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How To Draw A Milkshake

Jun 05, 2021
HS What is your favorite thing to eat in the summer? Smoothies. It's okay, our friends. We hope you follow us. You have something to


with and some paper in front of you. Let's


smoothies. Yes that's fine. Let's do this right, first we're going to start with the top of our cup and we're going to put two points in front of each other, okay, so we're going to put two points, we want them at the same level, but we want to space Mount out, we want to be a little bit lower so we can get the straw sticking out of our shake, so right there and there, okay, maybe right there, yeah, that's a good spot and then space it out, maybe like right. here somewhere that's where we're going to start the edge of our glass for our smoothie and then down here at the bottom let's draw two more points, okay, and we're going to move these points a little bit closer and we want them to be between the other two points, so come down here, we're going to draw two points very close together that will be the bottom of our cup here, let's see well, let's go right on both sides of my finger, yeah, and one on the other. side you can make it a little bit darker, there it goes good, now we're going to connect these and we're going to make the rim of our glass, so we're going to go down and we're going to curve towards that. point, so start here and then curve towards that point, good job, continue, oh, I can now taste our smoothie.
how to draw a milkshake
Now we're going to draw the other side and we're going to want this to look the same as the other one. The side of our glass, mine, is a little crazy, but okay, good job, now let's connect these at the bottom and the reason we didn't want to draw the line at the top is because we're going to make our


overflows so that the


The cream is spilling over the edges, okay, now we're going to draw two curves that go down the side or the bottom of our glass and one on the other side.
how to draw a milkshake

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how to draw a milkshake...

Awesome, now we're going to connect the background with a curve there. come on, yeah, we did it right, now let's draw the decorations on our glass, we're going to draw a dot here, just to the right, in the middle of our glass, right there, right here, yeah, and then we're going to divide the distance . and put two more dots, so look how we're going to put a dot right in the middle between there and there and one on this side too okay, now we're going to draw big rainbow lines that will connect them so that there's one that looks like water upside down, that looks great, yeah, and this will be the design of our mug.
how to draw a milkshake
Okay, now the middle one, we're going to draw a line down and connect it to the bottom of our cup. Okay, now let's go. to draw one on this side, except we're going to curve like the edge of our perfect glass and then we're going to make one on this side and curve the other direction M now that we have our glass, let's draw the bottom of our cup so this will be the inside of our cup, we're going to draw a U shape and then the smoothie will be right there, can you try your smoothie?
how to draw a milkshake
Yeah, okay, now let's draw the top of our glass and let's go. to draw a line that goes across and we're going to stop, we're going to start right here and we're going to draw a line that goes across, but we're going to stop halfway through and that's so we can draw some of the Whipped cream gets to the edge okay and then we stop and then we're going to draw the whipped cream. Coming Down Over The Edge looks great. We could draw a small cloud line. Yeah, well, and then we'll finish. Let's imagine this line going through the little drip and crossing it and connecting it.
Excellent good job, okay, now we're going to draw, we're going to draw another little drip coming down this side, so I make a little cloud line going down the side. and we could do the same on this side, maybe this one will go down even more. It's overflowing with goodness, okay, TRWe're going to get the top of our whipped cream, so let's draw more cloud lines that go to the top and let's stop, we don't want to go all the way and connect, so let's draw big cloud lines, go here and then stop and then we're going to draw a cherry, okay, okay, now let's draw the cherry, we're going to draw a big big circle, but don't connect it, we can leave it open at the bottom, like this that we draw a big circle, but leave the bottom open okay now, on the other side we're going to connect it in that last little drip, okay now. right here under the cherry, let's draw a little cloud line to make it look like the cherry is sticking and it's on top of the whipped cream.
Well, what is our cherry missing? The stem, yeah, the stem, so let's draw a little curve coming out and then I can draw it coming back down, cute, I really like that cherry, why is our smoothie missing the straw? Yeah, let's draw a really cool straw coming out, so let's draw two lines next to each other and those are parallel so they look like railroad tracks, they go straight next to each other, straight, yeah, straight, and then another straight line and another straight line, yes, and then they connect the upper M. I'm getting hungry and then let's put stripes on our strip of straw stripes.
Amazing stripes. good job, we did it right, let's pick our colors and let's make our smoothie look even tastier mhm, we're going to use burnt pink and red, how come we use pink strawberries? Yes, we're going to make our smoothie strawberry flavored, strawberry flavored, yes, yes, and we're going to use 10 because we're going to put graham cracker chips on top M, is that selling well? Yes, you guys at home remember that you can use whatever color you want, maybe you have a chocolate flavored shake and you could use very dark brown for the chocolate. Fast forward, heads, yeah, okay, let's do it right now, good job, heads, you did amazing, your smoothie looks amazing, give me a high five.
They had fun? Yes, now you guys at Home, remember that you don't have to color your smoothie the same way we did. In fact, you could draw more ornaments on it. Maybe you could put a chocolate bar in it. That would be good. We hope you had a lot of fun. drawing your smoothies with us and see you later our friends bye bye you're eating a smoothie it tastes like Sharpie mhm

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