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How To Beat Every Trap In JIGSAW

Jun 04, 2024
not to kill him, but she grabs the gun. She then realizes something horrible when she sees fragments of keys, color-coded green for the woman's lock and yellow for hers. The keys were in the shell. They could have escaped if she hadn't fired the gun. This is what she meant when she said they have this all backwards. But she waits, let's back up, because there may have been another way. This is actually the most forgiving


yet, because there is no time limit here and the


is just a lock.   But let's say there were no keys, I immediately grabbed the gun to stop the other guy from shooting.
how to beat every trap in jigsaw
This railing is secured with four screws at each end. With no time limit, it might be possible to release it to release the chains. However, this is not a good strategy, using the pieces to open the lock, which can be done with a pair of keys.   It would probably be extremely difficult in this case, but all it takes is leverage and sturdy tools.  It might also be her only chance to make a living off of it. The detective discovers the assistant's warehouse and they enter an extremely suspicious horror museum. Now, behind a false wall, they find another mangled victim, hanging from the ceiling.
how to beat every trap in jigsaw

More Interesting Facts About,

how to beat every trap in jigsaw...

The doctor is arrested because he was seeing the assistant in the warehouse the night before. But he claims that inside the suspect's body is a bullet that could only have been fired from Halloran's gun.  This means that the detective shot him to hide his true identity as Jigsaw's killer, and shows the evidence to the detective. Back home, the assistant tells him that she knows where Jigsaw is playing and decides to check it out.   They arrive at the farm where they find the traps but Halloran has followed them. He tries to take them hostage and they manage to escape, they separate and Halloran is knocked unconscious.
how to beat every trap in jigsaw
He and the doctor wake up with a necklace of laser cutters on their necks. This is Jigsaw's last game, he confesses his sins and explains why they deserve to die and will be freed. Okay, wait. I'm not expecting a confession here. I can't see my trap, but I can see the other person's and I assume mine is identical. To produce enough power to power these lasers, there must be wiring inside the mechanized arm. It won't keep your weight extended this way. The first thing I try to do is grab the collar and use my weight to pull it down, hoping to break the arm and maybe cut off the power source.
how to beat every trap in jigsaw
Halloran activates the doctor's collar and forces him to confess to his crime. He was the one who ruined Jigsaw's cancer x-rays, dooming him. But it's not the confession Jigsaw wants and the doctor cuts his neck open with a laser, killing him instantly. The detective is next and his lasers turn on. He confesses to a whole long list of crimes. But there's something wrong here: the lasers from his collar burn the ceiling above him, while the doctor's don't. What's going on? The doctor gets up from the ground and confesses that he is Jigsaw.  It was all a setup and the trap was false.
Years ago, he was chosen for a game because he really messed up Jigsaw's x-ray, causing the cancer to be detected too late to treat. But Jigsaw had mercy at the last moment and saved him, because it was just an accident. Allowing you to become Jigsaw's apprentice.   He was the guy at the beginning of the movie, who we thought had died in the circular saw room.   Now, 10 years later, he arranged things to trick them into telling them that Jigsaw had returned and planted false evidence to frame the detective.  He shot the first suspect on the rooftop with a sniper and faked the tapes with Jigsaw's voice.  And no one will know the truth.
All because the detective released this guy, the criminal who killed the doctor's wife.   The doctor leaves Halloran dying while a laser cutter splits his head into pieces. Game over. Now this is just the beginning. There are more horrible and complicated Jigsaw traps out there, and we'll look at them all in the upcoming videos. But what do you think? How would you


Jigsaw's death traps? Let me know with a comment below. Thanks so much for looking. Leave a like and subscribe.  And until next time, have a good day.

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