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Apr 03, 2024
Okay, so the question I get the most is how do I prepare for


day? The real answer is one you're not going to like: every


day should be treated that way from your nutrition, your hydration, your sleep. to your practice the way you practice, but the difference on game day is what we call game day


and that's what we're going to talk about today in this Vlog, one is that every athlete experiences it and two, what is So from your greatest athletes, Kobe Bryant, Tom Brady and your first player, when you go into a game, you go into what's called fight or flight mode and that actually means your body is preparing, so if you have one of the best players in the game who performs at the highest level and they're saying they don't get nervous before games, maybe they're just talking about that nervousness we were talking about before, but his body lights up, he's loaded, ready to feed and explode, that's the same feeling I'm talking about now.
how to get rid of game day nerves
And what that is is called the sympathetic nervous system response, that's neuroscience, it starts in our spinal cord, it starts to warm up our body, it starts to elevate our muscle fibers so we can run hard, we can hit hard and we can shoot hard. It's all a good thing, so when we felt the game day jitters, I discovered sports psychology that really started in the early stage of my professional career and I changed it to saying, "Okay, it really means I'm ready and on before the game." game when I'm there." feeling those


in the locker room or at the end of the fourth quarter, in overtime, they start to come back, that means I really need the ball because I'm ready to run, shoot with a beaten heart, let's go in together in three together. in three one two three come on, don't have them, they may not be for you and then there are all the other things that come with it, which is what I'm learning now as I make the transition of retiring in 2021 and those playing days with the cannons. until 2022 and now 2023, my playing days with Pol and all the different things.
how to get rid of game day nerves

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how to get rid of game day nerves...

I've traveled to office work, to work from here, to work out, to go to the range and shoot, I practice the same routines right under the Q timer to go. Now I'm also starting to consume celery juice, and celery juice is a very good detoxifier and what also helps is reduce arthritis, so if you think about an old head like me, with knee surgery, that guy of clicking from bone to bone, I want less. and if you're an athlete doing it, just call it prehab, which is more important than rehab because rehab means you had surgery or something wrong, prehab, celery, just driving to the office, I feel like I'm in the team bus before game day.
how to get rid of game day nerves
I wish I could get that level of fight or flight, there are some similarities, I think there is a sense of being prepared, we can all relate to Mike and I were talking about this yesterday and the company's TMM, she is raising a child and he He's not sleeping much right now with his wife. at home and you have to focus when what I would call you're starting the day with two three nothing and the way you're doing that is going back to the basics like getting in the shower or staying hydrated by putting on a suit and tie. like a mindset shift and then the other side is you feel great if you had an amazing week of practice you shouldn't take advantage of that and let that momentum slip away yesterday I felt different than today and tomorrow I'll feel different than Today what are the tools you use to try to get to your optimal physical and mental shape?
how to get rid of game day nerves
Because the other thing is if you feel that game day jitters in the morning, you've got a night game you don't want to ruin. take away all your adrenaline so how do you activate the other side of the nervous system called parasympathetic? Okay, you can do it by meditating, you do it by journaling, going for a walk relieves tension because, trust me, you're not going to do it. If you lose it, it will come back, so I try to pace my morning and my evening so I know when I need to turn on and I need that fight or flight.
I need all the adrenaline I can get. It's there, he has it as a reserved place. battery, come on guys, what's up? It's got a hard life 2023. Alright, here we are, this is the pride and joy of 2023. Jack Johnson from Aqua Saucony ordered 20 of these from us and made a specific PLL type out of honest walnut wood. paste, there's Jack's signature 11 22. I'm going to send them to sort of friends and interested parties of the PLL. That's great, today we are going to start our big SPM meeting with our executives. I have a monthly meeting. with our head of social media I have a meeting with Kevin Durant, Rich Clyman's company boardroom, that's our thought process.
I might even move to the east coast. West Coast. I have a meeting with our STX department. We will meet internally about the championship series. I'm an Ink Mag interview that's at one, so now that we've crossed lunchtime, there are more PLL merchandise sales than any of our eight clubs and how rare is it to see an NFL fan wearing a cap of the NFL. I have my one on one. with our vice president of content and then I have it under the helmet lineup, which is for the ESPN broadcast, a review of the professional career that he leads and then we will work on this reliable band.
I think all athletes have been at this for a long time. time has its team I would say this is the number one kettlebell it is number two TRX number three but speaking of things that work, I am going to talk about the things that do not work on game day and there are three, the first is your internal dialogue and this can happen to any of us, but we're not off to the right start, we make the wrong first play, we make the wrong 20th play, talking down to yourself is like a coach yelling at you, why do it? yourself, if you don't like the coach yelling at you, so handle yourself, talk, treat yourself like you do with your teammates when you support them and lift them up.
The second thing is your physical effort to make a bad break in the flight, someone makes a mistake and your raising your hands may not be perfect, but correcting your body posture over time is like building a muscle. The third one I did for most of my career and I tried to stop it, which is trying to make up for the mistakes that we spent a lot of time on most of the time. our energy thinking backwards anything about making a good play do you think forward? you want to make a good play again whatever we messed up in the back try to fix it in the next one don't do that leave that play in the past like you do when you score a goal, that act helps you stay in the present moment, now whether you're training, you do the same thing over and over again for years, very present, okay, those are the three things you don't do abroad, end the day with a message. of this video is about your gaming days, understanding your body composition, neuroscience, how you can be prepared to be the best you can be in games and then the equipment to recognize what not to do and how to respond because in the end, Not all the games we play.
It's cool, I'd say most aren't, it's about resilience, how you respond and how you overcome reality, as life changes you go from playing a game competitively on one team for 25 years to being on a different team. and one thing I can tell you is that you really enjoy the process of being an athlete, the thrill of playing a game, the really bad taste of losing and an incredible Taste of Victory, and that will help you because that's what you live in now. same. It's great, comment below what your routine is. I'm always curious to know how I can improve the things you thought of.
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