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How to Make DIY Play dough at home and more 1 hr kids activities!

Jun 03, 2021
It's starting from your feet, right, okay. You have like green shoes or something. Alright. Nice and Kate is very good at art once she is focused, she can't. Even listen to me, sure Kate, sure Kate good job okay mom is going around everyone and just helping yeah anyone needs help let me know okay good job kay okay Emma's on That, look, that's the purple hand, cute, it looks like a magician, okay. what are you doing ryan I'm changing the blue part for the shirt oh how cute I like it it's a long shirt and I don't like long shirts so I don't know why I put a long shirt that's right guys .
how to make diy play dough at home and more 1 hr kids activities
I know Ryan always loves to wear t-shirt and shorts, nothing


, yeah, even in winter, Ryan still wears t-shirt, oh wow, okay, good job, red pants, nice, I like it, okay, I like it How are you doing with your painting within the line, good job. Emma is


dynamic, right, she's all about large scale, good job, she does it very well and so does Ryan, you drove fast, look at that, I don't know if you guys know this, but everyone selected different colors for their body part, How are you doing guys, where's dad? Hi Emma, ​​how are you?
how to make diy play dough at home and more 1 hr kids activities

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how to make diy play dough at home and more 1 hr kids activities...

So far, you know, Ryan, yours looks like an astronaut, yeah, it looks like a helmet, your head, I made long pants, oh look, you're done with the pants, oh wow, I'm making a masterpiece of art here same, so Ryan is working on the most important part of the face, is it going to be? be a happy face surface what is happy face japanese ryan what do you mean what are you talking about what about yours your face is red interesting so pay attention to the details look at that even though emma and the boys are twins the way The way they draw is completely different.
how to make diy play dough at home and more 1 hr kids activities
Look, this is Emma and this is pastel, can you tell the difference? They know he looks like that youtuber Ryan He looked like a marshmallow. You know who I'm talking about. That the head is marshmallow. DJ Marshmallow. No, you don't know. I know you have a Fortnite skin on it. He does well for me painting. Wait, you're not wearing shoes. No, he's fine. Maybe you stay


. Look, there are green spots right here. What I do? Alright. Alright. Why not? Because? Don't explain that to me, oh, it's exciting, whoa, whoa, whoa, you almost tripped, dude, that was a close call, don't forget the hair too, I mean, if you want, if you want, who just this kind of looks cute, cute oh look at the face and they are very focused good job it's beautiful good job Kate do you like my hair?
how to make diy play dough at home and more 1 hr kids activities
Wow, this is really round hair. Look, it's like going to one side. I wonder if you have long hair like that, quite spiky. You want peach hair, okay, what, okay? Oh, she's not done yet, I'm going to finish her hair. Wow, look at the lion heart. What's that? It's throwing out something like a yellow thing. What's that? Oh, it's electricity. So he has a superpower, electric power. Oh, you're trying not to. dripping wow emma is doing her hand beautiful ok emma is here long hair emma wow see you later you look pretty look at this wow hi kate wow look at kate she is beautiful look at emma's hair and she's not even done yet she's spinning around like a little rapunzel, well guys, I'm done, what do you think a plasma ball is?
Oh, she's holding a plasma ball. Good job ryan yeah oh wow okay that's the super long red hair. I love it, it's beatiful. What are you doing now? emma sun you have to see emma's son good job emma you already finished yes okay so this is the finished photo of emma with the sun beautiful I'm still working oh wow yes she will take all yellow I think beautiful okay guys thanks for seeing our painting ourselves video hello today we are going to


art with shaving cream first shaving cream of course okay let's put the shaving cream there emma look at emma wait I'm doing it good job emma mom is dating, yeah, you're doing great, kate, wait. it's a lot, so next use paint or food coloring and put it around the shaving cream like this, we're using paint, but you can use food coloring and if you don't have a tray like this, you can use it as a baking tray.
Okay, there you have it, we're using a lot of paint from this acrylic paint set. Yes, you can also use food coloring. Oh wow, Emma, ​​that's nice. I told you mine is pretty as a bubble like a magic wig. I'll be fine. I'm done, I'm waiting for my sisters, this is from Ryan and Emma is almost done, very good job, Emma, ​​hey, yours is going well, I need a letter from Okay, that's a nice cake, okay, so let's Next you need a toothpick or a straw to mix everything well. wow Kate, so many colors together, yeah, they look great, guys, they look good, Kate, mine is obviously super good, like a good job, okay, good job, Kate, yeah, okay, then take a sheet of paper and then place it on top of the shaving cream.
Let's check our painting. Yes, Ryan saved him well. work ok now let's shave off the shaving cream there you have to scrape it off this looks beautiful ryan good job yes Kate approval yes beautiful every art is pretty so that's the art from Ryan, it looks great, I like it, it's okay, Ryan is going to help, it's easier with a ruler, but we couldn't find one, so no scratches, there you go, beautiful, oh wow, that's pretty, yeah, pretty good, okay, it's Emma's turn again, a ruler would be very helpful, we're doing great, here are the final results, here's Kate's painting, here's Ryan's panties. and here he is guys something else you can do with shaving cream is put anything in it and then put it on the paper what what what what boom yours is coming out good too emma I feel like I'm doing another role. oh yeah you're right super pink emma it looks like I'm taking another photo yeah okay here we go this is cake this is ryan and this is emma okay guys I hope you like our cream art shaving, see you next. time in another video Hey guys, today we're going to do the milk and soap and some food coloring experiment, so obviously you're going to need some milk, some soap and some food coloring.
Whole milk works best, so you have a plate and then you pour the milk into the plate until about here then pour it into the container, then get creative and put a little food coloring all over it. I'm trying to write high with blue h. Now I put a little of this. Wow, that's a lot, I think that's good. a cotton swab and you dip it in the soap, you know how your mom and dad ask you to wash your hands with soap to get rid of the grease, guess what's going on here, look, it's all clean guys, how do you see the soap? breaks up the fat and milk, that's why the food coloring got everywhere, okay, that was great, let's try it again, but this time with a different design, a little more, done, first put a red dot in the middle, maybe blue around, and then, well, I'm going to


them all like a circle as green around as red and around oh, so that was orange there you go, okay, now dip it in soap, okay, let's see how magic happens, that's cool, yeah guys did you see that?
It was great, make everything lighter, wait, that looks so cool, guys, okay, guys, thanks for watching my milk and soap experiment, remember or stay happy and get up, bye, try it at


with supervision of an adult, goodbye.

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