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How to "Subvert Expectations" Correctly (Last Jedi/Infinity War Analysis)

Jun 07, 2024
The Last Jedi completely


ed my


. How well based on the competent director. Excellent progress. Lack of behind-the-scenes drama and glowing initial reviews. I hoped it would be a good movie. Turns out it wasn't for nine months. I was very vocal about my distaste for this movie on Twitter, but I didn't want to make a video about it because oh my god, that's too many videos. I didn't make this masterpiece for April Fools' Day, if you want to see it. Luke then squeezes. the milk the green milk in a bottle representing how he repressed all the emotions he felt during the events of a new hope what are they teaching children today?
how to subvert expectations correctly last jedi infinity war analysis
Although my reasons for not liking this movie are, frankly, reasons you've probably heard. Before, I think the direction is solid and the actors are doing their best to make this trash script work and there are a couple of really good scenes, but yeah, now this movie is shit, while we have an infinite war. I was excited for this movie, but also. a little cautious and not too exaggerated. I mean, this was an unprecedented gigantic cinematic event and I don't know if the Russo Boys could handle something like this. There are two films before it, Winter Soldier in Civil War, although both are great. based on MCU reality movies, could they really pull off a massive two-part Space Odyssey that incorporates Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, and 50 other characters into one coherent movie?
how to subvert expectations correctly last jedi infinity war analysis

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how to subvert expectations correctly last jedi infinity war analysis...

Yes, I love this movie and, unlike The Last Jedi, I plan to talk about it at length in the future, but for now let's talk about




. Everyone likes to use those terms when talking about why this movie is a cinematic masterpiece on the same level as Empire or Shrek 2, but does The Last Jedi subvert expectations in a satisfying and consistent way? Rey's parents aren't special there. nobody Snoke isn't special he's nobody and he cares that's not satisfying storytelling guys that's right on top of the mysteries from the previous movie piled up and yes I know you can blame JJ all your I want to raise a lot of questions with no real answers in mind, as it is prone to do, but going into this trilogy with no real direction to take the story in characters is kind of disastrous, but to be fair, I didn't really care who.
how to subvert expectations correctly last jedi infinity war analysis
Ray or Snoke's parents were and I'm totally on board with the homeless Luke, who appears at the end as a hologram, so he's the noble badass we were all hoping for, so yeah, that's not what bothers me about this movie, what bothers me is that the failure theme used to justify explicitly stupid decisions by our characters with all the subverting expectations crap thrown into the mix, as well as the fact that Rose and Finn were caught trying to turn off the doohickey of light speed was supposed to be a twist because you expected the heroes to do it. save the day by defying orders and doing this mission, no I didn't, it was a dumb idea from the start and they also turned on those lights, pea pods and hid in the casino, apparently we're also supposed to think Benicio was A thief with a heart of gold who wouldn't sell 'em, oh I'd sell 'em, what planet are you on?
how to subvert expectations correctly last jedi infinity war analysis
He literally stole this ship and is totally fine with people selling weapons to both sides of the conflict and then knows the plan to do it. reaching the moon and hiding doesn't work anymore because he sold them out so now they can shoot them and I'm supposed to feel sad but mostly I'm angry at these idiots, they failed because they were stupid talking about stupid actually. Do I even need to cover the scene? Let's move on to say now that Snoke's death was a nice little subversion. I found his death scene absolutely hilarious. I only heard the sexual satisfaction he seems to feel regarding Kylos' lightsaber spinning the lightsaber to attack, but then. after he dies Kylo and Ray stop burning my expectations and instead of teaming up they go back to being enemies or whatever and actually joining forces would have been subversive, sure blah I know they would have subverted my expectations too yes the titles Jedi and Sith actually died like Kylo said and we stop using those terms from now on, but no, we're talking about Disney, so Luke says this and I won't be the


Jedi guy.
I sure love the brand and yes, I didn't expect it. Every character in this movie is a complete joke and I wasn't expecting this cringe-worthy comedy in a movie that's supposed to be depressing and serious, so congratulations Rhombus Johnson, you subverted my expectations so completely, you know? I changed my mind. let's talk about this damn scene Finn is a good character who was basically useless in this movie, which seems to be a current trend, here he has the opportunity to do something noble and sacrifice himself for the greater good, something he clearly hasn't wanted to do. do in both movies, but his character has grown now and considering how he basically killed his main rival already after three minutes of screen time, oh yeah, another great subversion, Ryan, this character really has nowhere to go, but here I would. being intensely dramatic and yes, a positive subversion of my expectations, wow, I feel really bad for Kelly Marie Tran, she was going to have a fun character in that first adorable scene, it had everything to do with it, but that all went away the drain for a dull piece. of bread who is only allowed to speak in prequel quotes.
I wish I could punch my fist through all this lousy beautiful tone, this is how Liberty and the surplus of her die anyway, yeah this sucks and might actually be the worst Star Wars scene since Jar Jar. a pink camel took a shit and apparently people consider this movie to be subversive because women are portrayed as more capable than men if that's what the white man who wrote this movie was going for, it didn't work. Rose is only slightly less clumsy and incompetent than thin. Hole Masa is just as arrogant and wrong as PO and then she dies and Rey basically accomplishes nothing throughout this movie.
He ultimately convinces Luke to rejoin the fight, but he fails at everything else he tries and doesn't seem to faze. His little Kylo goes through some major emotional turmoil. Kylo is the one who lets his failure manifest during the film's climax. Rey is no longer the main character. The entire story and all the events revolve around Kylo, ​​not the woman, the man. How did you do this? Too bad how you're happy with the female representation in this movie, that's totally fine. Clone Wars, of course, has much better female characters with more compelling personalities, flaws, and motivations, but these characters are okay, not groundbreaking, and aside from being cold.
Oh, any surprise they offered me was negative, so I don't consider their roles in the story to be positive subversions, especially Rey, whose character I adored in the previous film. I was very disappointed to see her become a supporting character and what really should have been her story as well. Say this once at a time only if your biggest problem with this movie is that it panders to sjws when they grow up there's a lot to hate in this movie even after you put aside your fragile male egos okay i'm done talking of this movie forever.
Hopefully, it's probably not really Infinity War. Meanwhile, it's a mastery of how to make a completely depressing and disappointing story about failure, completely satisfying, funny, powerful, heartfelt, horrifying, hilarious and subversive, and okay, let's move on to the first reason this movie subverts the expectations. a good way Thanos is a real person. I don't agree with his stupid plan to wipe out half the universe to preserve resources, but I don't think he should do it. He is a sociopath who thinks his flawed view of the universe is correct and I think that not only is he doing this to be evil, but what I really like about Thanos is that he reacts to things like a real character would.
Malik, is a generic evil machine who shows no semblance of human emotion. Ronin is an evil machine who shows nothing resembling human emotion except in this scene. I guess the bad boy dr. stranger was named i really don't care he doesn't show any emotion you understand these guys aren't people they're obstacles now look at the noses reaction when Loki tells him he's okay with letting Thor die he's actually shocked by Loki's cold toughness and while he doesn't doubt the torturer Thor, this isn't a reaction we'd get from a generic villain like Ronan or Malakut or Snow and that's just the subtle, we can get into the obvious here with him crying over killing Gamora the Great.
The bad villain of an Avengers movie is crying. Did you honestly expect this to happen? If Thanos is not only emotionally vulnerable, but physically vulnerable, despite his power, it is still feasible for the Avengers to defeat him and they come so close twice that it makes their conflict compelling. because you don't know which one of them is going to win half the time, they both seem to have the same perfectly balanced chance of coming out on top in the end. Vanos progresses in the movie not because the Avengers are stupid but because he doesn't think certain sacrifices are worth it.
Loki won't let Thor die. Gamora won't let Nebula die. Strange. She won't let Tony die. And the gang won't let Vision die. Strange aside, these choices are all irrational in the long run, but. like cap said they don't trade lives it's noble despite how wrong it is to park your ship on a public beach and trust a scammer who slips by isn't noble uvision is also a great example of subversion done right i think everyone They expected it on the dice. Going into this movie, but once they think of a way to save him, you think that's how the movie is going to play out.
The big battle of Wakanda will give Sherry enough time to remove the stone from his head because the heroes are going to win. Who expected Gomorrah to die anyway? I'm not convinced she's gone forever and I think the third Guardians movie will try to resurrect her and a search for Spock, you know, assuming Disney hasn't already thrown James Gunn's script in the trash, but Yeah, This was shocking and so was this thing she asked, right? She didn't expect the confrontation with Thanos to go so wrong. She couldn't believe that she was watching the scene. It had to be a dream, but no, it was reality.
I really challenge you to find me a single scene in Last Jedi that's as good as this one and no, you can't use Lightspeed RAM that somehow indicates that the ending completely floored me and the point is that I expected us to win. In the end, he had almost all the stones and this movie already had a sequel scheduled and he knew he was going to use the time stone to reverse the destruction of the visions as soon as he got it, so yeah, I saw the snap coming and I was still sitting there in absolute shock because I didn't think Marvel could pull off this kind of ending.
You don't end a movie designed for general audiences this way and yet they did it. I know people like to complain that the ending is pointless because a lot of the characters that died have their next movie scheduled, but you know what? As people were leaving the theater before staying for the post-credits scene, I heard a mother tell her little girl, don't worry, you're not going to disappear so As far as I'm concerned, this ending did its job, it's more or Except this generation's Empire Strikes Back, a film that subverts audience expectations in a satisfying, emotionally resonant way and then ends on a huge cliffhanger, isn't that strong of a cliffhanger. since it's less to expect and we more or less know the outcome, but damn, this is a pretty special movie, the


Jedi is a movie where 90% of the good guys die horribly, Lee and in the end there are only a dozen left rebels Should we hold a funeral for all the noble comrades we lost today?
Yeah, we didn't do that for Han. Let's party. 9um is still alive. What more could you want? Yes. Hyperspace adventure Meanwhile, Infinity War wipes out half the universe's population. dying and the characters react like that, okay, the last shot of the movie is the bad guys smiling happy because he achieved his goal, he won, this is how you subvert the audience's expectations, you just gave the fans a satisfying movie that tells a Surprisingly coherent story and offers comedy at the same time. the right moments without altering the overall gruesome tone and ends in a way that leaves the audience stunned and wanting more.
This movie is everything the last Jedi didn't have the balls to be. It's a tonal disaster. Its plot is full of stupid decisions. and things that don't add up and end in a way that doesn't leave you satisfied or wanting more, you know where the story has to go from here Kylo will be an unstable leader and his conflict with Huck will intensify Rey will train a new generation of Jedi both in the resistance Rian Kairos forces will fight Rey will win the damn ending with Infinity War I don't know where the hell this is all going How is she going to fightStannis with his glove broken?
How can they reverse? Anything can help Ant-Man with that well Captain Marvel helped with that I don't know but I want to know why this movie not only didn't turn out the way I thought but it ended in such a way that it left me excited to speculate about the future of this franchise now that it exists Infinity War I don't want to hear any more excuses about The Last Jedi being unsatisfying because it's subversive, no, it's unsatisfying because it was designed that way and there's no excuse to make a movie out of it. unsatisfying just for the sake of being unsatisfying is surprisingly quite unsatisfying Infinity War has one of the most unsatisfying stories of any summer blockbuster and guess what a satisfying movie is, you can tell a story where all the heroes completely fail if Heroes don't make stupid decisions for stupid reasons and if failure really affects them, that's called emotional impact, you've made a fire.
I usually encourage more discussion in the comments because I'm very open to other points of view, but I never really want to. Think about the last Jedi again, so I probably won't read many of the comments, so feel free to shout at this brick wall I've built between us. I'm going to bed. You died for that.

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