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How QUICKLY Can You Complete Professor Oak's Challenge in Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver?

Jun 03, 2021
How's everyone doing here, you chaotic meatball? And welcome to probably the most requested video you've ever seen. This is the Pokémon Heart, Golden Soul, Professor Oaks, Silver


, and yes, I'm sure you've heard the legend about how difficult it is. it's almost 400


poke gear phone calls for evolution stones the safari zone having to use pokey gear for certain


it's all true, however, I've spent over a year working on this


on and off and I think it's time to Let it be unleashed on the Internet, this is Professor Oaks' challenge in Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
how quickly can you complete professor oak s challenge in pokemon heartgold soulsilver
I'll be using the Heartgold version and not using the Pokewalker since it's technically another game, quote unquote, and I'd rather nothing be interpreted as optional. Anyway, let's get right into it, so if you're not familiar with Professor Oaks' challenge, let me describe it very simply, which is basically capturing and evolving all the possible Pokémon before each gem, so with that in mind I named myself chaotic and the first. The Pokémon we get is our starter, either Totodile Chikurita or Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil evolves to its final form at level 36, Chicorite at 32 or Total Dial at 30. So it's smarter to dial to reduce grinding time, we also get the very important pokey gear. element that we will need to obtain certain evolution elements, so the game is quite standard, since we do not get pokeballs until we go back over the mr pokemon egg, fight our rival and give it a name after we are taught how to catch Pokemon.
how quickly can you complete professor oak s challenge in pokemon heartgold soulsilver

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how quickly can you complete professor oak s challenge in pokemon heartgold soulsilver...

I was able to catch a hoot hoot and ratata on route 29 since it's currently nighttime so I can't get pidgey in focus and centered until morning. Route 46 is also just north of here, where I can capture Geodude at night. took me to route 30 allowing me to capture spinarak and route 31 where I captured two bell sprouts, one of which I will use for a trade. The last area I can go to for the moment is a dark cave where I can get a zubat that I will keep in my party until I evolve to a high friendship level as well as a scarce one percent, so I used the area as a field. training until I found one, however, it took me about half an hour before I moved to Violet City.
how quickly can you complete professor oak s challenge in pokemon heartgold soulsilver
This is where this challenge deviates from the normal gold and silver challenge. There's a guy here named Primo at the Pokémon Center. If you give him the correct passwords, he will reward you with some eggs. There are three, so I calculated the password using this website. which I will leave in the description for those of you who want to try this challenge for yourself. I admit that two of them can be captured in this section, but I'd rather not have to search for them if I don't. Luckily it's still nighttime so I was able to have my last night encounter for the section where, being spent in the sprout tower, I thought why not do some work waiting until morning, so I started with totodile which was of a fairly high level. already allowed me to evolve it at level 18 to crocodile just a few minutes after grabbing it with gas, the egg started to hatch as I ran to get slugma whooper and mareep before finishing off the crocodile, taking it to level 30 and evolving it to alligator which I used . in the later levels to switch trains to the three hatchlings, since they were all at level 1 and couldn't fend for themselves, but after it evolved, they were able to do so.
how quickly can you complete professor oak s challenge in pokemon heartgold soulsilver
The first one I ground up was marine, which I was able to turn it into. Flaffy at level 15 fairly easily thanks to the fact that I took a thunder hit, which made removing the gas lease on the tower a piece of cake. From there I figured that was enough progress for one day, so I got some sleep and woke up in the morning for the rest of the encounters and yeah, that's basically how the challenge goes, making sure to strategize when you play and work so you can do everything possible. I won't specify the extreme details for the rest of the challenge since there is so much in this video that it would take two hours for that reason, but I will still tell you about the exclusive Pokémon for the time of day to make it easier for you, as well as the guide that is provided. will leave in the description.
Shout out to Mulax for writing it back to the game I went to alf's ruins to solve a kabuto puzzle so I could capture a single stranger oh the game gave me a f I guess it respects me for doing this challenge if you're watching this at the premiere , be sure to leave an f in the chat out of respect and also hit the like and subscribe button with that shameless plug out of the way. I returned to route 32 grabbing a jump since it's the only encounter I have left, Soul Silver though. Players will need to get Atkins here and with that I thought I'd do a bit more grinding as grinding in the sprout tower is only good at night as the spooks give the most experience of the entire available pool of wild Pokémon for the section. a little worse in soul silver, as it's a bit of a pain to clear ekons and reduces the average amount of experience you'll get on route 32, so you're better off just working at night and taking days off after a few more days. hours of grinding across my entire party, whooper finally reached level 20 and evolved into quagsire, although I kept working on getting geodude to be the next to evolve, bringing the graveler to level 25 after another round of grinding, flaffy continued to evolve very


In Ampharos at level 30 after a few more minutes after finishing that grinding session, when I returned to the Pokémon center, I got my second bell sprout and exchanged it for an onyx here in Violet City, going back and exchanging it for the other bell sprout. bell I found. I need to train. While I was at it, I thought I should grab the remaining counters on other routes, so I grabbed pidgey and caterpie on route 30, Century on route 29, and Spiro on route 46 before grinding again. I will say that jumping is a pain in the ass since it's not strong and only has splashes to begin with, although it admittedly got better once it evolved into Skip Loom at level 18.
Everything in this session is pretty high in terms of evolutions. level out of Caterpie. everything is above level 20 and some of them reach very high levels, like slugma 38 and pidgey at 36. It can get pretty crazy and takes a lot longer than most other games. I don't think I've taken more than 30 hours on the first section of a poc, even the crazy ones like alpha sapphire and xd, but this one was crazy in short, I evolved the rest of the pokemon in those rounds of grinding, the ones that were bellsprout and cry and bell at level 21, hoot hoot at noctowa level 20 seligman and mccargo at level 38 pidgey at pidgeotto at level 18. gasly and an axe at level 25 skip bloom at jump luff at level 28 pidgeotto at pidgeot at level 36 zubat into golbat at level 22 and into crowbat one level later turn iraq into ariados at level spiro into firo at level 20 ratata and eradicate at level 20. caterpie into metapod at level 7 and in butterfree at level 10 and focus on delayed at level 15.
I wanted to leave the low level stuff until the end as I thought I would feel like I was progressing faster near the end although I don't know exactly what would have been faster and with a total of 41 pokemon or 43 in soul silver and a time of 65 hours and 34 minutes. Yes, it's time to fight Faulkner and yes, looking at the leaderboard, I admit it's pretty bad, but again we have to consider that this was my second poc at the time of recording this, which was May 2019, so which is a little embarrassing to see. My old strategies, if we're being honest, after destroying Faulkner, I can get the mystery egg from a guy in the Pokemart, allowing me to advance south of Route 32.
Keeping Macargo in the party for this is pretty smart since What I need for High Friendship to evolve, so we wanted it to be born as soon as possible. There are also some things we can do now that we're on Route 32, like grabbing the old stick just before the Binding Cave, so we'll want to revisit a few. locations being alf's ruins of magikarp and poliwag tentacle on route 32 and grumpy in Cherry Grove City as we'll need one for a trade much later right after A got trapped in Togepi so there's nothing left There's nothing else to do other than going to Union Cave, there's not much here other than Sandshrew who is only here in Heartgold and some trainers, so I then emerged in Azalea Town opening up the first rocket team confrontation.
The slow hit has just that sloppo after grabbing and destroying it. everyone in the cave i made sure to head back to the union cave to grab a golden bean with the old staff, leaving only one area we can actually go to for the moment, alex's forest, there are only two pokemon available here per Now, that's Paris and two strangers, but there's also something else that you'd normally need to cut to progress that you can't use until you beat Bugsy, so I'm sure you're thinking, oh perfect, I'll just work and continue, no, absolutely. The only thing I can do now is grind Slowpoke because it can learn to headbutt before we can access the guy that teaches it, yeah what you normally get after chopping, so now we have more Pokémon to catch with the headbutting trees , so after getting it.
Until level 25 I started hunting and getting pineco here in the ilex forest and a group of apom in Azalea Town, since it has a pickup that we will need to make this challenge much easier. I decided to give up on the other three encounters for the moment, since none. Many of them can evolve in this section, so we first need to get our apom to level 21 so we can start a pickup squad, as we need rare candies to make the rest of this run a little more trivial, without However, I actually raised all four at level 41, one of them I allowed to evolve an ambipom for the entire decks, but this will really help me get a lot of rare candies and give me a higher chance of getting sun stones than I need, as well as moonstones. the future, shortly after I evolved slowpoke to slowbro at level 37 and then decided to go after the remaining encounters I found, run on route 32 and traverse on route 46, so now I'm relieved of the encounters, leaving it just grinding , although I have already done it.
I did a ton of work to achieve 5 things at an average level 40, so I've already gone crazy, but what with a little more work, I'll do literally everything right. I just evolved everything else, tentacle and attenual at level 30, poliwag to poliwhirl at level 25 magikarp into gyarados at level 20 pineapple to fortress at level 31 harris into parasect at level 24 golden quest at level 33 sullen at king at level 28 togepi in toga tick at level 10 with maximum happiness sand shrew in sand cut at level 22 I miss the darkness at level 21 and bloom with a sun stone that I managed to get by collecting somehow .
I only got two sunstones while going through that grind, so I'm glad I got all four of them to level 40, well, or I probably was. I'm not even going to get one of them and with a time of 135 hours and 53 minutes, yes that's how long it took, but you know what I think you'll notice how much the time really improves after we're making the bugs burn . I ran through the ilex forest and reached the other side of route 34 where I can capture an abra, two sleepers and a very important Pokémon for this section, the same since we have a lot to breed, but there is not one yet.
Person on this route we need to get the number from and that is Picnicker Gina as she can give me a stone blade, something I will need several of for this section of the game. Next on the agenda for Goldenrod City, as there are two Pokémon we need to obtain. immediately through the corner of the game after getting a little ahead of myself since I enjoy the voltorb flip, although I managed to grab gertini for 2100 coins, yes we have to evolve that into very very low level wild Pokémon, now you understand why I got those level 41a palms.
I also grabbed an Atkins since it's the earliest we can get into Heartgold, but Soulsilver will get Sandshrew to make up for the exclusive version in the last section. I grabbed the bike, fought the trainers in the underground area, and finally made it to the game. I traded inside the department store I traded my spare drowzee for a chop and with that I finally made it to route 35 which has three important encounters but I'm skipping them for now since I want to clear out the trainers here and in the national park where I made sure to take a sunken and evolve it into Sunflora with the other sunstone I got in the last section.
I came very close to evolving Dratini during this part, so I went ahead and grinded a bit in the national park to evolve before catching bugs. You see, the contest runs every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and there are a ton of exclusive bug Pokémon that aren't normally found here and since I'm playing Gold I need Venonat the Weedle Line Scyther and Pincer unfortunately though I can only keep one Pokémon. what I catch andthat's the one i enter the competition so i opted to catch everything and throw them away keeping only venonat as venomoth is not catchable here while weedle kikuna and beedrill are but i can't keep them but them.
I registered on the Pokedex, so everything is fine. This is the same in Seoul Silver, except with the Caterpie line, my first encounter was Beedrill, which I managed to catch, so I was already pretty happy and then proceeded to get Weedle and Venonat, which I made sure of. to discard for other Pokémon, and finally, I managed to get Kokuna Scyther and Pincer to get me all the tickets I need for this area. I'm actually surprised that I managed to do this in just one attempt, as I didn't really want to wait until the next contest date I didn't get the prize, which would have been a sun stone, but I don't need it thanks to my squad of pickup dominated, I took out the rest. trainers on the other side of the route, including this schoolboy Allen, he can give you a fire stone that we will need for this section.
There are two coaches that we have to receive phone calls from for stones in the section, three from Gina and one from Alan. Before I left I took a land with or full picks if you're playing Soul Silver and Standler, leaving only about 35 encounters after grabbing both ninarans, I tried to find Yanma which is a one percent encounter and this one took me by a time to find it, but I managed to get it while also grinding Dragonair quite a bit, this only leaves the two trainers to call me to give me the stones. This actually wasn't too painful since all I had to do was grind. everything and wait for those two to call me while I'm grinding.
I occasionally got calls between battles, but I literally grinded everything, including getting the two moonstones I needed to be a pickup and I still didn't have all the stones. The Grinder I managed to evolve nidoran to ninorito at level 16. nina ran to nid arena also at level 16, dragon air, to dragonite, at level 55, sleepy to hypno at level 26, then annette to venomoth at level 31, abra and dicadabra at level 16. machop at machoke at level 28 atkins at arbok at level 22 janma and diane mega at level 33 while you meet the ancient power nidorino king of indonesia with a moonstone and nidorina at nidoqueen with a moonstone so the calls you literally just leave the game until they call and I give you the items you can save so you can save the game wait an hour if you don't get the calls restart the software and wait another hour it works that That's what I did, but it's still stupid because you have to pay attention. game while waiting there, so after dealing with that, I managed to turn ralith into arcanine with a firestone into vileplume with a stone blade, as I had milled the second oddish during this section's grind, the bell of the weapon in the victory bell with a blade. stone and run and exeggutor also with a stone blade and with a total of 103 pokemon in a time of something I don't know because apparently I forgot to record the bottom screen at the moment that allows me to fight with Whitney, she does the whole crying process . but it gives me the badge which allows me to move on after getting the badge although the poke athlon dome opens which luckily means I don't have to rely on stupid phone calls to get evolution stones and that makes me so happy that You don't realize how.
It's actually frustrating to wait for these things to happen when you're trying to go fast in the first place and luckily I love the pokeathlondo minigames so I got enough points to get some stones since we need one fire stone, four fire stones water and one. Thunderstone, unfortunately, although each item can only be purchased once a day and since the stones only appear once a week, you have to wait a month to get everything, it's a little frustrating, but fortunately it's not the first time this happens. I did enough to grab a water stone on Wednesday and a thunder stone on Thursday, so I grabbed the spray bottle and moved on to the tree that turns out to be a pseudoludo.
Fortunately, pickup has been very kind to me, so I have plenty. ultra balls to capture, although I'll save the rest for some very difficult Pokémon in this section. Once I reached Ecruteak City, I made sure to send Bill back to Goldenrod so he could get a free Pokémon later on, as well as evolve it into Poliwhirl. Polywrath with a water stone that I got from my first pokemon grind. I'll take that gift later for now. I want to go to the burn tower since there are two Pokémon. I need one of which needs to be bred.
Those who are coughing and Magmar. Oh yeah. there is entai and raiku sweep, yes we have to get both entei and raiku in this section without a master ball, anyway after dealing with that I made sure to go back to goldenrod and take evie's gift so I can raise four more of them evolved one of them into jolteon with the thunder stone i grabbed earlier, then i threw it with my ditto getting four eggs before changing it from magmar getting one egg before saving everything and hatching the eevees and a single magby, I kept two of the evs in my party as I needed to make sure they got maximum happiness, especially since I needed to get my hunter to level 39 to use it to hunt entei and raiku, I made sure to use some rare candies after getting it. a high enough level to justify using it, then I started riding my bike back and forth and using the rappelling trick, I'm not going to lie, it only took me about 10 minutes to find Raiku after that routine and since i made sure my move set was hypnosis, look evil, dream eater and nightshade.
I made it pretty easy to damage him after weakening him and making sure he was put to sleep in the third encounter. I managed to get him into an ultra ball, one down, one to go. Entei took a little more time to take four matches before. I managed to get it and I'm glad I invested the time in getting the hunter to level up, otherwise it would have been a nightmare. I took a break from the challenge for about a week and earned enough points to get a fire stone and a second water stone to evolve. eevee on flareon and another on vaporeon using them respectively, I thought now was a good time to head west towards route 38 to grab unlikely tauros of magnemite from the mill tank and a one percent snubble that actually only took about 15 minutes, thank the Lord that I did it.
I don't have to deal with another Yama situation. If you're playing Soul Silver, you'll also grab Meowth, but we'll grab our exclusive version shortly after reaching Olivine City. I grabbed a fisherman's good rod and it allowed me to do something. Going back and catching featherfish on Route 32, which wasn't too bad even though it was a two percent encounter and Shelder and Shinshu from New Bark Town, luckily we can take a shortcut from Violet City back to Ecritik, but instead of moving west, I made sure. moving east to go to Mount Mortar, house of god, that's a brilliant machop which wasn't what I was looking for, but it's certainly a nice addition to the collection.
Instead, I was actually looking for Merrell, although I don't. I have to worry about gender this time since I can't get the incense because I'm not going to lie. I'm not surprised I've shined in this race given the number of one percent and two percent encounters I've had to capture. So far, in the race that emerges on the other side, Route 42 is Manky's home only in Heart Gold, leaving me to jump over Mahogany Town and into Route 43, where I can get the last grass encounter to this section, giraffe platform at this point, I tried it. It's weird giving sweets to my eevee and espeon, which managed to work, so I reset it and evolved it with experience so I wouldn't waste one saving it and trading my extra cranky for a voltorb after returning to Olivine City.
Olivine actually has the last section one era corsola fishing encounters during the day, so I decided to work until the night happened, involving merrell on a zoom rail on level 18, snubble on the big dance on level 23, chinchu and a lantern at level 27, manky in primape at level 28 and magnemite. at magneton level 30 before catching star u in olivine city at night and evolving the other eevee into umbreon right after admitting that harvesting has been operational during this time since I haven't had to train anything beyond level 25 before you can use it. them, so after evolving Voltorp to electrode at level 30 and evolving from cough to wheeze at level 35, it's time to wait two weeks for the rest of the water stones and with that I can get Cloister and Starmie, bringing us to 139 Pokémon and a time of 170 hours and 20 minutes, so yeah, thanks for collecting in higher level wild Pokémon.
Fun fact, both before badge 4 in Pokémon Platinum and in Golden Heart, Silver Soul is 139 Pokémon for some reason, I'm sure it's not intentional, but it's really consistent. The game design is great, so this is where some weird things happen. I actually transferred all my data to a new PC as the old one was relatively prone to crashing, so most of my older videos were missing some sections of footage, unfortunately. As a result, I lost my save file somehow. I don't know how it happened, so I had to repeat the entire challenge up to this point.
It's frustrating, for sure, but I used acceleration to get back to where I was. Since there was no way I could deal with it again and since I already had the experience of a few other pocs at the time, I was able to reduce my time dramatically using a couple of new strategies. First of all, I only grinded at night during I horribly reduced my time from 65 hours in the first section down to 42 by using some better switch training strategies for those Pokémon that had nothing but normal type moves. Pre-badge 2 was pretty similar, however I only trained an ambi palm to level. 41 and the other three went to 31 and I made sure to grind exclusively using headbutt Pokémon, which made my average experience more than double thanks to butterfree wild towel and knock in the ilex forest instead of grinding in the cave of the union as I originally did.
Lastly, I took Gina's number but I didn't continue until I got all the stones I needed for this action, since on the same route you can get Lyra's number, so you obstruct who can call you, which makes it much more slower than if you simply returned to Azalea Town. and save slag for calls to save time in the game. Allen only had to call me once so that wasn't a problem and my rare candy distribution was better being able to sweeten Dragon Air from early 30's to 55's and save. the rest for later Overall, I'm much happier with this redone part of the race, although I wish I didn't have to waste the time doing it.
I ended up landing on Morty with a time of 119 hours and 34 minutes. I saved a ton of time thanks to new strategies and more knowledge on how pocs can be handled anyway. I'm back to your regularly scheduled poc. Now that I have Morty's fog badge, I can surf outside of battle, so I went back to Olivine City and more. to route 41 where I can capture mantine but only in



doesn't get anything more than that, there is nothing to do other than get to cnwood city where we can get a gift shuckle and scare away suicune to the next location.
I'll get it much later, believe me, and now it's time for another big divergence from the original gold and silver and that is the cave that leads to Route 47, a whole new area for the heart, soul gold and silver, there are some new areas here along with some pokemon you wouldn't catch in the originals like steelix and mistreavus in the cliff cave and if you go down the ladder and outside you can find seals surfing in the water, the last one before the safari area on the route 48, I found Diglett leaving the safari alone. zone and other Pokémon, luckily this area isn't terrible yet until the end of the game because I don't have the national decks, but I don't have the area changer unlocked yet, so I can only capture from the original six areas laid out. so larvitar and licottan were in the bleakest mountainous area while surfing in the swampy area smurgle in the plains area kangaskhan in the wasteland area during the day and ryehorn in the savanna area during the day from here I just did some grinding starting with larvitar and seal getting them to a high enough level to challenge all the trainers in this section, moving sweeken to the next location again and even removing the team rocket event in mahogany town just to spend time, evolving larvitar to pupitate at level 30 before bauba.
He called me to get the area changer, this gave me access to the rest of the safari zone area, so I changed them by capturing cubone in the desertduring the day, doduo in the grass and lapras while surfing on the rocky beach, jigglypuff and murkrow in the swamp. mr mime during the day in the forest golduck and psyduck in the wetlands grass at night the ferry in the meadow at night and wobba fett in the peak area at night and with that we only have one more pokemon left to capture with this section but we have to backtrack all the way back to alf's ruins taking the path through Union Cave to access the grass capturing and not to finish the capturing section at this point, although I already ran out of trainers to fight from that I ran through all of them with pupitar and seal, however, the grass just outside the safari zone on route 48 has some cool things to train against, such as taurus, which can generate around 600 exp per fight along with others Evolved Pokémon like firo and higher than normal exp yields. from people like diglett this made grinding very easy and I combined it with my leftover rare candies which I made sure to save for pupitate and ryhorn to shorten this section and it went relatively well especially when I made sure to return to pokemon lord's house to get the experience share in exchange for the red scale making grinding those who didn't have very good attacks or any attacks at all aka not very easy in general, I evolved the seal to dugong at level 34, the fairy to clefable with a moonstone jigglypuff to Wigglytuff also with a moonstone not too much and desatu at level 25. pipitar and tyranitar at level 55 diglett at doug trio at level 26 rhyhorn at rydon at level 42 grimer in the muck at level 38 lick a tongue in licky licky at level 30 while you know how to implement doduo in dodrio at level 31 and cubone in marowak at level 28.
Lastly, we have to make sure to breed clefable and wigglytuff to get klepha and iglebuff respectively and This gives us a total of 176 pokemon and the most I can have with four badges. From here we can fight Chuck Jasmine or Price at this point, but we're going to want to fight Price to get access to Whirlpool outside of battle, so I saved against him with a time of 133 hours and 52 minutes, not bad. section at all just a little over 14 hours after crushing the Price team and putting them in my glass of water for a nice refreshing drink, that's good.
I made sure to go to the Whirlpool Islands, since there are only two Pokémon available in the horse section, and after grinding them a few levels in the cliff cave next to Cnwood City, since there is a ton of onyx . and steelix to take care of, among other things, getting me a seizure at level 32, which gives me a total of 178 Pokémon and the most I can have with only 5 batches with this section finished, although I have to fight Chuck and Jasmine since I can't. Go through Mahogany Town unless you defeat them and clear the rocket event on the radio tower.
Unfortunately, I have to waste experience on them instead of being able to fight all of them with the Pokémon I'll catch in this section. The good thing is this. The section is fairly short, although once I was able to move past mahogany, I moved on to route 44, where I made sure to catch Reverade fishing and using the trainers in the round to level up to level 25, evolving him into artillery just before . Catching Tangela, there's nothing left on this route so next on the agenda is the ice path where I can catch the curse pigs, grab the hm for the waterfall and if you're playing Soul Silver you'll grab a bird delicatessen I hate that thing is going ahead, there are no trainers here, so I headed to Blackthorne City and went straight into the gym, since I want that precious gym trainer experience to level up to Tangela.
Unfortunately, nothing evolves here due to the lack of trainers, but there is one more place to catch Pokémon and grind them: Route 45. Here I can catch a Gligar and a Fan P, although Soul Silver players will get Teddy Ursa and Skarmory on their place and luckily you don't. I have to deal with getting a sharp fang for gligar later in this game. The torture I put myself through for you anyway. I made sure I had a flying Pokémon in my party and continued moving down route 45 fighting all the trainers. I barely managed to miss Tangela's evolution by about one level, so I raised it to level 32, giving it a rare candy to evolve into Tangela growth at level 33, while knowing the ancient power.
The last two Pokémon to grind are phan p and swina, so I put both. of my group and only used the experience part for the least competent one, who tended to be a pig most of the time due to being defeated on the route by the gravelers, since he really wasn't strong enough to do any damage massive. Anyway, after about an hour and 40 minutes, Fan P evolved into Don Fan at level 25, into a bunch of pigs at level 33 and with a heart scale I got from the van, I went to the movement retrainer to teach the ancient power of the pilot's wine. evolve it one level to mamo pig, that's the whole process, however, there is still one more Pokémon in this section, putting curse in the nursery with the same will result in an egg and once it hatches I can add smoochum to the total, giving me a time. of 138 hours and 31 minutes with a total of 190 Pokémon, the most you can have with seven batches.
Now technically you could have cut me some slack and allowed me to fight Claire for experience since she didn't give you the badge until you


the quiz. in the dragon's lair, but I think I'll keep it simple since this is a special case, just a few more Pokémon until I can challenge the elite four, so let's take care of them. Professor Ellen called me and decided to give me a teacher. ball which I'm sure will be useful in the future, although it doesn't seem like anyone looks good here, everyone is fine, they look disfigured, however, now that we have access to the waterfall, I can travel to Mount Mortar and Behind the Cave to find a black belt that gives me a strap.
Fortunately, I got a neutral nature on my first try, so it will be easy to evolve, so I turned it into Hitmontop at level 20 since I can't breed. until it has evolved two more eggs later and we have the rest of the rogues we need for its evolutions, however, it will be a bit difficult to get them in the current state, so I went to the Goldenrod department store and grabbed some proteins and irons so that after grinding I could evolve my rogues to hitmonlee with higher attack at level 20 and hitmonchan with higher defense also at level 20.
I use the kimono girls and route 45 again for those from only evolving at level 20 , it really wasn't a big deal, one more thing in jodo before I can take my first steps in kanto in this challenge now that I have the rainbow wing and the transparent bell. it's time to go up the bell tower and challenge hi ho, it's actually a pretty powerful pokemon that's why I brought raikou in an attempt to cripple the first thing I managed to do on the first go around but of course I got a crit. The hit on the second attack, whoopsie, the second round was much better, although I took a lot of damage, although my attempt to put him to sleep with the hunter didn't work, so I started throwing balls somehow, getting them inside the five balls , I did not expect it. that goes so well, I hope the luck holds for the rest of the run after I get the big bird into my computer, I can return to New Bark Town and sail to the right to get to Kanto or I can catch the last Pokémon of this section, Ponyta and guess what there are enough trainers between here and Victory Road for Ponyta to be very close to evolving, so I went in and got him to level 38 using my last two rare candies to get him to level 40 and evolve.
Enter Rapidash one rival battle later and it's time to battle the elite four with a total of 197 Pokémon and the most you can have before the post game. I also got to this point in 141 hours, so I'm pretty happy with that. The Elite Four dropped like flies finally allowing me to clear the rightful title of champion and now it's time for the post game, oh lord the post game, so in summary, this section has over 150 new Pokémon to catch, from the safari zone , Hohen and Cinno. Sound swarms and new Pokémon that are around Kanto.
I'm going to try to keep it brief so as not to keep you for more than an hour, but it will still be a lot, so buckle up after you get the ss ticket to allow me to get to Vermilion City. I boarded the ship and received a call from bauba about placing items in the safari area. I'll try to explain this as best I can, but it's quite an ordeal when you rearrange safari zone areas every 10 days that an area lasts. It is active as one of the six areas where you will level up with one of its attributes, which are the forest peak, the riverbank, and the plains.
Once an item is placed, it will give a point to that attribute, but when an area levels up, it will be multiplied. effect like if you left an area here for 10 days the plane attribute would reach level 2, then 20 days would do the same for the forest, then it would max out at 30 40 with the water edge and so on until everything reaches the level 4 at 130 days, fortunately we don't do it. I don't need 130 days to get everything, unfortunately we still need 100 days to get a certain Pokémon on the rocky beach. That's why I wanted to start this as soon as possible since I can do literally everything else in the game, including Owen and Cino Sound swarms.
Battlefrontier bp for glygar and in the future he will sneeze at anything other than this so I started by making sure the wetland and rocky beach meadow were set as they will need to be here for the longest amount of time, 100 days and 70 for the wetland. and meadows, the other three areas are the ones I'm going to change so I can get everything else within that 100 day period, so I put the peak savanna and the wasteland to start since we can get some things on the first day with items , another thing is that we can't get all the items instantly and with my luck I only started with the forest items which allowed me to capture only nuzleaf in the meadows with 28 forest items manectric on the rocky beach with 10 forest items badou on the rocky beach with 18 forest items and pajarisu on the wetland with eight forest items after removing nuzleaf and monectric from the PC, I evolved nuzleaf on shiftery with a leaf stone that I managed to get from a call from gina about earlier during a previous section avoiding the need to get points in poke athlon as well as breeding it and monetic to be able to hatch cdot and electric respectively, with that out of the way I grabbed badoo since it evolves for happiness and flew back to kanto seeing that one of Swarms Triggered This changes every day, but if you tune into the Pokémon chat on Pokémon Team, you'll be able to find out which Pokémon are swarming in a specific area and this time it turns out to be located in the Viridian Forest.
I didn't get there yet thanks to the snorlax blockade in front of Diglett's cave, so I went to Cerulean City to head east towards Route 9 and finally landed in front of the power plant where I made sure to catch Electabuzz before getting the machine. later part that


s the side quests and allows me to get the expansion card in Lavender Town so I can get the Pokey Flute channel and wake up and capture Snorlax, opening Diglett's cave and pushing me to route 2, where I can easily access it. viridian forest to capture pikachu and krikatot thanks to the swarm, I am going to compile the swarms at the end of the section for ease, just know that I am taking care of them during each day that I wait on the safari. area and completing other tasks, I went north to Pewter to grab the silver wing from a random old man who for some reason has it, opening up a legendary so we can catch it, but I'm going to wait a bit instead I opted to go to celadon city since it's time to do more voltorb flip i need 9999 coins for porygon which only took a few rounds since i love this game and i wish they would bring it back and i'm good at it i grabbed the porygon and I moved.
I went back to the pewter and opened both the platform and the cinnabar to fly, but the most important thing was to go to the Seafoan Islands to capture something along the way, although I made sure to grab the water stone here since I don't want to have to grind. In the pokeathlon I also think Red canonically skipped catching the legendary birds, allowing me to catch Articuno in about 10 minutes. I figured with one legendary down we could also grab the other one for the section, so I headed to the whirlpool islands and entered the deepest chamber to meet up with Lugia after a few resets, since he's a pretty high level for what that I have.
I managed to catch it in about 20 ultra balls since I'm in Jodo at the moment. I thought I could go to the Valve ruins and use rock smash since here I can get an old amber and a propeller fossil in heart of gold. You would get the dome fossil in soul silver and then in the cliff caveI can get the claw fossil or the root fossil and soul silver to bring them back to Pewter City allows me to revive them into ammonite aerodactyl and anarith respectively. There are also some random wild Pokémon that are here in Kanto that I can't get anywhere else, so I made sure to go around the region and get them along the way. 7 and chansey on route 15.
Jancy can be difficult to find, so I recommend grabbing Graveler from your PC and using it to repel the trick during that search. I received another call from bauba informing me that I have more items available this time. giving me more useless items but I also got the pickaxe items giving me more pokemon to catch including aron on the rocky beach with 24 pickaxe items and skorupi in the wasteland with 28 pickaxe items. I actually had some rare candy lying around thanks to the pickup management. to use three of them to evolve around the delayron and into agron, as well as skirupy into drapion, I think now would be a good time to breed some too, since I need two more types of balba items, so I made sure to Raise Pikachu and Electabuzz to obtain Pichu and Elekid respectively.
There are also quite a few stones we need to get for this section, aside from the extra leaf stone I have. I need one Dawn Stone, one Thunder Stone, two Dusk Stones, and two Shining Stones for the rest. of the challenge and yet, apart from the thunder stone, which costs three thousand points instead of just 2500, I needed to get to work. I'm just going to recommend that you now follow the power course using nitto king nidoqueen and entei to get quick and easy points. the best option since it is quite easy to accumulate between 500 and 600 points in each round, which makes it go by quite


I got the dawn and dusk stones in the first round by using the dusk stone to evolve the mischievous miss maggias, but I still need Another one for Mercro, unfortunately, though again, Pokeathon only lets you get one item per day, so no I can get it now. However, once I got back into the game, the thunder and glowing stones were there, so I did another grinding job. I had them evolve together into togekiss with the glowing stone, murkrow and honcho into the dusk stone and pikachu into raichu with the thunder stone, perfect time to move on for now since I can't get the last glowing stone until later. late, i thought it was balba's.
I'm calling again soon so I grabbed some Pokémon to grind and flew back to the safari area grinding krikatot in the grass on route 48 for a few minutes to evolve and sure enough I came back and got the items from the water side which allowed me to catch main fish while fishing on the rocky beach with 15 water objects and a zero in the savanna with five water objects, just one more to wait, so I decided that since it was Sunday, I would go do the fishing contest. catching bugs since there are a lot of New Pokémon that I can get now that I have the national decks, they are split over the course of Sunday and Thursday, so on Sunday I was only able to catch Wormpole Cascoon Beauty Fly and Ninkata.
I stayed with Ninkata since it was the only one where the evolutions of him. They are not catchable before leveling up, although I made sure to have a singular pokeball in my inventory. As I know that in this generation you can only get shidinja if it is specifically a pokeball, nothing more, so after leveling up once ninkata evolved into ninjask and split into shit, I have enough stuff to reach a pretty high level right now, so I made sure I grabbed some Pokémon and started running around Kanto hanging out with every trainer in sight, including the gym trainers from various gyms, allowing me to reach Hound Hour in Hound Doom at level 24 and ammonite and I'm almost at level 40.
At this point, I received the last call I needed from Baba obtaining the last items for the safari zone, those are the objects on the plane, so it's time to catch the last Pokémon in the safari zone for now. Lambre can be found in the wetland with 14 airplane objects. How can surskit with only six fly at noon in the peak with five object planes days to get an extra individual pokemon it's actually spawn time after evolving lambre to looty colo with the water stone i got from the seafoam islands, i raised her and also luxio so i can hatch some bass and shinks .
I also realized that she had completely forgotten. to scour the region for rare candies that are hidden or can't be obtained without certain hms, so I picked up the one in Violet City to evolve into Luxio in Luxray and the one on route 34 to evolve into Cersket in Masquerade. I really don't have much left. Doing that isn't time dependent, but one of those things is headbutting trees, the first of which is on Route 2 south of Pewter City, where I can grab Starley. You can also grab Wormpole here if you want to try to evolve it. but I prefer to leave it for the motion capture contest.
I decided to run to route 25 instead of flying, eliminating the trainers on route 3, evolving starly into star avia at level 14, and fighting my rival on Mount Moon for the last time I eliminated his gengar and my star Avia. barely missed the evolution, so I fought one more person on route 4 to make him a star after level 34. Route 25 is next, where I can relax as In addition to a female combi, I also asked Misty to return to his gym, so I took off his gem sneakers and continued running with anoreth and slackoff, evolving into anarath on the bike path to armaldo at level 40 and slack off to videroth at level 18.
Finally, in Viridian Forest , I can get a shroomish by finishing off the headbutting trees for this action. I continued south evolving vigoroth to slacking at level 36 on route 21, as well as combi into vespiquen at level 21. I also tried out my friendship evolutions here. Managing to evolve Chansey and Dublissie, although Badou won't evolve unless it's this day, so I sucked it up and continued to route 20 leveling up Shroomish to evolve Bray Loom at level 23. With all those out of the way, I flew to Vermilion City to grab the lucky incense, since we needed to raise Blissy and eventually hatch a Bliss to finish the evolution chain.
Well, I guess we have to get this one out of the way. It's time for the battle frontier. I need 96 bp to get both. a razor claw and a sharp fang for the challenge as we will have sneeze in the last section of the challenge so you may as well get everything now. I decided that the battle room was going to be the fastest place to get bp each. The battle is a one on one battle and 10 battles give you a bp to start going up slowly as you progress, although it starts going up quite a bit once you You get the silver frontier brain print with a 50 win streak.
I brought dragonite because I thought that even though it's quad weak to ice types, I can take them out since they're pretty fragile and dragon types just fell right away anyway due to them not accelerating and it doesn't matter, I too had surf to round rocks and fire types, as well as return for anything else that needed to hit to deal neutral damage. Admittedly, I should have put something like flying on it so that if I ran into a ninja from the shed, I wouldn't die immediately. What happened to me once. I failed several times in the silver print battle, but the first time I passed it I managed to get to the gold print and won, giving me more than enough bp to advance both items.
I admit that I never earned a gold print of a Battlefront level in this game, so it was a little stressful for me, so I'm glad I finally did it. There's also another legendary I can get during this section, so I grabbed gligar and finished the copycat side quest giving me access to Steven, who tells me that Ladios is wandering around. I used routes 24 and 25 to go back and forth, managing to find Lanias in about 10 minutes using the repel trick using the master ball from It's the last roaming legendary of the challenge. I'm tired of this section, but hey, let's speed it up.
I restarted the game again on Thursday which gave me access to another bug capture contest, so I went there and captured Dustox Silcoon and Volbeat, and since it's Thursday, you can also access the cino sound on the poke team if you tune in Pokémon music on Thursdays, they will play the cino sound, so they will attract new wild Pokémon in certain areas. The downside is that you have to activate it after every battle, but I'll usually have them find you pretty quickly, so it's not a big deal with this. I can get metatype and chat from burnt tower, weasel and beethoof on route 25, bronzor and chingling on victory road and carnivine in ilex forest are all available in a wide variety of areas.
I only chose the most accessible places that had the highest levels for the things that needed to evolve. Well, it's time to start putting things together for my sake or else this will continue. Forever, the first one I will go over is the swarms during the 100 days of waiting in the safari area. Managed to capture pucciana on route 1. Sable's Eye on route 9. You get maw while in Seoul, target the silver wing in the vermilion city of Venery. on route 25 swablu on route 45 2 ralts on route 34 one of which is whiscash macho while fishing with the super rod in violet city love disc on route 27 relicanth on route 12 planned pearl on route 19 and baltoy on route 3 or finish pin if you were playing Soul Silver.
Next up are the Hoen Sound encounters, which can only be found on Wednesdays using the same radio station as Cinno Sound, allowing me to catch Spella and Burn Tower Wismer on Route 45, Makahita, and all the apps along the way Victory. plussel and mindin on route 46 and numel and spoink in ilex forest the last captures in the section file are the remaining encounters in the safari zone after 20 days I can be trapped in the savanna with 18 forest objects in 30 I can get a hole in tork the savannah with 18 pickaxe items and change it for the forest area, in addition to getting soul rock in the wasteland area with 21 pickaxe items, changing that for the swamp area and 18 pickaxe items in the meadow gives me a nose pass at 40 days, I can hear a spiel. at the top with 18 water objects changing it for the desert where I can capture hippos with 28 peak objects there and some viper in the swamp with 18 flat objects at 60 days I can get vibravo with 25 forest objects in the desert and krogunk with 21 forest items in the marsh at 70 days can I get bayonet with 25 pickaxe items in the marsh missing shell with 21 pickaxe items in the riolu wetland with 10 forest items and 14 pickaxe items in the beldon meadow with 21 pickaxe items in the forest changing it for the swamp where I can find powdered coal with 28 pickaxe items, changing it again for the mountain to find lunatone with 15 pickaxe items, last but certainly not least at 100 days on the rocky beach with 13 planes and 17 pickaxe items, I can finally get gibble finishing the safari zone and the hardest part of the race, breeding everything I have caught so far that I need, resulted in me hatching barboach cacnia and trap inches, leaving only the grinding, I just went through the elite four over and over again.
Having Dragonite and Lugia take hits while I switch, I train them with the experience part so they get 75 experience instead of just 50 percent. I evolve Badu into Roselia with happiness during the day and into Rosarita with the shiny stone I ground during the wait. the core fish of the safari zone in a crab at level 30. feel in celio in level 32 and in wall rain in level 44. by bravo in flygon in level 45. crow becomes toxic caw in the level 37 shell entered salamance at level 50. riolu in the delucario with happiness during the day beldum in metang at level 20 and in metagross at level 45. dusk everything in dust collapses at level 37 gibble in gabbite at level 24 and in guard chomp at level 48 pucciana in mi diana at level 18 wingle and de pelliper at level 25 ralts in curlia at level 20 and in galate with a dawn stone and the other curlia in gardevoir level 30 swablu in artery at level 35 baltoy in clay doll at level 36 veneri in low punny with maximum happiness in. anytime smarter at level 20 and explode at level 40 new grinder in chamber up to level 33 become grumpy at level 32 meditate on meta jam at level 37 b doof in b barrel at level 15 weasel in floats at level 26 bronzor in bronzong at level 33 hippo in hip hour at level 34 makahita in hariyama at level 24. and at night tingling in chimecho with maximum happiness and gligar in a glass score while holding the razor fang and you level up with a total of 348 pokemon or 347 in silvercomplete and a time of 181 hours and 43 minutes which by the way the duration of this section was shorter than section one there was simply a lot more to talk about it's time to fight Misty the only reason we fight Misty first is because once we beat her we get access to catch suicune, the only pokemon left before getting the rest of the kanto badges, it only took about 15 ultra balls before she managed to eat it, leaving all of the gym leaders decimated. kanto and leaving only Two more sections to complete before we can face Red, although there are a few things I have to do first, the first of which I have to grab Professor Oak's rock climbing hm, which opens up a few more encounters with headbutts, legendaries and incense.
For breeding, the first Pokémon I looked for were the zapdos that appeared outside the power plant now that I have all 16 badges after a reset and about 10 ultra balls. I managed to catch them. Now I can also access the cerulean cave and you know. What does that mean? Mewtwo is here and this thing really doesn't like staying in a ball, he resets and 25 ultra balls to capture it, leaving only moltres. He is staying in Mount Silver so I traveled to make the area available for flying as well. going in and literally catching moltres inside a single ultra ball, that's a good way to end the legends for this section, so it's time to look for the headbutt Pokémon, the first of which is in Cherry Grove City, where I can surf on the beach and use rock climbing to reach taylo.
The national park has another rock climbing spot where I can reach Ruby. Lastly, Route 39 has a rock climbing spot that leads to Route 38 and allows me to catch a female Burmese and a male as I then evolved different Pokémon, I made sure to go around the regions to grab the incenses needed to all the breeding of this section, as they all require rock climbing to get there after giving everyone the appropriate incenses and biking like crazy. I incubated, why not? the bonsley munchlax man walk and the junior mime leaving the grinding alone again. I did the same as in the last section going through the elite four with the same strategy of sharing experience to turn taylor into swellow at level 22. burmese woman into moth at level 20. burmese man into worm at level 20 and the cherub in cherub at level 25.
With that I waited until night to be able to capture a sneeze outside Mount Silver using a single rare candy to evolve into Wii Vile while holding the razor claw and with a time of 184 hours and 48 minutes i can fight red basically sweeping him off with dragonite and mewtwo leaving just one more section of the challenge after beating red i can travel back to oak's lab to get a kanto starter and if you're familiar with their evolution levels, you will know that bulbasaur is the right choice in a poc environment. The second starter we can get is in Saffron City, in the Silf company building.
I can talk to Steven and get a Hoens. To begin with, they all evolve at the same level and since I chose Totodile and Bulbasaur I thought I would take torchic to create balances. All things should be oh yeah and for some reason Mr. Pokémon is the blue orb in the little cabinet of his that I brought. To Route 47, surfing and rock climbing to the embedded tower where I can catch Kyogre Groudon here in Seoul Silver, but I remember when I first played this I thought he was incredibly sickly, it only took 15 ultra balls. leaving only the starters to grind and then two refreshes of the elite four, I evolved bulbasaur to ivysaur at level 16 and venusaur at level 32 and torchic to combustion at level 16 and fire again at level 36. finally with a time of 186 hours and 40 minutes and a total of 373 pokemon this is the most you can catch in a single copy of pokemon heart gold or 371 in soul silver due to the lack of mantine and man tike technically we could get 21 more pokemon through of the pokewalker but again I consider it a separate game, omg it's finally finished.
I'm sure if you've been watching this channel for the past year, you've at least heard the hgss poc1 meme at least once and know which meme dies here. die here with a great race, a great video and the first completion of the Heartgold Professor Oaks challenge according to the leaderboard that is pinned on the Professor Oak Challenge discord server link in the description, however, I definitely believe it .This could have been done better, first of all, the organization of everything, especially in the pre-badge nine with the whole safari area, the hoen and cino sound and everything else.
It could have been done a few hours faster if I had made sure to do everything. in groups instead of jumping around out of boredom, as I admit this challenge got boring at times, most of those times were during lanes in the pokeathlon wild matches in section 1 and Battlefrontier, but worth it as this finally completes the trifecta of remakes so far and you guys know that once the dominant pearl remakes come out I'll do an oak challenge of those too, but next week I'll leave it a mystery since I don't even HE. What a challenge I'm still doing, but I'll make sure you enjoy it.
See you and thank you all very much for watching the video. Seriously, this was over a year since I started working on it, I admit I probably could have done it. I finished it a little early, but I'm so glad I waited and made sure it was done right. If you liked the video, make sure to subscribe, hit the like button, comment below which pocs you want to see next and hit the notification bell. click on everything so you don't miss an upload if you really enjoyed it want to help support me to make more content like this click the join button below or join my patreon to get early access to the videos and much more again Thanks for watching , stay safe, stay healthy and I'll see you next week.

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