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How To Create A Terrifying Protagonist

Jul 04, 2024
With almost every story comes some kind of villain and with that villain a conflict, a cruelty that must be endured and an evil purged, but the way John Wick presents our villain is very different from what we normally see, you will usually get a demonstration of his strength. dominance and formidableness of him as an enemy and I have well written a sense of dread here as well, however, all of that centers on John because this is not a story about a hero, a knight in shining armor who defies All Odds to kill the dragon and save.
how to create a terrifying protagonist
Not his people, this is the story of a dragon and you just get in his way. A character doesn't have to be intrinsically good to be loved and when working with someone like John Wick it's very important to first humanize him before showing his strength and his prowess immediately provides opportunities for the audience to sympathize with him before he goes and kills 50 people is pretty good. Hey, the first thing we see in the movie is John dying by crawling out of a car injured by seeing his vulnerability before his strength gives out. Quite a smart move, however, instead of desperately crawling towards his salvation, he first takes out his phone and watches a video of his wife, maybe this is a story in itself, maybe she was his only hope of being a person. different, a man known not for bringing death but quite the opposite as a father, whatever the case and however you interpret it, this scene is very important in establishing not only Jon's character, but also solidifying a reason for Why don't you like bad guys?
how to create a terrifying protagonist

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how to create a terrifying protagonist...

We'll soon see a little bit of John's daily life before and after having the puppy, little comparisons between his normal schedule and what is probably a glimpse of what life was like when his wife used to be around, such as him taking two cups of coffee next to the machine, although he only pours coffee into one compared to now where he makes two bowls of cereal and we specifically see a shot of him pouring milk for two. It's pretty clear that the movie is telling us that this pup is once again making it somewhat whole, but these little details don't stop there if you don't believe me when I say the shot is filled to the brim with symbolism and storytelling.
how to create a terrifying protagonist
Well, it also goes down exactly seven steps down the staircase. He was once our partner. Oh, could you look at that look? in all the different important meanings for the number seven fullness or completeness of the Bible the seven principles and promises in marriage oh yeah, this guy is the first John Wick movie he did an incredible job of not only introducing us to the world of John Wick but They also establish his character as they do so, rather than individually explaining and showing each character and what they do, they use this opportunity to show the audience more about how the world of John Wick works, as well as to build John's reputation in the world. process, each person.
how to create a terrifying protagonist
The one we meet has exactly the same vision of Mr. Wick, an unstoppable killer who can do the impossible, so I made a deal with him, a job that no one could have done with the bodies he buried that day and laid the foundation than we are now. If you look at this scene, every time we see this kind of shot in the movie where a guy in a suit is looking at a city from a balcony or some kind of high ground, with his back to the camera, you know they're on. a level 99 mafia boss, okay, I heard you beat up my son, I sure did it to him.
May I ask why this is so? I'm the one running things as best as possible for a character like him to immediately transition from a position of dominance power and The authority for this in 2 seconds is absolutely hilarious because you stole John Wick's car sir and killed to his dog, oh, but of course the characters and their interactions with JN don't end there, there are plenty of other scenes that do this too, like the car. store where without hesitation he lets John take a walk or the Continental Hotel and everyone knows him as Harry which ranges from I'm going to kill this guy who's making all this fuss to oh nevermind it's John wig hey John hey or how the hotel he literally gives him a car because of the inconvenience, the fact that not even the police want to get involved in any way and just leave some people alone is part of what makes the introduction of John Wick's character so fun and entertaining.
John, good night, Jimmy, good night, John, good night, Jimmy, instead of making the audience sit through a bunch of exposition, which is really boring, you show us a lot of backstory for this character in one Very interesting way, so when we finally see someone mess with him. and take the two things that he still values, we all know exactly what's about to happen and, boy, what happens is precisely what people wanted because it didn't try to cater to everyone and made the mistake of being a movie that tries do it too. Instead, a lot of things were focused on being the best version of himself and that's why it worked.
They absolutely defined what a movie like this should be. It's like they're saying, "Well, people like cars, so don't make them drive just one car." He has several cool cars. People like well-choreographed hand-to-hand combat, so let's do that, but also make them use weapons in the process. People like it when the main character is preparing great. Let's do it, but let's also add a really cool British guy. dessert dessert suits are also bulletproof secrets The underground society gives them a unique style that we don't normally see and then they say: what is it that people usually don't care so much about in action movies?
Oh yeah, making us sit through 20 minutes of relationship stuff. at the beginning of the movie only to have that character die later so the main character has a reason to do things. Instead, let's set all of that with a dog because that's different from what we normally see and plus dogs are cute, don't shoot me. dog, I get it, so that's basically the John Wick formula, gentlemen, take all the good stuff you like and expand on it and then take all the boring stuff you don't like and just don't include it and as a result you'll get action magnificent for almost 2 minutes. hours at a time while you have characters you like, but of course with all this fighting going on, it's extremely important to make it feel something realistic, something possible, otherwise people wouldn't be as interested in what's happening and here it is where I really have to praise the characters.
The incredible dedication that went into this movie, part of what makes a crazy action movie like John Wick feel more realistic is the fact that you can watch action sequences without the camera cutting 2 billion times, plus that the cameraman has a fit in the middle. During the filming of John Wick, many fights happen in one take and not only was it extremely refreshing to see when it came out, but it makes it more believable because what you see happening really had to happen, the actors had to physically act and choreograph everything . This without the help of the camera Interrupts every other movement and this is where training comes into play.
Pio has spent over a thousand hours with Taran Butler, one of the top three firearms champions in the world, the fact that he legitimately spent thousands of hours practicing not only martial arts but also weapons training, shows the dedication he has. towards each of the roles he plays now, aside from the fact that the actors are real-life tough guys playing the role of fictional tough guys. I also want to talk about the intentional and the perfections in John Wick, well I touched on this slightly before, but a big part of what makes something fictional seem real is that it can't be perfect;
In fact, you almost never want something to be perfect and in John Wick this is exactly the case, despite him being the craziest assassin of all time and having his character written in a way where he is essentially Legends material. , you still run out of ammo and have to reload, even if that's in the middle of a fight, you eventually take a bullet when Faced with overwhelming odds and after making small mistakes like missing shots, you can still lose. This character is designed to be the greatest assassin of all time, but he is not designed to be God.
Still he has to approach every dangerous situation with extreme caution and I will. use his attack on the red circle as an example from the beginning, he uses everything at his disposal to his advantage, such as using his reputation, for example, as leverage to sneak into the club instead of eliminating the security guard, it makes him know what is happening. about to fall, are you here on business, sir? Great, Francis, why don't you take the night off? Thank you sir now, without an alarm strip, you isolate the targets from him and take them one by one, not just run outside. and starts fighting 10 guys at a time.
You can see him trying to put the overwhelming odds in his favor by making every fight 1 V instead of 1 V10. One guy blocks the others' line of sight using cover and then fights him. next and do the same and repeat and when he faces opponents of greater physical strength while he is in a position where his superior skills cannot help him much, he loses and I also want to mention that even the craziest weapons he uses actually exist. Real life, like this fire shotgun in chapter 4, shooting projectiles called dragon breath and I saw a couple of videos of this, it's incredibly awesome, but anyway going back to John Wick, allowing the audience to see details like that he has to reload during fights, it makes him so special. that you, as a viewer, are more likely to not question what is happening and instead just sit back and enjoy the show until you see it slowly descend 2000 STS of stairs.
I'm not going to lie, this part was pretty silly.

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