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How To Draw An Autumn Dragon - Advanced

Mar 17, 2024
hair friends, so let's


an Autumn Dragon, yes, it will be very fun and really cool. We hope you follow us. You need your


ing materials. We will use black markers. You need some too. paper and something to color yes you are ready to start yes we are using our markers to draw and color so we also use marker paper but you can use anything you feel comfortable drawing with like a pencil or even crayons yes , Alright. let's start, let's start by drawing the eyes. I'm going to start here and I'm going to draw a diagonal line and we could also draw it a little bit jagged.
how to draw an autumn dragon   advanced
I'm going to come like this and then, oh, let's do this. add a period here and a period here oh yes, continue. I changed so we can also center the eye there, so I'm going to draw the same kind of line that comes out like this, yeah, okay, so here you go. yeah, I made that dot, yeah, you can bet we'll also draw a lot more details to make the dot disappear, yeah, oh, I like that your shape is different than mine, oh yeah, I think that's really cool, okay, now let's draw the bottom of the eye, I'm going to draw a line going down like this and then inward and we'll do the same thing here on the cool side, okay, now let's draw the inside of the eye.
how to draw an autumn dragon   advanced

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how to draw an autumn dragon advanced...

I'm going to draw it a lot smaller, so I'm going to draw another kind of diagonal line that looks like this and maybe another one inside or at the bottom and we'll do the other one inside here, then let's go down here and we can draw the nostrils. draw two more lines together and then let's go out this way and then to a point and let's go out this way and to a point on each side, then we're going to repeat the same steps on the left and also on the right because it's symmetrical, yeah, like this which we will also draw a little faster when we repeat the same step, okay, now let's draw the mouth.
how to draw an autumn dragon   advanced
I'm going to start here and I'm going to draw a crazy mouth. to come, oh, let's also add a point. I'm going to draw another diagonal line here, so we have these two lines to help us draw symmetrical, so I'm going to draw right here. I'm going to go past the nostril like this and then I'm going to come back up like this. I love that we are going to use all the paper. Okay, now let's add the teeth. Let's start here. I'm going to draw a fang that comes out and then goes back and then repeats the same tooth on the other side.
how to draw an autumn dragon   advanced
Now we will draw the next tooth smaller and then the next one we will draw a little larger. I'm going to do the same thing on the right side, a small tooth and then a large tooth, then let's add teeth the rest of the way to the back of the mouth and look at this, I'm going to draw them in a little more so they don't stick out like this . they come down oh maybe some of them can stick out like this but then the rest I'm going to bring them down maybe you could even leave a little bit of space and then take out a tooth.
I'm going to repeat the same step. over here on this side and then maybe a tooth that has some space between them, well, it already looks very scary, yeah, it's super cool, okay, now let's draw the bottom of the mouth and we could also overlap it a little, so I'm going to Let's start here and draw the bottom of the mouth that comes under the teeth. Oh, and this one overlaps the one that sticks out a little bit more and then as I go down, I'm going to go behind this tooth and also this tooth, and then I'm going to go underneath and draw a little U shape between the two front teeth. and then we will go back to the other side to the corner of the mouth.
We'll also add some teeth inside here, so. I'm going to draw some very sharp teeth on each side and maybe some smaller ones between the two bottom front teeth. Now we're going to color where there are no teeth, so I might add another tooth on top because I forgot to add that there are some. there we can add one if you want, but you can also leave it blank and I'm going to color here between these teeth and part of that I'm going to leave white so that now there are teeth at the bottom. let's start right here and we're going to draw the jaw.
I'm going to come out of here and then I'm going to get closer to the mouth line and I'm going to go down more like this underneath and then You're going to go over to the other side and then right at the end, curve out and on yours, do you have enough room in the bottom? I think all the way up and then curve out, right at the end, you did it, there's the bottom of our


's face now let's add some of the details up here and the horns. We're also going to turn it into an Autumn Dragon, so some of these horns actually looked more like leaves or


leaves, so let's start here I'm going to draw a line that comes out like this and we'll do the same thing on the side. right then I'm going to start here we're going to draw a letter v on the side and then I'm going to draw more of these going down like this and then we'll connect at the jaw, it'll also look a lot like fire.
Yeah, let's do the same thing here on this side. We also want to try to make this look like leaves instead of fire. so let's try to create those curves like


leaves. Let's add another line here that comes from each of the zigzags towards the center of that sheet. We can do the same here. Let's add another one coming out of the eye, so I'm going to start here. I'm going to go up a little bit high, these might even look like horns and then let's do the same thing. I'm going to draw a letter V or an inverted V at the end and then let's draw the side of the leaf that goes down and into the eye, so I'm going to draw some zigzags and then right at the end we're going to curve towards the top of the eye, then we'll draw the same zigzags on the other side of the leaf and then I'll go down more like this and then I'll stop right above the eye and we'll do the same thing on this side.
Okay, now let's draw another leaf coming out from under the bottom of the eye and repeat the same type of S. Curve here on the right this time I'm going to draw a different shape to my leaf. I'm going to go out like this and then I'm going to curve to the other side and come back and stop right before it gets there. to the eye and then let's do the same thing here on this side, exit the curve up and then the S curve again towards the eye and then here on this Leaf, the first one we drew, let's connect it with this other one right here.
I'm going to imagine it going back and coming back out like this and then we can also add those little veins inside the leaf that come to the center and then let's do the same thing here on this side, we'll go behind leaf and then add those texture lines internals, now let's add a leaf right in the middle. I'm going to draw it vertically like this and even to the top of the paper and then let's also add that upside down letter V. down the letter v and then let's draw the zigzag lines going down towards the center here and then repeat the same on the other side yeah that looks really cool now what we did on these leaves we added that inside texture let's do it on the center. and all other sheets, this part will move quickly, so pause the video if you need to take more time to finish this step.
Jack, that looks really cool, except I think we need to add a lot more leaves, yeah, so let's fast forward again and We're just going to repeat all of those same steps, but we're going to place more leaves behind and around the entire head. You're ready to move forward quickly again. Yes, Jack, we did. We finished adding all these extra leaves around it. It looks really cool, except. It's going to look even better once we do the tolerant thing, yes my favorite part, we're going to fast forward again so remember to pause the video and take the time to color your drawings.
You can even wait until the end to pause so you can use our drawings as inspiration for your drawings, yes you are ready to fast forward, yes alien Jack we did it, we finished drawing and coloring our fall


s and they look much better colored, yes, the colors make them more like autumn leaves, yes, and the good thing about markers. is that you can layer once the first layer is dry you can add another layer on top to make it look darker so the first color we use for the face we use y204 and that is this bright yellow and then we use y423 to add shading. above and also the darker color that we used y552 that we used on the eyes and also the dark shading, especially here on your nose, yes, you can pause the video right now to match our same color or you can color it however you want, we hope.
You had a lot of fun drawing your fall dragons, yeah, and we hope you stop the video and take more time to color your drawings because it really changes, makes it look super awesome. I think this is one of my new favorite lessons, for sure. See you later our friends goodbye

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