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How To Draw A Rubik's Cube

Jun 04, 2021
Hair friends, we are going to


a trash can, yes it will be very fun, we are going to


in 3D, so we hope you will follow us. You have a marker and some paper. Ready to go Yes, we are using a black marker now and it is not necessary. You can use a pencil if you feel more comfortable drawing with a pencil, but if you have a marker you should make sure you have at least two. sheets of paper so your marker doesn't fall on the table. Now first we are going to start by drawing two points on our paper and this is for the edge of our Rubik's


and we are going to draw 3d, so We are drawing a


, yes it is a 3D shape and it is a box, it is like a box , so we'll draw a dot here and a dot here, but I'll also make sure that the spacing from the edge of the paper is about the same and we want to make sure that it's horizontal, so directly across from each other, yeah, cool , now right in the middle we want to imagine a line that goes down the middle and we're going To draw two points on top of each other, we're going to draw one above and one below and we want to make sure the space is even.
how to draw a rubik s cube
If you divided these two points in half, that is where the other two points would be. align, yes, does that make sense? Yeah, okay, now we're going to connect these points and we're going to use them as guidelines, our guide points so we can draw the edges of our Rubik's cube, so we're going to connect them now that we have a sideways or an upside down v and then we're going to connect the other side or connect the bottom part so that you draw a line there and we are going to connect it to the bottom part.
how to draw a rubik s cube

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how to draw a rubik s cube...

Now this is a foreshortened square, so it looks like our square is on a table, yeah, now we're going to turn this into a table, this is going to be the top of our table, now we're going to draw the legs and we're going to draw three legs , let's start with the middle now, when we draw this middle line, we will draw it down and if you want you can also use a ruler to try to make these lines even straighter. Now you can also measure with the ruler the length of these lines because we want them all to be the same length now we're going to come here, we're going to draw this same length here for the second leg, so we're going to start at the edge and we're going to draw a line coming down and we want to make sure it's the same length, so let's stop and see how it's higher because we started higher here, now we're going to do the same thing on the left draw a straight line down down and these should stop in the same place this one is a little bit shorter we'll draw it down like this what does a table look like?
how to draw a rubik s cube
Yes, it looks like a table. We have the top of the table and the three legs there. It should be a fourth leg, but it's directly behind this one, so we're going to leave it out and it's also because we're going to connect the bottom parts to make a cube. We're not going to make a table, are we? Yeah, okay, so now I'm going to connect the edge here and I'm going to draw it a little bit lower because I need to draw this line longer. This line should be at the same angle as the top line.
how to draw a rubik s cube
Okay, and then we're going to draw this side here, okay, that's how you know that this line was maybe too long, yeah, because this angle here is a different angle here, so if this was directly down here it would be more like this , Yeah. that's cool, yeah, so that's okay because we're practicing right now, yeah, now, next time we draw it we can work on making these lines more uniform and we can even use a ruler to measure, yeah, okay, now, What is a Rubik's cube with missing lines? little boxes inside on the right, okay, now we're going to divide this edge into three equal points.
Now we're just going to guess, so I'm going to draw another line down and I'm going to draw another line down two lines to make three equal columns, good job, okay, now we're going to repeat that here, we're going to draw a straight line down. down and a second straight line down and we're just looking at it we're just guessing to try to make these the same next we need to draw the lines that go in the other direction yeah on the side so now we're going to take this line and we want it to have the same angle and we are going to draw two lines, one here and one to the right. here, so you can imagine bringing that line down, so I'm going to bring this line at the same angle down and draw, look, it should look parallel, yeah, good job, now let's go down here, let's do the same thing. with squeaky markers yeah okay and then we'll do it on the other side as well and it should start in the same place where we started on the other line so we draw a line that goes all the way across and connects and you can start here and cross over This way is a little easier for me, it is easier to carry the line this way.
Great, good job. Now we're going to draw the lines on the top of our Rubik's cube, so this line we're going to join here and we're going to do the same thing, cross it all the way to the end it should look parallel okay and then we're going to do one more good job, like, okay and then I'm going to go the other direction, so we're going to start right here and we're going to draw a line and I'm going to rotate my paper a little bit diagonally. Sometimes it's easier to turn the paper diagonally so you can draw a straighter line.
Yes, sometimes. we flipped our paper over, okay, so you can flip it back to see it, we did it dude, it looks amazing, yeah, now it's going to look even better once we do the color, yeah, let's put our markers aside and let's go. use yellow red and blue to color our


's cubes and if you want you can draw you can color everything in bad condition but we are going to draw it solved yes and what are the other colors of the


's cube green and white green and white, so if you at home they want to use different colors, they can use red, green and white, not color one of the sides, they can also do that, done, fast forward, yeah, let's do it right now, okay Jack, we did it, we finished coloring our.
Rubik's cubes look amazing, all colored, right? Yes Yes. Now, one last thing we did was take our black pencil and thicken the line between each block because in the real toy there are spaces between each block. It is much thicker than our simple marker line. Yes, we hope you had a lot of fun drawing and coloring your Rubik's cubes with us. Remember that you can change them so that they are all mixed. You don't have to color it like ours, I think. That would look great with everything mixed together, yes we should do that next time, see you later our friends, bye.

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