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How Speedrunners Broke Wii Sports Biggest Barrier

Jun 29, 2024
It's been over 15 years since Wii Sports came out and even long after the Wii craze died down, there are still plenty of people keeping this game alive, for example. Speedr Runners was a big surprise I know, but for a while now there has been one milestone in particular that has been on everyone's mind, all


in under 7 minutes wi Sports has a good number of speedrun categories, but The one that appears first on the leaderboard is the most popular. All


in this speedrun, the player must win a game of tennis, win a game. of baseball complete a round of bowling complete one of three full golf courses and win a boxing match All sports started out as a fairly simple and relaxed sprint without much serious competition, but as the years went by that would begin to change new runners, new discoveries and new strategies would transform all sports into quite optimized and very demanding speed races.
how speedrunners broke wii sports biggest barrier
These efforts culminated in a world record of 7 minutes and 700 milliseconds set by Shockwave TLS on January 20, 2022, a run less than a second shy of that glorious sub-seven-minute


. During this time, Shockwave and former emo world record holder ad Nomad had been in a serious fight because the subs were in full swing and calling for sales of every sports world record in the history of video wave one nomad was more motivated than ever. and was based on its rapid improvement in In the second half of 2021, it seems like sub7 was going to happen any day, any week, any month, any year.
how speedrunners broke wii sports biggest barrier

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how speedrunners broke wii sports biggest barrier...

Almost 2 years passed and the record was still 7 minutes flat at this point. Shockwave and Nomad had long since thrown in the towel, but why with sub seven within range of these two runners would you think they would keep pushing? If you look at the Grind from a superficial level, because if you know anything about all sports speeduns, especially at the top level, it can be absolutely soul-crushing category to grind at this point, you might be wondering what made Grind's career. 7 minutes out so hard to beat. Let's take a look after choosing a mi with intentionally low skill levels in tennis, baseball, and bowling.
how speedrunners broke wii sports biggest barrier
Shockwave starts the race by winning a game. of tennis and it's a real walk just serve the ball at its peak and the terrible CPU players rarely return it, you may lose some time if they do, but it's basically meaningless because the next sport, baseball, is where most of the careers that come out of tennis go. Dying baseball is by far the longest and most random sport. The main strategy in speedrunning is to win by the mercy rule, in which you finish the first inning five runs ahead of the computer team 0 at the top of the inning. has you at bat where you'll want to bunt to third base and get a single to load the bases, bunt another to score a run, and then hit a grand slam home run to make it 5-0 after intentionally bunting for outs, it's time.
how speedrunners broke wii sports biggest barrier
For the volatile bottom half of inning pitching, when playing defense in Wi Sports Spaceball you can't control anyone but the pitcher, you can mix your pitch type between a fastball, curveball or splitter, but In the end you are at the mercy of the computer at bat. Ideally, the computer player should make infield outs so that not only do you not put anyone on base or score runs, but you can get three outs with as few pitches as possible and as quickly as possible. The possible pattern is three total pitches for three outs in the infield, but these are incredibly rare even in his 7-minute run.
Shockwave got four pitches on a foul ball, which is still a very good RNG allowing him to get out of baseball at 306 compared to baseball. Bowling has much more consistent strategies with very little randomness, unlike the previous two sports where you face a computer player. Bowling and golf are solo sports. In bowling you want to score strikes in every frame, but the last one to get a strike makes the frame skip. On the second pitch, except the 10th frame, we get a strike that guarantees three balls for that frame, so an optimal fast run aims for nine strikes and there are consistent methods for getting strikes.
Shockwave developed his own method called moonball, which is very consistent and can almost guarantee a hit every time step one move your character two ticks to the right until the left edge of that dashed line just barely passes the center point if you're left-handed reverse the directions step two stand with your legs shoulder width apart facing back with your knees slightly bent and your arms holding the Wiimote below your chest in a firm inverted triangle step three hold the swing B if your arms are locked above your head and when the bowling ball is at its peak release when looking for the world record;
However, a faster but less consistent method is recommended. Volley Bowl is similar to moonball, except that it is a smaller and faster movement, much like hitting a volleyball, you release the ball much lower than the ground, there is no need to say that nerves start to set in when finally escaping the prison that was baseball, which in turn makes you more prone to errors after two hits using the volley bow wave he missed a hit in the third frame after this wave immediately returns to the moonball, sacrificing a little time to save the Bowl volley in exchange for consistency, the rest of the bowling went smoothly until the ninth frame, when the wave was unlucky. and the wave of eight pins staying up didn't do anything wrong execution-wise here, the eight pins just happen to be the most random with a wave of seven pins Strike fell behind his personal best, but the race wasn't over , could easily be saved as he moved on to golf, by far the most technical sport in the Run.
Logically, one would think he would choose the beginner set of holes one through three, instead he chose the intermediate, which covered holes 4 through six on hole four. He also performed an advanced Stratocaster known as Left Pin Driver Chip where he hit the ball into the bunker and then hit the ball with the driver directly to the flag from off the green for a chip, this works because the flag acts as a wall . The left pin refers to where the hole is generated. on the green that is randomly selected from three pins, left pins are much more favorable than the one in three chance of a right pin, where the hole is at the top of a hill and generally makes the hole slower and more difficult to get to hole five.
I can see why the intermediate level was selected instead of the beginner level. The intermediate level is faster thanks to a revolutionary bug. Disconnected shots from discovery on February 18, 2021. Speedrunner ped discovered that by disconnecting the batteries from the weote in the middle of a swing, you can hit the ball again by reconnecting while you can. It doesn't go beyond a normal shot. Disconnected shots allow you to hit the ball from out-of-bounds areas, including water, and not only that, but you can also stop the ball in an instant during the transition from the screen to the next shot without having to wait.
The ball stops while the Stratocaster is unintuitive, it pays to master the pull-out shots to save a lot of time on holes five and six, where you can cut through the water to get a faster, more direct path to the hole. Golf went very well, leaving only one sport remaining. Boxing is a fairly simple sport where the most important strategy is to hit your opponent low with a steady pace and time critical hits for a quick knockout, but you need to make sure that the majority of your punches land and there is a small but little probable chance that your opponent.
I will thankfully get up for a wave that didn't happen and that is the roller coaster that is all sports shockwaves. A 7-minute run is the culmination of quick victories in tennis and boxing. Skilled golf with beautiful disconnected shots, as well as a lot of luck in baseball. but a two-strike bowling from Miss cost Wave the under seven and really makes you wonder what the run could have been. This 7 minute quick race was a brick wall that simply refused to move despite Shockwave and emo ad nomad's best efforts, they would have quite a few races that were quite promising only for it to fall apart, either from nerves or simply by bad luck in 2023, both would throw in the towel and find that the routine did not satisfy them;
There are so many factors that can kill a potential replacement. seven races, but by far the worst offender was baseball, there's a reason why many racers named their divisions after baseball. Jail hitting a home run is not the most reliable. Fielders have about a 10% chance of dropping the ball, which can lead to unnecessary singles. when you bunt for outs and of course pitch it's just a slot machine you are at the mercy of factors completely out of your control with no real way to influence or manipulate your opponents for hits most runs die here or when you try to hit a home run in August 2023 Shockwave had a career that was Prime sub seven material, 19 second tennis, Ed start, eight strikes, all volleyball, bowling, incredible golf and an incredibly fast knockout in boxing 702, which killed to sub seven, six pitches, including a foul ball that wastes more. time you strike if he had gotten one less pitch the sub seven would have been his, you can probably see why Wave and Nomad lost motivation if neither number one nor number two could get the sub seven, it was up to a new generation to give a step forward. plate, let's present the contenders after a year of stagnation at the top of the standings.
The first new under seven contender to emerge was Ruiner Ryan on March 28, 2023. Ryan


into the top three after posting a 716, a very clean run that was 1 second ahead. from Shockwave after hitting, but he suffered eight pitches, two of which were foul balls, aside from a missed strike, everything else was great. Ryan's first serious run under seven pace came on May 5, where he hit a four-pitch baseball, unfortunately time began to bleed. with exceptionally poor bowling by his standards, four strikes to make matters worse, the game did not register his nunchuck as he began boxing wasting a few more seconds when he unplugged it and plugged it back in, culminating in a 712, an unexpectedly bittersweet PB On July 24, another runner, Mr.
Shy Guy dethroned Ryan's third place finish with a 706, a massive 22-second PB thanks to a four-pitch baseball and no longer running on the slow 1.1 version that misses almost 10 seconds for additional cutscenes and animations in baseball not present in version 1.0, however, Mr. Shy Boy was playing on the Wii Sports and Wi Sports Resort 2-in-1 combo disc known as version 1.2 in the community . This version still has the baseball scenes, but ends up tied with 1.0 due to significantly faster loading times, so Shy Boy was a very strong contender for sub seven in 1.2 and had some potential time for sure, but ultimately he was, By far the newest racer of the bunch, ryac G4.
His name is also Ryan. He had only started playing in early 2023, but was improving very quickly in the game. By August he was trading world records with Shockwave in the all training games category and by the end of the year he was giving the other top players in all sports a run for his money. December 22 was a particularly eventful day as Ryac scored 716, making it a respectable five. pitch and eight strikes, but lost a lot of time on the five during the second putaway shot and ended up in the bunker far from the green after this, PB Ryac continued playing an hour later, is at Pace for an even better run in this one career too. he had a five-pitch baseball, but both that and tennis had faster outings, then he proceeds to get a nine-pitch bowling.
Things are looking up, he doesn't even get a pin right in the whole four and golf is enough to hold him back as he still manages to save time. The five more went much faster as this time he didn't get stuck in the bunker and then came the combined six with slightly worse boxing. Ryac had barely managed a 4 second PB but drowned out the sub seven, the competition intensified even more the following day. the other Ryan Ruiner Ryan would find himself in a Pacer sub seven of his own five-pitch baseball and only one missed shot due to the eight-pin RNG was possible, but it was going to be tough, he moved on to play golf with a bunker chip of textbook in the hole.
Four now in the hole five man, come in, damnWow, that's a great shot, no, are you serious? I wasted so much time on it that it will cost me my PB. I think it was better in the moment, oh my god, damn, that could have been like that. could have been a new PB that beat ryac, but a chip from Miss Driver and a sloppy boxing gate kept him under seven, these runners were getting close, but if the top two times said anything, it didn't mean Jack I did squats with someone with a time of 71x. capable of sub seven, but for almost 2 years, careers were constantly dying due to bad luck or simply nerves affecting performance after baseball as 2023 came to a close, it looked like another year would pass without sub s, I was going to be until 2024, until we waited to see another opportunity arise, unless you believe in miracles, on New Year's Eve 2023, Ryac was trying hard in all sports and embarked on a career that, although behind his PB had surpassed the batting, what happened next was nothing less than an incredible three. throwing even with a deep fly ball, this is very rare after he got a nine strike in bowling, all volleyball, ryac was officially in the race of his life, all he had to do was keep his composure in golf a his best pace after all. it all came down to this get a quick knockdown and get the best Wii Sports world record ever or make the opponent get up and miss it all came down to this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 knock out ryac made the trip The sub seven finally ended, not only that, but also completely destroyed the record. 653 no one is going to top that for a long, long time, big congratulations to ryac for achieving the race of his life, you should go check out his full record.
I linked him below as it's absolutely criminal that he barely has 10,000 views, he deserves more, so what's next for All Sports? Well, most of the under seven contenders I mentioned have mostly taken a step back from the grueling all-sports grind in favor of other categories in the Wii series. although there is one sub seven contender I haven't mentioned yet, Mr. Jimmy Steel 25, a Mario 64 racer with a maximum of 16 stars, former world records for the big house in the sky rug list, as well as all sports in 2017 that he has been in on and off. the grind for a couple of months now and it was pretty close on February 26, 2024, he had an incredible four pitch baseball and had a comfortable sub seven pace, unfortunately a bad play on the right 4th hole ended the run.
He also recently lost a race due to getting an accidental perfect game in bowling, this is the only situation where you will see someone get upset because they got a perfect game in bowling, even with these chokes, if you bet on him someone would get the next sub seven and maybe even register, it would be him. I've also linked his stream below, even then, how much more can all sports be reduced? A theoretical best time that unites the best segments of the community of an all-sports race shows that a sub 630 is theoretically possible, but also presents the golf expert holes with hole and ones on holes seven and 8 yes, no I think that's going to happen soon anyway.
I hope you enjoyed the story about how under seven finally happened. Looking into this I might want to dabble a bit in Wii Sports and I plan on streaming more often so be sure to follow my Twitch thanks for watching now here's a dog

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