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How to Make the Worlds Best Fettuccine Alfredo Cooking Italian with Joe

May 01, 2020
Hello guys, welcome to my kitchen, today we have a great day. Today we are going to




, one of my favorite Italian dishes, butter cream cheese, absolutely one of my favorite recipes and one of my favorite memories of Italy and my aunt. My aunt's recipe, so I reproduced that recipe for you today, so I'm very excited to share it with you. That being said, let me go over some ingredients again. Not that this isn't a low calorie recipe by any means, okay guys, but it's something you can have occasionally. the house with your family is absolutely delicious so with that being said we're going to start with two cups of heavy cream we have a pound of 100% Italian semolina flour


okay and that's going to be the dry pasta so I'm going to talk about that a little bit we have a quarter cup of onion 2 cloves of garlic a pinch of nutmeg absolutely delicious you know, when I share nutmeg with you many times people get a little nervous about nutmeg, we don't add nutmeg, so De fact, you can try the nutmeg, what we're actually doing is adding nutmeg to enhance the flavor of the cheese because Alfredo will be filled with a lot of cheese, which we'll talk about, we only have two egg yolks. and we have half a cup of parmesan and half a cup of Romano cheese and we have a stick of butter, we're going to use a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, etc., so let me show you how to get started and


absolutely delicious discs, okay, said This, let me light the fire.
how to make the worlds best fettuccine alfredo cooking italian with joe
Now I have a bigger pan here, so let's start mixing this. It's so simple that we want to create a base for all Alfredo. Okay, so we're going to take some olive oil, now we're going to make enough sauce for a pound of pasta, so we're going to coat the bottom with olive oil and we're going to do that because we want to incorporate. our onion and our garlic and the onion and garlic will give your base flavor now some tips that when you cut your onion you want it to be very small because you don't want a big piece of onion in your


sauce so cut it or minson if you want to do the same thing with the garlic and now what you're going to do is let this heat up and you're going to go a little bit beyond the sweat, the sweat.
how to make the worlds best fettuccine alfredo cooking italian with joe

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how to make the worlds best fettuccine alfredo cooking italian with joe...

It means that it will give off some of its moisture, but you have to go a little further, as I say, almost to the point of caramelizing or caramelizing, because remember that when you caramelize something, it will remove the sugar, so it brings out a different flavor, a deeper flavor okay guys welcome back if you take a look here what I want you to see we went beyond the sweat stage when you hear they're just giving off moisture and what they're What you'll notice is that the garlic and onion, if you press them, they're more than soft, they're very soft because again, when you put them in your Alfredo, you don't want to bite into them like a strong onion or something like that. raw or should not even feel crispy.
how to make the worlds best fettuccine alfredo cooking italian with joe
The second thing, the reason we do this technique is that all the flavors of the onion and garlic will be infused into the oil and the oil will become part of that sauce, so you will have some wonderful flavors now we want to start enriching this, okay, so we're going to add a little bit of butter, so this is unsalted butter and you know, the reason you want to use unsalted is so you can control the salt better. I'll tell you in Many of these dishes, when you start using Parmesan Romano cheese and other ingredients, they are packed with a lot of salt, so the concern is that sometimes it may taste too salty, so I always salt with a pinch and then I add If we need it, then I'm going to start melting this okay guys what we need to do here is the butter has just finished melting so we want to let you know my advice always use fresh pepper when possible , so I'm going to hit about 12 cranks of this thing, get some freshly ground pepper and again we'll get some flavor from that, not from that, so that'll be great.
how to make the worlds best fettuccine alfredo cooking italian with joe
The second thing we want to do is add a little bit of salt, so again I use Gray Sea Salt, you'll notice it's saltier, it's not as salty so to speak, it's a process salt, so we'll use about half a teaspoon or so. maybe a little more and we'll mix it up. I'm going to add a little bit of nutmeg so the nutmeg we just want to sprinkle on it now there's a reason why I do it in this order once it's all mixed in there your pepper you're not Megg your salt your garlic your onion your butter and you have all that flavor infused within that olive oil that bathes the olive oil, then we want to add the alcohol, okay, and the alcohol again will allow some of those other flavors to come out, so we'll add about a third of a cup of White wine, oh that smells good and you'll see a low boiling point so you'll see the alcohol just starting to bubble so mix it in now.
We don't want to add cream until the alcohol burns off. because a lot of times alcohol can curdle the cream, so you don't want to, obviously you don't want to do that, and you see how it started to make a sauce, it's getting a little thick and that nice. Oh A smell here is absolutely delicious, so that's the base of your Alfredo and now it becomes very easy. Now we're going to add our cream and once I have the cream, that's where I'm going to put the pasta because we're running. lower about eight ten minutes before this dish is ready, so once you stop the bubbles, you'll see that the alcohol is fine, so we can safely put the cream in now.
My advice, when you add the cream, just add it. slow and we have two cups of heavy cream here, okay, when the cream starts to bubble, now what we're going to do is get some of that moisture out of the cream. Okay, guys, welcome back. What I want to do is show you a little bit of information about fettuccine, so what we have here is a fettuccine, this is a hard flour, this is semolina flour and that is a specific variety of wheat that gives it a hearty flavor. err, it has a much higher protein content for flour and what you will notice is that real Italian fettuccine from the aisle or real Italian pasta will go through what they call brass dies and they won't go too crazy here, but you will notice that it has almost like if you look at it like frosted glass, it has that little extra almost like an unpolished surface and you want it because what the Italians want to do is have a little bit of edge to the surface of the pasta, so when it's cooked and you take it out, it gives the surface of the sauce to adhere to, so that's what's really important, it's very important for Italian, so when you get a high quality pasta and you're looking for something specific, maybe for a special occasion, you want to spend a little extra money, that's why you always want to get that kind of pasta right now, you want the water to boil vigorously, which is what we have and we're I'm going to add the pasta now, some people will tell you to add butter or oil to the pasta when you're


it, but it's not a good idea because what that does is seal in the porous nature of the pasta and won't allow salt or different flavors to get into the pasta, so just boil it quickly and then when you take it out, you can always add a little bit of butter or a little bit of oil if you need to, in this case we're going to go. right from this pan to the other pan okay you know see how this bubbles up so this starts to thicken and you notice when I draw it you see how it starts to thicken a little bit it just sticks to the bottom of the pan oh. that's beautiful, watch it turn out, then it will be a nice thick sauce and that's what you want, you don't want a watery sauce because if you have a watery sauce it won't stick to the pasta right, you want it to stick to the pasta almost like a thick sauce and you have the onion, the garlic and my aunt used to make pasta alfredo all the time and I'll tell you her sauce was delicious so a couple of secrets if you want sauce once she always cooked it , as I'm showing you, will always add an egg, but the general rule of thumb is about 1 egg yolk per 1 cup of cream and 3 will always add a pinch of nutmeg, which we did And again, you won't taste the nutmeg just like You won't taste the wine in this dish, but it just enhances the flavors of all the other ingredients, which is delicious, so what I'm going to do now is I've got two egg yolks, so I'm just going to take a fork and I'm going to cream it. if you want, and while that's nice and creamy, so nice and creamy, the egg yolk is now what I want to do.
To take the yolk, it's warm now so I don't want to pour it all in, it will curdle and cook right there. I want to stir it and slowly drizzle it with the cream like that, what's going to happen is no. sometimes it's not cooked, you can try tempering it, in this case it's a very small amount and now it will be completely incorporated into the cream, absolutely delicious, it thickens, it gives you that beautiful alfredo flavor. I'm going to check that. our pasta here while that's done and again we're going to let this become a bubble so you're going to let your Alfredo sauce become a bubble and here with the pasta what you want to do is see how a couple of I don't know if you can understand it, you see how they stick together, that's the great thing about a pasta fork, but you always have to make sure you're paying attention because you don't have a bunch of pasta.
We're not going to cook, so stir it up if any of that sticks, use that fork, you'll break it up beautifully and again you'll have eight to ten minutes, all Dante means hard or semi-hard if you want, so it's going to mean it's chewy, you want it, you want to take a bite out of the pasta, you don't want it mushy and the other reason you want to have the pasta water very hot is remember that pasta is essentially flour and water, so if you mix the pasta and the the water is not hot, what will happen is it starts to make the pasta mushy because it has to cook longer, so like if you brown something, you almost brown the pasta, that's what you're doing, so Guys, if you look right here you see how nice and creamy it is.
I added the egg and again you won't even really taste like an egg, but it gives you that thickening consistency. The whole smell is absolutely delicious. Very creamy. Now the


part is we're going to add our cheese so we have a half heavy cup here if you want of Parmesan and we have a heavy cup of Romano so remember the Romano is going to be from the goat cheese and you're going to get a creamier texture with the parmesan. The parmesan is much creamier now that it's warm, it's not hot, it's almost on the verge of being hot, so we're going to mix this up and that's threaded into the cheese and I'm going to let it cook until it's creamy until the cheese loses its shape.
You see how the cheese starts to lose its shape and when it loses its shape, it essentially ends up as a child. I always share these stories, but I don't care. what was the event you always ate something you know to make yourself feel better so he passed away if something good happens it's great if he had to fight with the school if you lost your lunch box I don't care what the situation was. my mother or my grandmother would always be there to sit and give you some homemade delicacies, wonderful, wonderful, beautiful memories and that's why I love sharing this with you.


way to make a friend is to throw a nice plate of fettucini alfredo in front of them. I'll tell you, I don't care who they are, so our sauce is ready, it's absolutely perfect, so stir it in and keep stirring. I like to keep it really hot before I put the pasta in there and if you find that it's a little thick, in this case we won't run into that situation, but if you ever find that it's a little thick, you never want to add water to anything, so that you will always ask that you always add water to the pasta because it already has a lot of starches and the flavor of the fettuccine from your homemade pasta is different, you know, you make a homemade pasta, it cooks faster, it is not as long-lasting in the sense of its flavor, it's not as rich in the sense of its texture, but it's much more porous, so where a homemade pasta is going to absorb a lot more nutrients and certainly a lot more flavor, you'll find that homemade pasta is often used traditionally in different dishes.
Hard pasta. Oh beautiful or often used in a simple sauce. Well guys, here we go. I'm not going to lie to you. I've been testing the fettuccine as it cooks, so I'll take it off the heat. I'll put it right next to my sauce and you can strain it. but in this case I'm just going to use that pasta fork and I want to stir it quickly here because I don't want it all to stick together, so okay and I'll get about half a pound more out of there, so Wow, look at that. I'll just tell you the pasta.
If you listen to some of my other videos that are right on our website on our YouTube channel, which is


up a talent show, you'll see that, oh, that's beautiful. the pasta will stand on its own, so the flavor of the pasta itself, just if it doesn't have anything in it, should taste very, very good, so when I make at home any pot that I wanted to add egg to, it certainly gives It's a lek stress exemption, so the recipe that I gave you will give you a good enough sauce for a good pound of pasta.
In that, oh, that's good because with this type of sauce or an alfredo, you'll see that you're going to put this pasta on a plate, you're going to add a little bit of sauce to it and it's actually going to bring a little bit of sauce. so we're ready, so I'm going to put this on one of our platesbig, it's good to serve and it's going to be amazing, okay guys, look I just took it out of the pan, okay, so let's do a couple of things. top it with a little bit of cheese and you'll top each plate with a little bit of cheese as well, and then to finish it off you'll say parsley, which gives it almost like a beautiful Hennis, almost like a hint of citrus. okay and then I'm going to go a little deeper here and put some on a plate, so when you put it on the plate I like that if you put parsley on top you'll get a couple of green bits. there right away and again you'll top it with just a pinch of fresh cheese and maybe another just a pinch of parsley hoho oh it's so amazing or what this reminds me of my aunt right here boy I'm home look.
In that, okay, just the flavors, just to smell the onion, the garlic, I'm not going to lie to you, my mouth is watering, so you know, I'll show you how to be a real Guinea. Wait a second, let me take this. how the royal guineas do it here, you take that spoon, you put it there, okay mmm, my goodness, that's absolutely delicious, you know, the cream, the butter, the onion, the garlic, the olive oil, the wine , the egg, that pinch of nutmeg, my goodness, guys. I will tell you that it is an absolutely phenomenal recipe, without a doubt, to share with your family, your friends, you can prepare it for a formal gathering, you can make it something simple or something to share on a nice cold day like today, thank you for allowing me to share my inheritance. my traditions with you, don't forget to like our Facebook to receive weekly updates on videos and recipes and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube every time we publish a new recipe or a new video, you will receive an email and a notification.
Don't forget to visit our website, we have all kinds of great materials and products to sell, including our olive oil. In the meantime, guys, enjoy our recipes, enjoy time with your friends and family. Enjoy.

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