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How To Have More Confidence

Apr 17, 2024
but dan, how can i be


confident? Well, the first thing you need to change is your guys. Those guys, you'll never



. The right trust. I think it's something you need to develop when you were young. I had no


when I first arrived. Canada I was the invisible child I was the child sitting in the back of the classroom He would never put his hand on me I never asked any questions because I couldn't speak a word of English I wasn't supposed to connect with people I didn't know how to talk to people like that that I had no confidence that I would finish .
how to have more confidence
I would just go home and every day it was like that and I want to make sure I walk on this. I go for the locker instead of going in. to the center because I don't want to run into anyone and I was so afraid that they were people that you would even want to ask me a question. I was very afraid of people so I had no confidence and I use fast forward today in what I do. and how I do these things and with millions of followers on social media and my businesses and my accomplishments and whatever those things are, confidence develops.
how to have more confidence

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I know for a fact that I'm a walking example of how you can develop confidence, but sometimes they confuse confidence with arrogance, they think Oh, does that mean that's the idiot that arrogance is their attitude that's confident that's not confidence like this whole lady money you see that in my program a lot right the swollen male look how hard I am? that's not sure that's insecurity it's just insecurity people insecure people would like me to puff myself up and say well aiya you're good I don't need to puff myself up to know that I can kill you you don't need to do that right, you don't need to do that in martial arts, If you are a good fighter, you don't need to do that, you lose, let me show you how tough I am, it's not like that because that's not the enemy, the enemy is yourself. with a teenager, so get back out of the way, confidence, confidence comes from confidence, how can you get confidence, confidence if you suck at everything, you're not good at anything, you


no skills, you have no direction, of course, you don't have confidence, very simple and the problem is in your life the people around you the role models you don't have a role model just the people around you in general think about the people around you parents relatives friends how many of them do they have confidence not the bony ones not the moving ones how many of them They really have confidence in themselves, there are not many of them and those are the people around you so you learn from those people of course you don't have confidence but when you develop their skills, when you develop their confidence, when you are good at what you do, you feel good. about what you do, you do


of what you do and people tell you that you're good, of course, guess what, then you get more and more confidence when I was learning how to speak in public when I went to my first Toastmasters meeting that I had.
how to have more confidence
I didn't have confidence I was very afraid my face was pale I was shaking reading the strip and I couldn't give the speech I was the starter and I couldn't do it but I kept going and going and going and it got a little better and it got a little better and it got a little better until one day someone in the audience told me afterwards Oh Daniel, you're pretty good at this oh, I'm pretty good at this, yeah You're pretty good at this I think you could talk. Oh thank you very much. I feel honored.
how to have more confidence
Wow, and once I hear more of that kind of validation, more and more validation, I build my confidence, my bill, I think of confidence like it's a light. one brick, one brick at a time, not overnight, but one brick at a time, you build that, you build that and you wonder, am I even a mistake, I recovered some money lost in the business, I rebuild all this and we covered it. I'm more confident, you know what I could do this once. I could do it a second time. I could do it a third time. I know for a fact that I didn't believe it.
I didn't achieve my success by default. I created my success. by design that gives me confidence knock on wood I could lose everything tomorrow I know I could get it all back and more not because money for Who I am that is confidence attracts me and in the English speaking world there is a capitalist system USA United Kingdom United States United Hong Kong China, whatever you call it, I can achieve it and more, that's the confidence that comes from Kong, that's true confidence, so it's not this illusion of oh yeah, all this maybe yeah, how do I get that you are good at what you do?
Do you have confidence? How can you not be confident when you are so good at what you do? That's a problem with young people. You're not good at anything. Oh, I'm so good. No, tell me the truth. You're not good at anything. anything there is no substance you have no basis other than masturbating in front of the computer what else to do you do nothing that is the problem once you have it that once you can do it that confidence comes and no one can take it away from you no one can take that away from it, You own it when you can approach anything, a business deal, any company, any business with your unwavering confidence, nothing stops you, nothing stops you and that's what you need to get to, so how do you develop confidence?
I can't give you confidence by looking at the pace. it won't give you confidence make your inner confidence come true you give it to yourself no one can take it away from you so comment below ask me a good question ask a question with confidence maybe i will answer everything with so much confidence hit the subscribe button sometimes you just pee you leave me , you watch my video, you don't even subscribe to my channel, what's wrong with you? Subscribe to my channel, press that button and watch my other video, don't watch the other videos, don't watch some jokes, don't watch. like people, boobs and girls and all that, those things don't make you rich, those things make you poor, don't watch these things that are the ones you watch the most, watch videos that make you more successful and make you earn money, This is how you build a life and this is how you gain more confidence, you got it, you really got it so good next time

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