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How to organize your art and craft room on a budget

Jun 02, 2021
Hello, welcome back. I'm Noreen Burke, owner of Call Clutter Fairy Home Organizing and this is my YouTube channel, the




r. Today I want to show you how I





and art supplies on a


. I want to show you some of the things that work really well for me and then work with you to show you some things that need to be changed and show you the process I go through to get there. I'm testing microphone number three. I know my sound qualities have really been There has been a problem lately, so I hope today's microphone works better if you have experience in filming and have some suggestions.
how to organize your art and craft room on a budget
Oh my goodness, leave them in the comments below, but let's start here, the first area I want to talk about and you know it. I film here so this is my office so you'll be able to see how things are set up because as soon as I'm done showing you things I'm going to go ahead and make the picture where you'll see me speaking so stop. I jump right in here, although the first thing I want to talk about is how I organize my paper scraps and my 12 by 12 paper, so I did a video earlier on how I set up this system, but let me go over it real quick, this storage container.
how to organize your art and craft room on a budget

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how to organize your art and craft room on a budget...

This is how I store my scrapbook paper and cuttings and this has been a blessing to me. I had tried many different systems. This one worked better. It's just a plastic container and I left the label on so I could show you how it works. is, but it's the Sterilite ultra latch, it's 30 quarts and the dimensions are 18. I can't see that 18 by 12 by basically eleven and a half, so I don't use the lid, but what I like about this one is that it has the handles to carry it is a little heavy. I'd say it probably weighs 2025 pounds about the same as a large bag of dog food, so if you're struggling with heavier stuff I might suggest stepping down on something. a little smaller but I don't lift it very often.
how to organize your art and craft room on a budget
I have it on a shelf that I can go to and just go through to get the papers that I want, but what I like about this is that let's say, for example, what I want to look for. a blue piece of paper to work on. I can immediately see what scraps I have before cutting into a full sheet, which is very nice, so if I know I want this paper, I'll check to see if I have one that matches and I end up saving a lot of paper that way, but also which is easy is that I can take it out and these are just 12 by 12 scrapbook page protectors and the three ring area that would go on the binder book is where I just put a little label and these I just taped on with shipping tape, so it was a super easy thing and then when it comes to putting a piece away, I can quickly slide it in, so I leave my opening, which is the top, this is the orientation it has. normally it would go, but I'm turning it on its side so the longest part is where my tags will go and the opening is on the side, this keeps my cutouts clean.
how to organize your art and craft room on a budget
I know you're going to ask, yes, but


scrapbook paper, right? It gets wet with humidity and doesn't get dirty, not really. I have been using the system for about 18 months and I am very happy with the way it works, so if you have a lot of scrapbooking paper and have a lot of scraps give the system a try. I think it would also work for eight and a half by eleven, but then you could probably change the directions and arrange them this way and have a lot more space, which is how I store my scrapbook paper.
I want to talk about some. Different storage solutions for you. I use a lot of different ones so one of my favorites are magazine holders and yes they are great for magazines but I also use mine to hold smaller things. These were some I bought a long time ago. I don't like the color so I spray painted them silver and I'm about to take them out and spray paint them again to make them more cohesive but at the time this worked for me as you can see I have these. Short magazine holders broken down to hold my glue gun when I'm not using it.
Live here. I have many small chalkboard plaques and stickers and I also have my chalkboard paints. I keep them all together right here. I have my 5 by 7 paper pads and they work fine here as well as my six by six paper pads and then I save the software my new computer doesn't have a CD-ROM, they have gone completely online so they all They will have to disappear. Unfortunately I'm going to delete it, but magazine holders are great for a variety of things and I use them a lot for stencils here. I have my labels together. I keep my leaf guards in one of my all-around small polythene bags, which I'm on the verge of.
To show you, I keep them inside this box so that when I need them I can take out the size I need and I keep them all inside a larger bag so they are accessible. I use polythene bags for my little ones as I buy small packages most of the time they already come in a sticky bag. I don't worry about the bees falling off if I'm too worried. I can fold it with a little tape, but most things stay inside if I buy something that is not in almost all of these or its original bag, but every now and then I come across something that is loose.
I buy these polythene bags and they come in all kinds of sizes and they're usually ridiculously cheap but I'll put those things in a bag, I don't even worry about labeling them and really, if I'm looking for something, I'm not kidding, I throw them away, I quickly look for what that I have and I like to stop by here often just to see what I have here and often what's here gives me inspiration again, but as you can see the clean up is very quick there are those flowers that I just used to make my cards, so this is what I do with all my stems, this all works great and I can access them quickly.
I also use a jar for my small ribbons and then for my larger ribbons I just bought a tension rod and I bought it from Daiso or the dollar store, I'm not sure which but I bought a tension rod that would span the part of my bookshelf and my bookcase is 36 inches and works great. I liked the visual look of it so I chose the ribbons that showed up best and then the additional ribbons that didn't fit the visual gun were the ones I was looking for or didn't fit the size because they are too big.
I have an extra box down here that has all my tapes and reels of extra stuff, now you can You've seen this if you've been watching me for a while, but this little shoe box has been magical, let me show you. This is a shoe box I bought from Daiso and it's narrower than a traditional shoe box so I really liked it for different storage solutions but I went to the dollar store and bought several salt and pepper shaker sets and then grabbed all the glitters I had and I just poured them into the salt and pepper shakers.
Guys, this has been an awesome solution too. If you buy the small glitter sets, I only keep the little stamp packets because they are very small and they go right into the corner here and then I also have a couple of these random sets and I keep them even when they are empty because they fit very nice inside my shoe box and I can access the colors when I want them and you may not be able to see them in the video but you can easily see what colors are inside the jars, this keeps things very tidy. and accessible, my kids use this all the time and again they don't, they don't do a great job of cleaning, but they follow this.
I also make sure to use one of these systems so that every time I'm glittering something I put a big piece of scrapbook paper underneath it, I'll put glitter on it and then I'll take the piece of paper and I'll tap it on this because it has a little funnel and I love that because then I can open the glitter jar tilt it in I always have a brush on hand and I can go ahead and sweep all the rest into the jar and my cleanup is super easy this just lives on a shelf so let me show you how I put it. so when it's time to put it away, it goes into the back corner and the shoe box is narrow enough on this shelf to fit right in front and no one would know what's behind it.
This is another one of my favorites, grab two cookie sheets. I flip one upside down and use a binder clip to keep it closed when I'm working on a project and want to put it away. This has been my favorite tip. I can remove the binder clips right away and all the supplies I needed for that project and this is a sample of what I'm working on, everything is contained inside, it stays organized, it stays together, it stays dust free and I can stack them back up to to be able to go ahead and work on multiple projects and know what they are, I use a dry erase marker so I can erase this and then go ahead and write it again, so I'm going to help you write it now, this is what you guys are going to work on with me today, this is my Project to make my missile, yes, and it is a mess, so every time I find something new in the stores I put it here or I have leftovers that I have often and I don't want to get rid of them because I know they will they can use again.
I put them in this little basket, which is great, it means they have a home, but this fills up pretty quickly and I have another box right here that I've called miscellaneous and it also becomes a scary catch-all. mysterious things, so I'm going to show you how I classify these things and make sense of them real quick. The first thing I'm going to do is start emptying this box and again it fills up with all kinds of various things. I don't know if you guys do this. This was a box I received with candy in it and I loved that it broke so I kept it to use as a template forever and I've actually used it many times. so leave me a comment below if you do that with the boxes once you get them, if you are an avid crafter you know we keep everything because we have multiple interests.
I never really know what I'll need or what will inspire me. real quick, I'm going to start splitting up and putting like with like, so I'm automatically going to put all my floral things together here so they're together. I'm going to keep putting my notions together, oh velcro, so that goes with Notions: I have a lot of foam core left over. I'll store it with my main foam core and just create my scraps in a ziploc bag so I don't have to cut something up when it's new. I also seem to have a lot of small magnets, so they will go alone in a bag.
I had some miscellaneous scrapbooking supplies that I didn't know were here, so I'm going to keep them together. I don't have a scrapbooking box. more, so I'm going to put them on my cards or these little things that I'm going to put in my little jar. This is me being Noreen. I took something apart and obviously got rid of it, but I took the little pull off because it has a place for a tag and I obviously think it's cute, so I have more magnets. Now I have a couple of miscellaneous things, so I'll put them aside until I can figure out what to do with them, okay? and why I think we can leave.
I don't know what I was thinking with that. I already have a box of templates. This is for my drawer pulls when I make new ones, but I can also put my other templates on. Here too so things are together, so I'm just going to fold it and put it inside and now this can sit on my shelf and while I'm looking at the templates again, I could pull it out. I also have these extra. label holder and that's what I used on my scrapbook sheets. These came from something that was already done. I think they came with my magazine holder boxes.
I bought them but didn't want to use them, so I'll save them and put them up. inside with my box of labels so that if I need to label something again I already have them together. I probably saved this just for the can, but let's find out what's inside. Flores, it's my fault, oh I know you guys feel me on this. I love buying things. and then I forget, so I'm going to pull them out so I remember seeing them. I obviously wanted the tin as a gift, so okay, I'll keep the tin, but I'll put them in with my card making stuff.
I have them available when I want to do a similar project with this little cutie. I remember going to a woman's garage who used to be a stamping protester and she had a lot of fun scrapbooking stuff and she was selling her supplies because she had so many per bag per brown paper bag for $5.00 per bag. I never felt as Rockefeller as I think I bought five or six bags and got so many things, so a lot of this came up when I did that sale and again. I'm going to put all of this together with card making and scrap booking.
I bought this for a pumpkin one year because it's our menu, but I never ended up doing anything with it. I have a sticker box so I'm going to add that in my sticker box the correct categories are broken down so this is what we have. I have a lot of sewing materials and notions like hook and loop and elastic, so I'm going to keep all of that together. I had a lot of floral wires with different gauges and I'm going to go ahead and put them together. I have a lot of floral tape and then some foamand some moss, so I'll keep them together as a category.
I like to do little. Take out cards and scrapbooks, you know, the kind that you fold into an accordion and put inside, so I really like to keep these types of containers, so I'm going to go ahead and create a sort of scrapbook section. scraps so these things can be put together and then I have what is genuinely miscellaneous, these are upcoming projects or items that I just need here and there and they don't go with anything else, so I'm going to keep my miscellaneous box, it always works for me well and when I put it on I put things away quickly.
I can put it in the miscellaneous box if I'm not sure where to keep it. It keeps things clean and tidy and lets me know where to get them, but I have to be more diligent and check this every six months so things don't get lost and I don't forget. the supplies I have. To start making cards, this goes with my other foam core. I'm going to label this because that's what it's for and when I come up with a project, I'll remember it now that I have these cute little labels. supports to use and then these are things that I have decided to let go if I ever need to make a cardboard support.
I certainly have enough cardstock. I can create another one of these, so keeping this doesn't serve me in the same way. I don't have the style anymore, I probably got it from that big scrapbook sale. I'm going to let it slide and then these were file folder holders that I thought would probably look cute with a scrapbook page or card. I haven't used them and I've had them for years so I'll go ahead and let someone else use them, then I have my little magnets and I think that's it so it went bad very quickly. Now I'll show you how I keep them all inside. from my box here, so this will just be my miscellaneous and the projects I have ahead.
I'm not going to tell you what it is, but these are some of them, those boxes are some of them, those will go in my next project box so ready for magic, this is what we have. I put them all in gallon ziplock bags and these aren't even the real Ziploc brand. These are the ones I buy at Dollar Tree, but they work great with breaking down supplies and categories, so now that they're here, I took a manila file folder and cut it up a bit and as you can see, I even used used folders so I could put them in right on top and this helps them get up and slide the box so I'm going to show you what's inside and I'm going to put them in the box and I'm going to show you what the box looks like so all my wires and these are the floral wires.
I also use some of these. to craft this is fishing wire, but I have all my wires here, the little containers we talked about, I put them inside the magnets and I know you're going to think why did you use such a big bag for something so small if I keep them consistent , it will be easier to find them inside the box, but it also helps me if I get more supplies to have a space available to put those things inside this and that category is probably the most full bag, but there are so many. randoms there I have my rubber bands a bag of pens these were the leftovers from when I took apart the soda cans when I made my vinyl storage I don't know if I will use them or not but they have a home and those are also inside their own little bag inside my bamboo skewers, so this really is just a random bag of this and that, but when I move the crafting around, I know they're in my miscellaneous box.
I come here all the time and what happens is I have to search through the entire box to find them now I can just pull out this and that and have access to my supplies. I needed a bigger bag. This is a two and a half large size storage bag and again this comes from the Dollar Tree. I think you get five of these in the box and this is a really good size so if you have something that is a twelve by twelve project that you are working on for scrapbooking or small sewing projects this is the perfect size for that, so this one I'll have to fold it a little bit, but I still have my queen tag manila folder and then the last one I have is my floral supplies.
Try to get the air out a little if you can, so it doesn't take up extra space. but you can see I have these set up bulky and they're going to work fine. This was a big box from IKEA that I bought a long time ago. This is the Tina line and unfortunately they have discontinued the blue one that I liked so much. I still have them available in other colors, so just because I'm super weird I'm going to go ahead and quickly sort them alphabetically so that when I'm looking for something I can just swing by and see how much space there is still left.
There you are guys, now I can quickly jump in, find the item I want, be able to pull it out, access it and drop it again. Thanks for joining me today as I broke down my miscellaneous stuff that ended up being great when it was all done. I am very happy with the way it works. Now I had forgotten I had some of those supplies, so I'm excited to start some new projects with them for the rest of this weekend. Leave me a comment below. Let me know which one. These tips worked best for you and you can try them in


own space and if you have a different technique, share it with your fellow crafters.
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