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How to make Old Distressed Chippy WOOD / NO sander needed / AMAZING RESULTS

Jun 09, 2021
I just received two pieces of pine that I put a Minwax stain on just to have a darker background and this is what you are going to need for this project an old candle some packing tape some acrylic paint or chalk paint or latex paint, whatever you want in any color and just a couple pieces of


once you learn this technique it can be done on furniture or any


project. The first step is to take the candle to the side and simply rub it up and down on the wood and wherever it is. The wax stays on the wood is where it won't have a very good bond with the paint, so you can choose where you want to place the wax if you only want it in the corners or if you just want it along the side or if you want it on the whole project, this is something you can play with just to see what you like and how it works for you.
how to make old distressed chippy wood no sander needed amazing results
I'm going to put some acrylic paint on my palette of the colors I want to use. and you just want to put a nice thick coat on the entire piece of wood, this technique really allows you to be creative because you can layer paint in so many different colors, you can apply it thin, you can apply it thick, just play with it and see what you get. like it and I'm going to do a different color on this second piece of wood just so you can see the difference in the colors and how it looks and how each one can turn out so different and like I said before you can use any type of paint depending on the project you have. whatever you're using you can use acrylic you can use latex you can use chalk paint you can use all those waste colors that you just got a creative look now you want to


sure it's really really dry and you're going to take your candle again and you're just going to rub it very firmly over the whole thing. the wood or like I said before, wherever you want the paint to come off is where you want to put the wax and now We're ready to put our next layer on foreign packing tape and what you're going to do is just grab your packing tape if I can find the end.
how to make old distressed chippy wood no sander needed amazing results

More Interesting Facts About,

how to make old distressed chippy wood no sander needed amazing results...

I always have a reputation for not bending it. and you are going to place it on the entire piece of wood until it is completely covered. This technique is fabulous for furniture or projects that are very ornate and have a lot of curves and folds and places where it is very difficult to reach. in the sand, this works fabulous, you can push that tape into those little nooks and crannies and you'll get a really nice finish, so what you want to do now is take an old card, a plastic card, and press it firmly, very firmly.
how to make old distressed chippy wood no sander needed amazing results
Right into that tape and right into the wood over the entire surface, you want to push that card and that paint right into those little bits of wax that are on the wood and now comes the satisfying part: when you take that tape off, it's going to peel off. a little bit of that tape and leave that layered


look and this didn't work too bad, but I'm going to do it again. I think I can give it a lot more texture, so if you don't get what you want to get it off, you just put more tape on it and take it off.
how to make old distressed chippy wood no sander needed amazing results
Now I'm going to do this one and this one works much better. You can see the paint coming off and leaving a really fabulous texture and


look. Since I wasn't too happy with this one because of how the layered chipian looked, I'm going to put a little more wax and a little more paint and do it again and that's the nice thing about this, you can go over it again. you can put more paint, more layers of color, just do it until you like the way they look, so now I really like how they look and I'll show you that you don't even need to use a


around the edges.
I just like to take my scissors on the edge and just scrape it up and down and it will take off a little bit of that paint and show the bare wood and give it that real rustic look and it looks perfect and these little pieces of wood that I'm going to turn on little signs using my Mod Podge reverse graphic transfer method and I'll put a link below in the description so you can learn how to


them and voila, such an easy technique you don't know about. You need a


, you don't need to create a lot of mess, you can take a new piece of wood and make it look very old with a simple technique, just using packing tape.
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