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How To Draw A Dachshund

Jun 05, 2021
Hello friends, today we will


a dot. Yes, let's




. They are one of those very long, super short dogs. Are you ready to start. Yes, we hope you will follow us. You have a marker. something to draw and some paper, first we're going to start by drawing his eye, so let's start, we're going to draw a circle and we also have the paper horizontal or horizontal and that's so we can place them, yeah, now. Let's draw a small circle at the top right and then also a smaller circle here at the bottom left and then color the big circle next.
how to draw a dachshund
Let's draw his nose. Let's start right next. to his eye and we're going to draw a side U shape, kind of a V too, it's a little pointy, well now that could be his mouth when we're done, now let's draw his nose, so we'll draw a little bit back . In a C shape, oh, there you have it, connected in perfect condition. Now let's draw those little nostrils. We will draw two circles or two ovals inside. He looks like a pig. Yes that's fine. Once we color it black, it will look more like a dog's nose. next we're going to draw his forehead and it's going to go over the top of his eye and it's going to become the top of his head like this, okay now we're going to draw his ear and it's flexible so let's start by drawing a line that goes down like this and then it goes back almost like the side of his note, like his nose, but we're drawing it, yeah, turn it over now, let's draw the top of his ear.
how to draw a dachshund

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how to draw a dachshund...

I'm going to draw this. a little bit closer to the top of his head and we're going to draw his ear, it's going to curve like this, come back down and then connect and it was a little tricky so you can pause it if you need more time to finish that step. but it goes up down and then it curves back like this, now let's make them in 3D, so let's draw a second ear here near his forehead, okay, now let's draw the bottom of his nose, let's draw it a little bit more below his eye, it's good now. let's draw his chest, so we're going to start right here, we're going to curve down and then we're going to curve back for the rest of his chest.
how to draw a dachshund
Okay, now let's draw their front legs, so first let's draw the front of their leg and I want to draw it short because they have short little legs, yeah, and then we're going to draw the back of their leg like this and then this one will go down more to see how this it is longer. Okay, now let's draw yours. leg, so let's draw a little curve that connects and curves down, yeah, and then we'll connect the bottom to the back of his leg. Okay, now let's add two little toe lines at the end of your foot.
how to draw a dachshund
Now let's do it in 3D. to draw its second front leg, so we'll draw a little line. Now I moved my front paw a little bit closer to her other leg so you could draw another line here that goes down and connects to her paw. Yeah, not him that way. it has a very large leg and a very small leg, so we want to make sure that they are the same width, so now we are going to draw the curves of its paddle, it connects and goes down and then we will connect it to the other one. foot very good, that looks very good now we are going to add those two little toe lines, we did that, we finished his front legs, yes, now we are going to draw his body, so we are imagining that the line of his chest it comes down here connecting with your front leg and then we're going to imagine it going behind your leg and then coming out to do your body on the back.
It's too long. Now let's draw the upper part of his body, so we start right here at his ear and We're going to draw his little neck going down just a little line and then we're going to draw his back and it's going to curve like this and then it's going to turn oh it's complicated I love these dogs, they're so It's so fun to let him fall now we're going to draw the rest of his back legs, so let's draw this curve, it's going to curve down, okay, so we're going to draw a little curve coming out the back.
Okay, now let's draw the front part. this leg and we're going to draw it very short so that its lower legs are not lower on the page than its front legs, okay, okay, we want them to be the same, we want them to be the same height here, so Let's draw a little line for the front of your leg and then this one on the back we want to curve it down and we want it to end in the same place as the front and okay, yours is a little bit lower, okay and then Next we go Let's draw his leg, so we're going to curve up, connect and then go back down and then we're going to connect the bottom with the back of his leg.
You already did? Alright? We're going to draw his second back leg, so let's draw a little curve that matches this front one, then we'll draw that short line that we drew here and then we'll draw his leg that goes down nicely and then we'll connect the bottom part. on his back leg and we forgot about the two toe lines, yeah, so let's draw them on each foot, there are two little lines there, two little lines here, okay, we're missing one thing, what are we missing? gun, its tail, let's draw a curve coming. up and then we'll curve back down there's a little


tail okay we're done with our dachshunds they look amazing and I love that they look a little different yeah that's okay because the most important thing is yeah , have fun, now we still need To do one last thing, what is the color?
Yeah they'll look a lot better once we color you done yeah up to three let's do it one two three good job buddy you colored yours brown I like it yeah and I colored mine black and brown , yes, and I love that they look different, did you have fun?, yes, you promised, yes, we hope you have fun drawing your doctors, yes, we hope you had a lot of fun, especially coloring them and see you later, our friends.

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