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How to Grow Lots of Ginger in Containers

May 08, 2020
Hello everyone, I'm Jack and in this video I'll be









s very well in


. I'm going to try it and also take you on a journey on how to grow ginger in containers now. Successful season in growing ginger in containers is very important. Ginger grows best in summers and the best time to plant ginger is mid-spring. Right now here in central California it is mid-May, so this is the best time to plant ginger. Ginger The piece of ginger should be at least 2 inches long and 2 inches wide. You don't have to worry about finding your eyes on ginger like you do with potatoes.
how to grow lots of ginger in containers
You can plant ginger any way and it will grow. Divide the ginger into pieces. Desired pieces for optimal planting prepare a loose composition of soil. I normally use 70% compost, 10% coconut fiber to retain moisture and 20% soil. Fill your containers with this mixture to the top. The amount of compost in this mixture will provide enough nutrients for the ginger to grow in the coming months. Plant ginger one inch deep. You don't want to plant ginger right on the surface or too deep. Ginger planted right on the surface will be exposed to the sun and dry out. Ginger planted too deep will have difficulty growing and reaching the sun after planting.
how to grow lots of ginger in containers

More Interesting Facts About,

how to grow lots of ginger in containers...

Water lightly to ensure the ginger doesn't sit in a puddle of water and rot. After two weeks, the ginger sprouts emerge from the ground and begin to grow. At this point you start to worry a lot after a month. The ginger plant is about six inches tall and has thick, stinky leaves. Ginger likes


of water so make sure the soil stays moist and doesn't dry out, as you can see the ginger leaves have suffered some heat burn and I need to mitigate this. Situation after three months, the ginger plant is about a foot and a half tall.
how to grow lots of ginger in containers
Ginger likes full sun in warm climates; However, if summers are too hot in your area and the temperature rises above 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius, move the ginger plant to partial shade. This will help reduce leaf burn. I had trouble retaining moisture in the containers, so coconut coiling came to the rescue. It had a coconut core in the top layer of soil to help retain moisture and when it dries it shows after five months. The ginger plant is approximately two to two and a half feet tall. I just hope there's a lot of ginger growing under that dirt.
how to grow lots of ginger in containers
It is very difficult to completely get rid of leaf scorch in this heat, even in partial shade to reduce leaf scorch in hot weather. Bathe the ginger. plant with water Ginger is a tropical plant and likes humid weather and


of water. The plant will thank you for the shower in the heat. After six months, the third tube has appeared and the plant is about two and a half feet tall in December. The temperature in my area drops to 32 degrees Fahrenheit or zero degrees Celsius and the ginger plant will not survive in this cold. You can bring the ginger plant indoors at this point or dig up ginger that has grown to this point.
It's November and look at this, the ginger plant is about two and a half feet tall, there is quite a bit of ginger in this container, however I don't think it will grow any more because it gets quite cold at night here, it's getting down to 30 degrees. and less than 40 degrees at night and ginger likes warm and warm weather, actually it likes warm and humid weather, so the ginger plant is already suffering from this cold, even the leaves appear there turning brown and yellow and they are suffering the wrath of the cold, so I'm going to dig it up and see what I have here before I harvest ginger.
I make sure the soil is dry. Let me scratch the surface and see what's going on. I can already see glimpses of ginger. Let me remove more dirt. Wow, look at this. Wow, look, I didn't expect that. This has a lot of ginger. This is incredible. I always wonder how nature works. This is absolutely amazing, so let me take the entire plant out of the container. Look, this is absolutely beautiful. This is my first time growing a shifter and this is just amazing. This is the ginger I have. It is called young ginger. It's been in the ground for about six months.
The ginger you get in the supermarket looks like this. This is ripe ginger. It has a much thicker skin and you have to peel it to get to this point. Ginger has to be ground for eight or ten months. I'm not sure I can do it in my climate. Maybe I can start using ginger early next year. I may start ginger right after the last frost and see if I can grow ginger until it matures. This is it, this is how to grow a lot of ginger in containers. I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you in another video.

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