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How To Make JAMAICAN KFC CRISPY FRIED BBQ CHICKEN |Detailed Recipe | MukBang | Hawt Chef

Jun 06, 2021
That's great, welcome back to the channel. My name is


adrian morris and you are tuning into morris time cooking. If you are new here, thank you very much for stopping by. I know you've already seen fewer KFC ideas than we have. You're done, you requested this highly requested one, so I'm here today to introduce you to none other than Germany, who can handle BBQ


, you know it's here and if you're new, like I said on the channel, we have so far the


popcorn the original


and the spicy


thank you very much for the support you have been giving us we see you in the comments section and we see you reflected in the views thank you very much keep giving This video, a thumbs up, as always,


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how to make jamaican kfc crispy fried bbq chicken detailed recipe mukbang hawt chef
What we have been doing during the month. We have been making KFC recipes. I have been working with KFC Jamaica. and Canada in total for five years, two years in Jamaica and three years here in Canada, so this will be one of the closest things to the recipe and techniques that I have learned over the years. I don't want to waste my time and I don't want to


mine easier either, so let's go straight to the ingredients. The first thing we're going to tackle is the sauce. If you do this overnight, you can see it's in the chicken, but like me.
how to make jamaican kfc crispy fried bbq chicken detailed recipe mukbang hawt chef

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how to make jamaican kfc crispy fried bbq chicken detailed recipe mukbang hawt chef...

He said that KFC doesn't necessarily season their chicken, they season their breading, but we're Jamaican, so let's add a little flavor to the chicken, so let's go with the sauce first, so for the sauce I have a small white onion and three tablespoons of brown sugar. simple sauce a quarter cup of white vinegar we have a cup of tomato ketchup get the best ketchup there is because the richer the ketchup, the better the sauce we have a half cup of water room temperature water is good if you have hot water You can use it too. I have a tablespoon of mustard, a little bit of minced garlic.
how to make jamaican kfc crispy fried bbq chicken detailed recipe mukbang hawt chef
I'm using three prongs here. I know what I'm going to use to give it that touch and get that nice deep color and flavor. We could use our sugar for this barbecue sauce. but no, we're going to go for that kfc flavor and aspect, so we're going to use a nice molasses and I'm using three tablespoons of that molasses here, which is pretty much enough for the sauce, but it's a technique that I'm going to use to take advantage of those flavors and get us where we want to go, so I'm using a wide enough saucepan here to make sure those onions are good to caramelize and develop my flavors, after which I'm going to transfer.
how to make jamaican kfc crispy fried bbq chicken detailed recipe mukbang hawt chef
Put it in a deeper saucepan so we can dip the chicken and coat it on all sides. You're going to see all that good stuff, so we're going to heat this up over medium heat, add it to two tablespoons of olive oil, just enough for these onions. we can caramelize properly and we will caramelize this. We're looking for a nice brown color and to extract all that flavor, so over medium heat we try not to burn these onions to help caramelize these onions faster to extract all that liquid. We're going to add a little bit of salt to this and this will also add flavor to the onions and to our sauce.
I'm going to add a teaspoon of salt and like I said, we're just going to develop this flavor, allow these to caramelize well, make sure to stir occasionally so we don't burn anything. A good medium heat will be enough. We'll hit it with half a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper to increase the cooking time so that these onions brown nicely. about five minutes, so now that we've got that color, we're going to use brown sugar and caramelize these onions even more and add a nice dark, rich color to the sauce. Keep a close eye on this, you don't want it. to burn this enough, you want the onion, the sugar to caramelize well, you know what I'm saying and you can stir just to make sure it doesn't burn.
I notice that those sugar particles are now melting and coating those onions beautifully. I'm going to go in with my garlic, burnt garlic has the worst bitter taste, we don't want that so put it in at this stage to extract the sweetness from the garlic. Okay, let's continue beautifully below. We're going to add our molasses, so add all that sugar base first from the beginning, that's how we need to develop the sauce layer by layer, make sure to caramelize the onion and then add the salt, you know what? Can I tell you that you can't just throw everything in the pot and boil it, even though you won't get the flavor you're looking for?
It's a nice caramel look, that's what we're working with, so now we're going for sweet. It's spicy time because that's what you're going to taste, the first thing you're going to put in is the last thing you're going to taste and the last thing you're going to put in is the first thing they're going to taste the mustard, keep this on a nice medium heat so you don't burn anything because if a burn is going to turn bitter so we are going to hit that not with vinegar look how beautiful it looks look ho hey don't play with me you know look how beautiful and in va or ketchup on low heat now because they don't want me to catch up, everything is going to start bubbling, so we need that in a nice fire that they call a slow fire you have five tones. that's what you can do, that's what the beautiful sauce looks like.
I'm going to mix them together because you already know what chunks of onion we need to get everything combined with that sauce, so we're going to mix this up real quick and add that beautiful sauce. now in my blender, if you have a food processor at home, you can use it. I'm going to use a little more water here to get all the sauce off the sides, cover it and it will mix well. Quick, so let's take our time opening that up, because you know the liquid is still hot, we don't want it to explode in there, look at that beautiful scraping of the excess, this sauce is beautiful, so you know how we do it.
I'm going to make this sauce very tasty. I'll put it on low heat on the stove to cook for about 30 to 45 minutes and that will ensure a nice thick sauce in between that time. you're going to check from time to time stir to make sure it's not sticky the pan condensation will be nice and the sauce will be a beautiful consistency and then we'll work on the chicken so that's the beauty of it let the sauce cook . so all those flavors infuse each other to become one, yeah, yeah, my night, okay, so now it's chicken time.
First we'll give you an overview of the spices we have here, so here we have a teaspoon. of dried oregano here we have two teaspoons of brown sugar the darker the sugar, the better so we have half a teaspoon of paprika here we have a teaspoon of garlic powder half a teaspoon of white pepper a tablespoon of black pepper half a teaspoon of ground ginger right on top here now we have one and a half, I divide it into a tablespoon and a half of salt and I'm using sea salt here and then right in the middle here we have half a teaspoon of ground mustard and finally a teaspoon of onion powder and that's For the herbs, we're just going to mix them together and one more herb that would normally go here would be a teaspoon of dried thyme, but I'm going to use a green seasoning that I have here and if you want.
To learn how to do that, you can watch it on the channel. This basically consists of time, pepper, and those delicious Jamaican herbs. You see me, so I'm going to use a tablespoon of that and that's it, so for the chicken. I have half a whole chicken that weighs about two and a half to three pounds here I have a nice breast here we have a wing we have a thigh we have a thigh and we have the rib the rib is now my favorite part with a little bit of the part of the fun breast and the first thing you want to make sure that the thigh is tied nice and clean and make sure you fit the tie between this bone so that it cooks much faster.
This has already been washed away with a little. The vinegar and the water will dry them out to the point that I'm going to use my green seasoning here, so with the green seasoning we're going to mix these herbs and spices, combine everything and there's a beautiful variety of spices, so Now we're going to season that chicken with about half the amount of the seasoning and then we add three cups of all-purpose flour, the rest of the seasoning we will simply mix well to turn it into a breading. I know right now you're probably wondering, where's the beaten egg?
We are not going to use beaten egg. We're making the KFC recipe here, so we'll only use pure water for this method, so boom, that's it. That, so we're going to go now and season that chicken, making sure to get under the skin. You know, I remember that the skin will get flavor from the barbecue sauce, so just rub that with a generously green seasoning, the world works, is it me? Yes, every time the restaurant thought about Nina's problem, they continue to support the channel to make the restaurant a reality sooner than ever. It's me. Yes, support the channel.
Leave a like for the channel if you like it. Why do I see and look. Just leave a comment. Leave a. like and get a message right now you're watching the premiere live if you're feeling generous they can support the kitchen and by supporting this kitchen on youtube we can't take you to the real kitchen let's see me oh yeah I just support everything I said I want to rush , nothing, isn't it okay? This is very well rubbed. It could go under the skin, not under the skin. You see that the green season hits there. Hey, I don't want the fur jumper for the brace.
You know, because I want that brisket to be


, then I put the barbecue sauce on, I'm going to sit down, yeah man, the river sees well that it's not under the skin of the leg, you throw that back and season that opinion, throw it down and we're there. Well, like I said, I'll do this first if I was making this overnight, but I'm doing everything as I go, so I want the sauce to cook for that half hour, so here I have the chicken for prep. take flour, not the flour breading cart, this is tasty, the breading in the center, a little bit of water right here, which is room temperature and for enough water so that the chicken can submerge and then I have a clean container for a loaf to put them. so let's go for the breading now we're going to go to the chicken pieces, make sure the skin is nice and smooth, leave them there.
I'm going to go with all of them at once because it's not that much chicken to see all of them anyway Okay, so for KFC we normally go seven times with the scoop and ten full times, press seven times with the reach and fold, we'll stick to that method. You don't have to count exactly, but this will ensure that you cover all of these chickens. around you get the master, so I'm going to go in now seven tablespoons and four. I'll do that to cover everything like I said, you don't necessarily have to count. I'm going to press everywhere to get that chicken, good scoop.
Lift again, take out four, grab two pieces and we're going to finish off the excess, so use a palm to cover the excess in that water. I'll do the same for these, dip them properly and then take them out as normal. a basket that I dip them in, but I don't have it on hand at the moment. Shaking off the excess liquid on the floor will cause clumps to form and we don't want that, so we shake off the excess liquid again. the floor now and you're wondering if this is season washing no and if you want to wash eggs you can go ahead, but the water will be fine, that's what we use there, this chest won't want to give problems you know skin now anyway Jesus normally I would have like a mesh from my previous video you saw I would have a mesh I would put the chicken in a bath and shake it so that way it doesn't touch your hand if you have a clean wrapper feel free to dry your hands which I have here, just dry my hands a little bit so the flour doesn't get lumpy and now we'll go in and repeat. that same process have your container clean as soon as you're done we close it and there at this point you know your oil needs to be hot you know my oil is heating up right now at 300 degrees Fahrenheit as we speak so let's go .
Now I'm going to bread it, now it's like a double layer, so I have a nice


skin and then that barbecue sauce attached to that crispy skin. You see, yes, there are no beer stains to remove the excess, so we need to give this chicken some space. They fry wonderfully, make sure they have enough space so that they do not touch each other and leave raw spots when frying, okay, we will fry them for 15 minutes because we are going to finish them with the barbecue sauce, look, but what do you want. do it in the first 10 minutes, you're going to remove the chicken breast because we don't want to dry out those 15 minutes and we need to get them down well and something you should know once you drop the chicken, don't move it for the first two minutes that way yet you keep that nice crust that you have there, so there's a two minute timer off, we've got those nice flakes that we want, we're going to give it that nice batter, so cover it now, I'm going to prepare it. our timer for 30 more minutes or 15 minutes total, but in the first 10 to 12 minutes we're going to remove the chicken breast because we don't want it to overcook, so after 15 minutes you'll see how everything looks good. remove the bristles because you don't want it to overcook.
I'm going to put it on a rack now. I'm just going to leave it uncovered for the next two or three minutes so I deliberately made it a little crispier than usual because when they make the roast chicken at kfc you know it's elum the original chicken recipe thatthey use, I still use the same recipe, I tweet the method because I want that roast chicken to be a little crispy and unusual, you see me, so let's get spicy, the sauce is on the stove, it's nice and spicy and ready to go, yeah , ayah, showing or going for the sauce, okay, so now you need the sauce to be hot, remember, remember, keep this on low heat and one thing I don't have is fall paper in the house or I usually put fall paper aluminum. on the bottom of this pan so that the cleanup is less, but if you don't have it, that's okay, so yeah, thank you very much for over 230 and counting a thousand views on that spicy chicken, that's me, thank you very much, the sauce has It has to be hot, right? because we're just going to put it in the oven at 400 degrees for just five minutes on the low or middle rack, isn't that just so the barbecue sauce can soak up that crispy skin?
So let's go. that brace I'm just going to shake it gently, I'm going to turn it over I don't want to lose the skin, the skin has had problems since then, okay, coat, that beautiful, nice, nice, very good, so now what you want to do is just Scoop out the excess sauce and leave it right there, beautiful, okay, I'm just going to repeat that process. Look at that crispy face to learn about the above needs for equipment and tools I use in the kitchen. I have at least below in the description. box so check this is the chicken that has been in high demand so in the oven at temperature F for five minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit and then I'll show you what it looks like bite just woke up the lady is coming make sure arrives. this find the video like the video go and wipe them off while we wait silly okay this is it you can leave it a little longer if you want the sauce to seep into the skin more but this is what i like so So let's investigate which one I should start with first.
This does not work. He takes a step back, ready for the ear to crack. Roasted chicken tastes so good it makes you want to slap your mom. Don't eat it. Really, yeah, boy, hey mom, what the hell do you want? Listen, listen, it's worth the wait. The idea, if my face is huge, forgive me, I made the spicy chicken recipe and someone commented and said: It looked good, but did you have the tape? Could you taste it? Down he leaves about three days later and I told him to come back and say listen, here's the deal, you see me, I make him say, oh, these are the real ones, so don't take my word for it, I thought, wet chicken, wet stone to the bone. bone and then I made that skin a little crispy, so if you work at KFC, I worked at KFC, like I said, especially in Jamaica, you know, the barbecue is made with the original chicken, which I have a video of, don't sleep on the recipe there. check out the popcorn chicken recipe check out the original chicken recipe check out the spicy chicken recipe and let me know below if you want the famous bowl or the zinger below do you like biscuit? who knows let me know if coleslaw is ironic just make me want man are we getting them into a man but don't say I'll be like every other week because I'll eat them something like every week I'll try to steal clippings on the gym, you see me and then leave a comment, subscribe to the thing, forgive my face, please and thank you, please, my video, if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like the video, is that right?
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series and do a little history while doing the mukbang, he knows this is it, let me just, this is nice, come here, let me have a good bonus um

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