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May 30, 2021
Wow, behind me are 61 pairs of


, mostly Nike, some Adidas. I bought them from another video on the channel that you may have seen but we have plans to


them on Amazon for a profit but we are not going to store them here in my warehouse we will ship them to Amazon using their Amazon Fba program which means fulfillment by Amazon , they will stock them, ship them to our customers and we will earn no less than 50 roi and like Between 100 and 150 roi on all these


to re


easily, follow the hustle, so in this video I will show you how we use a software called inventory lab to expedite the listing of these items and shipping them to Amazon.
how to sell nike shoes on amazon fba step by step tutorial
If you don't use software like Inventory Lab and just want to use the Amazon platform or a spreadsheet to make the list, that's fine, but be prepared to tear your hair out and it will take forever, so Inventory Labs They cost 50 a month, that's fine. It's worth it, I definitely recommend you check out pretty much the gold standard for large scale retail arbitrage and online arbitrage. Amazon sellers, enough jibbing jab, let's start scanning some barcodes. Let's do that, first things first, we have to organize all these shoes so that we can list them correctly in the inventory lab if it has the same barcode, we are going to put them together so that all the shoes that are the same shoe, the same color and of the same size have the same barcode and will be stacked together.
how to sell nike shoes on amazon fba step by step tutorial

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how to sell nike shoes on amazon fba step by step tutorial...

This way, when we go to list it, we can say quantity three, quantity 10 and then just scan a barcode and the inventory lab will print three or ten stickers. Basically, it saves us a lot of time and you don't want to list the same thing multiple times. times on Amazon, it's actually against the rules, you want to condense everything making sure you add the right amount, then we'll run it over to the computer, we're just getting started and I already have some great pro advice. For you, most of these shoes came from the Nike Factory store, but we went to Marshalls and bought some shoes from Marshalls and when we process shoes from Marshalls, there are a couple of things we have to do that are a little different from Nike, check it out A look.
how to sell nike shoes on amazon fba step by step tutorial
There, one of the problems when you buy shoes from Marshalls is that on the Marshalls receipt it doesn't say adidas Court Red and Blue Stripes Shoes, it just has a number on the receipt, that number actually matches this number on the Marshall retail label . Now the reason why it is very important is because if for some reason Amazon or a customer says that you are selling counterfeit shoes or that you are selling used shoes as new, you have to prove the authenticity or newness of the item, sales receipts retail stores. will save your butt and you should always save them, scan them and save a copy, but in the case of Marshall items the receipt just says marshalls225211175, it doesn't actually say this shoe so it won't save your app so do the what we do that is, you put the shoes like this in the box with the Marshalls label visible and then you take a photo of it and save it to your Dropbox on your Google Drive that way, if Amazon ever says that these shoes are fake. they are not new, you can give them two images, you give them the image of the Marshalls receipt and that will have the item line number that represents these shoes, you will highlight that number and then you will show them the photo of these shoes and check it, the photo will obviously show that you have these shoes and that they are new and I recommend putting them in the box like this because it also shows that you have the box, there is a barcode on the box that matches the barcode on the shoes here and the barcode on the receipt matches the Marshall's retail label there so this photo here is like more your receipt that will save your butt now also if you've ever bought shoes at Marshalls they come with the price tag and you're going to want to remove that tag price, you don't want your customer to know that these shoes were 29.99 at Marshalls when you're going to sell them for a hundred on Amazon, but Marshall's also marks the bottom. on the shoes there's a 30 in silver marker right here it just says "hey these are 30 and it's to protect them if people steal the price tags on there we'll take it off the way it comes off is with a drop of Goobie disappeared just a drop, put it on a clean rag, twist it and it will come off right away, but don't use much more than a drop because it's super greasy and will come off very quickly, so we have to take those photos for all the shoes we are selling. on


if you have 10 pairs you don't need 10 photos but we need one for each different upc code to save us in case


makes that claim fortunately we don't have to do that with all the


s because we have many more, as I said we will get to this in sometime.
how to sell nike shoes on amazon fba step by step tutorial
It's another pro tip, if you buy enough shoes and have a good relationship with the shoe stores, ask them if they give you a stack of tissue paper so that on these super torn ones you can replace the tissue paper to make it look even newer. . Present your product in the best possible way. You can already see it once you put it on and rub it, it starts to melt. It's almost ready. They are scanned and we list them on Amazon, we are going to remove this Marshall tag and it was important to leave it on until now because in my opinion this is the easiest way to keep track of what you paid for these shoes or these items are very important with an elastic band, the box is closed that way between us and the customer, including its trip through the post office, the shoes do not fall off if they fall off once, they will basically be super dirty and ruined.
I don't want them to fall in the warehouse. We use these elastic bands. No, they don't support me or pay me for this, but go get them. This is a number 33 elastic band. This is a one pound bag three and a half inches wide. 1 8 inches, I have another size, these are number 64. Don't get them, they don't work, they don't fit in a box 33 in the set. Also, I'm using the canon m50, the legit vlogging camera I have. I haven't used it for a while. I've been being a little lazy using the GoPro and my iPhone, so if you appreciate this quality of this camera compared to the recent videos, comment there and let me know, tell me to stop being a lazy ass.
Okay, time to go to town, I mean, we're going to set this up and do what we just did with Marshall's stuff, except it'll be a lot faster because we don't have to rip off price tags and we don't have to. clean the soles, some of them have these price tags on them and we just have to hit them with a heat gun to take them off. We'll hit it with some heat from the way the inventory lab works. really it would be simpler you scan the barcode that says hey is this the item you click on?
Yes, that's the item you put in your quantity, you put the price you paid, you click on your supplier, what store you bought it from, what date you bought it from. about what tax you paid, any of this information, you had all that information, then you click add to batch and you print your stickers on your thermal printer. This is the dymo 450 turbo for those of you who need to know, then you take the stickers that cover the product item barcode, the upc and then package it and send it to Amazon. Now it's a little more detailed than that.
We're almost done scanning everything and when we're done, we're going to send it to FBA, which means we're just going to hit the Review Batch button, send it to FBA, and then Amazon will accept it. Create shipments, which just means they'll say, "Hey, ship these shoes here, those shoes there, and the rest." of these items here, then we package them, weigh them, get cheap shipping from Amazon, finish everything and leave it at UPS. Now we just need to click on this little batch review button down there, boom, and you can see it shows us our breakdown.
Right here there are 21 skus 64 items, the average sales rank is 8700. The total sales value on Amazon is 6314. The total purchase cost is 2424 and our total profit for our shoe haul in the other video is 2497, which which is actually a lot. more than I estimated in the shipping video, so after you have created all your shipments and approved them all, click complete and you are essentially done with the inventory lab, it will take you to this screen with little information showing you everything you listed. where you can print labels individually from here, but now the rest of the process will be to finalize the shipment on Amazon, which is the same as if you did any other FBA shipment, but this makes the whole process very easy and allows you keeping track of your supplier, the cost of your products, your quantities, your categories you are selling, in everything, not only makes it easy for you to list and do it efficiently and quickly, but you also have incredibly extensive tracking and accounting for all your shipping, much more than Amazon wants.
To find out how many pairs of shoes you have in stock, you can find out. You can't search for it on Amazon. You want to know how many items you have listed in the clothing category. You can know it. You can't find out on Amazon. So we're done with the inventory lab. We will now head to Amazon to complete the rest of the shipping. Unfortunately, I'm not going to show you the screen recording inside my Amazon account, but I will use this camera to film parts of the screen just to show you a little bit of the process, you know how to do an Amazon Fba shipment, you know how to do the rest of this video , it's the same thing, but for those of you who don't know and still want to know, I'll show you a little, but if you're wondering why I don't give you the detailed screen recording, it's only because it would be very blurry and I don't want to do that to you to Jed, so we love Jed Jed.
She's my editor, we don't want her to have to do all that, so we're not going to do it right. You can see here that we are on the Amazon shipping queue page and you can see all of these things here. that says working on shipping, those are shipments that were just created right now through the inventory lab interacting with Amazon. Now we have to click work on the submission that is not the touch screen and then go over and just process it. You can see here, it also says how many. skus how many are shipped also tells which warehouse we will ship it to.
Another little tip I'm going to give you first is to start with the largest shipment first and try to consolidate the smaller shipments that Amazon wants you to split into there. When adjusting the quantity, you can only adjust the quantity by a very small amount. I think it's five or six units or five percent, whichever is less. I could be wrong about that, but know that you can adjust the amounts, but not too much. and it's very important because if you have to ship two pairs of shoes alone, you will pay a lot compared to being able to put those two pairs of shoes in another box with eight or ten more pairs of shoes and you will save a lot on your incoming shipping, so we are using Home Depot's extra large shoe boxes.
I have wet tape right here to start, we need a pair of Grand Court size 11 a pair of Grand Court size 12 New Balance size eight, let's take Those shoes, 22 pairs of shoes in the shipment, so make sure you have 22 pairs right in the money. Now we'll put them in the box, start with the big ones, stack them like this once you're done, tape them crosswise to hold them up. Together, always rub the tape so there are no loose ends. I'm also using three inch tape, it's much more effective than two inch tape, in my opinion, these tape guns are super cheap too, they're like 10 bucks.
I'll put a link. In the description, I really recommend you not to play with the wax tape, so that's it. Now we just have to weigh it, write the weight and write that it is box one of this shipment because it will be two boxes and we. I don't want to forget what box it is and then we'll move on, so we're on Amazon right now. This shows items that say box one that say box two because we will ship 22 items and not all. fits in one box we have to make two boxes this is the web version of the contents of the box this is where we tell amazon what units are in each box it is very very important amazon needs to know exactly what is in each box very important you can also pay Amazon 20 cents a piece to do it for you, but I don't recommend it.
Okay, box 2 is ready, it looks big but it will weigh a lot. The good thing about the shoes is that they don't weigh much, so that alone is enough. to be 23 pounds now here on Amazon in the shipping process we are going to put 23 pounds then we will click confirm and wait for you to estimate our shipping cost after you click confirm it will take you must calculate the shipping cost and show you the total boxes and pounds. They offer us 33 dollars and 80 cents to send 48 pounds for this shipment. I think we should send this to the entire country.
We will ship it to Maryland. from California, which is why it is costing us so much and also because it is a small shipment and the total weight is not much, only 50 pounds. If instead we made this shipment ofup to 500 pounds, we would pay much less per pound. Ideally, this shipment should have cost us 50 cents per pound, but we didn't ship enough. Normally we would ship much larger. In-state shipping will be much closer to 25 cents per pound, but that's assuming you can reach any kind of volume, not just a box or two, so you have to click I accept the terms and then you agree to the charges and then Amazon will give you shipping labels for your box.
In fact, we're going to print them on thermal paper right from our printer, so we're going to click here and click on the shipping date and We're going to ship them tomorrow, which is the 15th, and the thermal printer paper is selected and now we're going to press the print box labels so once you open them here you're going to press print and you're going to choose the printer that you're printing on what for me is the rolo and then you're going to press print and it should come right out of your printer there you have one two three four ready to go now there are two boxes but four labels you might be asking for why is one of them the UPS shipping label?
The other is the Amazon label that Amazon scans to know which box it is and puts them on the same side of the box, but separates them from each other so UPS workers don't accidentally do it. scan the Amazon label or vice versa, FBA label, we are very close to being done guys, now we will come here to the bottom right corner, we will click on complete shipping and we will load it in the car and leave it tomorrow, but right now we are going hit mark as shipped oh yeah, just kidding, you know I can lift at least 25 pounds, there you have it, that's how shoes are processed from retail arbitrage to ship to Amazon FBA using inventory. lab software that costs 50 a month and I highly recommend it.
It comes with a free scouting app, scoutify 2, and you can have multiple members of your team log in with your information at the same time. The best thing about scoutify 2 is that when you're browsing and you find shoes or any clothing item you want to buy, you click buy and then it stores your information, the cost of goods, your supplier, sales tax, everything, then You send yourself that file by email, upload it to the inventory lab and everything. your stuff is already populated, quick response is the name of the game, we need to invest our capital as many times as possible, so if that's something you want to check, there is a link in the description to sign up for the inventory lab, do Click here to watch the video where I actually went and bought these shoes and if you like the content, subscribe, like, share, comment on all that and I'll see you in the next video, peace.

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