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How Pokemon Saved the Ice Type

Jun 11, 2024


Pokémon have spent the better part of three decades being pure dog food. Some sick Game Freak designer said: Hey guys, what if we made a guy with four weaknesses who only resisted himself and his evil satanic coworker Twisted said: wow, great idea and Hey, what if we made that all Pokémon of that


were slow and bulky? Sure I hate players and then they kissed and it's been that way since 1995, there have been some ice type Pokémon that have been okay at times, but overall. Most types of ice in their shelf life have been canned boiled peanuts that you bought once thinking, hey, I'll probably eat them eventually, but now it's been 5 years and it feels like a waste to throw them away, but you'd also rather starve than eat. them, that's why I made this video over a year ago, before scarlet and violet came out.
how pokemon saved the ice type
I talked about how ice is a really bad guy and my recommendations on how to make it better for me. This was just a thought experiment I did. I'm not actually expecting Ice to get any major changes since it's never done that before, so imagine my surprise when Scarlet and Violet not only introduced multiple Ice-type Pokémon that non-content creators would have a reason to use, but they also added one of the ice type buffs I recommended in my video, obviously this is just a coincidence. I seriously doubt the great Pikachu actually watches my videos. What's more interesting to me, however, is that this perk I recommend was fixed and that Game Freak actually implemented well, it worked for the first time.
how pokemon saved the ice type

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how pokemon saved the ice type...

Ice came out of the Abyss at the bottom of the type chart and finally became a respectable type before we can talk about this buff and why it worked. First, I have to talk about what was holding the ice back. Short answer: everything. Ice's defensive ratios are the worst of the 18 types. It has four weaknesses that the good people at Game Freak decided to balance by giving it a resistance and which one. guy, does ice resist why ice, of course, do you know one of the worst types in the game that will surely come in handy?
how pokemon saved the ice type
The design reason behind this was probably because the ice should be a Glass Cannon type with the ability to hit four types for effective super damage unfortunately the game fan suddenly remembered how to balance the type table and made four types they resisted ice making our Glass Cannon more of a Trash Cannon oh brother, it doesn't help that for so long ice type Pokémon were given stats that really encouraged them. be slow and bulky, which is an incomplete contrast to the way their type encourages them to play. Let's look at all the Ice-type Pokémon in the first six generations that were given fast and offensive stats.
how pokemon saved the ice type
Now let's look at the types of ice that were designed. It is slow and bulky. If you want a longer explanation of the ice type weaknesses you can watch the video on how to fix it, but if I had to explain it briefly, these are the two main problems. Ice's defensive ratios are really bad and ice-type Pokémon aren't. Well built to take advantage of the more offensive-leaning types listen players. I get it, it can be very difficult to eat healthy consistently when you're busy playing to your full potential. Why are we still here just to suffer?
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It seems like Game Freak was trying to help Ice types more in recent generations. us was a good ice type in Alola Ninetales, but it also gave us the monstrosity that is crabminable, so I would personally send everyone who worked on generation 7 to prison if I could, there were a few ice types from generation 8, but most of them like it. Mr Ryme arcal and Ice Q were disappointing until the DLC was released. Grier and Karx Ice Rider were so good you could almost believe they weren't Ice-types, which brings us to Scarlet and Violet and three major changes to our friends Freez, the first and most obvious upgrade the Ice-type Pokémon received.
Ice is a rework of the Hail weather conditions, the way Hail used to work is at the end of each turn, any non-Ice type Pokémon would lose 116 of their health. This may seem decent, but it actually is. It doesn't have a very high impact and doesn't help much for the player who placed the hail either, since ice is such a bad guy. Stacking a team with Ice types to take less damage from hail is like adding a bunch of air pockets. For a car without brakes, it will still hurt when you crash because the hail has been so disappointing.
I recommended changing it to be more similar to Sandstorm, Sun and Rain. They are clearly meant to be two sides of the same coin, with fire moves weakening in the rain. and water moves are weakened by the sun and the two weathers have identical effects for their respective types and abilities, on top of that it makes sense that the remaining two weather conditions are also counterparts and although both sand and hail damage Pokémon in the end. of each turn, rock-type Pokémon receive a special defense boost in sand, while ice-type Pokémon receive squats in hail, but scarlet and purple hail Pokémon were changed to snow in snow.
Pokémon no longer take passive damage at the end of each turn instead of Ice-type. Pokémon gain a 50% increase to their defense stats and finally make snow the counterpart to sand. This helps Ice-type Pokémon tremendously because it directly addresses the two main problems that Ice-types have. Ice types lack resistances, but resistances are a little less important when it can reduce the damage output of all physical attacks you take, it's also great for the slower, bulkier Ice-type Pokémon above, even though These Pokémon were clearly designed as tanks, they couldn't really function that way due to their multiple weaknesses and soul resistance.
You don't give them enough staying power in the battle with Snow, these Pokémon suddenly become much harder to take off the field. Note that you get more value from Snow's defense boost the higher your defense stat is to start with this single change. several Pokémon that you would really only use out of pity and turned them into real, viable threats. The most notable are Aboma Snow and Alolan Ninetales, which are the two Pokémon that can place snow with their abilities. This is basically just an intrinsic boost for these Pokémon. statistics, as they do not need to rely on anything else to prepare the snow for them.
For Aom Snow, a Pokémon that previously lacked the bulk to stay on the offensive to deal damage and the speed to pressure the opponent, this added survivability makes it easier to justify its use for Alola Ninetales, a Pokémon that was already one of The best ice types, upon entering scarlet and violet, suddenly found themselves able to compete with the big dogs, even ice type Pokémon that had literally never seen competitive play before were suddenly being used and even succeeding Articuno's a Pokémon that has been so bad for so long that many players wondered if it was actually a digimon, but thanks to these changes in scarlet and purple players finally gave it a chance with its snow cape ability.
It becomes much harder to hit when Snow is active and with the new defense boost it was able to take advantage of its respectable bulk for the first time, but saving your country's ice types wasn't all these new games turned scarlet and purple. . broke a rule that until now was thought to be completely unbreakable. Every ice type they added was actually good, like I said it worked for every previous generation, it was first and foremost creating the worst ice type Pokémon you can imagine, then add a couple of bulky ice types that definitely it won't do any good, Lastly, if you feel like it, try making a type of ice that has about a I don't know 20% chance of being really good.
The strange thing is that this clearly functional process did not affect Pala in all four. Of the new Ice-type Pokémon they added are really good, so Titan is clearly the worst of the bunch, but finding the worst Ice-type Pokémon in Generation 9 is like finding the worst chocolate-covered raisin in the giant jar of raisins. chocolate covered from Costco, still good. so Titan falls into the bulky ice type category, but don't let that fool you, it has a ton of tools that make up for the mediocrity we expect from this class of Pokémon first, it has absolutely incredible stats, its HP is the highest of any new Pokémon added in scarlet and purple, its attack stat is good and although its defenses are a little below average, that is balanced by how great its HP stat is, its speed stat is towards the lower end, but sa Titan is by no means slow and thanks to his Slush Rush ability sa Titan can double his speed every time there is active snow, this means that with just a little investment sa Titan can outspeed all major threats in metag game, so Titan has another way to get around its low speed stat even if it doesn't have a way to place snow, it's ice.
Shard, a relatively weak move that has higher priority, allowing it to move before most other attacks, you're probably thinking, but wolf, I don't want to use a move that's weak, right? Ever interrupt me again, friends, the Titan is one of the few Pokémon that has access to the drum, a ridiculous move that in exchange for giving up half your health maximizes your attack stat if you want to see the power of the belly. drum in action, you can see me ruining people's days with Snorlax, just like Snorlax the Titan, he also gets the thick fat ability which gives him additional resistances to Fire and Ice, but unlike Snorlax who doesn't learn no priority move, Ice Shard is on the table here and with plus six ice attacks, Shard goes from a snowball to an avalanche, there has only been one other notable Pokémon that has the combination of eardrum and a priority attack and its aeral has been an extremely scary Pokémon for years.
I actually won a tournament with Fue in 2015, and while his attack stat is higher than the Titans, his volume is much worse. I think in the right format, Titan can absolutely be a huge threat, which is why Titan didn't see much competitive play in Scarlet and Violet. but that's largely because the first few months were dominated by merro, which is a phrase I never thought I'd have to say dundoo was one of the main threats of the early generation 9 formats and merro with Haze to eliminate all your stat boosts. It was a very popular counterattack, unfortunately, it also served as a difficult counterattack for sa Titan thanks to Mer's joker giving it priority, allowing him to eliminate sa Titan's boosts.
Before Ice Shard was able to knock out Merro even though Merro no longer exists, The Format's power level has grown too high, forcing a Titan to be a major threat, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it perform well. in future formats when new games are released and of our four new ice types, Titan is the only one. one that can't really compete with the big dogs, the next best ice type, Calibur is significantly better than the Titan and that's saying something since the Titan isn't bad by any means. The max caliber is just built differently, it has the second highest attack stat.
Of any of the Paldan Pokémon, second only to Palin's Hero, its high HP and good defense stats make it very tanky and its speed stat places it comfortably towards the middle of the field, on top of that, Calibur has an ability distinctive and a signature attack her heat exchange skill is basically just the upgraded version of the water veil skill water veil only prevents burns, which heat exchange also does,but on top of that, if beex gallur is hit by a fire type move, this ability gives him an attack boost since Calibur's attack is already as high as Aerous Theon's.
My professional opinion is not to do this if your opponent has rear caliber. His signature attack, GLA Rush, is equally powerful, it is 50% stronger than Dragon Claw with 100% accuracy, it is much stronger than a normal one. attack, so of course there is a problem, the downside to using this move is that if he hits something with it, all the damage Calibur takes is doubled until the next time he moves, this can seem like a pretty major drawback, but it's actually quite manageable because you can easily get around it using priority moves. Beex Calibur not only learns the ever-useful protection that can be used to keep you safe and eliminate glove hits, but you also get ice.
Shard WB Calibur does not have the ability to cleanly hit Kos with an Ice Shard like a Titan does, it is still a good move that can be used to take out low HP enemies or combo into a quick attack from Partners. The last reason why Glaive rushes down isn't as important is because of Max Calibur's Speed ​​stat because he is slower than many of the more common threats in the game. Max Calibur will often be the last Pokémon to attack in a turn, while for most Pokémon this would be a weakness. Max Calibur actually benefits from being the last one to move. because it can use Glaive Rush without fearing that a slower Pokémon will do double damage in the same turn and then it can cancel the negative effect with an ice shard or shield.
Max Calibur also benefited greatly from two new elements introduced in a transparent scarlet and violet amulet. It prevents his stats from being lowered, meaning if he ever receives an attack boost there is no way to lower it again without knocking him out or forcing him to switch. Max caliber can also use the charged dice element which makes all multi-hit moves hit a minimum of four times. Combine this with his moves Icicle Spear and Scale Shot. and you get very high powered moves that can even knock out Pokémon that have a focused Sash and just do tons of damage in general.
Calibur is one of three international level tournaments this season despite not being the most popular choice overall and with the introduction of alola. Ninetails returns to the game with the Teal Skin DLC, many players are having success making Be's Calibur even tankier thanks to the addition of a stronger Snow Setter. Trying to get rid of Calibur from being in the snow with Aurora Fel above is like trying to get cheese out. of a cheesecake, two of the new ice-type Pokémon have been more popular than beex. Calibur iron bundle one of my favorite new Pokémon because whoever is normally in charge of designing the generation's fast ice types clearly got sick during the day and the person who snuck in a good one while they could iron bundles, the fastest Pokémon introduced in Scarlet and Violet, although its bulk is somewhat lacking, it is not as fragile as classic super-fast Pokémon like Electrode and Ninjas and its high defense stat allows it to not only melt under pressure, in addition to the high special attack stat. from his Bonker speed iron pack, meaning that if you ignore it you'll be left out in the cold like when the Calibur iron pack's secondary type makes it much stronger than if it were pure ice. defensively, the water type negates Ice's weaknesses to steel and fire and offensively is able to pressure the rock type Pokémon that would otherwise scare our metal penguin.
Offensively all secondary types add an extra dimension to a Pokémon's coverage, but for the Iron pack this is even more so. It is true that for most other Pokémon, this is due to the freeze-dry move, while on the surface freeze looks like any other ice-type move, it has a special property even though water Pokémon resist attacks. of ice, if the freeze hits a water-type Pokémon, it will. you do super effective damage damage what happens when you combine this move with iron packs water type coverage you end up with a combo without a single resistance in the entire game that's right, there is no combination of types or a single type that you can give to your Pokémon that will make it resist both movements of water and freeze as if all this were not enough of a paradox.
The Pokémon Iron Pack can make use of the booster energy element. This is a great item overall, it allows players to do one of two things they can sacrifice. a big investment in the speed of their iron pack to make it much tankier and then use the boost energy to make up for the speed they would otherwise lose to end up being faster than everything else or they can train the iron pack to max its speed. and a special attack anyway, allowing it to become so fast that it can even outrun opposing Pokémon when they have Tailwind set up, but what I like most about the Iron Pack is that it's an offensive Pokémon that can still work in a supporting role with the icy wind iron pack.
It's one of the best ways to control the speed of battle and I actually saw success earlier this year with Encore in the iron pack. Additionally, it is good to have a Pokémon that can be offensive and support the team, since it is very easy to fit into. Freezing Wind even in offensive movesets, it allows you as a player to play very fluidly with the iron pack using it to disrupt your opponent or pressure big damage depending on what you need. The iron pack has one major drawback: the only real water-type attack is the hydro pump.
Unfortunately, the Hydro Pump is only 85% accurate, meaning it will let you down more often than the Milwaukee Bucks did in 2014. For someone like me, who almost never uses moves with less than 90% accuracy, this can make the iron pack feels really inconsistent to the point that when I ran the Encore iron pack I mentioned, I actually dropped Hydropump to make sure I never crashed despite the inconsistency of the Hydrop pump. The Iron Pack was very successful all year, but not as successful as Chen Paow, the last new Ice-type Pokémon, one of the four new Treasures of Ruin, Chena's excellent stats, its well-positioned offensive type, its incredible group. of moves and its absurd ability clearly put it at the top as one of the best new Pokémon in the generation 9 period.
Fun fact: Chenow is only the second ice-type Pokémon to win the world championships, the first being Mammo Swin in 2013. Chena was tied for the second fastest new Pokémon with Flutter Man, one speed point behind the Iron Pack. It also has a great attack stat and decent enough defenses for such a fast and strong Pokémon, but that's not what makes it notable is that its Sword of Ruin ability lowers the defense stats of all other Pokémon on the field. on a quarter while Chenow is out, not only is this basically a damage boost on all of Chena's moves because he's a physical attacker, but it also opens up some really nasty offensive combos like chenow Dragonite and chenow dragapult and chenow dragon born basically if You combine a physical attacker that cannot be stopped by intimidation and feigning with some way to move first, whether priority attacks like extreme speed or just incredibly high base speed with Chenow Sword of Ruin and its own high speed, you can knock out most Pokémon in the game before they can move.
This would never have been possible without a Ruin type, but thanks to chenow, that bit of damage amplification turns these otherwise strong attacks into Nightmare threats, not that you need to lean in such an offensive direction to use chenow, It's an incredibly flexible Pokémon, in part because its ability works so well just to support itself normally. The runs guard the holy sword Sucker Punch and then the icicle shock or ice spinner, this gives you ice and dark moves to benefit from your typing as well as a great cover move on the holy sword that doesn't just hit guys of dark ice rock and steel for super effective damage. but it also allows you to ignore defense boosts, which has been relevant more often than I would have expected this year, so Game Freak not only modified the failed hail weather conditions to turn them into snow, but also added four new Ty type Pokémon of great ice and there is a more important one. upgrade that Ice-type Pokémon received like Scarlet and Violet, although it's not immediately obvious.
I'm talking about talization. This may seem a bit strange when talking about improvements for ice types. I mean, all Pokémon can talize, except the ice type. Pokémon overall benefited more than any other type in the game from the unique mechanics of Generation 99. The reason has to do with how talization works when you convert into a type that is not a type you already are, you retain all of the original . Your types' offensive buffs gain a new offensive boost to whatever you're stuck on, and you replace all of your original defensive relationships with whatever the new defensive relationship types are.
In other words, tralization keeps your offense pretty much the same but changes your defense completely. Look where it is. Ice types are strong offensively, it's defensively where they really struggle for tralization, so it's the perfect tool to completely change your defense and maintain your offense, as Ice benefits more than any other type in the game because is the most unbalanced when it comes to attack versus defense, you would expect that the type that benefits the most from tralization would be the worst type in the game since it is the most incentivized to change its type in the first place, in my opinion, that would be a bug, but the thing is that the bug has the The opposite problem is that the defensive resistances of ice to grass ground and grappling are very relevant in the current format, but the bugs only hit three types for a picture of super effective damage and none of them are incredible top level type, while talization allows bug types to improve their offensive dimension. by a bit it doesn't have such a high value compared to ice types that can completely change all of your weaknesses and resistances, of course this buff only matters for Generation 9, it is very unlikely that talization will reach Generation 10 , it's still a big factor in allowing Ice-type Pokémon to win more tournaments this season than ever before as the combination of these three major upgrades led to a major disruption in Ice's overall viability.
I like to think about how good the guys are to each other and again to epee. and shield, I got a ranking that I felt pretty good about. I placed ice 17th out of 18 types, second behind the insect type, but when scarlet and violet came out, it was obvious that my previous rankings were outdated, so once again I sat down and ranked all the types in the game and, to my surprise, found that I couldn't put ice below 12. This is a huge jump in feasibility, but it makes sense when you consider how much you love ice types.
She turned scarlet and purple and I think she's really cool. Ice has been one of the worst types since the beginning of the series, so to suddenly make major, worthwhile changes, I had to give kudos to the developers. It makes me wonder if maybe in future generations bug-type Pokémon will get some love. I think most of the other types are fine as is, but Bug has been struggling a lot for years, for now I'm glad that the ice types can finally be part of a team again without my friends feeling like something is wrong with me. personal life in conclusion I guess all I would like to say is ice work Game Freak

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