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How to naturally increase testosterone with exercise (types of exercise, reps, rest period, etc.)

Apr 02, 2024
How can you optimize your training to




? I'm Dr. Rena Malik urologist and pelvic surgeon and today I'm going to tell you everything we know about how to




. Naturally exercising, we're going to talk about how the body produces testosterone how intense you need to do your workouts what type of


you should do and what's the order of


you should do, whether it's resistance training or resistance training. Lastly, we will also talk about the long-lasting effects on testosterone. What factors may limit your ability to produce more testosterone


? How is testosterone produced well? 95% of the male body's testosterone is produced in the testicles and this is done by specialized cells called latex cells.
how to naturally increase testosterone with exercise types of exercise reps rest period etc
Signals to stimulate these cells begin in the brain. the hypothalamus which releases a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone this hormone causes the pituitary another part of the brain to release LH LH sends signals to the last parts of the testicles to then produce testosterone, then the testosterone goes to specific cells around the body including the muscle. Testosterone enters cells and binds to an androgen receptor. The binding of testosterone and the antigen receptor triggers a gene production cascade that then produces proteins and building blocks for your body. How does exercise actually lead to increases in serum? Well, testosterone when you exercise there is a release of catabolic and anabolic hormones, which means hormones that break you down and make you grow.
how to naturally increase testosterone with exercise types of exercise reps rest period etc

More Interesting Facts About,

how to naturally increase testosterone with exercise types of exercise reps rest period etc...

One of these hormones includes testosterone. This increase in testosterone also upregulates androgen receptor expression and subsequently causes increases in protein. synthesis and the theory is that after exercise your testosterone increases a lot, this increases the half-life of the androgen receptor mRNA, which is the gene product of the androgen receptor, and increases its half-life, so you are more likely to be You're going to have hypertrophic adaptation or essentially muscle growth, but it's important to note that there seems to be a threshold of metabolic demand or workload that you need to hit to really get the testosterone boost, so let's get into it and talk. about the intensity of training, the number of sets and repetitions, the order of training and the amount of



you should have, so let's start with resistance training.
how to naturally increase testosterone with exercise types of exercise reps rest period etc
Resistance training has been specifically studied and used these terms so that you understand them. Intensity describes the difficulty of the exercise and is usually based on the amount of weight you lift in one repetition max. It is the maximum amount of weight you can support for a defined number of movements and volume of work, which I said is the key marker for testosterone. Momentum includes the number of sets,


, and intensity of the work, so let me give you an example for increasing intensity. If you did five


of something at a hundred pounds and then did five reps at 150 pounds, then you increased the intensity, but if you go from five reps of a hundred pounds to 10 reps of 100 pounds, you increase the volume by the size of testosterone and see What


of exercise really increase testosterone.
how to naturally increase testosterone with exercise types of exercise reps rest period etc
Two major


of studies have been done once they looked at three to five repetitions of three lower body exercises than one hundred percent 6RM or one repetition maximum, which means you are maximizing your weight capacity and doing six reps three times of each of the three exercises, on the other side I looked at five sets of ten reps of ten rep max, so don't focus on the numbers I just gave you, but what you need to keep in mind is You need to use your 100 rep max, so you want to grab the heaviest weight you can to do the entire set. resistance training, so resistance training increases testosterone in the short term, so when doing very short durations or two to five minutes of 90 to 100 VO2 max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen your body you can use during an exercise, usually to find To determine your VO2 max, you will have a stress test at your doctor's office or go to an exercise medicine clinic where they can measure it for you, so in an endurance exercise Specifically, you will often see an initial increase in testosterone, but then due to the stress of aerobic exercise your body begins to release cortisol and the cortisol then inhibits testosterone production, causing a decrease in testosterone, particularly in athletes. elite high endurance athlete, you will find that they may actually have lower levels of testosterone, this is because the high endurance athlete creates what is called reactive oxygen species in response to stress, these reactive oxygen species can actually mitigate the pathway in the brain that tells the testicles to produce more testosterone, so when you compare should I do resistance training or should I do resistance training, ideally resistance training is going to be the thing that increases your testosterone the most.
There have also been some small studies looking at high-intensity interval training that show improvements in testosterone levels after performing high-intensity interval training; However, when looking at the data, a lot of the data says that testosterone increases only for an hour or a short


of time after exercise. Some studies have shown improvements in testosterone up to 48 hours after exercise, but it is important to realize that doing resistance training one time will not increase your testosterone level. testosterone levels over a prolonged period of time which happens with the number of sets and repetitions well as I mentioned before the volume of work is what matters most so you can modify the number of sets and the number of repetitions as long as you maintain the intensity high and you can get the same amount of work volume what about training to failure?
Well, one study actually looked at this, they essentially followed 40 men and divided them into three groups, one that exercised to failure, I mean, they exercised until they couldn't lift anything anymore, the others didn't exercise to failure. and the last group did not do any exercise at all. What they found was that those who did not reach failure had greater gains when doing lower extremity exercise in muscle power production, while those who failed had greater gains in the number of repetitions they could do with the bench press. banking, but what about your testosterone? They found that the group that didn't fail had lower concentrations of cortisol, meaning they had less stress on their body and had higher levels of testosterone.
So going to failure may not be the best for your testosterone level. So we said resistance exercises are the best, but what kind of resistance exercises? Well, as we mentioned before, either you want high intensity but you also want to use large muscle groups. Even if you do a small high intensity muscle mass it won't increase your testosterone, for example a jump squat that uses your lower extremities and core will have a greater testosterone boost than those who do bench press, also things like squats and Olympic lifts can actually produce a greater increase in testosterone. What about using free weights compared to machines?
When they observed that free weights actually increased plasma testosterone levels more than those who had weights on machines, the reason for this is probably because when you are using free weights you are also using other muscle bodies like your core to help stabilize you. , whereas with machines they really try to isolate the muscle you are exercising. What about


periods? How much rest should you take? According to a study that looked at number of sets and repetitions of intensity, as well as rest time, what they found was that higher volume of moderate intensity and shorter rest times actually had a greater increase in plasma testosterone, for So using a shorter rest period in this case using 60 seconds versus 90 seconds led to better improvements in total testosterone levels, so if you're going to do resistance and endurance training, whichever goes first is fine depending on the hormonal physiology that you want to use, as we mentioned before, large muscle groups and you want to be able to have that high level of testosterone. throughout training, so the best option to have a greater and longer increase in testosterone is to start with resistance training using large muscle mass followed by resistance training.
What about changes in your basal testosterone level, that is, your resting testosterone? level when you're not exercising, does doing resistance training really impact that level? Well, as of now we're not exactly sure, although we have seen that continuous bouts of exercise, particularly in one city where they looked at 3 three different bouts of exercise, we persistently saw increases in total testosterone after each of the resistance exercises. As far as we know that resistance training improves testosterone level even when done repeatedly, if you exercise regularly, regardless of the type or intensity of exercise, it doesn't seem to have a lasting effect. effect on basal testosterone level, however, we do see some small studies, particularly in obese people and older patients, where we see an increase in basal testosterone levels.
The theory behind this, at least for overweight and obese people, is that they are also losing weight. then they are losing waist circumference and fat loss, which can also increase testosterone levels. So if you want to see continued testosterone increases, you need to keep doing the resistance training, which is why you never skip leg day. And what if doing all the right things, you've been doing all the right exercise but you're still struggling, while there are a couple of factors that make it harder to increase the testosterone response. The first is obesity. Obesity can cause endothelial dysfunction and vasodilation. blood vessels what that means is that the blood vessels are not as good at transporting blood to and from the testicles, this can make it harder for them to respond.
They seem to increase your testosterone, but it may not be as high. a boost as someone who is at a leaner weight, the second thing is age, so a man's ability to produce testosterone peaks around age 40. After that, it tends to decrease between one and three percent per year throughout life and this is like everywhere else in your body, the cells in this testicle, called latex cells, are less responsive because they have aged. to the stimulation produced by the brain or the pituitary, so older men are still similar to obese men and still respond, but it is generally a smaller response than younger men, but the conclusion I want you to learn from This video is that, regardless of your age, any other condition, your weight, there is sufficient evidence that doing resistance exercises with large muscle mass uses moderate to high.
Intensity with short rest periods and high volume can produce increases in testosterone, so right after you finish watching this video, get up and do some jump squats. You can do it at home. You don't need a fancy gym and start doing it. testosterone boost as always I will take care of you because you are worth it

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