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How To Smoke a Pipe w/ Dr. Alan Harrelson

Jun 03, 2024
Now, can you explain to us the difference between what you would call the mulch-like type of tobacco and then when it's more like that? I don't know the terms, it's a flake that is actually more of a broken flake tobacco. It depends on how the manufacturer is curing and cutting it and people have different preferences, so for the flakes, what I want is to break them up myself and put them on you. What you want to do is break them. Don't you have something you can? I can say hey, I can do this yeah, yeah, I'll do it now, just take your fingers and spread it, actually, uh, I don't want to


that, so I'm not going to do that with you.
how to smoke a pipe w dr alan harrelson
I'll just do it. I'll tell you how to do it, yeah, okay, you just pull it apart like you're crumbling a loaf of bread, okay, and yeah, it'll be good, oh, you're going to like it, oh, I just think you're going to love it, thank you . And does that church guardian have a filter? He shouldn't have it. No, no, no, if I ever buy a


that is filtered, I immediately remove the vapor from the stem and remove the filter completely, so what's the difference? As for the unfiltered


smoking experience, it is a heated debate to the extent that there can be heated debates in the world of pipe smoking.
how to smoke a pipe w dr alan harrelson

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how to smoke a pipe w dr alan harrelson...

People who use filters think that it reduces a lot of um, it makes the


cleaner. It's okay, it makes it cleaner. I think it makes the smoke less flavorful, so I'm not interested in a filter. It's like you're no longer interested in contraceptives as a new Catholic. You have to leave them. That's right, of course, it's like when you prepare coffee in a coffee maker. Yes, they have filters for the coffee makers. That's not what you do with the coffee maker. It's okay, you just pour the grounds in there and if the grounds settle to the bottom of the coffee maker. so who cares, you have the flavor profile, can you?
how to smoke a pipe w dr alan harrelson
Because I want to package this, but this is how I've done it in the past, this is how I thought about it and then you correct me. I thought about packing a pipe like To start a fire, you have the kindling and then you have the twigs and then the sticks and then the logs, so you want it to be light on the bottom and then the more you put in, the heavier you want to push it so that you are looking at me like this this is the stupid explanation well it is a shut up explanation tell me how I should do it of all the explanations that I have heard that is one of them but no no no no no I don't think it's a lot of nonsense that all these people say you have to put this here and push it a little harder next time no just put what I pay attention to is the draw okay you need to have a draw.
how to smoke a pipe w dr alan harrelson
I like a draw like I'm drinking with a straw yeah, that's pretty cool, yeah, okay, that's what I like to aspire to anyway, now it's nice to know that I'll stop doing my little uh kindling Spiel when, well , you need to do it, I mean even At this point I would warn you not to use your finger so hard. Yeah, uh, you don't want it to be that strong. Can you smoke the bowl to the bottom? Yeah, okay, yeah, that's probably good, yeah. Well, what I'm going to do with my pipe is Martin Frog from the city of mlen Tobacco Company.
Okay, a company that is no longer in business, so this is weird. Oh, and it smells divine. Just here, give us. I'll give us a at least you need to see it smells smells good doesn't smell as spicy as us that's not why I'm not going to start with any of those we'll start with this one because it's easy to smoke while I'm talking okay I have to because When you're dealing with the pipeline you don't necessarily have to be talking all the time because it's more for contemplation. Yes, you are supposed to contemplate, take your time and problem-solve. the day, but since we're talking about pipes, there's no point in not lighting one.
Let us know in the comments right now if you're smoking a pipe with us or what you're smoking with us. We have someone smoking frog Morton 1999 wow someone else said they were smoking a church keeper and I think they were smoking good comment I lost the comment I would love to learn how to make a good pipe like this imagine that's your life you just make a pipe one and again, it's not as easy as people think, you can't just put a piece of wood in a Le and make a good pipe, you have to know what you're doing, let me light this up, yeah, done. for that someone else I'm going to read the comments guys do this someone else is smoking uh GPS Chelsea Chelsea tomorrow yeah Chelsea tomorrow um I'm not reading what I'm not um I'm pretending to smoke a pipe right now well that's dumb so you should smoke one real pipe, eh, Barry shoemaker from um br works.
I think he is the one who makes that mix. I will say that no one has made me want to give up cigars and just smoke a pipe more than you because of the way you talk about pipes. I love it. It is not a situation that we can both enjoy, just like being Catholic, yes, both and not neither or very good. I'm so glad someone taught you how to crumble tobacco into flakes. Because I've seen him pack intact flake tobacco into a pipe several times. I know you use your thumb to tamp your tobacco. Mmm, it hurts so much.
Don't you have a tamper? I wanted to impress you, isn't that cool? It's not an aromatic mixture, right? I think you've already made a convert of me. It may take me some time to get used to it. No, I really like it. The problem with aromatics. The problem with many aromatics is that it is like chewing gum. Loses its flavor after use. The first few seconds yes, I realized that now I realized that you light your pipe with a lighter. Obviously you don't want to light your pipe with a butane torch and burn the wood, presumably, so what kind of lighter should you use?
Well, this is a specific pipe lighter, it's an IM Chona made in Japan and, um, it's a soft flame, it's not difficult at all, uh, but when you light a pipe, you hold it over the debaca and use your breath to blow it down the flame. You don't put the bowl in the bowl, right? Now I see what the difference is between that and a normal black lighter, not much, it's just more elegant, okay, I didn't know, can you borrow it? Yes, of course you can. thank you sir, have you ever used one? No, never, okay, this will be interesting.
I thought it was going to be easy. No, yes, pick him up and then hit him. No, yes, you'll see where you hit it. My Lord, have mercy, son and you. I have a pipe and cigar store. I mean, you can use matches and cigarettes if you want. Yes, much more elegant. I prefer son. I have class. I haven't even used it yet. Hey, thanks so much for looking before you go, do us a favor. Leave a comment, tell us what you thought of the video, like it and subscribe.

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