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How to Survive Animal Attacks - Bear, Dog, Shark, Komodo Dragon & Giant Squid | The Dr. Binocs Show

Jun 05, 2024
Stay together guys, there are


s around here, don't worry if a


comes, just play nice, that doesn't always work grandma, what we should do depends on the situation and the type of bear we are facing. Yeah, so in today's episode, let's stop. I share some survival tips with all of you by answering an excruciating question: What would happen if you were attacked by a bear? Bears are usually shy and do not usually attack humans. However, if you encounter an aggressive mother bear protecting the cubs from her knowing what. Doing and understanding the different species of bears can make a significant difference in such situations, yes, although there are eight types of bears, brown and black bears are the ones that humans are most likely to encounter, so if you see any species of bear at a distance, stay calm and avoid scaring them, back away slowly in the opposite direction without turning your back on the bear until it is out of sight, but if a bear sees you and starts to approach, it is important to stand your ground and resist the temptation to run .
how to survive animal attacks   bear dog shark komodo dragon giant squid the dr binocs show
It can trigger the bear attack. natural desire to hunt and lead them to chase you and considering their speed we will never be able to outrun them so stand still and reach for the bear spray bottle once the bear is within range remove the safety tip and spray the bear's face bear until it disappears. What happens if you don't have a spray with you? In that case, start talking to the bear. Yes, by speaking calmly you will let him know that you are a human and not a prey


. Once he recognizes you, he can approach you or stand up. on its hind legs to see or smell better, a standing bear is usually curious, non-threatening in some cases, bears can also react defensively, barking, growling, snapping their jaws and putting their ears back, they continue talking with the bear in low tones, this will help You should stay calmer and will not be a threat to the bear, as bears do not want to be around people, they will usually move away;
how to survive animal attacks   bear dog shark komodo dragon giant squid the dr binocs show

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how to survive animal attacks bear dog shark komodo dragon giant squid the dr binocs show...

However, if the bear perceives you as a threat to its territory or its children, you should choose your strategy wisely based on the species of bear, for example, climbing a tree is not advisable if it is a black bear. , since they are excellent climbers. Simple killing is also not recommended for black bears as they are unlikely to fall for it, making it the only way to


. The black bear attack is done by counterattacking as aggressively as possible and using any available object as weapons, such as stones or sticks, and targeting the most sensitive areas, such as the eyes, nose and mouth, and when dealing with brown bears and grizzly, you can take your chances. playing dead, as these bears tend to attack only if they feel threatened, so if one of these bears approaches, lie down in the fetal position, bring your knees to your chest and cover your head, the bear will likely walk away once they notice you.
how to survive animal attacks   bear dog shark komodo dragon giant squid the dr binocs show
I'm not going to hurt them. Trivia, did you know that there are 40 bear


on humans worldwide each year? Yes, and most bear


occurred because a mother bear was trying to protect her cubs from danger. I hope you learn something life-saving today until next time. time it's me Dr. boox zooming out what are you putting on your bread granny honey oh never well taken care of little kitty kitty good oh no no no this could be dangerous why well let me explain Hello friends, so in today's episode Let's learn something about survival? tricks and tactics on how to


five dog attacks zoom on dogs these adorable


s are our best friends and guardians of our homes, but sometimes due to fear, anxiety or conflict they can become very aggressive and growl at us or even bark at us and due to our fight or flight response, if we start running then the wolfdog side may activate and they might think of us as their prey, then there is a high probability that they will chase us or even attack us, of course it is not the dog's fault. dog, since they are only acting according to their ancestral traits, but for our safety, let's learn what we can do to face such a challenging situation and survive a dog attack well.
how to survive animal attacks   bear dog shark komodo dragon giant squid the dr binocs show
In that case, the first thing we must keep in mind is not to panic, yes, as we know dogs. We can feel our fear so if you find yourself face to face with an aggressive dog ready to attack try not to make any movement and stay as calm as possible and if you are already running and the dog feels threatened by the speed of your movement then Reduce the speed. walking speed and eventually stand still. Also avoid making direct eye contact with the dog as he will take it as a challenge, so make sure you stand a little to the side with your hands at your sides like a tree while keeping the dog on your side. peripheral vision in many cases the dog will lose interest and walk away if you ignore it, but if the dog stays try to distract it with another object yes, if you are wearing a jacket with a water bottle or something, throw it in the other direction, this can be distracting the dog and give it enough time to slowly escape and if nothing seems to work, then the best possible solution might be to act dominant, make eye contact and order the dog to back away in a firm and very confident voice.
By doing this, the dog may find you intimidating and run away, but the vital question is what if things get worse and the stubborn dog starts biting you right? In that case, the last resort is to fight back. I know it sounds unfortunate, but you have to defend yourself as much as you can. Your life depends on it, so if the dog grabs you for the fee, use your feet or make a fist and try to hit him in the nose, throat or the back of the head and scream for help while you do it and The most important thing you can do while fighting is to protect your vital parts like the face, eyes and throat, as that can be very dangerous, so to protect it try to use your weight to your advantage by pressing the back of the dog with your partial body weight and applying forward pressure to the back of the dog. the neck to immobilize the dog until help arrives and once you get help, quickly go to the hospital to take care of the wounds and, if necessary, take an anti-RAB injection.
Trivia Did you know that we alone report around 4.5 million dog bites a year? Yes, so the best way to reduce dog attacks is to train them, keep them in a protected yard or keep them on a leash if people are around. I hope you learn something vital today until next time, it's me, Dr. boox, walking away, oh never mind, shut up, oh no. little kitten Don't be scared, it's scary, well not if we know how to keep them away, so in today's episode let's learn survival tactics by answering a life-saving question, how to survive a


Amplify all types of


s are predators, meaning those that hunt for food, this hunting characteristic is vital for their survival, just like for any other carnivorous species on our planet, but movies like Jaws and Meg managed to amplify these wild traits. creating a monstrous aura that causes a feeling of fear among us because of this, whenever we are on the beach or swimming in the sea, we are always alert in the hope of not crossing paths with a hungry Shar, but you will be glad to know That the chances of you encountering a shark on the coast are quite lower because these


fish prefer to live in the depths of the water and rarely attack humans, but that does not guarantee complete safety, since people who practice surfing or diving always run the risk of encountering shars and that is why it is vital to be alert. one should take in case of such an unwanted event, so what should you do if you come face to face with these marine hunters?
Well, your basic instinct will tell you to swim for your life, but unless you are very close to the spectacle and can reach the target. swimming on the surface is not the best option, yes, that is because you cannot outrun the swimming shark and the rapid movement of your body will make the shark act on its basic instinct, which is to catch its spray, which usually works the same way, or protect yourself from a potential. Threat So, to prevent the sharks from misjudging you, it is recommended to stay calm and make minimal body movement. This way, it is very possible that the shark will not feel threatened or in need of attacking you and swimming away, however, avoid acting dead too because that gives the Shar the feeling that he has won and he might take a bite of your flesh which can be very painful and if he takes a bite and doesn't see any movement in you, don't look at the bitten area because he sees himself bleeding.
It can be nauseating, so what should you do right now that you're completely calm without sending him threat signals? Try to keep in contact with him. Yes, just like we pet our dogs, sharks can also become our friends if we


them how assertive and friendly we are. You can be with them. Maintaining eye contact with them will not only help you keep an eye on their movements, but the shark will also think of you as another predator it doesn't want to mess with and will give you an advantage, but if you see a shark. In an attack position it is best to find a solid surface such as a rock or coral reef and hide behind it or in open water be back to back with another swimmer so you can see and defend yourself from an attack from any direction and in the worst of cases.
If the shark attacks you, then you will have no choice but to defend yourself and hit the fish with repeated strong blows to its weak areas, such as the gills, eyes or snout, until the shark lets go of you and swims away, but even if The shark swims away, you're not really safe until you're out of the water. Yes, sharks may leave temporarily and then return to continue the attack, so when you have the chance, return to shore or get back to the boat as quickly and gently as possible. Did you know which one is the biggest?
The shock in the ocean is the shock of a whale, yes and the doof Lantern Shar is the smallest species of shark, I hope you learn something new today until next time, it's me Dr. boox moving away wow tuna, never mind, hey kitty, pack your bags, let's go to Komodo Island to see your favorite animal, the Komodo


, yes Kitty, let's play with them oh no, no, I understand your fascination with them, but get close to the


of Komodo will be too risky, why let me explain that to you in today's episode by answering a no bite.
Ask yourself what happens if a Komodo dragon bites you. Come closer if you think dragons exist only in folklore and fairy tales. Then come to Indonesia's Commodo Island and witness the largest and heaviest lizards on Earth. Komodo dragons, these creatures can reach a length of around 10 feet. and they can weigh more than 140 kg or 300 lb with their long tail, flat heads, rounded snouts, scaly skin, curved legs and huge muscular tails. Cododragons rule the region as apex predators that eat almost anything that comes their way, including deer, pigs, and even large water animals. Buffaloes, while hunting, tend to camouflage themselves with their surroundings and patiently hide in bushes or tall grasses.
Once its prey approaches, the comodo dragon pounces on its victim with powerful paws and sharp claws and then sinks into its toxin-laden shark teeth. from its poison glands sometimes the prey can faint instantly due to the drop in blood pressure, profuse bleeding and induced shock, but even if the poor prey manages to escape from its deadly jaws, unfortunately they will not be able to survive for long as the saliva Komodo is Supposed to contain large amounts of bacteria that poison the victims, usually within 24 hours of this, the dragons will patiently follow their bitten prey and Miles will use his incredible sense of smell to eat the lifeless corpse.
It's terrifying, isn't it? But what's more terrifying is that humans. They are fascinated by these


creatures and often visit their habitat for fun, in that case a hungry Dragon might think of us as a threat and attack us, so to avoid this nightmare, always try to stay close to other people and walk around. Park trekking officials. because if you leave your group and the path, the Komodo hiding behind the bushes is more likely to attack you, even if you are on a path and in the group, do not make any sudden movements, as this could scare the dragon and cause an attack, also avoid going on a crawler in case you are bleeding, as even the slightest smell of blood could attract the crawler dragons towards you, as they could consider you their prey, but if you get lost and come across a hungry dragon charging towards you at a speed of 21 km per hour, then immediately start running in the opposite direction as we can easily outrun them and if the dragon is too close and you are too tired then the best option is to start run in a zigzag, as the dragon can only run in a straight line and in an opposite direction.
In the worst case scenario, if the dragon manages to bite you, seek medical help without wasting timeWith wound treatment and antibiotics, you'll be fine in no time, but fortunately Komodo dragons rarely attack humans and only do so when they get upset, so it's best to let them. alone and help its dwindling population grow trivia, did you know that the scientific name of the Komodo dragon is Venus Komodo Inus? They have also been known to eat up to 80% of their body weight in a single feeding. I hope you had fun today until next time, that'll be me.
Dr boox walking away look kitty a


dragon fire fire fire nevermind kitty go swim wait little kitty don't go too deep why that's because there are rumors of giant


sightings in this area and now what should we learn about what we can do to protect ourselves if we ever come face to face with a giant


by answering a vital question: what would happen if you were attacked by a giant squid? Zoom in welcome to the depths of the sea where a member of the seots family called the giant squid roams free with their gigantic bodies that can grow up to 43 feet long, plus they have eight arms and two longer whip-shaped tentacles that can reach approximately 23 feet that help them carry food at their own pace like mouths, they also have the largest eyes of the animal. kingdom that are approximately 10 inches in diameter, which helps them spy on objects in dark depths where most other creatures think they would see nothing, although they might look like ferocious monsters, they are actually very calm and non-aggressive towards humans, since they rarely attack us.
But in case you ever find yourself in an unfortunate situation and encounter a hungry giant squid, you must first follow some steps to survive if you are going diving or exploring the ocean always be prepared and make sure you have all the necessary equipment such as a wetsuit, fins and a knife to defend yourself from deep sea creatures. Secondly, remember that those giant squids usually don't attack humans, they would become aggressive if they sensed someone. is invading their territories or being a threat or if they mistake a swimmer for food, so make sure you respect their boundaries and stay away from them, but in case you get too close to them, make sure you stay calm and don't make any moves. rapid. movement, that's because if you stay still and


the squid that you're not a threat, it's likely to leave you alone and swim away;
However, in the worst case scenario, if a giant squid grabs you by the feet, then you have no choice but to protect yourself by using your knife or thumb to hit its eyes since they are its most sensitive part or aim for its beak as which is where it chews its food. Another option is to try to grab one of its tentacles and pull as the suction cups will release their grip and in the unlikely event that you are dragged underwater, it is important to remember that you still have time to defend yourself. Giant squid only have enough air in their bodies to last a few minutes, so if you can.
By holding your breath, you could potentially survive the squid and make your escape finally. The safest way to avoid such scenarios is to educate yourself about the creatures you can find in the ocean, learn about their behavioral habitats and how to react in different situations the more you learn. I know you better be prepared trivia time. Did you know that old squid, giant squid have three hearts? Additionally, a study shows that giant squid tentacles can regenerate. That's really cool. I hope you learn some important tactics today until next time, it's me, Dr. Boox. walk away, it doesn't matter

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