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Jun 06, 2021
Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel, happy holidays today. I'm happy to be here. I hope you are ready for the holidays. I want to come here and give you a


recipe for the holidays. I know they're like, "Oh my God." I have had






is apple, if you don't like it, today I will show you a different way to


it. Well, today we are going to



peach cobbler. Come on, so first let's go ahead and brown this butt. Browned butter will make it nice and soft. Well, you guys know I love browning butter here.
how to make deep fried peach cobbler quick dessert
It's amazing when browned, the butter gets all of those. bits of caramel and all that richness comes from browning the butter and it just changes the whole flavor of the peach cobbler, so once the broth has started to look this nice and foamy, turn the heat down a little bit because you don't want the juices splashing on you, okay, that's not what we want and I know you like how we're going to fry this. I'll show you that the crust will be


. Stay with me. I'll bless you, so we're going to brown this butter first and then we're going to add the peaches now we're just going to turn this, turn it around, turn it all over the place, hallelujah, yeah, I'm excited because I know what it's going to be, it's going to be what you see out there. covered, you already knew that and we're going to let this cook for about 10 minutes until the peaches cool a little bit, it won't have that bright yellow color.
how to make deep fried peach cobbler quick dessert

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how to make deep fried peach cobbler quick dessert...

It's going to be a little bit more orange, I guess now we want to add our brown sugar, as you know, all the ingredients in the recipe will be in the description box, then we'll add some white sugar, okay? I know you like to die this, you have the thick syrup, I still need a little sugar for now, you still need a little, that will make it good, put that in there, let the spirit guide your neck and then we'll just take the spoon and We're going to turn this over and as you can see, because we browned the butter that we have, we let it get nice and foamy, it's thickening up nicely, look at that, I'm going to add a little bit of cinnamon too, okay, maybe about half a tablespoon, no. too much okay sure maybe you're not going to make cinnamon rolls and stuff or cinnamon cake now for those of you who don't like peaches you can make this with apples okay I know what you're thinking , if not?
how to make deep fried peach cobbler quick dessert
I don't like peaches it's always peach cobbler this one and peach cobbler you can do it with apples okay and then what I like to do is add a little bit of salt you have your little bit of salt you need a little bit of salt to season it. It's going to balance out all that flavor, okay, when you're making something sweet, you always want to put a little salt to balance it out and look at that, right there, the topping is ready, all we did was let it cook, let me. try that, see, that's good, maybe that's a good thing, so listen, we've made our peach filling, it's sitting there on the side, but don't be a side girl, okay, listen, so to you they like what the crust will be, maybe we do.
how to make deep fried peach cobbler quick dessert
I'm going to use these canned cookies now let me tell you something if you've never had a fried cookie baby you've never lived your period of life my mom used to fry cookies when she was a kid and then she would put some powder on them. sugar in there and they would be so damn good and soft it's like a crunchy donut, almost perfect, but belt because you got that buttery flavor, so I have some Pillsbury cookies, just scream, cutting my chick, but I have some Pillsbury cookies here, okay you want to use these okay don't buy the flaky ones buy the regular ones okay and then we just want to take them apart honey it's going to take me back to my days in the hood because it might explode on me.
Wait, let's see, it didn't, you know why I didn't because I just took them out of the refrigerator, so if you take them out of the refrigerator and they open most of the time it's because you can leave them. they sit out too long, that's fine and then they come up to room temperature a little bit, but if it's like that, all you want to do is give it a little hit, now we're going to fry them like I said. well on its own parents i know you're quarantining your kids if you need something sweet to put in your stomach for the kids my daughter loves it love love love love love these are so so Damn, well, okay, so this is what I like to do, although I like to take them out like this right here and I like to separate them.
You see, they have layers like that, and what I like to do is flatten them out. This is going to be. our crust because we're going to layer this thing, okay, and you see those pockets of butter, that's what's going to make it good, so now we're going to fry these cookies, so I fill my cast iron here with vegetable oil. canola oil okay so I have it preheated here and I put it on medium heat not high okay we don't need it if you're using a


fryer around 325 is okay so if you want to fry them it's totally up to you from you, but I want to put them right here, we're going to do what we call frying little by little or maybe this is fried, is what I say, it's the frying period, so I have the best kiss and them I'll just put them here like this and we're going to put this here like this, look here, it's very easy, so I'm going to use four at a time, you crowd the pans and this will increase the temperature of the oil. down and then you won't get a nice crispy cookie that will be full of oil now I know it's good if you anoint it eh, but since I'm oily, I know I have oil on it, but they don't want it on that.
We don't need a cookie, they're not going to be good and they're going to stop being good, it won't take that long, it's okay, we'll just cook them for a minute or two on each side, flip them over and cook them again for about one, two minutes and take them out, okay, so it's time to plate them. Look what we did. It's so easy that it didn't take us any time. This literally takes about 10 minutes to do. Really, okay, more so than some of you. 'All my life in quarantine, I know what they've been doing, we'll take some juice and leave it so we can have it like I'm going to layer it like a lasagna, almost okay.
I just want to have a little bit of juice on the bottom so it doesn't dry out, okay, that's a huge peach cobbler, oh God, it's still working on me, do you want to leave our cookie like this, look at that, so let's take it. this peach pie filling we have and we're going to pour it in there like that kid, that's going to be good and it'll stop, dude, boom, okay, so we're going to have some more peaches, put the juice in next, no one wants to. to leave you, they're going to run to your house and you just want to cover it with that ice cream, so this is powdered sugar, you know we're in Los Angeles, we have to make sure it's what it is, freezing scarlet, no.
Nothing more, I'm going to sprinkle with a little powdered sugar like this and since my mom said that I need something green every day as a vegetable, we'll put some sprigs of mint on it to make it look pretty. you didn't dig something you're not being nunchakus but look at that look that looks so good boom everyone's going to like this tell me something good baby a blind man can make me not be judgmental my blind dad, okay, and he can do this, it's so good, I want you to make it for the holidays, make it for any day, make it for yourselves, make it for bae, make sure to season them, try the recipe, it's really delicious, y'all and It's so easy because you know all the ingredients will be in description box below, so just click on that little link.
All the ingredients with the measurements will be down there. You know I got you and don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe, thank you. Guys, thank you so much for watching, I hope you have a fantastic holiday. Please save me well and know that I am praying for all of you, okay and stay home as much as you can because rona is real here, bye. see you later

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