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How To Diffuse Curly or Wavy Hair

Apr 16, 2024
Hello beauties, welcome back to my channel today. I'm going to show you how I styled my fine but




SL, this is not air dry it's off so if you're curious keep watching okay so I'm going to start by soaking wet


. I usually don't put on makeup first just because it's better to style your hair with wet hair when you first get out of the shower, so if I ever have to put on makeup first, I put my hair up with a small clip as soon as I get out, so I don't brush it yet.
how to diffuse curly or wavy hair
I just let all the water stay in, which is why a lot of people think you're not supposed to brush your hair when it's


. hair because it makes it frizzy, which is true, but only when it's dry, so it's important to brush it before you start styling the curls because otherwise you won't straighten it before it dries, so it will also increase the frizz like now. You know, there are a lot of random clumps of small hairs that would get frizzy if they dried like this, so you'll want to remove the soaked hair first. I also trim it when I do everything. my lotions, you know my skincare routines since I'm not trying to get R on my hair the minute I get out of the shower.
how to diffuse curly or wavy hair

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how to diffuse curly or wavy hair...

I should also know that I always try to get dressed beforehand because I realized it when I started styling my curly hair. It can increase back acne if you have curl cream that sits on your bare back, so try to remember that if you have curl cream that sits there, don't let it sit on your bare skin, so this is the hair brush that I use, it is very basic and plastic, however if you have extremely curly hair, I am not like Miss Kinky Curls, I have more curly


hair, so I know that the curly community can be easily activated by girls who don't have curls calling their hair. curly, but I would definitely define mine as more wavy, however, some girls may like a brush, this one might be a little better, this is for bounce curls, it's supposed to help separate the strands of the curls while you brush it.
how to diffuse curly or wavy hair
I do not do it. I don't care much about this brush, um, much for my hair. I feel like it's easier to brush my hair with this brush, um, but look at how wet it is and try to go from the bottom up so you don't tear your hair. at the bottom if your hair is really tangled start at the bottom and I don't necessarily rinse out all of my conditioner I leave just a little bit on um just on the ends obviously to help soften and style my waves just Call them waves already that I've even gone back to straightening my hair now that I finally have my curly hair routine, which is not good because it literally, you know, does exactly what you're not supposed to do when straightening your hair.
how to diffuse curly or wavy hair
Hair ruins your curls all the time, so in high school I always tried to style my hair like all my curly haired friends, but it was extremely wavy and straight, my hair has always been awkward, until I finally learned how. to hug my waves but I wasn't combing it straight so anyway to get the part we all have a natural part but try to do it once you get most of the tangles out you can brush your hair like this and I just Pushing it up, let me see how it turned out naturally on that part, so I'm going to brush it and I always brush my hair straight before it gets curly.
Some people who have very thick hair may like to pre-part. her hair, if that makes sense, in little curls and she does this number for me. My hair is so thin that you know, just putting the product on separates it enough. Now I use minimal products. I'm not one of those. curly girls who uses all the products. I usually stick with a curl cream and heat protectant. My budget-friendly curl cream that I love is Garnier. My sister just bought me a nicer curl cream that I tried recently. It's mom. Finally we have chi. Barbie Heat Protector I didn't have any heat protectants in mind that I would have liked in the past so I tried this new one because I know Chi is a good brand and wow I almost feel like this makes my hair turn.
Curlier, it's so strange. Because when I forget to use it, my curls look less easy to find, so if you have curly hair like this, it's awesome. I'm obsessed and the packaging is incredibly cute so let's talk before my hair dries we need some cream. There, um, I get pretty heavy. I feel like some people say that doing too much weighs you down but I feel like doing too much for my hair, it kind of helps keep it soft and less frizzy because otherwise it just looks like a frizzy mess so I just lean towards go ahead and press it lightly.
You want to hear that squishing sound, the squishing sound will indicate that your hair is wet enough for you to squeeze because otherwise if it's not you're creating frizz so try doing it with both hands. and hear that squish and wow, you can already see it's starting to do it, a wavy, curly little thing. I always try to pay special attention under my neck because that's where your hair weighs the most and flattens against your neck, if that makes sense, it's very delicate, at least for my fine hair, small curls tend to be the most delicate.
Next, I'm going to put on the heat protectant, so I just spray it all over my head and then. like I said under the neck very important place I'm already starting to see them do their little spiral thing which is good I was a little worried as I've straightened my hair a lot but it looks like they're still intact my little wey no Wy curls now you're finally going to need a hair dryer, but not just any hair dryer, you must have this accessory, most of us throw them in the trash because what are they used for?
Well, this is what it's used for, it's used to


your curls, so just put it on. that's there so before we start so you can hear me, you're going to start at the roots of your hair because that's the one that takes the longest to dry so you're not even going to touch your curls at first. I'm just going to go in at the root and float around your curls and start creating what they call a mold, so that's like when your curls start to look harder and shinier, that's when the product starts to taste. you know, they really dry out and solidify and you want your curls to be dry or dry before you start squeezing them because if you squeeze them before that's what creates the frizz.
I get a little impatient and I also like it to look a little. a little fluffier than two perfect curls, if that makes sense, so I


it a little bit before, but yeah, that's basically the concept: first you dry it at the roots and then you sweep it over your curls and create that shaping. once it's about 80% dry, that's when you start SC Chien, yeah, I almost forgot one last thing: at first you want to put your hair dryer on low heat so you're not going all out like it was on high heat, but like slow heat, if that. makes sense, so don't blow your hair to where it's like creating Friz, you're just drying it well.
I feel my scalp to make sure everything is dry, I run my fingers through it and I'm going to flip it over so it's nice. to give it a little body and break up some of those curls if you want your curls to last longer, say you like to sleep with your curls on like a silk cap or something to preserve them, it's best not to break them, but I like washing hair every day so it doesn't matter if it lasts until tomorrow so here we are this is how I style my fine curly hair. Thank you all very much for watching today's video.
I hope you found this helpful if you have any questions, be sure to leave them in the comments below and maybe leave a comment too. Do you think my hair is defined as curly or wavy? Personally I think it's a combination of curly and wavy. If you're not already subscribed to my channel, go ahead and click on it. subscribe button and if you're not already following me on Instagram, go ahead and find me there. I publish daily fashion and beauty inspo.

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