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How to Make $1,000 a Day with Grant Cardone

May 10, 2020
all the hungry? People, man, what's up with hungry people? These people felt rich, but these people don't have financial freedom the moment they stop working the moment they leave the clock outside that clock, what is the name of the UH clock? You stop charging, this is a problem. This is a problem when you live in a time when there is no longer a clock; There may be a clock in your office due to work rules, but what's stopping you from making money between 5:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and then when you go to sleep and also during the day, how could you do that?
how to make 1 000 a day with grant cardone
Is there a product that suits you? Can I sell Adidas shoes in my free time? Okay, could Grant Cardone sell ten F ten X money clips that someone is going to buy? an affiliate program, by the way, what do we pay 10 or 20? 20% we pay 20% of our affiliate program. Are there other people who would be affiliated? Are there other companies that would allow you to do this at no cost with no initial investment? Zero investment. where you could set up an online site just like we have done using social media, the Internet. Shopify account. Could you send people to Amazon?
how to make 1 000 a day with grant cardone

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Does Amazon just have an affiliate account? How big is it? Could you be an affiliate for a $4,000 ticket and win? 800 dollars every time someone sells a ticket for 4 thousand dollars in my company the affiliate is paid $800 we paid a person 19 thousand dollars a month last year $19,000 he does not work in the company he does not report here he has never been here I never met the guy and they paid him $19,000. Could you collaborate with someone? Daymond John and I, applause, we collaborated on a product. Well, could we collaborate and work together? Could you partner with someone or are those all the options?
how to make 1 000 a day with grant cardone
Look, none of this is going to happen. this is going to happen if you don't


a decision number one if you're overwhelmed right now if you're overwhelmed oh my god where do I start, don't come back to this. I want financial freedom for myself. family children I want to be an example of financial freedom no, I want to show my parents that financial freedom is real, okay, IIf you want to be more like a role model like Grant, then there is someone who is struggling and once or twice a year they say: look how much we have because you had two turkeys, three sweet potatoes and six pies, oh, look how much we have, there are people. starving on the planet you have nothing you can't do this again tomorrow if you die right now the clock stops it doesn't ring again and you don't get paid anymore ok people die and they get death insurance check that's not financial freedom that it's dying and leaving a family nothing but a check instead what if you leave there's a check this month check next month check third month check 14 years after they died you still get a check okay then number. one, you have to


a decision number two, you have to keep this decision, this is where people fall, you have to keep this decision under control, what is it?
how to make 1 000 a day with grant cardone
Just tell me, okay, okay, give me a minute, let's change this battery. I'm going to come back and pick it up yeah just tell me God hey welcome back to my best financial tips so you can create financial freedom for yourself and your family number one you deserve to have this you know you can do it other people are okay and I want to show you how to do it. Click the link below. Click the link below to get the program. This is the best money making program I have ever created, focusing on one thing: financial freedom, how can you create financial freedom?
You create multiple streams of income, how can you create income for yourself and your family? that they continue regardless of where you are today, that they continue long after you've died, okay, now I want to, I want to just make some money real quick. I want to give away $100 to whoever can tell me the first three things I said you had to do to have financial freedom and then I'll let Jared pick one winner out of a hundred. A big thank you to everyone who By the way, I shared the stream, okay, Jared, here, okay, let me figure out who we have here.
Now I can give a hundred dollars to someone, maybe I'll also give a money clip and that's okay, first money if this person can. Reply very quickly to the first person you meet, weird we just have this Facebook that shuts me down after 5060 minutes okay so let me see who tells me what they can tell me to win keep multiplied no that's not what What did I say, decision, win multiply, Connor, but. not exactly what I said Benjamin has the twins decides to do the math take action okay the winner is Shane Gilbert Shane Gilbert call my office and get 100 dollars buddy if you want to use it in the store if you want to use it against the new program for the way we'll post it if you want at the link below Shane Gilbert is Shane Gilbert so what I said yeah okay take the show and I'll take the hundred dollars just call my office and we'll hook you up with a hundred dollars do you want to use it against the 10x growth contact you can do you want to use it against my new money making program is in the link below grep press the link below take advantage of this system this is a great day to take Take advantage of it because it is super reduced, which What I want to do is achieve my goal, so you know, is to take 500 people.
I'm going to put 500 people in this program. I will guide you every Wednesday. I'm going to have a program, a platform where I will be the brain and advise you to keep you focused on what it takes to do these three things. Number one is what decides. What was the second? Do the math, do the math 3. I might add something. here ok what fits man I gotta take action on what fits ok what do I mean what fits what is it like? I went and worked out at this gym today. I'm looking around, how much money is this?
The boy wins here wherever he goes. I wonder what they gain here. I know the company is not making money. 64% of all companies in the United States break even or lose money. Do you want to give me what you gave me this morning? Jarrett the The statue gave me 64% of this is a breakeven point in America or losing money, you know what that is. Most of these people got into a business because they loved it. This guy is in the gym sweating every day. Stinky, dirty. I love boxing. I love the gym. and I love athletics, I love working out with people, that's good bro, but you're not making money, so what's going on in this situation?
How many people do that? Well, I want to read you something based on a study recently conducted by American. College of Financial Services Less than 20% of Americans can demonstrate basic financial literacy. Look at this. 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Well, a third of all Americans are broke and say they don't have a cent in savings. Well, two-thirds of all. People over fifty do not have enough money to live the rest of their lives without income they depend on social security programs government programs to subsidize their income depending on how long they live to pay their bills what happens is the quality of their life continues going down and down as you get older and older, okay, so, uh, and if you think, by the way, low income is the reason the government tells you all this low income.
This all year, almost all the time, oh, it's because the guys make 19 grand a year. Well the average American makes 50 per


, you don't 19, so if you think it's these people who are suffering or 76 percent living paycheck to paycheck, 20 percent. I can't demonstrate financial literacy, look at this if you think low income is always to blame for financial hardship only one in five people twenty percent only 20% of people facing financial hardship fall below the poverty line you want finance you want finance freedom you have to get the right information this is not your dad's information this is not your mom's information this is not your rich uncle's information your rich uncle wasn't actually rich he was broke okay no we're talking about that, we don't get advice for millionaires or guys who have a little money, okay, that money scared and they will constantly give you information that will make you contract people who have financial freedom financial information, do not contract or keep, They expand, this is vital and critical and that is why I am putting this program together by the way, this program does not replace college, this program does not replace a business course, this is the glue, Jared, this is the glue with the information that They didn't give you, okay, this is what's missing.
No, I'm not attacking your dad, no one taught your dad how to create financial freedom. Your dad was taught how to get a job and how to save money, okay, so the fourth thing we have to do is figure out what fits here today. in the 21st century what do people want what do people need and then number four make a list of who you can serve or sell to 200 use cell work who can serve a shelter who is your clientele selling doesn't mean you have to move on call phone and talking to them doesn't mean you have to go prospect them or knock on their door, okay, it doesn't mean you have to do this, it might mean that doesn't mean that, by the way, if you want financial freedom bad enough would you be willing to do it okay the fourth thing you have to do or the fifth thing you have to do now is I have to plan this who is on my goal who is on my list where am I going okay but number three and Four very, very important, what is the product and who is the market? who has my money now? my friend this morning that I went to work with fell in love with his business just because you love a business doesn't mean it should be your business maybe it should be your hobby if it doesn't make you money if it doesn't create financial freedom for you right you shouldn't be doing it That's what I'm telling you right now if it pays the bills right now I would rather be in a job I hated that it paid the bills, then a job that I loved and it made me not be able to dedicate myself to other things.
Do you understand what I'm saying. I would have a job that wouldn't pay my bills, so something I love tied my hands. Because the job I hate that pays the bills has a purpose, but what I have to do is add something, so I have to decide, okay, financial freedom is double FS for me, that's what I'm going to do for not going. For a millionaire, I'm not going to be rich, I'm going to stop being incredibly rich, I'm going to pursue financial freedom and I have to keep making this decision over and over again, so when it's said that you spent too much time with family members, brothers Sisters. uncles aunts your friend your friend okay, some guy who gave up on your uncle your aunt when they say hey, you can't have all that, you don't need to do all that, why are you working so hard?
Oh, I'm working hard for financial reasons. freedom that's what I'm doing I'm listening to Grant Cardones' show I just bought this program invested in it and that's what I'm doing they're going to say that doesn't work remember this the skeptic is broke in many different ways the skeptic has always been broken to those who believe that you cannot improve, stop improving. I have always been a person for the last 30 years interested in my personal improvement, I always want to improve myself. I have invested millions of dollars in thousands of programs that I have invested to make my life what it is.
Today I don't even remember the programs that didn't work. I know there will be programs that won't work. Okay, never mind, this program will work. because because number one my heart is good I want to help you get your finances right my legacy will be to help people get their finances right maybe your teacher taught you to read maybe someone taught you how to count maybe someone taught you Spanish I'm going to teach you how to obtain your financial freedom. I can't do all that right now, but I can show you the main things. decide number two. do the math. simple calculations.
You're going to do the math once. you can go back and do. once a month it's that real this is just to make it real for you the third thing is ok what fits what fits this is more of an action step what fits what product oh I could sell 10 buttons I could sell tickets I could sell water I could sell food I could sell fitness classes I could sell training Okay, I could do plumbing after hours I could do roofing work I could add a roof to it, whatever you have to find what fits you with what you do, okay?
It fits into the 21st century. What do people need right now? You have to consider if you are good at social media, you have to consider it today. Hey, how can I help someone with their social media or YouTube or writing articles? How many blog? Do you know which people say the same thing you say? I do not have enough time. Well, why don't you do it for him? It's okay, we hire people here all the time. I'm always looking for someone to help me. We are doing a big conference in Las Vegas in February. I'm looking for entertainment and ideas.
People who don't haveinvest in mutual funds, put your money in a key. Oh, put your money in a 401k, that's how you really got rid of the money, buy a house, how about this one, buy a house, okay, they're out? I've been saying this for six or seven years this week, a house is not an investment. This week on CNBC they came out and said that a house is tested. Now a house is not a way to create wealth, at best, it is a place. to save money your mom and dad taught you to save money get a good deal get a good deal click on the coupons ok don't pay too much don't pay more compare prices put air in your tire so you don't spend so much money on gas it's a little thought I want to help you ok, I shared a lot of information with you today you like to do what can I sell? ok, what can I repair?
You can only do two things, sell it or repair it, what could it be? Who? your market, what do they want? These are the questions you should ask everyone every day. Hello friend, if you know someone, what do you want? What do you need? Why would you pay? What is bothering you in your life? What is it? It's that you really agree and I got a


for the application. We created this application. Green. I want to create an application for you. Well, didn't you want to create an app for me? Create a damn app for me.
I don't want one, why? Are they still trying to sell me apps? Because? Because they love apps. You are a programmer. You like all the code. Ok, Johnny wants to take photos of me. Let me take some photos of you. The photographer out there. I want to take photos of myself. you I want to take what photos of you wet friend I'm getting married once in my life that's stupid what are you doing because you fell in love with your deal you have a hobby you have a hobby and you're starving your hobby you need financial freedom who has my money and what do they want I'm going to help you in this program to understand both who has it what they want every Wednesday I'm going to include in this program the first 500 people support a brain on each Windows e so that you can come on Skype with us.
We will literally just give you a link. You will have private access to this brain so you can start requesting a certified Cardone delivery support mechanism. Hi, friend. How do I know who has this money? Well, in my case we do exactly the same thing all the time. Who has this? I want to sell a product. Who has my money? What do they want? Well, you said you wanted money. literacy for me you said you wanted to learn how to make more money you said a grant I want to make a thousand dollars a day a thousand dollars a day okay, let's create a good product I didn't do this because I liked it.
I did it. It's because you asked for it, we priced it at $40 to $40 per person, how many do I need to sell? I sell a thousand of these a year. I make 400 grand, oh that's easy for you. Excellent people, they know you, no, no, I made a decision. when I was 29 I stopped working a job, all I did was at 29 I made a decision, I burned out, I burned it out, dude, I'm not going to do another job, I'm going to have another job, I'm going to work a job, I'm going to work. . everyone around me, but that's not why I go to work.
His principal object. Your main reason for going to work every day should be this decision to create financial freedom. Can anyone do this? Everyone can do it. Okay, so stop the nonsense. Everyone says yes, but what if everyone got rich? The world would be a better place if everyone had money. I don't know when, why, when it comes to money, not everyone can happen, everyone can have oxygen, everyone can have water, everyone can have food. We forget how many people actually don't have water, food, or clean air. Everyone should have those things okay, okay, give me a name if you believe that. everyone should have good water, good food, good healthcare, people should be able to go to the doctor, okay, and have a house here, everyone should have that and everyone should have some money for CC, but when it comes to money, suddenly everyone says no, no, everyone shouldn't have money, but everyone should have water.
Now, everyone should have money. The problem is that most people don't know how to get it. Who has it? Okay, so number one makes a decision. I made the decision. He was 29 years old. I have been working on this decision for 30 years, the moment I made the decision I started making more money, okay, when I reinforced the decision, how do I reinforce the decision? You have to surround yourself with the right people. You need a brain. You need support. It will fall out of any program, any exercise program, anything you've ever done in your life. I promise you, I don't care how great a person you are, you will quit the program, everyone will quit the diets, everyone will quit one. training programs, so if you need reinforcement and that's why we provide phone support, we can provide this, we can deliver this content to your phone, tablet, computer and on Wednesdays we provide you with Master Mind live support number three from This way, I just do a live stream every day of the year, including the day after Christmas and Christmas Day and the day after Thanksgiving, any day off and even when my kids are born, I'm doing a lot to support them. you get an example of who's supposed to do this one, two, three, do the math, keep doing the math, good, because when you start making a million dollars a year, I'm going to show you how to do the math. ten million a year, okay, when you get to ten million a year, I've done this for enough people now I know I can do it for you, I'll show you I get to 100 million dollars a year so I've done this. enough people I don't think I can't you think you can't and I want to show you that you can't I want you to be part of my test group okay 500 people first 500 people take this we have 500 spaces left or less this somewhere it's okay wherever put it in, click on it, okay, I want to give you access to how you can create financial freedom in your life.
I am more proud of this program than any money program I have ever created. to this point i want to give you a sport i want to give you the information i want you to start thinking differently act differently handle money differently i hope you found this helpful i really appreciate if you have questions maybe about something i haven't covered something you want to learn more about information if there is something you wish we were not doing, post it below remember what I said always ask who and what is ok who has my money who needs my support the same in another way The people who give you money or the people who give you money They supported and you supported them.
What do they want? What do you need? How can you help? Thanks for watching the day. I hope you take the program and I hope I can help you in every Winston.

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