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How To Draw A Corvette C8 2020 (Front View)

Apr 20, 2024
Hello friends, today we are going to




, yes, it will be great. We hope you will follow us. Let's


the c8, the c8


, yes it's amazing, you need something to draw with. we're going to use markers some paper and some coloring yes let's do this yes we're going to draw a



of the


so first we're going to draw two straight lines down for the side of the wheels we're going to draw them close here from the edge of the paper, we'll draw them this length and I'll draw another one here.
how to draw a corvette c8 2020 front view
We want it to be the same length and the same height at the top and bottom. work now we are going to draw the fender or the part of the body that goes over the wheel we are going to draw a curved diagonal line come in and we will do the same on the other side we want it to have the same angle and the same height, so tilt the same if draw a line right in the middle of our cart, fold the paper in half, they should line up, they should match on both sides and there's a special word for that symmetrical, yes, symmetrical, right now, up. here at the top we're just going to draw a short line on both sides.
how to draw a corvette c8 2020 front view

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how to draw a corvette c8 2020 front view...

Great, now let's flip our paper this way, we're going to turn it on its side and this is so we can draw a big, long curve between these two lines. Let's draw, we start at the top and we're going to pull the line towards us and we don't want to curve it too much, but we also don't want it to be too straight, so we're going to draw a little curve, this is for the top of the hood or the bottom of the windshield yeah Jack good job on that line okay the lowest part of that curve is here on the right side because we're going to color the window or the


glass black go ahead and start here , draw so that the lowest part is down, right in the middle of the cart, maybe a little higher and then come back up and draw the same line, does that make sense?
how to draw a corvette c8 2020 front view
Yes, it's okay now. We're using markers so we don't have to erase because we don't want to waste time erasing, we just want to have fun and draw, yeah, but the nice thing about drawing with markers too is that you can fix some of the things if you draw them a little different there you go, now we can color that top part black, you won't even see that line, now we're going to draw, we're going to draw the windshield, the top part of our car. We're going to draw two diagonal lines that will appear like this on both sides and we'll start where that little line entered the fender.
how to draw a corvette c8 2020 front view
Yes, you could also draw it a little higher. This is the outside. shape yeah, a little bit higher on the left, then we're going to draw the top of our car, we're going to draw the roof, we're going to draw a curve that connects these two lines together, all right, now on each side We're going to draw another curve that descends. Now these two shapes on the left and right are actually called pillars and we're going to draw the roof of our corvette. We're going to draw another curve that matches and I turn my paper sideways again I'm going to turn my paper sideways again and we're going to draw the bottom of our corvette we're going to start here and I'm going to draw a line this could actually be a straight line, don't you don't have to curve if you don't want to, just draw a straight line, pull the line straight towards your body, yeah, keep going, good job man, you did it, it looks like you used a ruler, you made a good job, now let's draw. the divider at the bottom of our car we're going to draw another curve that matches that bottom line but we want we don't want to go too far we don't want to cross completely we're going to get close to that distance and we'll do the same on the other side so we match the bottom line, but let's stop this.
I need to get a little further out there we go yeah you could use your fingers or you could use. a ruler that looks right now we are going to draw a diagonal line that goes up both sides now we are going to go up to the middle of the tire and we are going to put a point and we want to leave a little space from the edge we are going to do the same on the other side halfway and we put a point well now we are going to turn our paper on its side again and we are going to draw another line that is straight or a little curved and we connect those two points we are drawing the lower air intakes on the front of the cool car now we are going to draw the side of the shape we are going to draw a curve that goes down both sides and we don't want to go all the way down and connect we want to leave a little space on both sides we will do the same on the other side of the right side now we are going to jump back to the center and we go To draw another diagonal line outwards, we will join that same line here on the right.
I know we're jumping all over the place, but it's going to come together at the end and we're going to draw another diagonal line. up on both sides up and in and we want them to lean in the same direction for the same angle yeah, there you go, now we're going to draw, we're going to finish the outside shape, we're going to draw a straight line. that comes in and before we get to this corner let's stop and then draw a diagonal line that goes up and matches the inside diagonal line and then let's do the same thing here on this side, draw a straight line in and then a diagonal line below we're going to draw the headlights, we're going to start over here and we're going to draw a line going down and then right at the bottom we're going to make a curve towards the middle and we're going to stop right above this diagonal shape, there you have it, now we can draw the top, then we're going to draw a diagonal line that goes to where we started and then right at the end we're going to go up a little bit more and then right at the end it curves down, it's a little tricky but you guys At home they can pause the video, rewind it if necessary, but that's the general way.
Now let's repeat the same way here. We'll start near this corner. Draw a line. that goes down and then right at the end we're going to curve toward the middle and stop above the diagonal line, then we're going to curve up again a short distance and then we're going to draw a diagonal line that goes outward and then toward the right at the end, curve down, now it's okay if the left side doesn't exactly match the right side, drawing symmetrical things is extremely difficult. I drew this lighthouse a little lower than this one, this one is a little higher and that's okay because the most important thing is to have fun, have fun and practice two, I promise you that you will draw a corvette, the second time it will turn out even better than the first, it's okay, let's move on now, we have to draw the emblem on the hood and what is a corvette. logo two flags two flags yes and they are V-shaped, so we'll keep it simple, we'll just draw a V right in the middle of our car and lower than the headlights.
I love that you're concentrating. We're lining it up there, yeah, I may have drawn my logo, a little too big, huge hood emblems on this one, okay, you should be proud, you drive a corvette, yeah, okay, two little lines on the facing side up and then we'll connect. drawing another v to connect those two lines, okay, we'll keep it simple like this, if we want, we can draw, let's draw a line right in the middle, one side is the flat tab, the other side is the Chevrolet flag, then let's draw the mirrors On the sides we are going to draw a horizontal line on the fender, then we are going to draw two diagonal lines, one on each side, we are going to draw a diagonal line upwards on the outside and also on the inside, then we are going to draw a line that connects the top and finish the shape, then we draw the neck that connects the mirror with the body, we draw a short line and then we will follow the outside shape of the mirror and continue all the way. until we get to the end of the mirror and then we'll draw a diagonal line down and then we'll draw another diagonal line to add thickness to the neck.
Yes, let's repeat the same step here on the left side for the other mirror. First we'll draw the horizontal line on the fender, then we'll draw the two diagonal lines up, then we'll connect the top, then we'll draw that short line on the outside of the mirror, and then we'll draw a stroke around it. the shape the outside shape of the mirror and then right at the end connect it to the body then you can also draw that shorter line to add thickness to the neck we did it, good job now let's finish adding the tires down here on the bottom we're going to draw, we're going to extend this line a little bit down, then we're going to draw the horizontal line coming in and then back up, we don't want to draw the tires too high because the corvettes are very low to the ground, I think it's also super exciting that this corvette is mid-engined , it will make it an amazing car, okay, so we will repeat the same step for the outside or the right side and then we will draw the tire.
The shape goes up, now let's draw those rear tires. We repeat the same step in all our front


s. We're going to draw the rear tires a little higher and further in because there's perspective, so we're going to draw another horizontal. align it and then connect it to the top okay jack we did it we finished drawing our corvette now there are more details like in the headlights and also down here in the bottom entrance but we are going to add that while we color In this part we are going to fast forward, but at the end you guys can pause the video to match the same color as us, ready to fast forward.
Yeah, first we used our red and black markers to color everything solidly and we also left these two. lines on each of the headlights now we're going to use our white colored pencil and I also added a little black notch right here, do you want to add that on yours so that there's a little fin that goes into that red diagonal piece and it's towards the top of the input form, yeah, there you go and then we're going to draw with our white pencil. We're going to draw a line that's on the front edge and goes all the way out. form the outer edge of the shape, then we will do the same on the left side, we will use that white colored pencil to place it on top of the black, now we are going to do the same on the bottom of our car. draw this is for the divider, the wind divider at the bottom, we're going to draw a border or just a line going down and following the red shape and then going up diagonally to match that as well and I'm going to do the same thing.
The same thing on the right side appears and then up. I like to use white colored pencils on top of the markers. There you have it. If you want, you can visit it. There's a link below this video where you can go to our Amazon art store and we pick up the same art supplies that we have, we have a link to both sets of markers, the artist's loft of this one and then this one is, by angle, I don't know how to say that name, but we have a link to it and, uh This artist is a little more expensive than this more generic guy.
It's fun to use the markers first and color that solid and then add the extra details with your colored pencils. Now let's add a line that connects these two diagonal lines. right in the middle we will also add one more line, one more white line that connects the two corners of the red shapes, there are two white lines on top of each other, so let's imagine this line of the leaf entering the central part and let's Let's draw another line that the further away we will do the same on the right side the same distance on both sides entering then we are going to draw a short line, a diagonal line on each side and then connect the ones that are in the middle, great, now this part is going to be a lot of fun, we're going to draw another diagonal line coming down from the top of the hood and we're going to draw it with our white pencil. all the way past the hood ornament and then we'll also draw that line that goes to the black shape.
Good job, let's do the same on the other side. Let's draw a diagonal line. Does the same go down? past the hood ornament and then also into the black shape in the middle oh you're doing so well it looks amazing now we're going to turn this line into a v we're going to go up and then right at the end we're going to curve towards the mirror i love all these really cool details on the hood of the corvette we're going to repeat the same line on the other side we're going to draw I'm going to start again here next to the mirror on this one we're going to draw the line going down and then, right at the end, we curve inward and touch the bottom tip of the first diagonal line, let's add one more feature, it will be right here.
I'm going to draw another diagonal line that goes down and then runs towards the mirror and we'll do the same thing here. The diagonal line runs to the right. Oh, I said the mirror is on top of the headlight. You get confused when we talk about all these different ones. parts yes, then a diagonal line coming from the outside touches the top of the headlight, the same on the right side. Next we are going to add the highlights with our white pencil and some shading, but in this part we are going to move quickly. again and at the end you guys can pause the video again to match the color you are ready to fast forward.
Yes Jack, you did great. Coloring your corvette turned out perfect we used our dark red, a darker red marker to go in and add the highlights and some shadows. We also used our gray marker to add a shadow under the cart to make it look like it is sitting. soil,Did you have fun with this drawing? Yes, and we hope you had a lot of fun following us and drawing your own corvettes. I'm sure they turned out amazing. Tell them they did a good job. You did a good job. Yes. Did I want to see you later?
Our friends. Bye bye.

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