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Apr 04, 2024
Alistar is the classic support for tank combat. But, this is the moment of lordofcowtime, a great Master Alistar player who must have traveled back in time years to bring this selection to season 12. But this one is nothing like any Alistar we have seen in the past. He plays as a tower pushing tank that solos 1v1 kills and doesn't really even need CS, becoming an unkillable leader for his team long before any other tank. With a cooldown reduction setup and some game-breaking damage that I hope doesn't weaken us, Tank Alistar Top can even repeatedly dive to win fights while tanking multiple people.
how a solokilling alistar top got master
Forget Alistar's long 1-combo cooldown - this is an Alistar spam burn ability. I'm very excited to announce a new sponsor for the channel that will allow us to make even more videos about crazy picks. They are a big supporter of esports, a partner of Cloud9, as well as our content: This video is sponsored by Whether you already use cryptocurrencies or have just heard about them, is perfect because it is the easiest and most powerful Crypto wallet you can get. Signing up is very easy, create an account - give them a few details, including a quick identity verification, and voila, you're ready to buy and trade cryptocurrencies.
how a solokilling alistar top got master

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how a solokilling alistar top got master
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how a solokilling alistar top got master
Lord of Cow Time's story with Alistar Top actually begins in season 3, where he had already started playing this style. Back then, Alistar top wasn't even an uncommon pick, in fact, it was almost meta, with a triforce static shyv build, so it was even AD Alistar that he used to climb to platinum. The construction may have changed, but the style is eerily similar. Even with a hotfix from Alistar that completely changed the champion and pushed him into support, our player didn't stop. Not even changing champions or roles throughout all these seasons. After a permaban in season 8, Lordofcowtime's perspective changed.
He knew he didn't want to be that toxic player who was just trying to play 1v9 every game and he had to change his approach to be more team-oriented. After a lot of polishing, he again reached for the platinum and then the diamond. But it wasn't until he reworked the item and another full season of grinding that he finally had the tools to reach


level. His story is really about making your favorite champion in your favorite role work no matter the odds, and on March 17, 2022, he finally completed his promotions and became a


for the first time.
But how does Alistar Top work? This lane is full of bully champions who take advantage of every little mistake you make, and Alistar is just melee support. The main reason this pick works even in season 12 in the top lane is that it doesn't really rely on CS. You realize how terrible our players' CS averages are: 3.7 CS per minute, 5 CS per minute. Never above this. But he's not just a bronze player, CS on Alistar just isn't that important compared to most champions. A lot of Alistar's scaling comes specifically from XP. He is a support champion after all, but Riot may have accidentally gone overboard with something that I think might even be a coding error, making his teamfights absolutely ridiculous.
We'll talk about that later in the video, but for context: I have to show the laning phase first so you can see how bad this champion is early on, before he gets incredibly strong. Level 1: Alistar is as weak as can be, in fact you could call him one of the worst champions in the game at level 1. He doesn't have his combo yet and is forced to take Q, which he has no build for. So our player has to play very safe, ideally landing some cs and using Q on the enemy to avoid damage. You won't get to the OP part of this selection later in the game without some suffering.
But then the second wave comes, you get level 2, and the seventh minion dies, giving you some free health back thanks to your passive healing. You get more CS, level 3 - all skills ready, more minions dead and suddenly you're back to almost full health, ready to fight in lane. This passive heal is great to sustain because minions only need to die near you since Alistar is usually a support; You don't even need to kill them. Any abilities you use also count as stacks, so good trades actually give you health. That is, every 1 wave and a bit: you will get a cure no matter what.
This means that your health pool in lane is larger than the other champions, similar to trundle. You can see how The Pick is gaining power. You can make bad trades and still recover with healing, and also have TP as your get out of jail free card to get out of a bad situation, buy, and get back to full health. This summoner also allows you to solve another of Alistar's problems: our player saw how terrible Alistar's mana problems were in the top lane. In support he is fine because he only uses mana during a fight, so he can wait and wait for the right moment.
But in top lane you have to actively participate in 1v1 to still get some CS. and because of this he often runs out of mana and therefore cannot even protect himself. So with this early TP back in lane, our player buys a tear, which also has mana flow band, and starts stockpiling them as quickly as possible. He can now be more aggressive in lane since mana cost is not an issue. Alistart has surprisingly high base damage, as well as a combo that means enemies simply can't damage you back. Walk with E, letting it build up, then Q to parry, auto to stun E, then W to knock the enemy down and end the exchange.
Alistar decides when it starts and also ends it when he wants. With some of these swaps, the enemy can set up for a simple all-in-one combo 1v1 kill. Or, alternatively, you can always do the tower kill trick. Yes, this even works at high elo, because surprisingly enemies don't play much against Alistar Top. Q, walk behind an enemy towards the tower to deal extra damage and chase after them to kill them. And if you've already had one kill, Alistar is not a champion that can be countered, unlike most damage maxes. Your damage seems to do nothing to him thanks to his damage reduction ult, which absorbs your combo and uses his high base damage to get another kill.
LOW RISK lvl 8 kill top Unlike other support top laners, he also cannot be submerged due to this ultimate ability. He is not squishy and now has a 55% damage reduction from all sources, meaning that even 2 enemies are not enough to kill him. Interestingly, although he is a support champion, he still does not leave the top lane. This is because it is not actually a support. Instead, he gets his first power spike, Bamis Cinder, and uses it along with his Q to push waves repeatedly, and every time the enemy leaves, he gets a quick demolition proc on the tower.
If you ever spread yourself too thin or play too risky, Alistar has his W to save you from any bad 1v1s. Enemies use his mobility to reach you and he simply pushes them away, with nothing else to chase. lvl 8 W disconnect It's really strange to see him not group up at this point, I think it's quite risky, but if he gets a few extra waves of farm and tower plates, it really speeds up Alistar's tank status, so you can see the value he has taking this risk has. If his team doesn't get an advantage while this is happening, then Alistar is really primed to be the strongest tank in the mid-game.
This is due to protection from solar fire. What is usually a tank item, for Alistar it is also a damage item. Thanks to its maximum duration of 7 seconds, where it basically cannot die, it can easily stack up Sunfire Cloak damage and activate it repeatedly. So in this fight he has the massive tank ability to absorb multiple enemies, but he also ends up doing over 1000 damage with just this tank item. And of course this goes along with his ability damage, this 1000 damage is just a bonus. This item synergy is perfect and since he is a solo player he looks at how little damage an adc does to him.
Even at this point in the game, with all this damage, he's too tanky to kill safely. . lvl 8 twitch 0 damage to enlist Buying CDR boots: He now wants to join his team and create plays for them. Your big advantage is your kill setup and your tanking ability to go wherever you want. Therefore, you can completely overwhelm enemies if your teammates follow your fights. IF any other lane is even or ahead, you can visit them and force dives to create an advantage to win the game. lvl 11 dive 3x Teamfights is where Alistar's secret advantage comes into play. Then Lordofcowtime told me something very strange about Alistar.
His E (trample, auto attack stun) doesn't actually scale with the points assigned to the skill. The damage actually increases with levels, meaning you can focus on leveling your other skills to maximize your damage and still get a huge burst of magic damage from this skill even at just 1 level. This full Q W E combo can deal a confusingly high amount of damage, so it doesn't really play like a frontline tank; He's more of a diving champion who can carry solo and tank multiple people at the same time. We think this is a bug, or just something completely unexpected on riot's part because he is a support champion so he shouldn't need XP and gold to be strong, but when he is taken in the top lane he gets a lot more resources, so this extra damage is no longer fair and should not be on your team.
This damage combined with a build based on cooldown reduction means that Alistar can continually cycle his abilities on enemies to deal really high damage, while still being primarily a frontline tank. Your cc lasts a total of 3.25 seconds and your combo now has a cooldown of about 6 seconds, so enemies don't have much room to breathe when Alistar is around. Since you are a top laner, it is also much easier to use Ultimate. It's much easier to time than with support because it's simply not possible to reduce hp when you have 4000 health as a top laner. He ults early in the fight, using it to clear cc and get as much value out of it as possible, reaching the enemy backline and staying there throughout the fight.
As Alistar, the best enemies can usually do is ignore you. In support, your cooldowns are high and damage is low, usually just a health ball that can't do anything. So when you play top lane, enemies will likely do something similar and ignore you since you only have a full tank, right? But then the passive sunfire damage begins, with Alistar running through several people to the carries for a point-and-click stun. Burning through his health 1 for 1, taking no damage or being in danger himself. lvl 15 perfect 1v5 fight Let me be clear: if he is fed, he can legitimately fight 1v5, but most of the time he still needs some help with damage to finish fights.
ADCS and soft mids are easy to kill, even supports can do it; The hard part is what you do next against the bullies. And if you're behind, at leastUnlike some top laners, you can still be a tanky cc bot, just like support Alistar. The free stats you get from the ult+ utility will mean you can still do something in fights instead of just free kills. Before I give this a grade and talk about the big problem with this strategy, quickly here's the build lordofcowtime used to dominate: with lane sustain on doran's shield, boots and mythic items, then on tank items depending from the enemy team, building their tear into fimblwinter - an amazing item with all your CC and cooldowns that can be spammed, making your tank last even longer and prolonging fights.
Finish the build with rylais for fun: slow down enemies in fights. The runes are also about being a tank, with lane grip to hold and more hp. You're a tank, not a combat champion, so glacial is useless in lane and also doesn't help when you get to fights. To rate this build, the only place to start is the weaknesses. Champions like Camille, as well as ranged split push or healing champions, are very good at this pick. There's a good reason why it took Lordofcowtime 528 games to become dominant this season, firstly because he hadn't done it before, so it's very impressive that he was able to raise his mmr high enough.
But also because you're picking a champion who struggles early in the game in a role that struggles to affect the rest of the game early on. This pick is reliable, it's pretty simple and can be very suffocating in fights, but in most games you end up in a tough matchup and can't get much CS, so you're a bit behind after leaving lane. Then you spawn in the bot lane and there's a 5/0 vayne ready for you with your bot lane too busy setting your jungler on fire to help you put it out. It's incredibly impressive that this guy had the dedication to master it, and this pick is probably one of the best top lane tanks in the game right now thanks to the synergy he has with items.
But it's definitely not a free LP; you have to really work for it, which, to be fair, can be more satisfying than picking a meta ops champion. If you want to see more of this dedicated player, the twitch for him is linked in the description, and thanks again to our sponsor for funding this content, I literally couldn't do it without them, so get it and give it a try if you can. !

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