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How Palpatine Learned Luke was a Skywalker & Vader's Son - Star Wars Explained

May 30, 2024
when Lord Vader discovered he had a son is one of the most shocking moments in the entire story, but this raises another extremely important question. Cidus knew Vader had a son even before Vader himself made an often overlooked part of the story. So how did Darth Cidus discover that Luke was Anakin's son? Greetings and welcome back to the channel after the Battle of Hoth Vader was summoned to an audience with the emperor via hologram. It is at this meeting that Palpatine simply states that there is a disturbance in the Force before revealing that the young rebel who blew up the Death Star was actually Anakin Skywalker's son.
how palpatine learned luke was a skywalker vader s son   star wars explained
Vader's reaction is curious but mild, especially since we know that from the comics Vader had already discovered the truth thanks to Boba and, of course, he knew it. He had a son, but of course he feigned ignorance to his master so as not to suspect the betrayal Vader was planning, but how exactly did the Emperor himself come to discover Luke's identity? This is a question that has been in the air for a long time. air and most assumed that he knew based on the fact that he was simply the emperor, but there was also, of course, the fact that in his old age cidus relied heavily on the powers of foresight, looking deep into the force herself to look for answers.
how palpatine learned luke was a skywalker vader s son   star wars explained

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how palpatine learned luke was a skywalker vader s son star wars explained...

He was one of the few Sith with the ability to do so and he would completely abuse this gift whenever he had the opportunity to do so. Interestingly, it would actually be this power of foresight that would show her the truth of Luke's heritage, showing her who he was indeed. a Skywalker and showing Palpatine that his Kingship would be questioned in a terrifying Vision, so my friends, let's begin. Our story comes from The Empire Strikes Back. A certain point of view, a book belonging to several short stories, all with different perspectives of the surrounding events. Episode 5: This entire sequence occurs minutes before he decides to talk to Vader via hologram.
how palpatine learned luke was a skywalker vader s son   star wars explained
Palpatine is meditating on the dark side of the force in the Sith Sanctuary beneath the ancient Jedi Temple on Corusant bathing in the Glory of it. It is here that Palpatine feels a massive disturbance. He sees quick flashes the moment Luke pulls the trigger on the resounded. now to Palpatine and a resounding disturbance ensued. Darth Cidus delves into the force taking command right now to give you a glimpse into this Great Disruption. However, he meets resistance, someone or something is trying to hide the truth of the Rebel from him. Palpatine describes it as a wall of wind currents trying to push him against him, it was strong but he was stronger, pushing himself hard through Palpatine's strong arms to find the truth and it is here that he has been granted another Vision.
how palpatine learned luke was a skywalker vader s son   star wars explained
Cyas stands at the door of his own throne, the bodies of the royal guards lay scattered on the ground without their heads. In the middle of the room, among the cards of the guards was a Sith dressed in black, with a robe with the hood raised to hide his identity in his In his hand, a fiery crimson sword Palpatine is able to tell that this Sith is not an old man like Dooku, he's not covered in tattoos like Maul and he's definitely not as burly as Vader, but he's still just a kid. Beyond this, the Sith Hood obscures his features.
Palpatine then looks towards the throne room where he is seen sitting there worried about the death of many Royal Guards of him and then the hooded figure moves towards the Emperor and can now see more of his face. It is Luke Insidious observes Luk Race's hand and begins to strangle the emperor, the emperor in this Vision tries to counterattack with Force lightning, but it barely grazes Luke, he even tries to send all the objects in the room towards him, but the lord Dark Luke is too powerful without even moving. he is able to push objects away, not even the full power of the emperor.
Conjuring a masculine storm of power is even capable of suffocating Luke, the Emperor falls to his knees writhing in pain from Luke's Force strangulation and then attempts to summon his lightsaber. However, from across the room, Luke simply glares at him and stops him from reaching for the Emperor's hand. Instead, he floats there and activates a voice in the room that comes from somewhere Cyas can't determine yet and the voice says: Do it. Cyas watches not in fear but in fascination Luke uses the floating lightsaber to execute the Emperor in the vision as the Empire on which the city is built comes to a crashing end.
After this, Luke walks forward and kneels in front of where Cyas was, removing his hood and completely revealing his identity, a voice that he was not. his comes out of his mouth again saying you've done well in shock cidus realizes he's experiencing the vision Through someone else's eyes it wasn't a vision it was a dream dream someone's deepest desire and he knew exactly who it was the voice was one he had not heard in a long time the voice belonged to Anakin Skywalker completely uninhibited by The Mask the body of the individual Palpatine was observing The Vision then moved forward and looked out the window catching his own reflection Palpatine saw that In fact, it was the Anakin's body, but Skywalker, if he had never been burned and never put inside the suit, looked the same as he did when he was younger and it was at this point that Cyas began to speculate that he didn't know who.
Luke is and wondered if he was some individual from the unknown regions that Vader had encountered, a secretly trained dark acolyte, but with Vader's involvement, this acolyte became something more, but then we can read directly from his mind, It didn't surprise Palpatine. to discover that Lord Vader dreams of overthrowing him, all he did, but mere dreams were usually not powerful enough to cause a disturbance in the force, even those that carried some level of potential prophecy, something else had been behind it, something so powerful needed passion and desire behind it. If this boy was the connection and why Lord Vader was so focused on protecting him, the force then literally tried to push cyas out of sight obscuring his view once again, but cyas dug his heels in and helped quickly anchor himself with all the power of his The power he had to know the vision changed to show Anakin and Luke walking towards an ornate balcony from which many Star Destroyers could be seen jumping into hyperspace.
Palpatine wasn't the least bit surprised to see Padmé standing there looking youthful and vibrant, he knew that if it was Vader's hopeful delusion that he was seeing that she was the last thing that would make him whole, but that was when everything fell apart. . Luke addressed Vader as father and Padmé as mother and now Cidus received a revelation and suddenly Palpatine saw. the things they really were for the disturbance the fierce defense of the vision within the ethereal chaos the desire the need for secrecy not just a strategic effort but an explosion of emotion that tore apart the force itself how long had Vader known he was in this moment?
The moment Palpatine put it all together by learning Luke Skywalker's name, it all made sense as to why Vader had been obsessively searching for the rebels, why Vader had put every ship, every officer, every bounce hunter and probable droids in search of this rebel leader. He should have been scared or at least thought he might be, but instead Cidus found it amusing and even satisfying that the force pushed him out of vision one last time and now let him return to his throne of power in the physical cyas. . Not worrying in the slightest, he knew that Luke would be an extremely powerful asset as a younger and more powerful apprentice, he could take Vader's place and then Cidus would have the last laugh.
This was how the true Sith responded to the disturbances in the force without cowering like the Jedi did those are the thoughts of Darth Cidus as he orders his officer to tell Vader to contact him immediately and as soon as all this finish, the conversation that we know from The Empire Strikes Back and that, my friends, is so high-minded takes place. I found out that Luke was Anakin Skywalker's son. I really enjoyed the story and not only what it did to see the Emperor's foresight at work, but we also get to see what Darth Vader envisioned for himself, one where he would team up with Luke and have his family as the new emperor wanting Luke and Padmé to embrace the path of the Sith by supporting Vader to subjugate the galaxy and impose peace on his terms, this was all Lord Vader wanted and Cidus had forcefully invaded that dream and watched it unfold, he infiltrated specifically in the mind of Darth Vader.
Even if Vader didn't know it, something more intriguing is exactly how powerful in the force Vader expected Luke to become, with Luke only having the power to kill Palpatine with little effort. Luke as a dark lord would truly be a terrifying sight to behold and it seemed like cyas had the same opinion that Luke could become the perfect Sith, but anyway my friends, what are your thoughts on this Revelation in the tale ? This is how you hoped Palpatine would have found out that Luke was Anakin Skywalker's son, what are his thoughts? How did Cidus react to this and found it funny and even ridiculous, thank you as always, thank you very much for visiting the channel today my friends and may the force be with you.

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