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How To Stop Your Dog from Jumping on People w/ Cesar Millan!

May 16, 2024
There you go, look at that, look at that, uh, our canine nation, so what's its name? His name is gypsy. Okay and


name. My name is Cindy. Miss Cindy. Nice to meet you. Let's get out the lawn mower and see what he has in there. it tells you how it feels about it, this is a finished lamb, so the mind is already saying that the thing that moves eventually has a sound and then they start to follow it look, now go to the end and then you will turn it on. Be good, okay, hey, you see how powerful she is, she can take


arm, no, we, we, we take her, we take her sword, oh God, thank you, I'm happy, now bring it back, man, bring, bring your baby back, so we have to do it. lowers the brain so let's change it it's all about where you put the leash okay we'll keep it good so we'll


pulling okay that's it yeah so now look no she can't move towards him, so you.
how to stop your dog from jumping on people w cesar millan
You have to look, stay without tension on the leash, without anticipation,


it right there, so we are doing step one, eyes and you master it, then the brain learns, okay, so when I see that I don't get excited then you bring the sound you want to turn. there we are going to prepare normally to see that I don't want to see that there you go, hey, then it's your turn to see how you practice what you saw, okay, okay, now here, yes, yes, power pose, power pose , now do it. the movement hey so there you go better better there you go good there you go now she's in a follower state right now it's the sound, so that way she projects calm and confidence while this is happening thanks to both of you, you know, I get it, I understand.
how to stop your dog from jumping on people w cesar millan

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how to stop your dog from jumping on people w cesar millan...

I complain a lot when


say Caesar, I do this and it doesn't work, it's not just the energy behind it. Next is Junebug, a dog who loves to greet her guests with a kiss, whether they want it or not, and she is much stronger. What Jake thinks, how are you? I am good how are you? So her problem is that every time she meets someone she likes to jump up and do what I like to call the signature


kiss. The signature jump kiss is like a punch in the mouth. Let's see what she's talking about here we don't have not with her not with me well then because I have correct makeup this is a trigger on the part of the human and sometimes the dog gets so excited that he does it to any human that passes by everyone right, let's change it just for the benefit of having two mental states, one and the calm one, but to create a comma you need a different tool, okay, no touching, no talking, eye contact, thank you, it's not difficult to get out.
how to stop your dog from jumping on people w cesar millan
You, hey girl, come on, hey, right there, hey girl, come here, girl, even if the human is tempting or creating the emotion, I'm saying don't do that to them, you want to do it, yeah, okay, so here she's going to do the introduction hey june and then relax then relax yeah so here the guide and then the relaxation don't stay tense all the time because then that's the opposite of what I want you to learn as soon as the brain relaxes you relax, Otherwise, if the brain is already relaxed, take advantage of the possibilities, well, what's the point of being tense, no matter how I feel like a married couple?, thanks guys, I really appreciate it, bye, move the position of the Caller, helps immensely, couldn't.
how to stop your dog from jumping on people w cesar millan
I actually couldn't believe how quickly his behavior changed, so we'll definitely take what we've learned here and use it. This is unnecessary. Dog-nosed


can pick up your Sam from there to here. This is unnecessary. It's time. for another take home tip and who do we have here? Reggie, she is obsessed with balls, she is very obsessed, she cries for hours, what do you think of the next dog? A little more excitement, eh, so give us a little bit of your opinion on what Reggie does. At home well, she likes to dig a lot, she has dug holes in all the furniture, she has bitten all the legs of the furniture and I think it's all in search of the ball, so, when you want to stop the ball game, do you? that?
Did I put it on the mantelpiece? Yes, and then she cries. Yes, literally for hours. See it from a dog's point of view. What Miss Christie does is grab the toy and hide it to the point that the mind never learned. to put it out, so since the dog has a gray nose, he's going to listen, the ball is right behind that thing, so bring me the ball back, that's right, you're teaching that she didn't let go, no, it's good, don't pull it. you're doing what I'm doing is claiming the toy and I want a voluntary reaction to move away look can you see the feet moving back yeah and creating a different way of living with the ball so that you don't do that?
You don't have to hide the ball well, so first you tell the mind to go to a calm state and then you move away from the ball, otherwise the ball moves away from her, she will go to retrieve the ball, that It's all, yes, a voluntary reaction, now you turn around. Let's see, let's see, she's faster, oh, you get it, she keeps you in shape, okay, so take the ball, look, look at the behavior, so she grabbed it and took it away and do this quickly so that becomes prey, you don't want to shoot the prey, no.
Okay, look, she knows I give in, yeah, if you're not going to discipline if you're not going to challenge the dog, at least exercise. A tired dog is a happy dog. This is Bella and what is Bella's problem. She's not very good to her. another dog she growls at him and bites him now what's your little bella's name bella okay embella has a problem we rescued another dog and she's very aggressive with him miss bella yes she's okay and we recently had a new grandson we want to have. I'm sure he'll be safe from her, okay, so here we have one of our own, yeah, there you see, look at that look, huh, I'm glad Miss Pat doesn't have a inhabitant.
It's just that this is more physically manageable sometimes. I have to change the tool because it has a different effect, it creates a different reaction in the mind, okay, that's why I like to use this simple rope, so here I'll get a little closer, thank you Mrs. Bella, you'll smell it. What's that? So here we are going to zoom in. Put the leash on. Calm the mind a little. Alright. kind of tension that gets really excited, you're actually provoking a fight instead of telling the brain to get out of it, your turn, okay, sure, not tense, yeah, relax the microphone, don't look at the floor, look ahead, yes, more relaxed, there you go, look.
That's right, then she will learn to keep up with her. Come on, what's happening to Bella? She has been influenced by the owner. Now there is no editing, there is no magic either. Many people say that she says that you have magic. No, no, guys, I hope you enjoyed. Make sure you like the video, subscribe and comment and join me on my mission for better humans, a better planet.

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