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How To Get Your Dog 90% Trained with This ONE EASY Skill

May 27, 2024
Mastering what we are going to cover today is the key to unlocking 90% of the obedience


s you will ever need. Let's do a thought experiment for a moment. Imagine a new adventure every month with toys and treats that keep


dog happy and bored. at Bay imagine


adventure is personalized for


dog. BarkBox and the super chewer make


a reality. The Super Chewers are for those really tough dogs and the Bark Box is for the rest of the dogs. Every item you will get is tested on dogs, so know that dogs love toys and treats are very innovative, making time with our dog more engaging and rewarding, improving their overall learning experience and This is something unprecedented.
how to get your dog 90 trained with this one easy skill
If you sign up for a subscription today, you can get a free high-tech camera. But this isn't just any camera, it comes with two-way audio and night vision, let's talk to dogs inica, oh look, they're watching me, so that ensures you can always connect with your dog no matter where you are in the world. Is this offer available only on our exclusive link? I will have it below in the description Zack Blink or Zack Blink. This is a great day for the shadow and in this video we are going to focus on it. an incredibly simple exercise that is the basis of All Things dog training, like and subscribe to my channel to learn how to train your dog.
how to get your dog 90 trained with this one easy skill

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how to get your dog 90 trained with this one easy skill...

All of this is exactly why you need to learn. Leave it in the Leave it, watch me combo once your dog does it. this you are setting the stage for success and more challenging situations to distract, there are many ways to train, let it be, some people throw a treat on the ground and then pull their dog back for example, I don't like to do that because I run the risk of putting the dog in an undesirable mindset to check every time I say yes, he is conditional on getting a treat. I'm reinforcing the low stay we've been working on and have already covered. right there what happened there that was significant I was holding a treat yes, he even voluntarily gave me the eye of him I'm not waiting for him to start going for the treat to take it away from him or to pull him back with a leash see what?
how to get your dog 90 trained with this one easy skill
I'm saying this is exclusively positive reinforcement, yes this will work with any dog ​​on the planet so dropping it while holding it, yes it's one thing that I suspect if I dropped it right now I might try it because I don't have it anymore. I even taught him how to do that. I want to go in small steps. Yeah, did you see how long that treat was on the floor for just a couple of milliseconds? Yes, we are teaching her, you can look at her. Yes, almost there you can see it. I took it too far, the idea here is to catch him succeeding before his butt rises and gradually extend the time we ask him to resist this delicious Temptation.
how to get your dog 90 trained with this one easy skill
The goal is to be able to drop a treat in front of him while he moves. and be exciting when he is busy eating, yes this is a good time to come in if you have a very nervous dog, yes that's how fast you do it, remember if you are using his food this is no big deal. I'm going to do it. to move fast here yes yes yes a little longer that time yes yes yes that was the longest so far yes I'm going to start saying the term let him let him yes let me have eye contact with him because I also want make him look at me and I want to combine those two there's a reason I'm combining them here you'll see what I'm doing in a second yeah okay he kind of looked at me yeah I made a little sound showing the leave it look at me combo it was about getting his attention Q your dog, a vital


for future training, and while a direct look is not always necessary to show they are listening, this technique is one of the most effective ways to ensure your dog focuses on you when you tell me.
I say it often here look at me here yes you saw that moment of understanding here yes here yes oh what was that that's significant you saw how he was looking at the treat I asked for his attention and he paid attention to me we are on the right path yes yes so I resorted to some minor negative punishment, that's where we're taking away from something the dog wants as a consequence of going for the treat prematurely, but I'm trying to minimize it, that's the point here. I'm not perfect, it just shows you that there are many opportunities where we can all improve.
Here yes, I have a good one there, good man, yes, leave it here. Yes, one of the themes of this series dispels the myth that positive reinforcement takes longer. If you change your way of thinking every time your dog makes a mistake, you look at it as if you made a mistake, it will make you a better dog trainer, as responsible dog trainers are supposed to do. Consider a dog's emotional well-being when working with him, so we are tasked with observing his body language right now with him. What we see? We see a relaxed dog. He is free to leave anytime he doesn't show up.
Any visible signs of stress such as lip licking, yawning or excessive chopping, Shadow's quick understanding of this concept of quitting is impressive, this shows me that he is a very fast learner now, to take advantage of this success I am going to up the ante by handing out sweets everywhere. sometimes he even throws out several treats at once leave him yes leave him yes the key is to reward him and mark him with a yes before he makes a move for them. This strategy not only extends the length of his leave, but also prepares him to resist the temptations of the real world. as long as we are consistent in our training, okay good man, then we will release him, let him enjoy this, this is something new, he has been getting a little upset with me, we are going to talk about puppy bites later in the series.
The shadow is amazing. Get your free bark camera with two-way audio so you can stay connected with your dog when you're away. I will have links below. Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more information on Shades' journey and other upcoming series. Follow us on social networks. and check out my books for even more information. See you in the next episode.

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