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How To Beat The DEATH GAME In "Battle Royale"

Jun 02, 2021
one sector to another. They are less likely to go up mountains than down and are more likely to be pushed into low ground in search of water and onto flat ground to facilitate travel. Predicting the movements of others is a great way to hunt them down. This is deadly chess and we must be one step ahead.  Meanwhile, this athletic girl returns to her shelter after a run and runs into a student with a crossbow. He wants to go crazy on her, but she's not feeling it today.   With the most brutal move in the


, she stabs him right in the cock.   That's a big cock block.
how to beat the death game in battle royale
But suddenly, Mitsuko appears and shoots her dead. Now this raises an important point. These are young high school students, many of whom will die before they have had certain experiences that no one wants to die without. I'm not going to lie, if I were a girl, I would use this desire as a weapon against men for the sake of survival.   If she had dropped the carrot, that boy would have had the motivation to defend her. That night, the transfer student reveals that, three years ago, he had been the winner of a past Battle Royale. He also tells them that he knows a way to get off the island, but that he will only be able to tell them when the time comes.
how to beat the death game in battle royale

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how to beat the death game in battle royale...

He gives the other boy a gun and some ammunition to convince him that he is telling the truth, but suddenly they hear gunshots outside.  Outside the clinic, the other transfer student corners another boy and shoots him, even though he is wearing a bulletproof vest. But the guy comes back with a samurai sword and finishes him off, and that's not even the worst thing he does to her.   The transfer student throws the boy's head out the window with a grenade lodged in his mouth and everyone runs to hide. Here Shuya jumps out the window and runs towards it, leading the psychopathic student on a foot chase to the coast.
how to beat the death game in battle royale
With nowhere to run, she throws herself into the sea moments before the other student catches up to him and blasts the water with gunshots. Okay, this seems like a terrible idea because you can't evade bullets while in the water, but it's actually the best move you can make. When a bullet hits water, it slows down due to drag and even deviates from the target.   In the case of large caliber ammunition, the bullet will decelerate so quickly in the water that it will break into pieces. You could be just three feet below the surface and you'll be totally safe.  It is the second day and he is woken up by a girl who tells him that four more students have died and that her friend, the hacker, is waiting for him in the west.
how to beat the death game in battle royale
The girls downstairs are preparing lunch, but one of them feels very uncomfortable with the boy's presence and decides to poison him, and that's when things go wrong. Another girl eats the poisoned spaghetti, shocking everyone when she suddenly dies. They get scared and start accusing each other, grab their guns and start shooting, killing everyone in the room. The boy runs down and finds six more dead and the lunch is ruined.  Okay, this is a great example of how a group collaboration can go wrong.   Even if it's all smiles and rainbows, these girls don't trust each other, and all it takes is a hint of suspicion to throw everyone off balance.
If you're going to kill your friends, kill them all at once while they're sleeping, so no one can alert the others to your betrayal.  Shuya meets up with the other two and decides to make the long journey west to meet the hacker.   They are injured, exhausted, and in need of food and water, but they keep going. Well, now students aren't the only killers: nature can be a harsh mistress too. They are exposed to heat stroke, dehydration, dysentery, hunger and blood loss. These are all killers in the desert, if not dealt with quickly. Food can be found in fruit trees, berries, and mushrooms, but only if you know what to look for.  But that's not even its biggest problem.
This is an island, it is hot and mountainous. Walking through this place will make you sweat profusely and you will need water very quickly. Now, most of what makes water dangerous is not visible.  Rain can lead to dirty runoff and eutrophication, and dead animals upstream can affect the water.  The best way to find out is to look for animal tracks, insects, and nearby green vegetation. If other living things drink from it, you probably can too.   The best place to look is in the valleys and low points, because the water always runs downward, then follow it upstream for the cleanest water possible.
Another option is to make a solar still.   By digging a hole in the ground and placing a clear sheet over the hole, the sun will evaporate the groundwater, causing condensation on the sheet, and you can collect it from the center, as it drips into your cup. You'll get less and it will take longer, but it will be cleaner than tap water. The boy with the GPS tracker arrives at an abandoned warehouse looking for his high school crush, but the girl shoots the gun at him.  Unfortunately, she only later discovers that he came to save her. He really could have used that extra protection because Mitsuko here sneaks up and shoots her dead, and the cycle of


continues when she's suddenly attacked and killed by the psychopathic transfer student.
On the other side of the island, the hacker finalizes the code for his hacking program, while his two friends mix chemicals to create bombs. Impressively ingenious.   They activate the software and sabotage the Battle Royale administrators' computers, and for a brief moment, there is no GPS tracking or collar activation for any students. The only way for administrators to stop it is to perform a hard reset. Well, this is a big problem. He showed that cheating is actually a viable option to




, and that here exists a scenario where our actual survival depends on defeating the teachers, not our fellow students.
It's time to start strategizing against the game itself. We now know that the collars are activated by wave frequencies and we are on an island where there must be a local antenna to transmit the signals. GPS tracking works by emitting microwave signals that pass through these relays to reach satellites above. These waves pass through almost everything except metal, which reflects the signal. Destroying the antenna receiver will not only nullify your own collar, but also that of everyone on the island. This gives us the opportunity to work together for our collective survival and completely eliminates the need to kill each other.
And if that happens, we can focus on the real enemy, the government. The students begin loading their equipment into a truck, intending to ram the school with explosives, but just as they are about to leave, they are attacked by the only psychopathic transfer student. He kills them and sets off the bombs in the truck. The last survivors arrive and see that the psychopathic student is still alive. Here Kawada finishes him off with a shot to the neck, blowing him to pieces.  Okay, this is awkward, because now there are no bad guys and there can only be one winner.
It's time to start planning for your friends'


s. There is no doubt that all three have the same thought, but no one will openly admit it because it will scatter them, making them harder to kill and you may not find them before time runs out and they are all dead. If it's me, I suggest we make a temporary pact to discard all weapons while we discuss what to do, but hide a knife or rope. The ploy forces the three people to pretend to be friends for as long as possible, while you disarm them, making them more vulnerable to being killed.   It's the last day.
They head to the coast via the transfer student's escape route, but he reveals that it was all a lie. They are his ticket out and he shoots them both, making him the winner of this year's Battle Royale. Cold blood. Later, he meets with the teacher at school, who discovers that the boy's collar has been deactivated somehow and that he did not shoot the other students. It was a trick and the boy shoots the teacher dead.   It finally ends when the three students throw away their explosive collars and relax. His friend Kawada dies on her way back to the mainland and the other two are declared wanted fugitives by the government.
They may have


en Battle Royale, but they can't escape the law. What do you think? How would you beat Battle Royale? Let me know with a comment below.   Thanks so much for watching, leave a like and subscribe, and check out the 'How To Beat' playlist for more videos like this. Until next time, have a good day.

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