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How To Draw Vaporeon Pokémon

May 16, 2024
Hello friends, today we are going to


another Pokémon, which one is a


, yes, we hope you follow it, you need your


ing materials, we will use a pencil first and also a marker and then some paper and something to color, yes, you are ready. To start, yes, first we will use the pencil to draw the basic shapes of our Pokémon


, so first let's draw a circle, let's draw it this size. I think it works and I went over it a couple of times to get it done. darker so our friends can see it on camera, but you guys at home can draw clearly so it's easier to erase in the end.
how to draw vaporeon pok mon
Now let's draw another circle around this one, but we'll leave this space at the top but down at the bottom we'll move further away, so I'll draw that first. Look at me and then repeat the same step to see how it comes out. Oh, it looks like an egg. Yes, it looks like a fried egg. Let's draw. a bigger circle but it's lower at the bottom this is for the thin necklace that goes around vaporeon's neck now i'm hungry i want eggs we just ate eggs now let's divide the circle in half but let's extend beyond the circle and go up high for the fin coming off the top of the head, then let's also draw a horizontal line that will connect at the top of the larger circle, this is to give us a guide for the ears or fins coming. on the head side now we are ready to draw the body.
how to draw vaporeon pok mon

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how to draw vaporeon pok mon...

Let's start here on the left side and we're going to draw a big U shape that goes down and then up again, but I'm not going to go all the way. the way back to connect with the top over here we're going to leave it, leave a space and then just to the right of this u shape, this is for the front legs, on the right we're going to draw the back legs and I'm going to draw a circle maybe this size and you can go over it a couple of times until you get the right size that you want and then you can also go in and erase any extra lines.
how to draw vaporeon pok mon
I want to go over this again first. u shape and make it a little bit shorter so that the bottom of the u shape is aligned with the bottom of the circle and then I'm going to go back and delete that first u shape. Now let's draw a guide for the tail that We're going to start here at the bottom of this circle that we can trace, but then we'll meet the front legs and then we'll start curving towards the end. Ah, that's perfect. Now let's switch to our marker. First let's draw the fin on the top of vaporeon's head, so we'll draw an inverted v and go back down and connect to the first circle, then we'll draw the top of vaporeon's head and trace it over the circle, but we'll we'll stop right there and we can repeat the same curve on the left side, then we'll draw the top of the ear that we're going to come out of and then we'll connect with the top of that guide. or the side of the guideline so we are going to start here at the end and we are going to return but towards when we get closer to the circle or the head we are going to move further away let's make that same curve on the left side we will curve up and we will connect until the end , then we'll start here and come back and go further out and connect again.
how to draw vaporeon pok mon
On my left side it seems a little longer than the right side, that's okay, yeah, we. Going back to practicing, the most important thing is to have fun, yeah, and practice and practice, yeah, oh, before we finish with the ears, let's start here on the left side and we're going to draw a straight line down until we connect back to this circle. So we're cutting out part of the circle, then we're going to curve down and connect to the middle of the circle and we want to put a little bit of a chin so it looks like there's a V shape right at the bottom. from the head, yes, good job, it looks amazing.
Now let's finish the ears, we're going to start here on the side or cheek and we're going to draw another curve that matches the top of the ear and we're going to continue. at the same distance as the top and we will do the same on the right side as well. Now we're going to draw two more that go out to the left and these are much shorter, so we'll either start there or stop. there then we will make another one just below that will go down more diagonally and this one can come out let's go out a little further than the one above now let's do the same thing here on the right it comes out and then another one that comes out further away so let's connect all of these at the end let's go let's draw a small curve to connect with the first one and let's draw a big curve that connects with the other two let's do the same on the right side a small curve and a big curve now it's starting to look like vaporeon yeah now let's draw the inside of the face first let's draw the top we're going to draw a letter v we're going to come out or come towards the middle and then back up and then on this side we're going to curve towards the ear and we'll do the same on the right curve towards the ear , now right in the middle we will add a small dot for the nose and we could draw the mouth underneath, let's draw a curve that goes down to the left and also to the right and start just below the nose, then let's draw a u shape, the letter u coming up to the in the middle and then moving back up and then we could add that little tongue at the bottom, what should we draw next, the eyes?
Yes, let's do it. Let's start by drawing two guide points right next to the nose. Let's start well. about here we'll add a guide point there and we'll add a guide point there what if the eyes from before were like this? It's like the same thing, yeah, let's draw, let's make them look bigger, we're going to draw a curve that goes up and out and almost get pretty close to the edge of the head and we're going to repeat the same curve for the top of the eye on the right side as well and we're going to draw a big curve that goes down and connects to where we started. thing on the right side let's add a large oval in the center this looks like the pupil but it's actually the highlight let's color the shape of the eye but leave that central oval shape blank we've finished the face now let's draw the neck or the fin that goes all the way around we're going to add, we're going to move to the side of the circle, the pencil line of the big circle and we're going to draw a curve that starts at the fin and goes up and touches the pencil line, then we're going to add two U shapes more that come inside but connect to the pencil line, so the small dots should touch the pencil line.
Let's do the same on the right side. We'll start inside the upward curve and touch the pencil. line, then we will add two letters u further inside and then one last one to connect with the ear, now down at the bottom let's draw an inverted u shape or a rainbow line right in the middle of the circle and then we can add two more, this one will be very big or wide, so we'll add one and then another one that's a little bit smaller and then we should be able to fit one more U shape and a half to connect to the ear.
The same thing on the right side draw another big one, then we'll draw a smaller one even smaller and then half on the ear, we can add the texture lines and we'll also draw a little curve that we can actually connect to the chin. I'll do another one on this side and the curves are aligned with the point. Makes sense? Yeah, so we can add a couple more on this side and maybe even one here on the top and also on the right side. Good job. draw the legs we're going to start here at the neck and we're going to draw the chest coming out in a u shape and actually before we draw any more let's draw the back of the vaporeon so we can draw the tail because it's in front of the front legs let's start here on the back and we're going to draw a diagonal line that matches the front, uh, yeah, and then we're going to lean and curve in the circle, then we're going to continue with everything. around and follow the tail pencil line to the left.
Now let's do the same for the other side of the queue. We're going to start at the end here and we're going to curve and match the bottom of the tail but look at this towards the end we're going to get closer and closer and almost touch each other but leave a little bit of space here now let's draw the back of the vaporium we're going to draw the same u shapes that we made for the necklace we're going to draw it back here, so we're going to draw shapes going down and right here at the end we're going to connect at the top of the tail and then we can do the same thing at the top . of the queue crossing to the left side until the end and then right at the end we are going to connect on that top line now let's draw the end of the queue, we will draw a curve that goes to the left and also that same curve going down to the left and such turn right at the end you could also curve in the other direction.
I'm going to do that up here so they match up and then we'll use our eyes to measure the distance. and divide it right in half and go in and maybe put a guide point here now we're going to draw a big curve that comes out and curves down and connects to the end of the tail. Let's do the same at the top. now let's finish the front legs right here, we're going to curve inward and connect to the tail and I'm going to get smaller or thinner towards the bottom, we're going to imagine this line going through or behind the tail and Let's go down and then just before we connect to the U shape, let's leave a little bit of space, then come back up and we'll draw the other leg as well.
Let's go down and connect to the queue. Let's imagine that we follow the queue and go out to the bottom and then stop just before reaching the end. Now let's draw the first foot that we're going to curve around, connect it to the U shape and then back up and then Let's imagine going behind it we can see the pencil line going up and we'll add a little line for the rest of the leg. Let's draw the other foot, let's curve it and then connect it. We'll also add two toe lines. on the left foot and two toe lines on the right foot we could also add a chest line here and let's also add just a little line for the back legs, I can't really see them because the tail covers them, Jack, we did it.
I finished drawing vaporeon it looks really cool except we are not completely done we still need a color yes my favorite part we are going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take the time to color your drawings but before coloring we also need to remember to use our erasers and erase all the guide lines, the pencil lines that you can still see, you are ready to move fast, yes jack, we did it, we finished drawing and coloring vaporeon and I love your drawing, Thank you very much, you can pause the video correctly.
Now to match the same color, yes, we use our biennial markers and if you have the same set, the main color that we use is b203 and then the color of the back spines and also the top of the head is b003, yes, and then the ears. y003 and inside the mouth is r213. We also used a light gray cg03 to add shading and make the vaporium look more 3d. The last thing we did was use our marker again to add an extra line to make the tail thicker towards the end where it enters. the body we hope you had a lot of fun drawing vaporia and see you later friends goodbye

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