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How Russia built a stealth jet to beat the west - Su-57

Jul 02, 2024
thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video, this is one of the most controversial aircraft ever


, not only is it the result of more than a decade of development and the successor to the legendary wing, but the West already claims that it is just an imitator, it is a fifth generation. State-of-the-art Russian


plane that is apparently non-


y and is the future of the Russian Air Force, but they have failed to build more than two dozen in fact, it is controversial, but it is possible that this plane is more than just a fluke, is it? Is it just Western propaganda or is it really a dangerous future underestimation of an adversary?
how russia built a stealth jet to beat the west   su 57
Let us today explore the history, myths and truth behind the future of the Russian Air Force and its attempt to create a stealth fighter, the criminal of the East. Sue 57 In the 1980s there was a new type of airplane that was very, very hot and it was a stealth airplane. The Americans took this in stride and developed the ATF program which led to what we know today as the F-22 Raptor, but what if I told you that the F22 Raptor is not actually a stealth aircraft, contrary to popular belief, the Stealth does not mean invisible to the radar, it means that the enemy radar, whether it is a plane or on the ground, will not be able to detect it and manage to lock on the target in time and this is the key word: the B2 was designed as a bomber that would be capable of slip between Soviet air defenses that limited its range and the F22 Raptor was designed as a first-strike air dominance fighter that could secure airspace before the enemy could lock on to the missiles, but the Russians, when faced with this technology, they had other things in mind: they believe the plane should have higher performance first and stealth second.
how russia built a stealth jet to beat the west   su 57

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how russia built a stealth jet to beat the west su 57...

This led to its fifth-generation jet program called mfi, which aimed at a high-performance aircraft with some degree of radar cross-section minimization, eventually giving rise to the Mig 144, which failed miserably due to Russia's The whole thing failed miserably in the '90s, but rejection in the MFI program led the Sooy office to put its money where its mouth was and make its own futuristic fighter called the S37 Buru. This self-funded aircraft was intended to become a technological demonstrator for the ideal future of the Russian Air Force and show the powers in charge what they could do. Do you know the famous striker?
how russia built a stealth jet to beat the west   su 57
Swept wing design, we all flew in Ace Combat and this inspired the nation to try again. The Russian government after the failure of the MFI program in the early 2000s started a new program called Pack Far or Prospective Air Force Fighter Complex. Yes, it is a very strange name, I know that sooy was chosen without competition because they had the proven experience of being able to develop a prototype with their own financing due to good sporting performance in the 9s and 2000s and well, the future of the mig was not really so brilliant and Sooy saying that all the drama around the F-22 as a stealth fighter wanted to give it a good chance and this is where the story of the Sue 57 begins.
how russia built a stealth jet to beat the west   su 57
This fighter jet was supposed to be the future of the Russian Air Force , but its subsequent production has suffered many delays. You might think that the engineer must be so frustrated to see so few of his dream planes take off that you, as a business owner, might feel the same way about your sales, but unlike the Russian Air Force , this is something. We can fix that with the Squarespace website, but wait, don't skip this as I'll have some previews for future videos. So how can Squarespace help you? Start with a best-in-class website template that you can customize every design detail powered by Dragon Drop reimagined for desktop and mobile, so it's both sites in one.
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A remarkable design. The choice was the regular thrust vectoring nozzles and exposed titanium of the al41 engines, but I'll come back to why that's strange later. Another issue with the engine placement is the compressor vanes not being completely hidden inside the S Ducks, even though the Sue 47 had hidden speculation about the actual stealth performance of the Sue 57. to immediately break out with some people questioning This design was even remotely comparable to the F35 or F22 when it comes to stealth, so let's get that bug out of the way right now. The kind folks at Airplane 101 did an amazing job resolving the stealth issue.
Once and for all, they created some very detailed 3D models of some famous modern aircraft and then used mathematical models and radar scattering simulations to obtain the radar cross-section data over a wide range of frequencies, meanwhile, a paper leite for the Sue 57 stealth design. Paton actually stated that it has an RCS of 0.1 to 1 M squared, this is much more than the 0.00005 of the F35 or the 0.001 M squared of the F20 2, which It means that the Russian plane has the stealth characteristics of a brick wall. These numbers turned out to be correct, however, there was a caveat and believe me, we are about to get really technical, but there is a problem in the details if we were to examine the results of plane 101, which does not include the effect of the RA materials that did not can be calculated with Precision the s57.
It has a medical radar cross section of 0.48 M squared at a 120° frontal, this report was leaked with the Russians, however the average RCS of an F-35 stands at 0.06 M squared, so if we take a look at the diagram, it shows a very slight angle. of which the radar cross section of the f-35 drops to 35 or 0.00001 M squ, but that is the minimum RCS, not the overall frontal RCS of the aircraft, so if the addition of RA materials is taken into account and this paper on RA materials simulations can decrease the radar cross section of up to 90% when the entire object is covered with these materials, but this is what the F35 or any other aircraft is not covered with these materials, it only They are used in hatches or important sections where radar waves could be scattered.
Depending on the source, a decrease in the average RCS can range from 20 to 90%, but not the 200 or 1000% that people have claimed. The bottom line is that there's no chance the Sue 57 can match the stealth characteristics of the F35 or F-22, but it's not as far off for them as the media would have you believe any modern radar would have trouble detecting and tracking a target. sub 1 M, so in the eyes of the Russians it is stealthy enough, although I want to just back away. For those strangely exposed engines on the side or rear section of the Sue 57, the radar cross section is probably much higher than their American counterparts due to those engine issues and then of course we have the famous exposed screws with the Sue 57, but this is not a key factor because as you can see both the F35 and F22 also have exposed screws and they are both still extremely stealthy aircraft, but stealth is not the biggest problem with the s57, they are actually those engines that the Russians made the same. mistake that threw away so many projects during the Cold War that began to develop this plane without its new engines.
That's not really a bad idea per se. I am referring to the Rafel and the Sue 27 and many other successful aircraft flew their first flight without engines designed for them but that was the floor that was quickly fixed the s57 on the other hand it still does not have its adequate engines the development of the e daia 30 is a long and still unfinished story in the series production of the Sue 57s fly with Al 41 F1 engines similar to those used in the Su 35 and these are excellent engines, don't get me wrong, however, even though they were designed as engines with super cruise capability for the mfi program, those within the original Sue 57 are not based on the original al41 FS because they were too large for the Felon and are instead based on the older Al 31s, meaning that the Sue 57 might not be able to achieve super cruising in a full combat load as the Sue 35 can only achieve it in a light configuration, wow now the cool thing about these L 47s is that they have 3D vectoring which gives the Sue 57 incredible maneuverability as well as thrust-to-weight ratio compared to a combat loaded one, making it a beast for dogfighting, but this is not so.
In the era of dogfighting and this scenario is very unlikely in Modern Combat, sorry Tom Cruz, the newer daia 30 or Al 51 engines are supposed to have super cruise capability on Mac 1.5 toothed nozzles like the f135 motor in the F35 and the ability to remove the exposed titanium area and perhaps an even flatter, stealthier design as seen on the S70 drone, but when exactly that will happen remains to be seen oh oh, you didn't know this one The plane comes with its own drones, this is where it really gets cool, what could really give the Sue 57 the edge is the use of Wingman style drones like the S70 and unlike the Sue 57 with all its problems, the S70 is much more more designed with stealth in mind and its size gives it the capability. carrying some serious decoration combined with the s57 could be the perfect protection or the strike force with an s57 or an awax plane could detect the drone targets and let them advance so that they can measure with the completely invisible enemy along with these drones.
On its Sue 57, Russia is also developing something called ozod, a new data link system equivalent to NATO's elak 16 that would enable such operations with military drones. The S70 has already performed several test flights and is in the development phase, so it is not a project on paper, but the war in Ukraine and the subsequent state of the Russian Armed Forces raises the question of where exactly they are going. to find the money to finance all these prospective but far-fetched projects, which is why it took me 13 minutes to watch today's video. To get to the real problem with this project, India originally partnered with Russia in 2007 to help finance the development of the new fighter in exchange for getting its own two-seat variant and the license to build this new aircraft in-house, developing the The t50 prototype and the pakfar program as a whole suffered numerous delays and problems due to the completely new engine and avionics with the radar sensors etc.
He was supposed to go on this plane, so the Indians rightly tired of it in 2018. He exited the project with the option to buy a finished plane in the future if Russia ever managed to mass produce it and enter in service within the Russian Air Force, but this is where it gets dangerous. Russia abandoned its initial plan for 200 of these fighters throughout the year. Only a squad of 12 speaks ofa decline, but this soon changed with the first contract for 76 aircraft signed in 2017, but this delivery has been extremely slow and so far there are only around 10 airframes in operational service, the Sue 57 was supposedly used both in Syria for testing like in the war in Ukraine in an air to air battle and even apparently killed the Ukrainians until the 27th, but all that is in the scope or could have or could not have done it and because this war is a full blown propaganda battle since On day one, telling the story that Suit 57 was an incredible aircraft in the heat of battle would be an incredibly successful image for Russian clients, so again I say take all of this with a pinch of salt now to respond. to the big question on your mind: what exactly would happen if the Sue 57 went head to head with America's best, the F2 22 Raptor or perhaps the F35?
Well, I hope you're strapped in because we're going to get into the real detail and we'll start with its electronics and weaponry. The Sue 57 is equipped with the new Aesa radar called n36 Bela, which is actually made up of five different antennas, the main antenna operates in the xand and is used to lock onto enemy targets and attack and detect enemies at long distances, there are two antennas sides which also operate on the xand but with a shorter range giving the aircraft much better coverage around 270° and there are two further antennas on the wings which operate on the lower L band frequency and are used as part of the electronic warfare system.
Yes, that's right, this plane is digital. In the front of the cockpit there is a so-called first system that allows the detection of thermal signatures of enemy aircraft and the use of Infrared guided missiles without using radar are the same as the eots functions on the F35 and some of the which the F22 Raptor lacks, but could get it soon in an update now that the Su 57 has Sensor Fusion in a computer that works on all of the data collected to give the pilot situational awareness similar to Dazz in the F35, but certainly it is inferior to the unpowered situational awareness that the F35 pilot has with that amazing helmet and Dez system.
One of the problems with the Sue 57 is the lack of an interrogated targeting pod like the F-35, the F35 on the other hand can use its internal systems to target ground targets, so it still remains stealthy to sum it all up. The s57 is a fairly capable platform with some issues that put it behind its


ern counterpart. its counterparts in some respects, but it is far beyond any 4th or 4th generation Plus+ aircraft on the market and also any 5th generation fighter development, so it is really something to keep in mind, but what about the future of this program, as we explain in the video?
Sue 57, although not perfect, still has a very powerful radar and avionics, decent stealth capability and excellent engines, well, soon, if they arrive, the planned upgrade of the Sue 57m will include them, at least because drones and other Things are still in the realm of science fiction. To be honest, none of these Western aircraft would be able to detect the Sue 57 in time if they were in combat because it is also capable of carrying the long-range r 37m Iles missile and firing it from at least 200 km away. Russia plans to use the s57 as a team leader of several Jets to provide surveillance and combat support, although this is all very good in theory, the problem is that only between 10 and 15 sou 57s were built, even with that first batch complete of 76 delivered, which is not enough to counter even the single F22 Fleet and definitely not the 1,000-strong F35 Fleet in both the US and NATO.
Ironically, all this discussion about who would win makes me think we're looking in the wrong direction. The Chinese J20 is a much bigger threat to the US because it is actually in mass production unlike the s57 and given the state of the Russian military in Ukraine right now, time will tell, as far as we know, that this is an incredibly attractive bird and that its claim to be stealthy The plane is as real as those engines and although some people say it is outdated, I believe that this plane, along with the F22 design, will shape many future aircraft and perhaps even entire generations to come.
I hope you and that girl enjoyed this video and I hope to see you soon in the next episode of Found and Explained.

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