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How To Make A Career On YouTube (Works For EVERYONE)

Mar 22, 2024
when you promote anything when you use any logo when you use any product publicly when you give advice to your friends and family and say any type of brand about a brand you're working for free you just have to press record man I'm so excited To get into this conversation dude, congratulations on your book, thank you very much brother, we turn on the cameras, but you can still write a book. Yes, one hundred percent, it's a very clever way to use what's in your brain, but it creates something incredible, a book about speaking. about the


of being a Creator and how it should be respected as a legitimate and real


as a parent, is something I need to accept.
how to make a career on youtube works for everyone
I'm a real Creator, but now my daughter is taking out her smartphone and is vlogging. and things like that and you cover so many different topics in the book, but specifically I think a lot of people who see this or hear this are in a place where, you know, they're struggling to have a part-time job or a full-time job. that's paying the bills and you see a possibility of working full time one day. I want to talk to those people and what you talk about in your book for those who want to go full time into content creation, we can definitely address that.
how to make a career on youtube works for everyone

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how to make a career on youtube works for everyone...

I mean, one of the things I definitely want to acknowledge is that there are a lot of working class creators who realized this during the pandemic and figured out how they were going to turn this into a sustainable full-time income without uh. they put their family in danger and the reason they were able to do that is because the pandemic changed the dynamic for a lot of people and they were able to get freedom of time and one of the things that we saw was not only people being in a place where they saw themselves forced to rush because, well, work dried up, that's what happened to Sean during the previous recession, you know Tim and Sonia, well, what I saw was that there were a lot of people who transitioned to remote work and then They were more effective, more efficient. they had flexible hours, they didn't always like to log the 40 hours correctly and even if they were fine now they didn't have the commute anymore, they had all these options in terms of time freedom that had never been on the table before, so now they had time and energy to focus on building their next career for themselves, no, I'm really happy you said that because actually, I think you know that some people underestimate the power of just reinvesting in your channel, whether it's getting someone


them miniatures. or even start editing.
how to make a career on youtube works for everyone
I know you're at the beginning of your career, but are you spending your money month after month on something you don't need? If you know this will be a respected career. or this is a respected career that you could actually start from the beginning, but what would you start with? Is there any advice you would help someone who is currently trying to balance trying to create a YouTube channel and how they can use something to really take it? The next step, so one thing I would say is audit your time. Look where you spend your time.
how to make a career on youtube works for everyone
As cliché as it may be, can you? Look at your Netflix account, look at your Xbox or PlayStation account, and look at your smartphone. Go out and look at the screen time app because if you're saying to yourself I don't have time I don't have enough time There aren't enough hours in the day, where are you spending them? So hold yourself accountable by auditing your time. and realize that you can take that off the table and don't tell me that, well, I need to relax because stimulating your mind with a screen is not relaxing, you're actually overloading and overworking your brain and it's for someone else's benefit.
You're monetizing yourself, so I would say you take back and get back some of that time that you're consuming and then you invest it in the creation and you do it with that time and that energy, especially the mental energy, but also even with your slower money. part of your consumerism audit that you're spending your money on and then you say, I'm going to invest this in my career, or the tools of my trade, or even possibly training or anything that's going to


me faster or get me back on track. time in my regular life improving my lifestyle to where I will have more great time in my life to do the things I am passionate about because I eliminated wasting time on something I am not passionate about so audit your time audit your finances what would you say which is the next step, let's say I did this right, I closed the apps, I deleted the subscriptions now what do I do next?
Well, next, I would say consider how you are going to increase your income. I speak a There's a lot about monetization in the book, you should definitely buy it, it's on Amazon, bang, uh, and the Kindle paperback and audiobook coming soon, come on, will that be you? Yeah, come on, let's see, look what I just monetized. many opportunities you have one of the things that I have always admired about what the think media team has done you have done very practical product reviews they are evergreen it is not always sexy it does not go viral but the thing is that it is a stream of income constant and consistent because if you are going to give people advice about anything you are doing with technology or beauty or any lifestyle, you are recommending those things, you are already a brand marketer and you don't even know it every time you use a logo you are brand salesman why you don't get a commission why you work for free when you promote something when you use any logo when you use any product publicly when you give advice to your friends and family and you say any kind of thing about a brand you are working on for free , so don't just sit there and don't fall for the okie doke oh, affiliate marketing is a scam or it's crap or whatever, you know what stops working. for businesses for free and get a small cut and commission every time you help them move their product, so I would say increasing your income with affiliate marketing is one of the things that helped me.
I was a full-time freelancer when I started using YouTube. Seriously, but I didn't make much money on YouTube. I got into a bad deal with MCN because there was no educational YouTube community to warn me. Wow, and the big YouTubers didn't warn me and that's part of the reason I started helping creators. 50s of my ad rental income was lost for years. By the way, I ended up owing four thousand dollars because of back pain. It took them years to pay them off, so I got screwed by a bad deal at an MCN that took away my AdSense income.
I wasn't even banking on those early years being some YouTube years. Something that really helped me was the Amazon influencer program, sometimes called the Amazon affiliate program, and I was making like 1,200 a month for the first year of doing Amazon. affiliate links and when you live in North Carolina because it's cheap in the South when you don't live in New York and California and you live somewhere in the South or the Midwest 1200 rent utilities my friend 100 that's beautiful no actually we I'm here at uh vid Summit and I talk to people a lot, a lot of people's goal is to get more views and I always say: Would you mind getting more views if you could make more money now?
A lot of creators leave a lot of money on the table, so I always encourage people when they have their video plan, they also have their money planned for that video, what does this video look like? And you can literally list it, what is this video going to be like? make money and you might know it's going to point to this book, you know, it's going to lead to our you know, your web class, it's going to sell a product, it's going to bring me clients, yeah, or it's going to set me up for a future brand deal. right now and I'm going to use affiliate link sales to then go to the brand and show that I'm a good seller, show that my audience trusts my word and buys from me because what happens with affiliate links is the affiliates.
The Cousin is Brandy's not-so-distant cousin, right, that's really cool and it prepares you for that, there's so many opportunities, that's great, so I really try to make it realistic and point it out to people and again I think a lot of people I think the thing about the views I'm glad you mentioned it I think when we look closely who cares a lot about the views I think it leans a lot towards younger people I think it's a game for younger people I think Tick Tock is influenced and somewhat That's what I think is a culture and that people value influence more than cash, but I think once you're an adult you have responsibilities, you take care of people, whether it's your elderly parents and you're in a caring position.
I was in uh before my grandmother passed away or you're trying to help someone older in your family. I supported my mother with the income I make as a content creator or helped my younger siblings when you are responsible for people. especially parents and families, one of the most important things is that you understand that you have a responsibility to earn money, you have a responsibility, there is nothing selfish, there is nothing greedy, you are there to provide for your family and this is an opportunity . diversify how you do that and protect your income just like we saw in the recession, people lost their main source of income in the pandemic, people lost their main source of income if you have a platform, even if you don't get attention or you're not famous, what's wrong with having the ability to know that you can build an emergency fund with an extra five hundred thousand dollars a month?
You can improve some things in your family's life, your lifestyle or you can create more security and stability because Now you are diversified, you won't be able to go back to zero dollar income so easily, that's really good, so the number one audit your finances, audit your time, number two find a way to monetize what you talk about and create something amazing in your book. and what you would say is the third thing. I would definitely say that you need to have a realistic approach, both in terms of expectations and mental health, balancing your relationship with your family.
I was talking to a Creator, who told me that he was struggling. He has very severe ADHD, his mind is extraordinarily manageable in comparison, he had, you know, he's married with kids, I'm single here, uh, still, so what we talked about was coming up with a plan to balance the life with the nine to five schedule. and I said, well, what if you and I just did this as a suggestion? I said, well, what if when you come home from work you know that you really restore your energy and your creativity by not doing extra work, not trying hard, and Monday through Friday because that's your schedule, what if Monday through Friday? after work you completely go back to rebuild your family relationship and recharge after not seeing them all day after working to provide for them all day and you spend that time with them and then on the weekends?
You still spend time with them, but you spend a good six to eight hours on Saturday and Sunday building your dreams and the reason I said this is because I noticed something. When I was in the company, you really only work, maybe 20 productive. hours a week sometimes because they waste your time in meetings and busy work and what if for a season of Hustle to improve your life and that of your family? What if you have a rush season where you give up weekends but don't do it? you give up your nights and you give them part of your weekends and you still give them four six hours of uninterrupted family time or you distribute family time until they get tired of you like with your family, but what if you still gave them six eight hours away? two days on the weekends for your dreams, work deep, work deep and you know, batch recording, batch editing, doing those things and that also gives the family time to do their own things without you and be individuals and all those things, etc.
You have this more effective balance and it is temporary because what you will do is that with those 20 almost almost 20 hours of productive work on the weekend you will be able to make up more time at some point in the nine to five that you could be. You could have more leverage with this money to look for a different career and then move to remote work and change your priorities there, maybe you switch to part-time shifts, maybe you don't do those extra hours anymore because you have another source of income where you are earning more results and then eventually maybe you can make the transition from nine to five completely because you have managed with 20 hours a week or less to replace the 40 to 50 hours a week you already had. doing now, what happens if you double down on that and say okay, I'll go up to 30 or I'll go up to 40 on my own terms?
I distribute flexible time, suddenly you have all this freedom, this improved, cheers. lifestyle, the hustle was temporary and so were the struggles, that's so cool and I love that you address this approach and this idea comprehensively in your book and create something amazing, so we'll be sure to link this in the description if you're Listening to this check out the show notes I appreciate you coming, where can people find you and what are you going through? So you can find me on Twitter Roberto Blake and I constantly answer your questions there. I'm also building in public.
And also, you know, I share Star Wars memesthere from time to time. You can also find more inspiration and people behind the scenes by following me on Instagram and of course you can check out my YouTube channel with over 1000 free. videos to help content creators and of course be sure to check out the book.the book Thank you very much for coming thank you for inviting me to appreciate you foreigner

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