that, there will be a big Attack and I might do this because this guy pawn formation is very common in Joko piano, the Italian game, but at the same time, if my opponent knows to castle that way now it could be bad news, I mean, also this just wins a bishop, so now I'm thinking for a moment and I want to say that there are many easy moves that you can play in Italian that don't really change the evaluation.
So I'm going to make a little plan. I'm going to put my bishop back on B3 to put my knight on C4 and then open my dark bishop Sor, that's my plan. I would like to damage the structure, okay? Fortunately, you know I took my opponent to Castle, so that's cool. I'm going to continue to run this plan, it doesn't really affect too much and then a big question is whether I want to trade the bishop like in many trade lines. the dark squared bishop is good because this bishop doesn't bother me at the same time.
I can play here and try to take the knight and play some more like that, um, everything seems fine, let's go here. Let's try to damage my opponent's pawn structure so we can exploit it later. I think this was the best move and I also think I probably should have unpinned earlier because now that my knight is no longer guarding. If I unbind it, there's a bishop, wow, my opponent is saying, take me, take, eh, very interesting stuff, he's about to get very, very spicy here. I feel like then I'm going to try to put my horse in F5, a very complicated game.
It's brewing here, potentially well. Come on, let's see who the genius is. I'm going to return my knight and we're going to try to exploit the light squares. Now my opponent did this so he could attack me on the king's side, which will turn into pandemonium now. right, it's going to be crazy, something very interesting, besides, it's a weak pawn, so I can attacksneak that pawn at some point, my opponent should probably deviate to fight for my night maneuvers too and I know, we, we. we want to keep a good amount of time on the clock, we're ready for complications, another thing, by the way, another thing is that G4 it's possible in some lines to just completely push the bishop back and something like that. close out my opponent's attack before he can start uh, I can't move my queen because then the bishop takes F3.
I want to play F5 knight, but then there is E7 knight, so maybe G4 is the way to go, just say you want to attack me. It's just not going to work. I also have King H2 and King H1, just getting out of the way of the attack. I hope that one of these moves my opponent is hitting me from far away with pieces. Knight D5 could have also been a Knight. D5 was probably very good because I don't see an easy way to defend the pawn F6 now I could play the knight D5 but I could have rook G6 it would have been a little more accurate to play that move one move earlier G4 if the bishop takes I even wonder if my opponent can sacrifice on G4.
Now this is getting a little wild. Now, what if I don't have the Horse? It takes E5, but it's a very attractive move and also. I still like B5 and I still like the Caballo F5. Everything seems reasonable. The question is which game. Let's set the KN to F5. I think it's a very good move. I think it disconnects a lot from what black people want. Wow, the position is very crazy. I'm going to show you some tactics. I can't even fully explain them because I can't. I can mention them, yes, so I think now I can play Knight takes C5 because I couldn't do it a moment ago, but there I will take the bishop and if the Knight E5 Bishop here I can take D on D7 and then I can take F6 oh my God, this one It's a crazy move The Knight takes E5 Is he there?
Queen f five, although it could be that I missed this completely. move Queen takes F5 defending the bishop and then my queen is hanging. I didn't even see that he was trying to be instructive and trying to explain everything and wow, that's a really wild move, I mean, if my opponent finds that. they're brilliant players, they didn't find out that I got away with it, although, oh God, it's hard to play these series because I want to talk and I want to explain and I don't always have the luxury of doing that, um, I just Swap the Queens, if I swap, no I can make more mistakes, but it was crazy.
We have to take a look at that and, um, the bishops are opposite colors, which means that the endgames tend to be a little bit tied, um, but. let's do our best to win the game let's play as G4 I have to sneeze what no no now I only have two puns left opposite color Bishops at the end of the game tend to be a tie because you can't really repel the enemy Bishop, so you have to fix it now. I'm going to seal this position, I'll probably just bring in some help and these pawns are too strong.
I imagine that once you have a bishop surrounded by a lot of pawns like this, it becomes very difficult for the defensive side, which is my opponent because I have two pawns up, because Black simply runs out of space when these pawns are up and the bishops They protect each other, so now what I need to do is obviously avoid, you know, mistakes. but I can start trading very slowly and reach the black position. B5 might have been a bit rushed, but the idea is that after the takes, the bishop hangs and then I make a couple of changes. um, it's the same thing, it's actually the Mirror Image position.
Regardless of which pawn you take, but now we start taking the open rank, it is important that we also keep enough pawns on light squares because the enemy bishop is on a dark square so they can't target those pawns, but we don't want to. Put each pawn on a light square because then the black bishop becomes a beast, you know, the enigma, everything is fine. If you want to win an ending that involves four rooks, you usually need to exchange a pair, so it would be a good decision for me. exchange one of the rooks, not both could slowly bring our king to protect our pawn, black will probably move in the center here, but since I control so much space, I think life is good.
F6 is an F6 would be great. However, I can't play it because they take it, so the B7 Rook is in the cards, we open an infiltration place, now I can play F6 CU, my bishop is no longer protected and uh, F6 is a very good move to play because completely shut down the black king So now the black king is stranded in the last rank and I just need oh, that was my Discord, I apologize, I thought I had streaming mode enabled, that wasn't your Discord, that was my Discord, uh, f8 tower, good idea, yeah. now we should probably there are many ways to win Rook here take take Rook f8 G7 here check uh come back F7 so like I said trade a couple of rooks the defenses will fall my opponent wants to play Rook f8 so they're going to trade exchange they're going to play Rook f8 then I'm going to play Rook G7 King h8 Rook H7 King G8 F7 check and I'm going to win the rook and give up which allows the checkmate I just talked about This movement detection tactic before the tactic change control and which is done in the last row because the king was arrested, it was an instructive game.
I think we're going to start without many instructive moments, huh. The queen takes F5, yes she is losing, it is just an incredible loss. I didn't even think about it. I'm just better here, but I wanted to show this kn5 idea and it completely fails, it's so spectacular, so this is one of those moments where and you. I know White was better, since White obviously had the positional advantage. There is a time when you are pinned but you can move your knight, you would just lose your queen, but you can take something and then take the bishop because you are going to win the queen from it. but the problem is that after capturing, the queen captures, the queen, black gets a full bishop, that's been the problem and my knight can win a rook, but I'm going to lose more material because of it, uh and uh, it's that's why the knight taking E5 never worked, that's why I was playing Knight E3 and King H2, like I was playing these kind of positional moves.
By the way, it was instructive how my opponent damaged his structure to create an attack on the same side. Very instructive. good idea though, um here, I should have gone back, attack the bishop, put the bishop here and keep fighting for the clear squares, play as Knight H4, with pressure, maybe I played F4 in the future, but definitely as Queen F3 and you know, you see what happens like Black is stuck, Black can't advance because of his compromised pawn structure, he's probably going to need to start sacrificing pawns that he probably shouldn't even take, but that's the concept and that's why that when I changed my bishop G5 for the Knight on F6 that has an explanation the explanation is that I open my opponent's king the second explanation is that they immediately have two weaknesses the third EXP is that the light squares are really damaged, I only showed it in the previous game where if you change a bishop for a knight the color complex strength and weaknesses uh change and um yeah, so I chose this Knight takes E5 and the Knight F5 is uh this is a crazy concept in which the queen is hanging this queen is hanging and the reason this works now is because I can play Knight E7 there is a hanging Knight there was no hanging knight in the previous version uh which is crazy but I played this move and I thought Oh my gosh, there's this, you get a knight, you hang your queen, but I'm hanging my queen and then if you take this, my knight is hung, I mean, these are very complicated things, like me, it's understandable that you miss the F5 queen, but the point is that it's a Desperado, that's what they call you.
We're both going to lose queens and there's no way to get into the capture chain or the capture sequence uh and of course you know I shouldn't have gotten involved in any of this, this endgame is winning for White, but it's not nothing special, but once you lose a second pawn, it's really bad, if my opponent played King G7, he probably would have played the position slowly, uh, but this is very, I mean, this is bearable for black, it's just a pawn and, as I said, the other way around. Colored bishops are hard to win, so I tried it at the completely wrong time and, yes, the F5 queen was a pretty special move.
I sat here and said, "Oh my God, if they play that, I'm going to finish." One piece, but that was the series. He was supposed to play five games. I'm a little bit, I don't know what happened there to the person in the middle, that's life, but that's it, I hope you enjoyed, look at the chess deck. If you want and I'll see you in the next episode, get out of here.

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