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HOW TO SHOOT A TRIGGER RELEASE (Which release should you shoot?)

Apr 10, 2024
Lancaster unboxing welcome back everyone uh diving into the season the archery season the season of stuff let's start diving more into archery stuff because hunting season is obviously over so PJ's good friend, PJ, you sent this and it is an interesting product. is the real ball stinger You've probably seen them you might be using one but you've probably seen them if you haven't used one just lying around in proops it's their classic beginner style


uh Pro Shops so what we're going to do is open up this. I really want to see how sensitive, how good. we can make this launch


, um, if you can actually film this launch at a higher level or if it's more of a beginner launch, um, and then from there, they say it's deadly quiet, pull the


to open and leave up close so it's good it's just a twist there's a sensitivity adjustment so it's super awesome adjust the draw length easily by cutting the tube and tightening the screw ok we'll have to figure it out so that's it It's good, you can adjust the length. that was my number one concern about this, so open this, the most popular launch of Stinger . super Bare Bones, we have a typical sling here, and let me tell you this too before we dive too deep, this is going to be a great video if you're just getting into archery, just getting into bowhunting, trying to understand the pitches, trying to calculate. figure out



to get um you might want to refresh because we're going to go through other types of releases how to


them why


you look into those um but I guess we're going to start at ground zero of just a simple


release and this is probably the simplest. , so we have a super simple standard leather strap, this strap from True Ball actually comes in most releases, from highest to lowest, this is the strap, um We have this mechanism that I just read the instructions on.
how to shoot a trigger release which release should you shoot
It's like a rubber tube, they said, and you can cut it to change the length, so we're definitely going to play with that because this level of throat is very long when you have it. When you release it, you want your finger to be able to wrap around it super tight and this looks pretty long right now, so we'll have to see how that looks. A simple open trigger, oh wow, yeah, so it says you pull it to release it. and then you release it and the spring closes the clamps again. I like this jaw system that opens in the middle.
how to shoot a trigger release which release should you shoot

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how to shoot a trigger release which release should you shoot...

I think it creates a really clean drop release. A sting. XD, there we go, so I guess there really isn't much. to talk about this product, that's why we're going to talk more about the process and why you


trigger one thing over the other in some way, so we're going to clarify how you want to install the trigger style releases that you want. a little room but you don't want it super loose you don't want it so loose that it sits on top of your wrist so you want it tight enough you don't want it so tight that it cuts off your circulation I just want it tight enough that you can still move it , but when you go to shoot, it really latches on, it looks like that on you, so I can say now that that's not so bad, but it definitely does when I have some tension.
how to shoot a trigger release which release should you shoot
It'll probably be closer to my fingers so let's move on, I thought these were the arrows I was going to shoot, but these aren't the arrows I'm going to shoot because they're not completely made yet. Now we have them on Bal uh B. real custom arrows this is a small batch of custom arrows that we built in house for you this is my choice of Arrow that I ran all last hunting season a Victory TKO fletched with the boned veins X3 uh with a left grade helical how do I prepare them ready to cut to order.
how to shoot a trigger release which release should you shoot
I think we are doing half inch increments, so submit your order, what you want your length to be, we will put the insert on it and even ship them with high boning. Precision what do you call high precision field points or something premium premium High precision premium boning field points so be real small batch arrows once they are gone we will never sell this type of arrow again in this setup, so if I want to buy and use exactly what I've been using this entire hunting season. um, these are the ones that TKO Victory. They are custom arrows in very small batches, but I don't need them.
I need these. These are actually the ones I shot and I think all of them. I only shot a deer with one of these this year because this is what I get. I have to steal or in fact I stole these CUs. Now I need to build them for myself. Put some inserts in so I guess before hitting an arrow. You can see I have some tension in that and I reach for it, it's a decent amount. I have a feeling that once he's heavier he'll be even further ahead,


I don't like, I don't want that.
So it's nice that you literally just cut it out. I like that you don't have to move your thumb or hold it and I have some other examples that I'll show you here in a moment, but that's okay. let's see here, so if anchor, yeah, let's see how far that is for me. I really can't understand it. Let's fix that, we want it to be a lot deeper there so you can really understand it. a little bit of good tension and get it into the right shape so they said I need to cut it and then I guess we'll tighten it up so I guess I probably need it like this a lot shorter so I've never done this before so just be patient. with me, okay, now maybe let's remove it so we can get it through, okay, so you grab that bolt and then you can turn it.
Don't do that, you grab the nut and then just turn it. and then okay that's the section of tube that I cut off and man there's a lot of Bolt sticking out there but they say you can adjust it that way real easy okay so we've got it a lot shorter you can see it runs towards below. Well, honestly, if it lands right here where I want it, maybe you could cut it to make it a little shorter, but we have it much shorter, the way I like it, and we can still extend it outward or back.
We went in and all we did was cut this little section of tube and I think the only reason they have that tube is just to make it look good for you and to make it quieter so you don't hit anything, so let's go. pull this back again and watch how we feel like you always want to pull back for those who haven't shot this before always pull back with your finger behind the trigger you don't want to stay like that or anything because all it takes is a little touch and uh , you're sending it down, okay, that's better, bingo, look how I've got it wrapped up, you want it, good tension, you don't want to reach for it or anything that really fits, very, very good, okay, that's right. adjustable sensitivity as far as, but honestly, the way it was set up wasn't that bad, so I'll walk you through how I activate one of these things, how I trigger them, so obviously we've got it in the right position, now the right length, like to wrap. my finger around it and then as we push and pull we pull slightly against the back wall, your finger drags along the trigger, very similar to how you trigger a button, it's just a different part of your hand, obviously you use your thumb like on his index finger, but you just drag it, drag it, increase the pressure and eventually it just shoots, you build up enough pressure there that it just shoots and honestly the way it's set up now isn't bad at all, but the key That's what I just did, shortening it.
Many times you guys have probably seen them at Pro Shops too, they won't shorten them, they'll leave them too long and then try shooting a bow or maybe you've been running it like that. for a long time and you're like reaching for it, you can barely get the tip of your finger out, you don't want that, that helps promote bad form, it helps promote panic at Target because you're trying to reach for it. you're pulling the trigger, you don't want what you want is a shorter throat, you can wrap your finger all the way around, build up the pressure, push, pull and it just goes off, it goes off naturally, it almost surprises you the same way you would be surprised. other releases. so it's actually not that bad of a release once you set it up correctly.
I definitely filmed them with them for a long time and that's not fun yeah this will work fine now this is how I would set it up like this and If I knew this was my place more permanently I would probably cut some of this just with a couple of pliers or a Dremel or something to keep it a little bit shorter and nicer there. What I'm going to show is this. It's obviously very, very affordable if you're just doing archery or just on a budget. Will be great. Honestly, it feels really good. Nice and sensitive.
You can adjust the sensitivity further if you want it harder or lighter. um just with that little adjustment screw right there, just turn it in and out and it will adjust the sensitivity. um, this was a pitch, this was another real ball pitch that I was running for a long time, um, you can see I was having fun. Dremel works on this, but it's the same kind of deal, uh, but it just has a hook and a clasp here and you pull down and that clasp releases like this, but there's a little more adjustment. Same with this one.
Caitlyn, this was a B3, you have more adjustability, we have four points here so you can get it in and out, this collar to take it wherever you want and there's also a hook right there. I think there's a micro, there's also a micro adjustment here. So essentially, as you upgrade, you get to higher levels of hunting style shooting, um, the adjustability just makes it a little bit easier, you don't have to use it, you know, a bolt style like that, you just know, take out the Allen screw and put it on. Again, I wanted to say I had some Target ones, but I don't think I have them anymore.
The Target trigger releases even increase in adjustability from that, so the tension is super, super, fine-tuned and adjustable, it's a bit. A sharper release, there's less travel on the trigger, um and then of course the In-N-Out adjustment, so these are trigger style releases, obviously, you can get your 20 $30 triggers all the way up , you know these more adjustable ones. they're going to be like 80 90 100 150 and then you have your Target premium ones which are over 200 plus it can get more expensive and then we have our button style releases this is obviously the ultra view button um this is a very premium button . type of fit, but most importantly, the biggest difference is that you handle it like you have it in your hand, you don't have any type of straps, anything, and you activate the release with your thumb, um, in a very similar way, uh, uh, the way of the technique.
The way you shoot is very similar and I've talked about this before any style release you shoot, they should all trigger very similar so you can tell if you're well trained and can catch any type of release and shoot almost the same, it's same technique, same thought process, so with this one with the release button, obviously you pull back and rest your thumb on the barrel and then the same type of thing, you push and pull, push and pull, let your thumb drag that barrel, increase pressure, increase and then it just fires and it almost surprises me that it's the same thing, it's just a portable version instead of a trigger index, but the same mechanism is increasing the pressure that it's allowing. that movement, the movement is fine, you need the movement to activate because for it to actually activate functionally it needs to move, but we are not hitting, we are not reacting, we are controlling and we are dragging the thumb or the index finger. finger pushing, pulling and then it just fires as usual on the other side total we have what is called a release hinge St this is also a manual release um this is the UV hinge uh this style still uses similar philosophies of making the trigger sounds but there is no trigger to press, there is nothing you know, press a button for it to turn off or press a trigger for it to turn off.
What this does is there's a rotational motion, I guess you have to do that, and there are internal moons there and I guess to show kind of an analogy, there's the hook that attaches to the dloop and then there's this hinge or this locking system. latch and they overlap and as you turn they keep sliding, keep sliding, keep sliding, then boom, finally release the latch that is attached to the dloop and it goes off and to reset it you just put them back in place, you know This whole mechanism, you just turn it back into place and it's on the hinge and then the rotation you turn, turn, turn and that's the click that I'll talk about in a second and then turn and then boom,finally it goes off, it's literally just two moons, two latches, two shelves however you want to talk about it and they slide and turn until boom, they finally fall off and that's the rotational click you just heard is that it's literally machined into one of those moons that when you walk through there it jumps and it's actually metal on metal and it's the click and all it does is say, "Okay, you're in." the right place keeps moving now people use it in different situations, you know, it's very customizable, um, because of its duration and everything, some people when they get to max draw they want the click to be like okay, I'm ready, I'm in the place right in the direction of the moon, like it's far enough away, I have like, you know, two, three, 4 seconds to keep turning until it finally shoots, so we have a slightly different way of shooting, but it's still the same principle, so you still want to get maximum range, get up on the back wall, push and pull, continue the movement, continue aiming and then a nice surprise shot when this happens, so we get to the full draw.
Click here, click and then keep pulling, keep pulling and then it goes off and it surprises you, so all the different types of releases, um, and then there's a tension style release that I don't have. one available right now, but it's set up in a way that's great for fighting Target Panic. It's set up in a way that there aren't really any buttons or ledges or anything to make it rattle other than an internal mechanism where you push and pull and it finally snaps onto a weight set on your back wall where the mechanism releases so you're actually pushing. and pulling until you have reached 18 LBS or whatever you have set on your back wall to finally break and release, so we have the trigger style. button and then hinge, so it's kind of like the level system, if you want to look at it as a level system or any beginner tool, more advanced, very advanced, for trilling bars, this can be used a lot as a training tool , but as a beginner it is great to start with one of these, but it is also very important that you do it correctly.
Set it correctly for your hand for your anchor point. Make sure it's short. The number one problem with these that I see is that they are too long. too long and people search for them so don't be afraid to personalize it if you have one of these make sure you shorten them better in my opinion you can be too short on these because then you'll be like Wow I'm in deep here, that's a problem, but you want to have it close to where your finger is nice and relaxed at this 90° angle on this knuckle here so you can bury your finger in that trigger and have it come out of the true Stinger XT ball, a big budget release from Lancaster Archery Supply, they are the number one selling release, which is really crazy to me with all the releases they have, but it's just a good budget release, um, make sure you set it up correctly, any kind of throw you have, make sure you have good technique at this time.
I can pick any of these pitches, shoot it correctly, and shoot it well. What's the difference between the throws, obviously, the repeatability of it and the adjustability and how nice it feels, there's all kinds of things, but if you have the right form, if you execute them correctly, you can shoot them anyway. , you can shoot them all well, so, yes, the real Stinger XT ball, be sure to check it out Lancaster Archery.

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