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How To Draw A Ring Pop

Apr 15, 2024
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today jack a marine pop yes we are going to



pops these are so amazing I love them we have mystery pops I don't know what flavor they are correct we should open them yes yours is blue mine is blue too because these are blue mystery mysteries right , so they're blue but we don't know what flavor there is which one is yours um I think mine is watermelon I think mine is blueberry uh yeah I think mine is watermelon mine could be watermelon too I can't tell what flavor it has so So let's put this aside, let's draw a


, okay, we can even eat them during the lesson, yeah, except we're going to make our art friends very jealous. yeah, mine doesn't even fit my pinky ring, mine really doesn't fail, you'll hardly want it washed, it's probably a little blurry anyway, okay, let's start by drawing a line right in the middle of our paper, like this let's go to start here and we're going to draw a straight line down the middle, yeah, now we're going to draw lines coming out to the sides, so we're going to fall and they're going to tilt up slightly so there's one and then we're going to make the same line on the other side, yeah, okay, now we're drawing the gem part on this part, oh yeah, the blue part, don't fall, okay, now up here we're going to draw the same line that we drew down here, but it we're going to make it shorter, okay, so we don't want to draw it as long as the first line that we drew, yeah, okay, now we're going to connect, we're going to connect this top line down. to the first one on each side, okay, now down here let's draw an even smaller line, but it's also angled up, yeah, okay, now let's connect those lines, it's starting to look like this, right?
how to draw a ring pop
Yeah, okay, now let's do one. more on each side, so we're going to angle it a little bit more, but this one is really short, okay, and then we're going to make another one down here with the same angle, but a little bit longer, okay, I'm going to draw mine . even a little bit longer, there we go and then this one down here will be shorter, okay, now let's connect the three, great, now we're going to repeat those steps here, so a short line, a little bit longer line and a short line down here and then connect them all now we need to draw the top so we're going to draw a short line that matches this one but it's going to slope inwards so it looks like a v and we're going to do the same thing on the other side so we're going to draw a line that goes up and then down to connect it, it almost looks like a curve when you're done, yeah, good job, you did it right, now we're going to draw this bottom part so that the disk that surrounds our gems, we're going to start here, come out and then go back to come in, yeah, okay, now we have to draw the ring part down and we're going to draw two c.
how to draw a ring pop

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We're going to draw a c forward and a c backward right and then we're going to draw another one outside of that and one here backwards. Good job, now we need to connect these two here and the two on this side, we did it. it was so much fun yes it looks amazing now it will look even better once we color it so let's put our markers aside and let's fast forward to this part but you guys at home can use your creativity and color your ring . appear any color you want, yes, they could be watermelon, it could be blue, surprise, mystery, blue, mystery, yes, or it could be a swirl or a swirl, yes, even a swirl, those are really cool, okay, it we did, buddy, good job, I love your ring, pop, man.
how to draw a ring pop
I love the way you colored it. I wish I had colored my swirl too. I also added shading to mine, but you can leave it that way to make this lesson easier. We hope you had a lot of fun drawing your rings. Yes, we hope so. you had a lot of fun and see you later our friends bye ring pops are so good. If you had fun following this lesson, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking the circle and then you can click the bell to get We are notified every time we upload new videos.
how to draw a ring pop
I also selected these two other lessons that I thought you would really enjoy. Don't forget to take a photo of your child's finished artwork and share it on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter because we want to see it. how wonderful it turned out

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