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How to make a Lighted LED Tile Niche

Jun 07, 2021
Hello, I'm Isaac Ostrom and thank you for watching another of my videos today. I'm going to show you how to


an LED




or a new Shay or


niche, it's one of these things that you can see here, it's recessed. cubby to put your shampoo, your soap, your loofah candles, whatever you want to put in this bad boy and we actually put LED lighting in here so the knee has a lot of designer light, so these niches are trendy in the


installation if you see a shower on Pinterest Instagram, whatever it is, it's going to have a niche, so what we've been doing because it's an area where a lot of designers use accents, you know, maybe a cool glass mosaic, maybe a hexagonal


, something really cool and then the niche is like a piece of art, like a feature that you're going to see.
how to make a lighted led tile niche
What we have been doing is putting LED lighting, dimmable waterproof LED lighting on the back of the niches so that it illuminates the entire wall and acts as a decorative light or it can be like a night light so we can dim it completely. I haven't talked to many guys who know how to do this. The advantage we have of being complete bathroom remodelers is that we tie all the elements together. these things in our showers, if you're just a tile guy, you know, show this video to your electrician, he should be able to get you all the pieces, but anyway I'm going to go over the pieces with you so you can figure it out. how to do it yourself basically the main components of an LED lighting system are the lighting strip so this is the LED lighting let me see if I can focus and you can see all these little gaps in the copper terminals.
how to make a lighted led tile niche

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how to make a lighted led tile niche...

Those are all places where you can cut this, so it can be cut to a foot or it can come in a 16 foot roll. You know, usually you're just using footers. This is a dimmable magnetic driver, so this dimmable driver. What it does is it converts the 120 volt electricity coming into the house and converts it on the other side to low voltage 12 volt DC so once that runs out all you need is like a speaker wire, this It is a regular 16 gauge 2 conductor speaker wire. and then that goes into your enlightenment, so I'm going to show you how to connect all of that.
how to make a lighted led tile niche
One thing I'm very proud to have discovered is that this lighting strip here, so here's a cut piece that already made fits very well into the Schluter SG decorative profile, so this profile, so the profile SG fits, it fits really well with the lighting and it fits in there nice and snug and creates a waterproof place for the light to sit there so I'm going to go over all of this thanks for watching my videos. I'm very excited about this, so stay tuned. I'm going to do a little time lapse and stop it when I get to install that SG profile.
how to make a lighted led tile niche
Okay, now I can see I have the back tile on, I have the sides on and I stopped, so this is the top, if we are on a wall, this would be the top, this would be the bottom, so you can see, I peeked through my 16 2. cable here and as you can see I made a little notch in this tile, you want to


sure that this cable can go in and out, you don't want it to get caught inside the wall, where it is, it just It's stuck there, well. can be done, it's a lot easier if you have some play on this and I'll show you that when I do the soldering of the LED niche, so I have this now that I have my SG profile, I'm actually going to just prop the wire right there like this , put my profile in, you can see it still meets even the SG profile there, it may still have some play, so I got that and then my last piece of tile, so here I have my last piece. of tile, there we go and as you can see I have my SG profile there and my cable can still move with one that wants to appear towards you, so it helps to use a little bit of tape to put it in place. and now what he's doing is he's joking by getting it pre-soldered, we're getting a little primer in place, so if you can see that, you can see here that there are positive and negative terminals right here on my finger, positive and negative and there it is where the wire connects, so on these strips you can cut into any of these joints right here where the copper terminals are, so we just soldered a little bit there, it's easier to connect the wires if you solder there first, now you can see, We're going to do the same thing with the ends of the wires, we're going to solder there, she's going to go ahead and he's going to join the two together, he's already soldered both of them previously.
On the ends we have our solder and there is double sided tape on the back of the strip and that will fit perfectly on that SG profile, it just fits there, beautiful, very pretty, so now we have our cable. poking out and we're going to connect it to the low voltage side of our transformer here, okay, so we have power, now we have our sixteen two wires connected to the little low voltage side here that goes to this switch that's plugged in. on an electrical wire, so in the field this will be a piece of romex coming out of the wall and then obviously this would be more distant, we usually put these transformers in the attic or crawl space, but yeah , show us how it works, Josh, now we have the dimmer there, go ahead and slide it up and turn it up and down, yeah, so you can turn it up and then a lot of our customers turn it down at night to get a night light.
So it's toned down, but yeah, it's a really cool way to create a feature in your shower. Amazing, good job Josh, thank you beauty, okay, then we're going to take 100% silicone. What color is this? Josh, this is a translucent white, it's like a milky white. It's not quite a plain white, okay, it goes well with a lot of things, so let's cover it, make sure it's a hundred percent waterproof, just cover that little spot and then do the same thing in the corner here, so this. it's completely waterproof they call this LED strip ip65 and that's just the code I think for it to be weather resistant you can put it outside it can be in the water so when you talk to the person that your supplier electricity is giving you the LED, make sure it tells you what you want. the IP65 so it can go in a wet area, so there you have it.
I want to thank you again for watching my videos and I hope this video of our illuminated niche here helps you differentiate yourself from your competitors and when you do. that you can earn some more money, but yes, this is just a way to improve your facilities again. Thanks for reviewing them. I'm really having a lot of fun with these videos. I really love the community we are in. building here I feel like I'm getting to know a lot of you and it's really nice to know that you appreciate what I'm doing and in turn I appreciate you so keep up the good work guys and me.
See you in the next video.

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