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HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR FREEZER LIKE A PRO // Small Freezer Organization + Freezer Storage Hacks

Jun 05, 2021
Hello everyone, my name is Sophie from a sophisticated


, welcome back to my channel. In today's video I'm going to show you how to




like a pro and it really doesn't take that much. I only ordered a couple of containers to hold everything. create categories and really understand what a mess my


is right now, so we'll get started and I'll show you what it looks like and then I'll walk you through the process and reveal the after at the end. so if you're ready let's jump right into this and I'll show you what my freezer looks like right now so to start off my freezer was pretty full and that's mainly because I went to Costco yesterday and every time I go to Costco the Lo The most important thing we buy is meat and I freeze it all.
how to organize your freezer like a pro small freezer organization freezer storage hacks
We have no problem with frozen salmon. Frozen chicken. Frozen ground turkey. Ground meat. All that. The prices at Costco are pretty good and we both like to eat meat, so I just stock up on everything. I only go to Costco once, so I don't have to go there that often, but I will say that this is the most meat I will have in the freezer at any given time. It's fully stocked and potentially a little overstocked for us, especially. When you look at it all on the counter, it looks like a ton, so I ordered three containers from the container store and I'll link them in the description box below, but I wanted to try and play with what things worked best. in them and discover how to better


the products.
how to organize your freezer like a pro small freezer organization freezer storage hacks

More Interesting Facts About,

how to organize your freezer like a pro small freezer organization freezer storage hacks...

It's becoming very difficult to breathe. I feel the pressure, so this is really frustrating because I always try to separate and cut all my Costco chicken breasts and meat products before freezing them. just because the margin of error is very


between the two packages and if you freeze it first and then try to cut it later sometimes the way it freezes it's very difficult to get the scissors between them so I would definitely recommend cutting and then freezing yes I haven't tried frozen salmon from Costco. I would definitely recommend it, it's one of our favorites.
how to organize your freezer like a pro small freezer organization freezer storage hacks
We both really like salmon and honestly, it's something I would probably even serve at a dinner party. You can't really tell it's frozen salmon and it's great. lately nothing is going my way lately nothing is coming my direction always keep a tough part of refrigerator and freezer


running as quickly and efficiently as possible because you definitely don't want to keep those doors open for too long because you don't want


food be exposed to normal air temperature but you also, of course, want to save as much energy and electricity as you can and realize, as you'll see, with my smoothies I ate them in a slightly shorter container and I wanted to test if they fit better in one of old containers, but this short container was the only container I had in my last freezer, so this concept of using containers to organize my freezer is definitely new to me, but this short.
how to organize your freezer like a pro small freezer organization freezer storage hacks
In fact, it works great in a place in the freezer that has a light behind it where I can't put the long containers like they fit on any other shelf and I like to make some pre-packaged smoothies, especially this smoothie that I really like, I'll share it with you on my next smoothie video, but it has pumpkin and it's tricky to measure when it's already frozen, so I measure it when I cook it and then freeze it right away. in those freezer bags and I'm hoping to get more


bags or reusable silicone ziploc type bags so I don't have to waste so much with ziploc bags but I don't have them yet, I hope to get them at some point but I'll link the


bag in the box description below because the one I have I always use for frozen bananas and I love it.
You can put it in the dishwasher. It's great, so I don't have a ton of frozen vegetables, but I do. I want a separate container just for frozen vegetables because I always have some on hand and it will leave me a little room to grow, so I have a lot of frozen fruit and I've always loved putting frozen fruit because they come in such big bags in the bottom of the freezer in that pull out drawer, so that's what I'm going to do now and fill it with all my fruit, don't mind me while I hide a blueberry that I spilled while we were playing without a clue, oh you sleep, I had to convince you, so the last thing , but definitely not least, it's the freezer door and here I just have some butter, that pesto that I really like from Costco and then I have some individual packages of frozen grapes, honestly, something like that.
An impulse buy, I probably won't buy them again so once they are gone this place will probably be empty and at the bottom I have all my ice pack labels, they are always the finishing touch and I always get questions about where to get them . my labels and I actually make them myself so if you are ever interested in a custom label set be sure to contact me at sophisticatedorganization and we can always talk about a custom label set for you but I think the labels I totally put this freezer together, it looked organized with the containers, but the moment I put those labels back on I stepped back and looked at everything, I'm in love with it so if you've been following me on Instagram or YouTube for a time.
Although you know I like to use the freezer as much as possible, especially for meal prep, and you'll see that now I only have one meal left in the freezer and it's in that aluminum foil casserole dish and in that place I can easily stack one or maybe even two. More dishes on top, but I also have space right next to my vegetable bin for other


er frozen meals or any small items I need to put in there, so this freezer definitely leaves me a little room to put a little more. articles there it's all or nothing you and me stuck in the ocean now nothing but waves in this building and I want to dry off but also keep going don't do it I don't even know how we got here. the reasoning is gone i want to bury the hatchet and find my way back to our house our house our house we are fine everyone the freezer is officially organized just took a couple of containers some labels and then create different categories and a place for each type of food in the freezer so if you like this video make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel for more hit the notification bell.
I have a lot more spaces to organize in my new apartment, so stay tuned and I'll see you next time. you later

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