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May 30, 2021
Hey guys, what's up? Welcome back to my channel, so in today's video we're going to talk about how to combat texture. There's nothing worse than putting on a full face of makeup and then there's all this texture on your


and you can't understand why it's there because your


probably didn't look like that before you put the makeup on. The texture can't be too difficult. I feel like I've struggled with that my whole life, so yeah, I thought about it. Find out the best ways to


this from happening, so yes, if you want to learn my five steps to


texture and just make your makeup look


, keep watching.
how to prevent textured skin for smooth flawless foundation
Well, step number one is to apply an oil to your skin at night. right before bed you can use pretty much any oil you want. I love rosehip oil. I love marula oil. I love argan oil. Anything like that. Now, by applying an oil to your skin at night before bed, what it really does is really soften and hydrate. the skin overnight while you sleep, it absorbs completely, it just refreshes everything and really preps the skin and prepares it for makeup, it just leaves everything perfect and soft so you can apply your makeup in the morning.
how to prevent textured skin for smooth flawless foundation

More Interesting Facts About,

how to prevent textured skin for smooth flawless foundation...

Step number two is to exfoliate the skin. skin before applying makeup and I really can't stress enough the importance of this. A product that I have been using and loving lately is the Dermalogica daily super folium. It's like a supercharged version of the micro folium product I mentioned in a bunch of other videos, this is again a rice brand powder that is activated with water to release enzymes, but it also contains charcoal anti-inflammatories and lactic acid, all kinds of stuff that combat the signs of aging caused by pollution in the air. and things like that now what this will do is chemically and physically exfoliate, you know, all the dead skin cells and just the junk that's on your skin and it'll leave your skin so soft and perfect and just soft to apply makeup on top of. and the active skin website is actually doing a big giveaway during the month of november and they have some big prize packages and they all include these daily super folium so if you want to try it i will show the link in the description. slash, head over there to win it for free.
how to prevent textured skin for smooth flawless foundation
Step number three is to change the way you apply your products and introduce your new best friend, the Beauty Blender. I want you to start applying both your primer and


with a damp sponge instead of using brushes. or instead of rubbing products into the skin with your fingers, applying friction to the skin when rubbing


s, even when you know that using brushes to apply these products causes micro-exfoliation of the skin and will essentially create texture on that skin that was not there. Before that, what you really want to do is place a


layer of products on the surface of the skin without disturbing the skin underneath.
how to prevent textured skin for smooth flawless foundation
I hope that makes sense. I get a lot of questions from people saying I'm polishing my foundation by using it. with a brush, but I'm removing my foundation and it's just causing my skin to look very rough underneath, it's because what you're actually doing is exfoliating the skin, so apply the products gently first over your foundation, then over your foundation and concealer, and you. You will find that your skin will look much


er and with much less texture than before. This will truly change your life and I feel like this is the most important step of all.
Step number four is very similar to step number three and is all about how to apply powder, say goodbye to your big fluffy powder brushes ladies. I'm sorry, but if you have problems with the texture, these will not help you at all with your problem, a lot of swirly powders. on our faces with this move and we make the skin look incredibly rough underneath and it also removes the makeup underneath. What I want you to do is press that setting powder into your skin, so grab that same beauty sponge that you don't have. To clean it you don't have to do anything fancy, rub it in a loose translucent powder or colored powder also works and gently press it onto the skin, this will cause a really smooth flat lay without disturbing the skin underneath again. looks amazing and lastly step number five is using a setting spray applied over the top of the powder and foundation it just softens everything and makes it look like skin rather than texture on top of the skin so I tend I pretty much spray it over the top of my entire face, but if I'm still having trouble, I'll spray it on my damp Beauty Blender sponge and press it into the areas where I'm really having trouble with the texture, it will completely transform your makeup and its Your skin will look softer than ever, so that's it for today's video.
I hope you found it useful. If you have any other questions about the texture, leave them below and yes, I'll see you all in my next video, bye.

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