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How To Make Steamed Dumplings Completely From Scratch

May 31, 2021
Do you want to hear something sad no, well I'll tell you anyway, not everyone can experience something I like to call a life-changing dumpling moment, yeah, let's change that today, okay then,


mass, there is a right way and a wrong way. approach them and I'm not talking about takeout gyoza where you get a sauce that would be like a fried dumpling essentially there's nothing wrong with them totally respecting them but one of my favorite ways to eat


is just a typical .


dumpling with chili oil and dipping sauce or both, usually both, we're not wasting time here, okay, we're making our own dough, we wrap them and steam them ourselves, you know, no There is nothing better than enjoying a good hot


meal. dumpling dipped in sauce and it's dripping with chili oil and it's like I have to stop brewing that way because every time I do it, my mouth starts watering and then I can feel the slime going cold on the front out of my mouth and I feel like I'm just spitting all over the place on that note, let's do this, okay?
how to make steamed dumplings completely from scratch
Like I said, we're making our own dough, so let's do it first so it has time to rest. Start by measuring three cups or 400 grams of all-purpose flour into a large bowl, add one teaspoon or seven grams of fine sea salt until evenly incorporated. Now add three-quarters cup or 216 grams of boiling water. Yes, I hot it. Mix that with a wooden spoon until you get a rough dough and then start kneading it until it comes together, remember I have asbestos hands in restaurants so be careful not to burn yourself, it should be cool enough to handle once you've Added the flour and mixed a little, but just be careful, you may need to.
how to make steamed dumplings completely from scratch

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how to make steamed dumplings completely from scratch...

Add a little more water, about a tablespoon at a time, and then once a dough forms, continue to knead it for five minutes until smooth. Remember that master class commercial where they say this is the passport to brilliant Italian dishes. Yeah well now this is the passport to Excellent Chinese Dumplings, think about it now, once the dough is nice and soft, go ahead and shape it thickly with a two C disc, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest at room temperature. environment for one hour. While it rests, we can


our fillings. So first you will cut and chop a quarter head of napa cabbage, but before doing so, remove about five or six of the outer leaves and set them aside.
how to make steamed dumplings completely from scratch
You'll need that top secret information that you'll discover later, but Yeah, you know, go ahead and cut that quarter off, then put it in a bowl and season it generously with salt, not too much, it shouldn't be too salty when you taste it and squeeze it out so it's soften and If they bruise, they should release a good amount of liquid, drain half of that liquid and then add a bunch of thinly sliced ​​green onions, a pound of ground pork, at least 20 percent fat, already You know, the fatter the ground pork, the better, think of it like this the fattier, the juicier, the juicier the dumpling, it's good, don't be scared, so you're going to add three cloves of freshly grated garlic, a two-inch or five-centimeter piece of peeled and grated ginger, one tablespoon or 14 grams of soy sauce, and 1.5 teaspoons or eight grams of kosher salt, mix all of that together until evenly incorporated, then wrap it up and let it sit in refrigerator until ready to use.
how to make steamed dumplings completely from scratch
You can do this up to two days in advance so you know, keep that in mind. sometimes a little marinade is good, okay, we're almost there, now we just need to roll out the dough, so first cut the dough into four even pieces, you know, quarters. Now you can cheat in two different ways. The first is to use a rolling pin. the old fashioned way and then roll it into a sheet about an eighth of an inch thick, you know it works and all, but I discovered a better way to do it: the combination of two totally separate crops, a pasta sheeter, works almost at the same time. perfection. making the dough as thin and uniform as you need it to be, plus it reduces production time and generally just


s life easier, so know that the link for this will be in the description, so to use it, take one of your quarters of dough, oh, wait for the In fact, cover the unused dough with a damp towel or an upturned bowl so it doesn't dry out while we do this, you know, that would be very sad, wouldn't it anyway take that quarter of dough and then flatten it? into a rough rectangle about half an inch or a centimeter thick, then roll it through the pasta roller on the thickest setting, lightly dust it with flour and roll it through a thinner notch, dust it again and roll it through another thinner notch until you reach to setting number six or until the dough is so thin you can see your hands through it.
Yes, very thin, it shouldn't break, although it should have good strength, just make sure you handle the dough carefully as if it were here. don't break it, then cut that long leaf into thirds just to make it a little more manageable. Now just use a three and a half inch or nine centimeter circle cutter or you know, a cookie cutter to cut circles out of the dough, now you can make balls. pick up that leftover dough and reuse it just make sure you let it rest first you know I know people are going to ask about the leftover dough that was left you know you can still use it so now we can shape our dough balls it's time for the first thing sea ​​We'll need to add a little bit of padding to all the centers of the wrappers that we have here.
I like to shape the meat into an egg shape so that it fills the dough ball more evenly when it takes shape. This takes some practice. First, you will take the meat filled wrapper and lightly spread water around the edge of the dumpling just to help seal, then fold it like a taco, but only adhere the center point of the taco shape, leaving two ends


open , it's very, very important, we're only going to pleat one side of this dowel, now let's go ahead and start from the left of the center point. Alright, let's slow this clip down.
Now use your index fingers to help you fold the top of the cue. dumpling dough towards the center, fold and pinch down, repeat this process away from the center seam until you have three evenly spaced folds and then go ahead and seal that side so you have now pleated the left side of the dumpling , now you just need to repeat the process on the other side, one point I want to make is that you know you are doing this correctly when one side is


smooth and then the other side is fully pleated, that's pretty much the gist and that That's what you're going to do what I said.
This will take some practice. You're not going to be perfect the first time, but I guarantee that by the end of this you're going to be pretty good at it. Repeat this with all your dough balls by placing the finished ones on a tray generously dusted with flour. I recommend only working with a quarter of the dough each time you make this so the dough doesn't dry out after cheating on whatever you make. Don't let the dough dry out, so keep in mind that this process is great to do with a group of people because it's fun and also makes it go by even faster when you have more than one person doing it.
Also quick shout out to my friend and pastry chef at the restaurant I work at, Ariana, big thanks to her for helping me with the modeling technique here, seriously, anyway, go ahead, you have all your dough balls made and ready to go. steam cooking, now all you need to do. is to line a bamboo steamer with cabbage leaves, see, and those of you who saved your cabbage leaves will now be rewarded, then get a pot that your steamer fits perfectly in, fill that pot with water about a quarter full height and bring it to a boil. place as many dumplings as possible in your steamer basket without them touching the lid and place them on top of your pot and steam them for 7 to 10 minutes or until completely cooked.
Now, for the record, cabbage leaves are important because they prevent the dumplings from sticking. the steamer basket i would also recommend purchasing more than one basket you can just stack them in batches to steam at a time once cooked just eat and enjoy with my chili oil recipe which will be linked in the description shameless plug in now if you want a sauce to wet then you can use pure black vinegar, which I really like, or you can make this sauce to double by mixing one teaspoon or five grams of granulated sugar with one tablespoon or 12 milliliters of hot water, dissolve and then add 3 tablespoons or 44 milliliters of soy. sauce 1 tablespoon or 12 milliliters of rice vinegar 1 teaspoon or 4 grams of sesame oil 1 clove of minced garlic and half a green onion, thinly sliced, stir and you will have a dumpling sauce that is perfect to accompany the dumplings, but now You know what else goes well with dumplings. right guys and that's it, homemade dumplings you know, surprisingly easy honestly one of my favorite parts is the actual process of wrapping and shaping the dumplings.
I know it sounds weird but it's weirdly therapeutic I mean you could do it for hours straight and it just develops your motor skills with your hands it's a good thing everywhere just dumplings do a lot of beautiful things for the human body tastes good it's good for your motor skills makes you happy I mean what more do you want and me? I'm not well. I'm talking to myself right now. There is literally no one here except me. I'm here. I here. Hello and welcome to another seven minutes where I'll go crazy if you have a group of friends coming over. cooking with you making dumplings, everyone can participate, it makes everything happen much faster and it's a lot of fun, you know, make some cold cookies with the guys and thank you all for suggesting this video along with many others, get a lot of direct messages . about this on Instagram, which by the way, if you don't follow me, the link below for my Instagram, my Twitter and all that, make sure to follow me if you don't already, but with all that being said, if you enjoyed this video or learned. something, leave a like, subscribe and I'll see you, wait, let me try again and I'll see you next time, isn't that cool?
Isn't it great? Just close the cabinet, damn it.

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