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How to Self-Correct A High Hip in 60 Seconds

Jun 06, 2021
Bob and Brad, the two most famous physical therapists on the Internet. Hey guys, I'm Bob Shrum, Physical Therapist Fred, and in our opinion, a physical therapist to the most famous physical therapist on the internet, of course, but hey, we'll show you how to do it.


, that means you will do it with your hips


in 60


. This is a fairly simple process. We'll show you how to turn it. Determine whether or not you have a longer leg on one side, but if not you can do it. Don't worry, we will have other options here. It sounds like you might feel just as bright if they're a little confused.
how to self correct a high hip in 60 seconds
I am. Okay, you'll take care of it. I'll clarify this in passing if you're new to our channel, take a second and subscribe. We provide videos on how to stay healthy and pain-free and upload them every day. Also visit our website. Bob and Brad are calm because we usually do a raffle, but not the raffle. today will start tomorrow tomorrow, yes of course, go to Facebook, the giveaway will be pinned at the top of the page, you can watch it tomorrow Sunday at noon, go to Instagram, tic tac or Twitter if you want a 60 second version of our program so that many people, Brad, feel that one of their legs is longer.
how to self correct a high hip in 60 seconds

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how to self correct a high hip in 60 seconds...

Now there are three possibilities: one, they could actually have a longer leg, or two, they act as a hip or knee replacement. You have that feeling that one side is longer, but


. off and it's not okay, so okay, let's show my number three. There really weren't three, there were two tests. I don't know where I can't tell what the three are but can't you make a little change to your side air joint yeah that was the first one I know Bob that's where I could yeah your help you see you rescued me your if might be a little off, you know, it'll actually make it feel like it's longer and more correct, so let's go gold.
how to self correct a high hip in 60 seconds
At the first weigh-in, they have two tests you can do to determine if a hip is longer or not. You may not be able to do them because it's a little difficult, yes, it takes a little practice, so you know. that's why they have therapy schools and stuff, that's what keeps us in business, so the first thing you can do is just look in a mirror, if you look at a column here or a whole skeleton here, Sam looks at his pelvis here, so these are the ilium and it actually looks like their left side is a little bit


er than the right, right?
how to self correct a high hip in 60 seconds
Ah, there you have it, yes, there are, so what you're going to do is dig into your abdomen here and you're going to find the top of these bones if your leg is longer or this ilium is rotated mm-hmm, I could look longer too, so that's the first sign that you're going to go ahead and just look in the mirror, stick your hands in here and see if they're level or not if they're level you'll most likely have your legs normal, even if you have normal legs, even if you have a normal SI. I just wanted to show the viewers that here is that pelvis and here is the SI joint and if you can, Come in, what happens is you see that movement, yes, if it rotates, it appears to be higher, yes, so just, and It doesn't take a lot of movement to cause pain and discomfort, so there's a chance there's a change there.
Yeah, so we're looking at two things here, you know, not one, basically you want to


-correct because it seems high, but actually the most important reason why you might want to


-correct is because it hurts, causing pain, so the way, a purpose would do it. , Brad, if you want to go to bed real quick, well, of course, now what we can do is watch a lot of chiropractors do this and stuff, and there's Brad, the yellow one, he's got Esau. I went there? Church, who suggests that way. No, people can see very high, so anyway I'm going to put my thumb right on your ankle bones on the inner side here and look to see if they're even or not and now they seem to be pretty. even Brad, but you have to be careful because it could just change like that, yeah, and one could be longer, so there's a little bit that you have to do, that's where some practice is needed, and then he I haven't sat down and they all change If they still stay level, we're fine if one is longer and the other is shorter, after that you might have some problems with your pelvis.
I'm not going to say anything more than that, Brad, yes, if one is lying down long and long. sitting is probably all like that, so you have to have someone, yes, the second person and that's why it's not easy to do well, but you can still do the treatment and we're going to talk about it and be successful without the second person, TRUE? What we're going to do is assume that you don't know which leg is longer, but you have some problems with SI because of a long leg, so once you sit down or want to sit down, Brad, I want to do it.
I didn't want to go out. Well, what you're going to do is you're going to take a broomstick or a stick or a Booya stick and you're going to put it if you think you suspect this is. the longer leg you are going to put this under the longer leg and on top of the shorter leg above the thighs the shorter leg you are going to take it up to this, yes, from this angle it looks like this and you will have your hips in about 90 degrees, which is a right angle and all you're going to do is push down with this one while pushing up with this one at the same time.
It's isometric so you're not actually going to do any movement but you're going to count to five while you're doing it and I'm going to hold the stick around the stick you have a stick it's not going to move like it's not going to move yeah oh oh, I was going to get a cramp, okay, ready, yeah and one two three four five you're going to do that five times now what I'm looking for in this feels better this feels good you know when you do this it feels good Bob is well, I have a thing IF on the right side that gives me the problems, let's see, I thought I saw that a little before we were testing you before, let's try the other side, so now I'll put it under, maybe I suspect that this leg It's longer and this leg is shorter, let's try this one and Again, this is so you can see if you have that pelvic pain or pain YES, try it, it's like scissors with your legs, but you're right to prevent that movement.
Brad scissor legs, so it would be a new movie. well, for me neither direction creates any obvious pain or relief, well I would say this feels more comfortable even though the other creates pain, this one feels better for sure, which makes sense because it is the one I always deal with, my God. Try, I have a little bit different system, but I think it's similar in mechanics, but we want to go, yeah, the other thing you can do is write when you're done, you put 2/5 fists between your legs and yeah, and bring your legs together, this just resets the pubic symphysis how many times I would also do it five five times, hold five


, yeah, so again it's isometric ice, I imagine and those muscles connect directly to the pelvis and it makes sense that that's what it's doing.
Otherwise, you can go to Brad if you want later, once again. You can actually take one leg off the edge of the bed, like, take it off and it pulls up and you'll swing. Back and forth This is the same Which side feels better? Feel better? If not, maybe try the other one, so the other leg will come off the edge, there it does and there you know, actually, but this is one of those stretches. that people will probably benefit in one way or another, you know, it's a good stretch, it's a good strategy, yes, your hip flexor stretches, it moves in your hip, it's just really quite harmless, so I think it's a pretty safe thing to do let's say, for example, you discover that you definitely have one leg that's longer than the other, where did I put my oh here this in my pocket? oh, you have a tape measure, no, oh, let's say you find that one leg is definitely registering especially if it's now like half an inch longer, it's not very no, it's not very unusual to have one leg longer than the other, by the way , right, I find it quite often in people, maybe a quarter of an inch, sometimes a half inch, if that. about half an inch and it hurts.
I often correct it, but a long leg mile is let's say the long leg is on this side, it's the right side for sure. In fact, I would take a heel wedge, even as a test, you can cut a piece of carpet Oh, mm-hmm, it was in the shape of a heel, yes, put the heel wedge in your shoe or the carpet in your shoe e try walking with it, sure, and see if picking it up makes you more equal actually decreases your pain, right, I'll have people who generally opt for a daytime charm unless it starts to irritate them and then they take it off immediately because you don't want to force it, the other The thing is that if you have problems you DO have to make sure.
If you are sitting correctly, don't be one of those people who sits leaning to one side most of the time. I do this as a habit, yes, I like this for whatever, when I have breakfast or lunch. I'm always thin. like this and I have to I just don't know why I do that and that's why I have to do it lately I've been forcing myself to sit down, I would even wait on my cheeks 50 or 60 years for you to be better, yes, 30 years, but well, you know, What's so strange about this is that it spreads.
I forgot, so because I was doing this, I started standing up and playing golf like that and they corrected me, that's what made me correct and then I thought you're getting caught at golf. the golf diamond is like why am I standing so crooked? and it's because he was sitting crooked, yeah, we found that's a great opportunity to shape your position, oh yeah, absolutely, so give it a try, you know, we're showing you how to fix a high level. hip or also show you how to correct high hip pain and how to solve the problem YES, which is really the only reason I would treat someone's pain because you could have a high hip your whole life, your body has adapted to it and it's going to be okay, that's what they're right, you know, really the only reason to treat it like Brad said is because there's pain and remember Brad and I can fix almost anything except a broken heart, there you go, Bob , we will work on it. nothing to do with a pelvic problem no, there's just a big distance between there and yes, this video won't help you.

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