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How Tantra Uses The Power of Dreams | Sadhguru

May 13, 2024
we are talking about creating a conscious dream that will manifest and work if you build it in your mind your mind becomes miraculous this is


there are situations where they will plant a seed the tantrics will make it grow right there and it will bear fruit in a matter of seconds One or two hours there are two dimensions of human life, one is that the human being is supposed to simply be, you know, of course, that there are human things that a human being wants to do, if you want to do something in the world, bigger and more vivid will be your dream.
how tantra uses the power of dreams sadhguru
It's better if you have a weak dream every day, it keeps changing, then that's not going to manifest, so when you want action you need a dream, have you heard that famous speech, yes, I have a dream and it did tremendous things, it changed everything. the nation. It changed the culture completely just because someone has a dream, so when it comes to action in the world, you need a dream, otherwise how, but not everyone needs to have a dream, if everyone has their own private


, become fantasies, will go somewhere else. man who is conscious must generate a dream do you want him to complete the dream or have you woken up this happens to


doesn't it when you are sleeping someone calms down end of the dream now we are not talking about those dreams those dreams are just? exaggerated repetition of so many unfulfilled things within you most of the dreams that people have at night are simply unfulfilled realities that will find all kinds of strange expressions, they are simply random thoughts that run most of the time, there are four different types of dreams but a large part of the dream is just an unfulfilled desire, we are not talking about that type of dream, we are talking about creating a conscious dream that will manifest and work.
how tantra uses the power of dreams sadhguru

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how tantra uses the power of dreams sadhguru...

Devi is actually a dream that I made up, but she is real and it works. There is a culture in the world that realized this in India. Exploration is too sophisticated for people to understand, but the aborigines of Australia found a simple expression. They said that they refer to the world and the creation of the world as a dream. time that god dreamed it is not real even now god is sitting and dreaming all this that you are all sitting here is his dream it is not real it is a perfect description of creation very simple but perfect this is what we said here it is maya this is what modern physics is trying to tell you that existence is relative, it is relative to your dream, not to you as a person but to you as a being, it is true, so if a human being creates a form, a dream is a form in itself same if you create a shape.
how tantra uses the power of dreams sadhguru
It will manifest, of course, it needs a little support, but once it is supported, the full dimension of


will always manifest. It's just this. In the West, the word tantra means that some fools have written books saying that tantra means unbridled promiscuity. Okay, tantra doesn't mean technology. the technology of creation needs a very vivid imagination is like that, you can try this, you can spend some time on it, you don't tear anything off, you sit near a tree or a blade of grass, you just vividly construct the memory of this blade of grass 100 percent in your mind requires a lot of work believe me all my childhood I sat there building the memory of small things in my mind and only one thing, if you achieve it, I will tell you the memory of this little finger, if you build it in your mind you mind becomes miraculous when I say memory there are so many characteristics in this little finger if you go micro millimeter by micro millimeter observe each part and build that memory in your mind your mind becomes an explosive possibility now if you want, you can make a finger pinky grow from the grass.
how tantra uses the power of dreams sadhguru
This is tantra. There are situations where they will plant a seed. A mango seed is planted. The tantrics make it grow right there and bear fruit in a matter of one or two hours because it is a dream. the tree is anyway a dream your body is anyway a dream the universe is anyway a dream on one level it is a dream it is relative so this is what we said maya maya does not mean that there is no dream does not mean that it does not exist it is not the way you think, it is the way you are perceiving through your five and servants, that is not the way it is, its nature is different, so when I talk about different things, I can say things different, but they are not different because you are looking at it with a discriminating intellect, they look different to you right now, you are sitting on the ground, you may think that I am sitting here, the earth thinks that you are just a piece of itself that one day he will be right.
Now you can say no, that's not true, I can get up, I can walk, I can run, I can jump, but one day when it absorbs you, the earth will laugh at you, so you might as well sit and watch tonight. these three things. At the end of the day you sit in your bed and remember all day from the morning you got up, how you have been walking, you will see that 90 of the time you are pretty stupid. I'm being generous with the percentage, believe me if they give you little work if they only give you little responsibility suddenly you become so important you become bigger than the universe suddenly how many times you expanded beyond the size of the universe if you look at it you will see that the most of the time it is bloated how many times you become immortal i.e. you are not aware of your mortality alone and how many times you walked around looking at the people and things around you without any sense of involvement just three things you should be careful of, you see, you will have to laugh at night don't start crying just learn to laugh at your stupidity you will see that all the garbage you carry will become manual very quickly and the manual is good for growing you know if you do this every day you will become wise believe me very wise And I need wise people.
I'm looking for them. There are many things to do. There is not enough wisdom. Let's make them grow.

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