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How to Jump a Mountain Bike - A Beginner's Guide

Jun 08, 2021
What's up, team? I hope you're having a great day in this episode. I give you my five tips to improve your


s. I'm Alan and this is channel two on MTB Allen. I'm Alan, this is the Allen MTB channel and while my facial. Hair can be something exceptional. I'm a pretty average writer and have only recently gained any sort of competence or confidence with my


ing. I'm definitely not Dylan Stark or Brandon Semonic, but because things are pretty new to me right now and I obviously still remember how things were before. I thought it was the perfect time to share with you five things that played a big role in my jumping progression.
how to jump a mountain bike   a beginner s guide
Anatomy of the jump. Before we get to the tips, let's do a little jump anatomy so that jumps reach everyone. types of shapes and sizes, there are many different parts of jumps that we could name, but to keep things simple, let's agree on three main sections of any traditional jump: the edge, the space and the landing, some would say you have a transition that leads to the lip but where the transition ends and the lip begins is up for debate, especially if you're talking about a small kicker that's pretty much the entire lip, so to keep it simple we have the lip as the space. and the landing, so to demonstrate it, let's go into the demo lab, a little soda here, bring it a little closer, okay, the lip is the part that takes you into the air, the space is the space that you have to clear in order to get there al The landing and the landing what is the best place to land, obviously, yes, but if you land before, you will definitely know.
how to jump a mountain bike   a beginner s guide

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how to jump a mountain bike a beginner s guide...

The table surface doesn't actually have a gap, but there is still a gap you need to clear to get to the landing. Well, let's go. For the five tips, I'll assume you're already familiar with the fundamentals such as assuming the attack stance, bicycle body split, and pump, if you're not, that's okay, you'll still get value from this number one tip. you're in the air, the front tire is falling off, you can feel your hips rising higher than your hands, it's one of the worst feelings and all you can do is hope things don't go totally wrong, it's probably what Beginners and intermediate jumpers fear the most and it's a fear that can really hinder your progress, so let's start with how to avoid getting hit so as far as I can tell, it's not the bounce or the form of the jump or what be. the rider is looking, you know you should look further down the trail, it's a very fundamental skill, but a jump further down the trail actually means into the air over space and landing sounds obvious, but I'm sure a lot .
how to jump a mountain bike   a beginner s guide
Many of you will agree that your brain can completely stop functioning at some point between the lip and landing. I see a lot of


cyclists looking at the ground before they even get off the lip. This is actually quite natural, but it will get your body moving. a path that is at odds with the natural motion of your


, so if your


is going up the jump and you are looking at the landing, your bike will try to follow the natural path that arcs up and over the gap towards the landing while Your body will try to go in a straight line towards nice, safe ground.
how to jump a mountain bike   a beginner s guide
This difference in trails will mean that you will most likely put some forward pressure on the handlebars. Maybe it's a little pressure. It may be a lot. a lot of pressure, it can be a lot of pressure, but it tends to happen at the worst possible moment, that moment when the front wheel has gone up in the air and the rear wheel is still coming off the lip and that moment sets up the perfect conditions for that nasty forward rotation and you get hit. Here's an example along the way. You can see that this rider is already looking at the ground before his front wheel comes off the lip.
This time he gets his way, but with more air than forward. rotation is becoming more and more dangerous, so how do you fix this? It's actually quite simple while you're going up the lip, just look beyond the lip, you don't have to detect anything, it's actually a little difficult to detect something in the air, but just look up beyond the lip, at least Don't look down at the ground and then wait until you're at least off the lip before watching your landing. Here is an example of how this rider's head is much higher and he is looking where he jumps. wants it to go away, if you just make that change, you won't necessarily get more air, which I guess for many of us is actually a welcoming thought, but you will be more aligned with that natural path and therefore let yourself go less and If you're like me and feel like the difference will make you more confident and willing to take in more air, so let's talk about leg work.
If you find this useful or at least just fun, please like it. this video will help other people like you find this video if you want to keep getting great episodes like this in your feed every monday hit the subscribe button and if you want to show direct support check out the clap button like i learned from jason richardson pumping on jumps is all about the legs up and down, but let me explain why many people suggest using the bunny hop technique on jumps and while there is some transfer of skill, performing jumps is a little different. .
When you do a bunny hop you are pumping with your hands and feet and that's because you need to set it up to get the bike into that position manually on the jumps, the lip actually gives you that position to ride freely with both legs. and pulling your arms out of the lip is not bad in itself, but there are higher speeds involved and greater forces, so you need to have greater precision and make sure your arms and legs are well synchronized if they are out of sync, things can go wrong for us


and intermediate riders, it's best if we keep things simple and just pump with our legs, in any case when you just pump with your legs you're still getting into the rear and front suspension, so ride with your legs you


yourself with your arms and that brings us to the next tip, don't roll around even if you don't get hit anymore, you can still die sailor, something goes wrong with your lip, you can't make corrections, you crash. and you're totally at the mercy of physics, you've become a dead sailor, the thing is, you may actually be becoming a dead sailor every time you leave the lip, you just don't realize it until something goes wrong, well , the solution is to always keep the bike moving and as I learned again from Jason Richardson, a fundamental bike move in the air is the row, don't lunge like Henry David Thoreau, as your rear wheel comes off the lip, it starts to Pulling the bars towards your hips, you don't have to go all the way up to the bar, it can be a pretty subtle movement, but as long as a little bit of that happens, it's good enough, the key here is to not try to use your biceps to pull on the handlebars. towards the chest at the point where you are. is at odds with your bike and you are going against the natural path, pulling towards the hips will make the bike turn and then remember to push the bars out and at that point, depending on what else you are doing, the rear wheel may go higher and you can get a little more air, so when I learn new things I try not to tackle more than three things at a time, so let's move on to how we're going to learn them. sessions of things, most people will agree that doing jumping sessions will help you progress in your jumping.
I would add that when you are in session, work on one specific thing, so pick one of these three tips and just work on that for that session and wait until your next session to pick up the next tip, of course the duration and The frequency of the session will be totally personal, but focusing on just one thing will be much more effective than trying to learn three things at once, but once you get a good feeling. for that, take it on a ride, jump everything, the session gives you the feeling of a technique to internalize that technique and make it part of your riding, try it on everything, do as many jumps as you can, of different shapes and sizes, Hit them. different speeds and apply that technique, I mean anything that looks like you can get a little bit of air out when using that technique.
I mean this tip could really be to have fun with it so bottom line keep your head up remember use your legs paddle don't surf and then jump all over and have fun so I hope you've researched this and have found it useful or at least entertaining if you want to show me direct support, check out the clap button, like this video so other people like it, you'll find it and if you want more videos like this to appear in your feed, hit the like button Subscribe and I'll see you next week.

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