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How To Self Host Nextcloud Server On Truenas Scale

Apr 22, 2024
Hello guys, welcome back to our misadventure in lab H. The plan for today is very simple, we will learn about


and I will show you how to set up your own cloud




on a true N. scalar


, whether you want store your file securely on a private Nas server, access your data from anywhere or collaborate with others, nexcloud on a true Nas


is a very good option for you, so let's get started and before moving to the installation process, It's going to be simple, I'll show you all the commands, let's try to understand why the next cloud application on a tun


is a great option for private cloud setup.
how to self host nextcloud server on truenas scale
First of all, nexcloud is an open source tool that makes it absolutely free




ed cloud platform that allows you to store, share and collaborate on a file document securely. True Scale is also a powerful free storage operating system that provides enterprise-grade features and scalability and together they extract true N-scale and nextcloud can create a reliable, free and customizable cloud solution for your personal and business needs. One of the key benefits of using nexcloud on a true Nest scale is the level of control and privacy it offers, as you


your own server in the cloud. You have full control over your data and can ensure it is stored securely on your own hardware.
how to self host nextcloud server on truenas scale

More Interesting Facts About,

how to self host nextcloud server on truenas scale...

You are in control of not only nextcloud but also the nas it


, allowing you to decide on a speed setting, snapshots of your frequency and other things, in addition to features like end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication they can more or less guarantee the security of your data but of course you shouldn't forget to patch your servers because that's very, very important no matter what security settings you apply if you're sitting there. on an outdated version, whether it's tra scale or next cloud, it can definitely cause some problems in terms of security, so let's continue on the interface and I can show you right away that the version I'm running now is on chunes 23102 scale .which is the most recent version of the TR scale at the time of recording this video, which by the way is March 1st and by the way, if you have something slightly different in the GUI, let's say in the data sets or in apps don't be scared, there is a chance that visually things will look a little different, but overall the REM functionality is the same, so I'm sure you'll be able to figure out which buttons you have to click, so first thing you do What we need to do is create a data set for our nexcloud configuration and basically we will have to create the two data sets, one will be for the internal database of our nexcloud server and the second will be for the data that we plan store in our next cloud and to do that, open the menu, click on the data sets, you have full control of how you want to form this, you can create some subdirectory and call it uh application configurations, wherever whatever, for the sake of this example. will create everything in the root directory so I choose a starting Nas and then click add data set choose the name we will start with a database so I will write nextcloud DB let's call it that if you want you can provide some Comments You don't need to change any settings for sync compression level and enable a time or anything else.
how to self host nextcloud server on truenas scale
Well, no, actually at this point we don't need to change anything simply because this will be the internal database of the next cloud that we are not planning. to share it for public use so that even the share type can remain generic, click save, wait a couple of seconds and you should have your dataset ready and the second dataset I need to create is for the next cloud data, so again We will create it in the root directory, so don't forget to change it. Click add data set. I'll call it next cloud data. If you wish, you can provide some comments.
how to self host nextcloud server on truenas scale
No need to change any other parameters except the last one, like This time, the generic share type will not work. We need to choose applications. After selecting the applications, click Save. It will take just a couple of seconds and your data set will be ready. When the data set is ready at this time, it should have two folders, one is as follows. Cloud DB and the second one is the next cloud data, but we need to make the final change by selecting the next cloud data. You need to click edit on the permissions you need to check apply owner and apply group and change this from path to wwwd in the ship about owner and also in group settings from where you can recursively apply permissions click confirm yes I understand everything and save ACL so apply the settings again it will take a couple of seconds and the permission should be up and working.
At this point, we are all set to configure our next CL cloud and we can proceed with installing the application at tra scale. You don't need to do any Yum installation or any heavy configuration management, just proceed to the applications menu here you can click on Discover Apps and we can search for the next cloud here is the next cloud so click on it and from there we can click on install, click on the blue button, click on install, wait and this time again we need to fill in a couple of parameters where we are going to use the data sets that we just created, the name of the nextcloud application it's perfectly fine, yes it is the last certificate setting, so if you want to use https instead of no certificate, choose the default value you have here. that will work perfectly fine, you don't need to change any timeout IP addresses, all you need to do is change the password, something like that which of course will be secure and no one else will be able to guess like the one I just entered , you should also check install FF mpag and install SMB client and what else Maximum upload size, all the default settings should be perfectly fine, then we continue with the storage settings and this is the place where we will use the data. sets we created previously, so we need to enable the PAAD host for the next cloud data value.
Remember the data value and we created the data set for the data, so that's the one we should choose right now. Nas home and nextcloud data simple. like that click and uh yeah, no, we don't need to add, so delete this uh and the second one is progress storage. Remember that we created a data set for the database, so enable the host panel for the progress data volume. Click Mount uh home Nas. and nextcloud database, that's it, what else? um Advanced DNS configuration escalation update policy, we don't need any of that um yeah, so we're good and click install uh, we don't need resource uh limits on the pods, we can click install and I'll warn you right away that the installation process, of course, depending on the hardware specifications that you have on this server, it can take up to 5 or 10 minutes, okay, so first of all you will see that the status is being deployed and then maybe.
In some cases, the deployment status may change to another state, but the application will still not be available. You need to take a break, take about 5 or 10 minutes, make sure this status actually shows the running status and then we'll be there. I can access the web portal so now let's take a break and give it time to install so if you see the green status running everything is perfectly fine of course you can see the workloads and what containers are running and how are. updated, but that does not bother at this stage and all you have to do is right click on a web portal and here the account name is administrator and the password is the one you entered in the installation steps of the following Cloud remember that no one You will be able to guess it and I actually entered the wrong password, but don't worry, everything is fine and this is the way you can get your own nexcloud server.
Well, we can. change the state we can customize it however we want uh you can create add new applications add users so all the following configuration is basically about the next cloud itself, not about the installation process, if you want to get some tutorials on that, let me know. in the comments if not, thanks for watching and see you in the next videos, bye.

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